Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thoughts on Immigration, Racial Violence, the 2018 Elections, and Jeff Sessions's Exit

     What follows is my reactions to the news of late October and early November 2018, as it relates to American politics; especially to the results of the 2018 midterm elections, the October 27th shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and whether it was appropriate for now-former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from Robert Mueller's probe concerning possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian agents.
     These remarks were prepared for a gathering at a library in Highwood, Illinois, wherein members of the community, mostly senior citizens, meet to discuss current political events, especially in regards to national and international issues.
     These were my responses to those of the moderator's questions which interested me most, and to those questions on which I felt sufficiently qualified to comment. I have omitted additional and secondary questions which the moderator asked, but on which I did not feel a need to make a direct comment.

Topics #1, #2, and #3: The Roots of Political Polarization, and Crises at the Border

Question #1/#2/#3:

     “Political debates today seem more intense because conservatives and liberals are more often starting from different principles.
     ...Democrats who have called for open border policy have fallen silent, as those who want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency... know that the caravan is not a winning issue for Democrats now. It's not just helpless women and children... Others know if mass illegal immigration is not stopped, then others will follow.
     ...Do you see the left and right coming together, or will they continue talking past one another?
     …The migrants often show up with diseases including contagious ones such as scabies, chicken pox, tuberculosis, typhoid, and leishmaniasis, which must be treated immediately.
     ...Agents at the biggest port of entry from Mexico are overwhelmed by those who seek asylum legally... The backlog will only worsen, as bigger groups are soon to follow.”

Answer #1/#2/#3:

     The “left” and right will start coming together as soon as they stop seeing each other as polar opposites, “left” and “right”. Democrats are not “the Left”; socialists and communists are. Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi have admitted to being for capitalism and against socialism. Obamacare was inspired by two Republican governors (Romney and Pawlenty); it's not socialism.
     Also, Republicans are not the most far-right political ideology that exists; fascists and Nazis are. Democrats and Republicans are not as far apart as some people would have you believe they are. They compromise with each other all the time. Republicans give-in to Democrats' demands to spend more money and grow the government, and Democrats let Republicans impose whatever totalitarian regulation they want, as long as somebody gets free goodies as compensation.
     You ask, “will the left and right sides of the aisle continue talking past one another?” I say that both parties are all too eager to compromise, when it comes to putting all of our human rights and civil liberties on the negotiation table to be voted away at the whim of the narrow majority. Democrats and Republicans don't care about liberty or equality, safety or health, or opportunity; they only care about securing their own power, winning re-elections, and getting paid. The voting public has sent our lawmakers a clear message: get both parties on-board to throw our precious natural freedoms out the window as fast as you can, get both parties on board, and we will continue to send you money and re-elect you in record numbers.
     We can do much better than this, and the first step is to hold Democrats to their progressive ideals (like being skeptical of big government, instead of just calling for more government bureaus that will only end up unaccountable), and to hold Republicans to the ideals of true libertarian-leaning small-government conservatism.
     Equality must guide Democrats, and liberty must guide Republicans, or we will only get more of what we've gotten for the last 170 years of Democratic or Republican control: bigger and more expensive federal government, more wars, and the utter decimation of the precious Bill of Rights, whose liberties so many troops have fought overseas trying to defend.
     I would like to urge libertarians and conservatives to consider the possibility that it is not primarily socialist ideals which cause them to hate Democrats; it's their adoption of Republican legislation, and their embrace of an overly-centralized, top-down government structure in which blue states are effectively deprived of all legal protections against Republican presidents who want to order the states around.
     Libertarians and conservatives, what you dislike about Democrats is their power-hungry nature, and their abandonment of the working class; not the idea that the Democrats embrace the working class too much. Bernie Sanders supporters recognized that Hillary Clinton cares more about Wall Street than Main Street, and they were right to send her the message that their trust has to be earned, not taken for granted.

