Thursday, January 14, 2021

Joe Biden's Son Hunter Does Drugs Next to a Little Girl and a Stripper Pole

      The photograph you see below was obtained through a Twitter user whom the author of this blog wishes to keep anonymous, for the sake of that person's safety.
     The photo - which I found out about in the late evening of January 14th, 2021 - depicts Hunter Biden, the son of president-elect Joe Biden.
     Hunter Biden appears to have a stripper pole, a table which likely has drugs on it, and what appears to be a little girl, in front of him.

     The text on the top of this image is probably a bar that someone's iPhone attached to the image while they were taking a screenshot of the photo of Biden.
     It is probably fair to assume, from that text, that the original photo of Biden and the girl, were taken no later than July 13th, 2018 (unless the person's iPhone calendar and/or clock were set incorrectly).

     Some Twitter users have commented on this photo, and insisted that it is fake, or that it is a Photoshop. However, they have supplied no evidence that that is the case; only conjecture. Furthermore, the shadows and light sources all seem to be facing in the same direction, which would indicate it's probably not edited.
     Some have even claimed that this is not a picture of Hunter Biden. They have probably forgotten that if Hunter Biden ever goes a day or two without shaving, he will not look like the heavily made-up puppet that he looked in late 2020 like when he was stumping for his father.
     For reference, here are pictures of Hunter Biden in full makeup, and with a day or two's growth of beard.

     Hunter Biden can look very different from himself on a different day. Furthermore, this is not the first time that scandalous photos of Hunter Biden have leaked, which make him look like the drug addict he is.

     Don't forget who we are talking about here! Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy for his cocaine addiction.
     Democrats defend him by saying "Everyone has problems, he's admitted to it." Well it would seem that he's done cocaine while letting a little girl press her head to his shirtless chest! Doing cocaine around children and a stripper pole is not just "a private citizen having some fun". A child is involved and she needs to be protected, because she couldn't have consented to be in that situation.

     We are also talking about a man who had an affair with his dead brother's wife, and then left her and her children. 

     And he had a secret illegitimate daughter, and initially refused to get a paternity test and had to be sued.
     And a mysterious job on the board of the "Ukrainian" energy company Burisma. And a mysterious connection with China.
     Are we really supposed to believe that this adulterous cocaine addict who got discharged from the military - who told his nieces and nephews "Hey kids, I'm not your uncle anymore, I'm your father now" and then left his sister-in-law - is incapable of coercing a minor into sexual activity?

     Additionally, there were rumblings in the press in the fall of 2020, about six weeks before the election, that Hunter Biden had been tied to human trafficking rings in Ukraine. According to the following article, a Senate report stated that Hunter Biden paid non-resident Russian and/or Eastern European women for sex; women who appeared connected to prostitution rings.
     Well, maybe now, we know what that was about! Could the girl in the photo at the top of this article, be an "underage Ukrainian prostitute" (a/k/a child sex trafficking victim)? Has Hunter Biden used his six-figure salary from Burisma to buy the children of poor couples in Ukraine?

     But let's not jump the gun. How do we even know that any of this is happened Ukraine, anyway? Burisma's headquarters are in Cyprus. This could have happened in any country. The girl looks either white or Hispanic, or perhaps Asian, so it's hard to determine the girl's country of origin solely by looking at this photo.

     Other Biden defenders have pointed to the girl's hand, and her "gray hair", to claim that the girl is actually an old woman. That reminds me of Alan Dershowitz's story; that he didn't have sex with any underage girls, he just "got massages from an old Russian woman".

     First off, the girl's hair is not "gray". There are certain portions of her black hair, which are reflecting the white light that is coming from the left side of the photo. White light on black hair will often produce gray tones in certain areas, some more than others. What you are seeing is the light reflecting off of her black hair.

     Biden's defenders have pointed to the girl's long fingers, saying that it looks like an old woman's hand. Well, if that's true, then where is the rest of the old woman's body? Are we to believe that this girl, with the soft features on her face and her small body, is actually an old woman?
     Maybe she has long fingers because she's emaciated. Maybe her family is so poor and hungry that they chose to sell her to Hunter Biden for sex. Maybe the fake fingernails she's wearing, make her fingers look longer than they normally would.
     It is not my job to explain to you why a little girl's hands don't look like a little girl's hands should! Some girls are thinner than others. Some live in war-torn regions that experience hunger and poverty.
     Furthermore, it is not a little girl's job to prove that she is not of age, for you to stop defending her rapist. If you say that a little girl must be an old woman, because part of her looks old, or because she is wearing the kind of press-on fingernails or acrylics that an adult might wear, then you are blaming a child for getting raped based on what she was wearing when it happened.

     Anyone who has ever seen a child before, should be able to recognize that there is no way this girl is older than 15. She might even be as young as nine or ten. If she is an adult, then she is severely emaciated, and her condition should be a concern, as well as how Hunter Biden got a hold of her. Either way, a crime has been committed.
     Hunter Biden is handling girls who are not his daughters, holding them close to his shirtless chest, and doing drugs in their presence. What the stripper pole is doing there, and whether it's really a stripper pole, we can't be sure. But something is obviously up.

     This latest photograph may also explain what Hunter Biden was talking about, in the audio that was leaked last fall. In that audio, Biden said something about his estranged ex-wife's complaints about him. His comments included complaints that his ex-wife was concerned that he appeared shirtless in a photograph with his daughter.
     Hunter Biden's daughters are named Naomi and Maisy. Naomi was born in 1993, and is 28 years old now. Maisy was born in 2001, and is 20 years old now. If we assume that the photo of Hunter Biden and the girl was taken no later than July 2018, then Maisy was no older than 17, and Naomi was no older than 25.
     This means it's extremely unlikely that the girl in the photo is Hunter Biden's daughter Naomi, because she would have been older and larger than the girl in the photo at the time. It's possible, because of the girl's size, that it's Maisy, somewhere between the age of 12 and 17. But does this girl really look like Maisy Biden?

     The girl in the photo is not one of Hunter Biden's daughters. At least it's not one of the ones he knows about!
     But in all seriousness, it's probably not his secret daughter in Arkansas either. How he would have been allowed near her in 2018 or earlier, cannot be easily explained. Additionally, that daughter was born in 2018, the same year (probably) that the photo of Biden and the black-haired girl was taken.

     The black-haired girl is definitely not one of Hunter Biden's daughters. The soft features of her face, and her small size - including her thin fingers - shows that she is not an old woman, but a child, who (in my opinion) appears to be somewhere between 8 and 13 years old.

     Now what about those drugs on the table? There is clear evidence that Biden had been smoking cigarettes, which is not illegal. But there may also be a marijuana joint, and a syringe, on the table in front of Biden and the girl. And the stripper pole.

     The appearance of a stripper pole, and drugs on the table - and the fact that Biden is shirtless, pressing the face of a girl who is not his daughter, to his naked chest - should make it clear what is going on here.

     Hunter Biden is either a kidnapper who does drugs near children and doesn't have sex with them, or else he is a full-on child rapist.

     In all likelihood, he is probably using his power and money to pay poor people in Eastern Europe to let him rape their daughters.

     We should also bear in mind that this is not the first time that one of the Biden men has been caught red-handed touching children inappropriately.

     I have documented - through numerous articles, images, and videos - that Hunter Biden's father Joe, the president-elect of the United States, pinched a little girl's nipple live on C-SPAN during a congressional swearing-in ceremony on January 3rd, 2015.
     Please see the following link to learn more about Joe Biden's pedophilia and sexual advances towards adult women.

Written and Published on January 15h, 2021


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