Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Links to All Articles Regarding Spiritual Financial Advice

     The articles found below were published in Issues magazine between July 2017 and October 2018. The first ten articles were published in my third book, Time Money Moon Value: Financial Advice for Shamans, under my real name, Joseph W. Kopsick.
     The other five articles have not been published in any book. Topics discussed in those articles include spiritual financial advice, and the election of myself (using the pseudonyms Jack Sampson and A. Non-Imus) to the spiritual and financial leadership of the Order of Celestial Integration, (which was previously headed by the prophet J.C. Meyers).
     These articles are works of satire, but they are also meant to reveal hidden truths about the relationship of superstition and apophenia to the studies of economics and monetary matters.
     Readers feeling left empty-handed after reading the final article in this list, and hoping to look deeper into the topics at hand, should study the "temple economy", as well as the features and characteristics of the rock in the Dome of the Rock, for more information.

     [Caution: The final five articles in this list were written while a cult was trying to brainwash me into being a fictional cult leader named Jack Sampson.]

1. "Yes, That Inanimate Object is Mocking You, and Here's Why:
     a Guide for Schizophrenics Trying to Get into Chaos Magick" (June 2017)

2. "Investment Advice for Lunatics:
     Using Sigil Magick to Risk Nothing for Everything" (July 2017)

3. "Currency Wars:
     How to Game the System" (August 2017)

4. "Why Yap Island Stone Coins Tanked on Friday" (September 2017)

5. "Shut Yer Yap:
     How to Starve Yourself Rich" (A Numismatic Exorcism) (October 2017)

6. "Using Schizophrenia as a Powerful Creative and Introspective Tool" (November 2017)

7. "Crafting and Charging Your Sigil-Currency:
     How to Put Your Money to Work for You" (January 2018)

8. "Coping with a Faith-Based Currency:
     a Guide for the Uninitiated" (March 2018)

9. "Appreciating Your Possessions:
     Extending Faith Through Extending Credit" (April 2018)

10. "The Shibbolethic Talisman" (May 2018)

11. "How to Know God Through Investing in Memes", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)

12. "Jack for the Order:
     Independence from Meyers", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)
           Abbreviated Version (for publication in print):
           Full Version:

13. "I Hereby Retract My Identity", by A. Non-Imus (August 2018)

14. "Why I'm Right That the World Wouldn't Have Ended", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)

15. "Ascetic Austerity:
     Demurrage is the Demiurge", by Jack Sampson (September 2018)

     Copies of Time Money Moon Value can be purchased directly from me for $12 ($10 plus shipping). Please email me at jwkopsick@gmail.com to request your copy! Ten copies are still available.
     My other books - two collections of my best essays from before 2017, titled Libertarian Conspiracy Theories and Soft Communism for 90's Kids - can be purchased by following this link, and clicking the links embedded within the page:

     Articles #11-15 are the only articles I have written, and the only articles I ever will write, under the name of Jack Sampson or A. Non-Imus. Any and all other articles attributed to Jack Sampson, should be assumed to have been written by the staff of Issues magazine.

Links Compiled on November 21st, 2018

Introduction Written on November 21st, 2018

This Blog Entry Originally Published on November 21st, 2018

Post-Script Added on December 13th, 2018

Edited on December 19th, 2018 and February 28th, 2021

Imaged Added on December 20th, 2018

Edited on August 3rd, 2021 and
September 26th, 2021

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Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

     What follows below is a list of links to resources regarding the vaccination and immunization schedules which are recommended by the Ce...