     The idea that the migrant caravan has anything in it besides people who are in need of freedom and opportunity and the means to survive, is helping to create a wave of xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment, that is harming everyone in America who is not a “perfectly” white, Christian, law-abiding citizen, whose grandparents were all born here. Anything “less” than that – even speaking a language besides English, or displaying another country's flag – will always be viewed by a certain segment of Americans as unpatriotic. We can describe this as wrong, and we'd be correct to describe it as wrong, but it is reality.
     Even if some immigrants are bringing guns and drugs into the country, that is no guarantee that they intend to use them, it is no guarantee that they are violent people, and it is no guarantee that they are terrorists. The fear that terrorists are among these refugees is motivated by a desire to claim that these refugees present a military-level threat to the security of this country, which is not true.
     We cannot infer that these immigrants pose a threat, from the simple fact that some of them are military-age males. Being an adult male who is not yet a citizen of the United States, is no guarantee that you are a military-level threat to America. Military-age males have every right to use firearms to protect their families as they try to cross deserts patrolled by drug gangs.
     To be unarmed in such a situation would be downright foolish, and it would show reckless disregard for the safety of one's family. The same can be said about failing to break the law by crossing a border, when any rational person cares more about feeding their starving family, than the need to obey an imaginary line drawn on the ground by men who died centuries ago.
     If Americans want Honduran immigrants to stop coming to America, then Americans should stop re-electing the politicians who supported the 2009 ouster of the democratically-elected liberal Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. American generals reportedly met with Zelaya's opposition shortly before his overthrow, which they apparently did in order to guard against Hugo Chavez's then-growing influence in Latin America.
     We cannot continue the Reagan-Bush foreign policy, of using sanctions and coups and election interference against every Latin American and Muslim-majority country who doesn't bend to our will. This did not stop under Obama, it has not stopped under Trump. As long as we continue to sponsor coups in Latin American and Islamic countries, and provide military support to terrorist groups that are undermining the stability of democratically elected regimes (which have every right to represent the interests of their own people, not necessarily Americans' interests), then their people will come here.
     We need to stop giving them a reason to hate us. Blowing up their infrastructure and deposing their governments has only caused blowback for the United States the whole 65 years we've been trying it, and to continue this foolish policy will only result in more unintended consequences. It will cause more immigrants who hate us to come here, while the immigrants who like us will be stuck in their own countries, dying from American bombs while they're defending the sovereign governments they voted into power, but which had to be destroyed because they refused to sell their own people out to American financial and geopolitical interests.
     I know I criticized Ronald Reagan a moment ago, but he was right about one thing: the time he admitted that Americans are foolish to think they can understand, and plan around, the irrationality of Middle East politics. Reagan had this to say on the matter: “Perhaps we didn't appreciate fully enough the depth of the hatred and the complexity of problems that made the Middle East such a jungle. Perhaps the idea of a suicide car bomber committing mass murder to gain instant entry to Paradise was so foreign to our own values and consciousness that it did not create in us the concern for the Marines' safety that it should have. In the weeks immediately after the bombing [in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983], I believe the last thing that we should do was turn tail and leave. Yet the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics forced us to rethink our policy there. Is there would be some rethinking of policy before our men die, we would be a lot better off. If that policy had changed towards more of a neutral position, and neutrality, those 241 Marines would be alive today.” I just wish that he had realized it sooner, and I wish that he had taken that lesson of not intervening in countries you don't understand, and applied that lesson to the countries that he and George Bush Sr. helped destroy; Honduras, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Suriname.
     To quote a man named Orlando Battista, “An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” To stop this disastrous foreign policy is not to admit defeat; not of the American military, not of the American way of life, not of our liberties. The only outcome of reversing our belligerent foreign policy – which naively assumes that we can just boss people around, and steal and bomb their stuff, until we get our way - will be fewer American soldiers dying for no reason (other than to serve as cannon fodder for the financial and geopolitical interests of their masters who started these pointless wars and coups in the first place).
     Ceasing to interfere in countries we know nothing about, will in no way make it more difficult for us to rescue threatened peoples in other countries when they ask Americans for help. The way you help people like that, is not to put more weapons into the hands of militant groups in their country who want to destroy both the duly elected government and terrorize the general populace into submission.

     If people are coming into the U.S. with communicable diseases, then they should be treated, cured, and allowed in as soon as they're better, not turned away simply because they're sick. Part of the reason why some immigrants come here is due to America's high quality of medical care. I hope that teams of doctors are headed to the border; they will really need those doctors once I.C.E. decides to shoot a bunch of non-violent immigrants for walking across an imaginary line in the sand.
     The fear of disease has been used for generations to justify excluding refugees. Since the 1930s, in regards to immigrants from Mexico, for example. In the 1930s, even until years after the typhus outbreak had ended in Mexico, immigrants entering at the El Paso / Ciudad Juarez port of entry were subjected to harsh, noxious, even toxic chemicals, as a way to rid them of lice and typhus. One of the chemicals used against these immigrants included Zyklon-B, which just a decade later was used by the Nazis to “exterminate” Jewish people and other so-called “undesirables”. Anyone wishing to learn more about this, can look up the term “Bath Riots” in any library card catalog or internet search engine.
     The idea that most immigrants are probably carrying some disease, almost always comes along with the idea that immigrants are a disease. Hitler compared Jewish people to rats and parasites, in the same way that wealthy conservatives call poor people parasites because they're having difficulty supporting themselves. Additionally, Hitler compared Judaism, Marxism, and Bolshevik communism to cancers and tumors and diseases.
     This is textbook dehumanization. Comparing Jewish people to parasites who need to be “exterminated” is just another example. But assuming that Hispanic immigrants might be carrying intestinal parasites, or avian flu or swine flu – or to call them all rapists, dogs, animals, sub-human, filth, or to call mixed-race people (even ourselves) "mongrels" and "mutts" - is to reduce human beings to the level of animals and parasites. That is exactly what Nazis did to the peoples they perceived as their political and racial enemies.
     We must learn the lessons of the Holocaust. One of those lessons is that we should be careful not to echo the Nazi rhetoric of dehumanization. History shows us that if you dehumanize people, or even just call them “barbaric” (or assume they're uncivilized just because they're not as industrially advanced as we are), then there's no telling what horrors you might be willing to inflict on them, and excusing it based on the idea that they're not human, so it's OK for them to suffer treatment worthy of dogs. If you use dehumanizing rhetoric, then eventually someone will claim that you are less than human, and use that idea to try to treat you like an animal or a parasite or a disease.
     As the story goes, “They came for the trade-unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade-unionist. Then they came for the socialists... and I did not speak out... then they came for the Jews. ...Then they came for me, and there was nobody left to speak out for me.” Whether legal or illegal; Jewish or Arab or Hispanic; born in America, or just the son of an immigrant; I would like to see everyone who is not a perfectly white Christian law-abiding citizen, unite, to say “We tolerate each other's differences, we agree to disagree, and we won't submit to the fascists' plan to force us all to assimilate to a hyper-patriotic, racist culture that obeys all laws even unto the pain of death.
     We all know immigrants who we love. Some of your parents might have even come here illegally, and I don't blame them for doing that; just because it's against the law, doesn't mean that it's wrong. Some of you might have even known someone who was on the U.S.S. St. Louis (the ship full of Jewish refugees), and they learned first-hand what America does when it thinks it has no obligation to accept refugees. It turns them away, hoping that some other country will deal with the problem; and then 50 to 80 years later it elects Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., the son and grandson of Nazi war profiteer Prescott Bush, who represented German industrialist Fritz Thyssen's American interests, while Thyssen was also funding slave labor camps in East Germany (under the guise of making investments in steel and synthetic rubber, and the like). Some of those camps were converted into death camps after the inmates were worked nearly to death.
     Those who do not learn from history will be doomed to repeat it. As a student of history, I cannot stand idly by while listening to the children of Holocaust survivors make excuses for the Mussolini admirer Donald Trump, and promote an openly fascist, exclusionary, white nationalist ideology, apparently because they think that will spare them the hatred of American white Christian racists who make no special exception for Jewish people in their hatred of everyone who isn't like them.

Topic #4: New Rules Planned for Asylum Seekers

Question #4:

     “...The Trump Administration is moving ahead with a plan to limit when and where foreign nationals can apply for asylum at the U.S. border with Mexico.
     ...The administration will publish a new rule aimed at pushing asylum seekers to already crowded border crossings and deny the opportunity to apply for asylum nearly all immigrants caught crossing the border illegally.
     ...Critics said the rule oversteps the president's legal authority to change immigration law...
     ...What are your thoughts and comments concerning the immigrants, the caravans seeking asylum, and the crises at our border?”

Answer #4:
     The second paragraph of the introduction to this issue says it all: “The administration will publish a new rule aimed at pushing asylum seekers to already crowded border crossings and deny the opportunity to apply for asylum nearly all immigrants caught crossing the border illegally.”
     What this says to me is that the Trump Administration wants to make it harder for people to get in legally (by imposing new limitations on where and when people can apply for asylum). They are doing nothing to make good on their promise to make it easier for people to come in legally.
     And if they're “pushing asylum seekers to already crowded border crossings”, then they're pretty much inviting them to those crowded border crossings, which they will most likely cross illegally, which they're doing because they've been wandering through the desert desperate for food and water, not because they hate America.
     The Trump Administration wants to make it harder to come in illegally. This effectively pressuring immigrants to come in illegally, because that's the only other realistic alternative (besides returning to a country where they're virtually assured to die at the hands of drug gangs). This policy will only funnel them to those ports of entry, where American officials can round them up and deport them more efficiently and quickly. But choking an entry port with illegal immigrants is also going to result in more bloodshed and violence at the border, because we're not focusing on creating a simple path to citizenship that isn't humiliating, invasive, or which orders immigrants to check their language, their flag, and their culture at the door to the country, and abandon their identity on the way in.
     The Trump Administration is raising and changing its standards for no reason and with little notice. Immigrants sometimes wait as long as several decades to get into this country. Just as it did during World War II, America now has immigration quotas that it's not fulfilling, even though these people are fleeing real threats and totalitarian governments (some of which America has supported). Tens of thousands of Syrian civilians died in 2016, America had room for several thousand from that country, yet we let in only eleven people from that war-ravaged country. A country whose sovereign government our government is trying to ouster, which risks throwing his people into the hands of I.S.I.S. and other extremist groups.
     The inscription at the foot of the Statue of Liberty specifically says that “wretched refuse” (that is, human garbage, human filth, trash, etc.) is welcome on our shores. No human being is garbage, but Lady Liberty accepts anyone and everyone who is unfortunate enough to be called garbage, and who gets dehumanized in this way. I want “human garbage” to feel more accepted in America than control-freak racist Nazi sympathizers who want to dehumanize others. If that makes me unpatriotic, then so be it.
     When I see my president making people feel pressured to return to their old countries, while also depriving them of the means to do so - by making it harder for them to leave or enter, by making it hard for them to earn a decent wage so they can afford the trip, and by limiting their rights to work and travel – it reminds me of the steps that Hitler took to trap non-Germans in his country while taunting them with the illusion that they were free to leave at any time. They weren't.
     I urge anyone who suspects that some of my concerns are valid, to speak to any immigrants they have in their family. Go to them, find out whether your parents and grandparents have ever renounced their eligibility to claim citizenship in their former nations. Photocopy their foreign birth certificates, and their proof of American citizenship. You may need this information once Donald Trump decides to deport everybody whose ancestors came here after 1920, or everybody whose parents or immigrants, or whatever he's planning.
     I know that I'm young, and young people exaggerate, and I shouldn't compare other events to the Holocaust because I risk trivializing that event by comparing it to something else. But as a student of history, and as someone who is pretty good at detecting patterns, I am saying all this because I want to prevent a potential humanitarian catastrophe from becoming as bad as the Holocaust. The more that Jewish people say “Obey the law” and “Just come in illegally”, the more they will excuse the idea that the government and the police are always right, even when they're being run by openly racist people with totalitarian goals.
     I happen to know two police officers who live in my area, both of whom are around retirement age, whom I overheard discussing Hitler's rationale for eliminating Jewish people, I believe, talking about it as if it were a good thing, or at least a reasonable one. “Sympathetic” would not be an inappropriate word to describe what I heard. I believe that in most places in America, the kinds of people who become police officers are usually the ones who are excited to find excuses to beat up non-whites, whom have unfortunately been impoverished and discriminated against by our society into a state of having little alternatives to heavily regulated legal work, other than to resort to stealing to make ends meet, and sometimes even to violence in order to get away with that theft. Make no mistake, there are Nazi sympathizers in the police force, even in blue states.
     Additionally, the fact that Trump's actions, such as this one, are routinely criticized as overstepping his authority as president, and overstepping the bounds of the Constitution, proves that Trump has no respect for the rule of law, or our system of checks and balances. For Donald trump to say that police should take people's guns away, and then “go through due process”, is an affront to American values and the American way of life, much more than any immigrant could ever be, no matter how many drugs, guns, or diseases he has on him. Donald Trump is the last person in the world who should be lecturing other people about the need to obey the law.

Topic #5: The Exit of Jeff Sessions

Question #5:
     “...Jeff Sessions, the departing attorney general, leaves as gracious as ever, and doesn't regret his controversial recusal.
     ...Mr. Sessions's conservative critics argued that he should have investigated misuse of surveillance warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the FISA Court warrants that allegedly were gotten illegally to wiretap him by the FBI. His recusal compromised his leadership of the department and made it harder to exert supervision over the FBI.
     ...Did Jeff Sessions bring on his own demise by recusing himself from supervising Mr. Mueller's Russian collusion probe?”

Answer #5:
     I don't agree with all of Jeff Sessions's views; particularly race relations or marijuana legalization. But I have to commend him for recusing himself from the Russian collusion probe, since he would have stood to directly benefit if such collusion happened. I do not claim to know for sure whether such collusion occurred.
     I agree with those who say Sessions was right to recuse himself, but I also agree with those who say he should have investigated the alleged spying on Carter Page. I wouldn't vote for Sessions to be president, but I believe that we need more public officials who are not willing to lie and cheat and break the law in order to make their party or their president look good.
     Sessions may not be a perfect servant of Trump, but disagreement in the executive branch is a sign of freedom and healthy disagreement. It might make America look unstable, but if you read the Tao Te Ching, you'll know that if you're too stable and unwavering, then you become brittle and stiff, and you break, instead of being and being pliable and amenable to change.
     Sessions is putting ethics ahead of his own need to advance his career. Additionally, he is putting the public's need for a fair, impartial investigation, ahead of his fidelity to the people who want to pretend they gave him his job. But Trump didn't give him his job; the American people did, in the form of the United States Senate. Sessions is showing more loyalty to the American people and due process of law than he is showing to the president, and for good reason: the American people are the ones who are paying his salary. Trump just wants to take credit.
     Sessions knows that he is not perfect, and that a certain segment of voters will always need him to prove that he is trustworthy. His recusal was his way of saying, “Hey, I'm playing by the same rules as everybody else. Nobody is above the law; not me, not the president, not anybody.” I'm infinitely more concerned about whether Sessions did enough to investigate the new administration, than I am about whether he is loyalty to a president for whom I have no respect (because he has no respect for me, nor for the rule of law).

Topic #6: Will it Be Gridlock for the Republicans for the Next Two Years After the Split Congress?

Question #6:
     “Divided power in Washington means two years of policy gridlock where new bills and anti-growth policies will not pass.
     ...As for policy, Mr. Trump will need Mrs. Pelosi to pass NAFTA 2.0, raise the debt ceiling, and negotiate a budget. She will try to extract policy concessions, such as tax increases to pay for public works.
     ...Your thoughts about what's in store for the next two years for both parties?”

Answer #6:
     “With a Republican-dominated Senate and a Democrat-controlled House, this means that Trump will continue to have little to no obstacles to his judicial appointments. It also means that we'll see Trump vetoing a lot of legislation that the Democratic House will propose.
     I predict that this will lead to two things: 1) even more controversial Supreme Court picks over the next two summers, which will result in waves of protest (most likely over either social issues or health policy), and 2) more partisan political squabbles over “the power of the purse” (that is, the spending power, which the Democrats now control).
     I believe that the push for Pelosi to be reinstated as Speaker of the House – as well as the push for Hillary Clinton to run again in 2020 (as well as Joe Biden, for that matter) – will continue, full steam ahead. And this, despite obvious indicators that the Democratic Party is moving to the left, despite indicators that their leaders' open embrace of Wall Street and capitalism is turning-off young people, and turning-off workers who live in the Rust Belt states (which voted for Obama and Sanders, but picked Trump over Clinton).
     Believe it or not, there is a way to balance the budget, increase revenues, reduce taxes, and promote growth without promoting destruction of the environment, all at the same time. It's called Land Value Taxation. Have all levels of government work together to make sure local governments aren't squeezing so much out of their residents in property taxes that there's no tax money left over for the “higher” levels of government (state and federal).
     Do that, simplify the tax code, and legally mandate balanced budgets. If the lawmakers can't balance the budget, then fire them, cut their pay, cut their pensions, cut their benefits, and impose term limits. Between 90 and 98 percent of congressmen are re-elected; only drastic measures like the ones I have mentioned will do anything to hold them accountable to the people they supposedly represent.
     Land Value Taxation will provide people freedom of opportunity, without giving them handouts. It will help make government more local, and more often voluntary, while devolving most decisions to the communities they impact the most. It is a way to fund government that does not involve stealing from taxpayers solely in order to funnel that money into already well entrenched business elites, based on the idea that that will help create jobs for the taxpayers from whom they have just stolen. Finally, Land Value Taxation will, most importantly, provide a way to promote jobs and productivity, without putting the environment or the bottom lines of the working poor at risk.
     If we want the working poor to survive, we need to stop taxing people who live below the poverty line, we need to stop giving their money to “job-creators” who are already rich and don't need that money, and we need to stop pretending that it's fine for their bosses to make 500 times as much as they do, while there are people working forty hours a week or more, yet still have to resort to seeking government assistance just to make ends meet. The existence of a social safety net may feel like a comfort and a consolation, but the existence of the social safety net only makes employers feel OK with giving their workers less than they need to survive, because they assume that the government will always fill-in the gaps. Even now, Republicans are working to dismantle that social safety net, mistakenly interpreting each new person thrown off of Food Stamps as a success, because the administration assumes that the person must be off nutritional assistance now, because they probably no longer need it. It is an understatement to say that that is not always the case.

     I fully expect Nancy Pelosi to be elected Speaker, and I expect a NAFTA 2.0 and another debt ceiling increase, and I think that all of those things are bad ideas. The Democrats will propose only those bills which they know the Republicans will support; that is, the ones which increase the president's war budget, increase the amount of money spent on Wall Street, increase the amount which can be spent on relief for farmers (essentially as an apology for Trump's tariff strategy, which predictably failed, and predictably resulted in demands from other industries to be subsidized).
     If the Democratic Party insists on destroying itself, I will not stop it. Nancy Pelosi sent a clear message to me in 2006 when she vowed not to pursue George W. Bush on impeachment, just as she has sent a clear message that she will not pursue Trump for impeachment. Trump, who openly flaunts the rule of law. George W. Bush, the grandson of a war profiteer, and who started two unconstitutional wars, not authorized by the people through the Congress, against two countries that had not attacked the United States.
     Pelosi refused to impeach Bush, whose invasion of Iraq resulted in the use of weaponized depleted uranium on the people of Fallujah, resulting in mutations such as babies being born with one eye in the center of their heads. Bush deserves to pay for his war crimes, and Nancy Pelosi is sending a clear message that Trump's Mussolinian fascism, and Bush's Nazi war profiteer past, are perfectly welcome in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, which fought in a coalition to stop Hitler and Mussolini from conquering the world.
     I became a Libertarian the year after the Democrats retook the House in 2006, the year Pelosi said that Bush would get a free pass. I could no longer call myself a Democrat, not even a progressive one. The Bill of Rights mattered to much for me, even at the age of 19. I knew then that what both parties were doing was wrong, and I still feel that way.
     I refuse to vote for state or national -level candidates of either party, until their leadership does something to show that they are unwilling to compromise with Republicans on issues like unlimited handouts for Wall Street, assimilation of immigrants, unreasonable immigration restrictions, unwarranted wiretaps and domestic surveillance of citizens, the militarization of local police departments through the use of drones and tanks on our streets, and the continued criminalization of a harmless drug (the non-violent possession of which currently claims one million incarcerated people who could be out taking care of their families and creating jobs for people).
     These are all issues which Democrats have been all too happy to help Republicans implement, as long as the Democrats get a small rider that guarantees them some imaginary, temporary, probably unfunded goodies that distract them from the need to have a society that respects people regardless of their ability to fill out form after form to beg the government for permission to exercise control over their own property, their own households, and their own lives.

Topic #7: The Price of Medicare for All, or Bernie-Care

Question #7:
     “...Medicare for “All”... would finance health care through taxes instead of insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays. ...As in every socialist system, the real “savings” would come from the price controls and wait lists for many health care services. ...Get in line... which may take a year or more. ...Single-payer represents a big threat, and insurers are far too entrenched in Congress to lose the battle... Your thoughts and comments re: “Medicare for All”?”

Answer #7:
     ObamaCare is not socialist-inspired legislation; it was inspired by the health policies of Republican governors Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney (when it was called PawlentyCare and RomneyCare).
     “Price controls” alone do not necessarily indicate a socialist. The Nazis imposed price controls too. In fact, they did it under the guise of socialism. They called it “war socialism”. War socialism is not real socialism, just like the “national socialism” term used by the Nazis was a trick designed to dupe socialists into believing that they wanted equality. The only people they wanted equality or freedom for was the German people, they left a full 20% of their society out of their “socialist” dream.
     To call price controls “socialist” - whether you mean it as a good thing or a bad thing – effectively amounts to giving-in to, and agreeing with, the Nazi propaganda that price controls are representative of what a socialist economy is supposed to look like.
     Command-and-control economics is what defined both the Soviet Union and the Nazis. They both had price controls. They both imposed rationing in order to make efficient use of materials to support the war effort. Guess what... so did the United States! We had rationing and price controls here too. I do not support single-payer health care, nor do I support price controls. But you cannot criticize price controls as socialist, when if you knew anything about socialism, you would know that most socialists would eventually like to abolish the need for pricing and money in the first place. If they succeed, then price controls won't be viewed as necessary. Socialists have no reason to support a monetary and pricing system that they believe only serves to impose a state of destitution and inequality upon them.

     We live in a capitalist system with a large social safety net, not a socialist system. No matter how large the social safety net is, the mere fact that it is large does not make it socialist, as long as private property ownership still exists and is fully legal, and, at that, protected and insured with the help of the government. The mere fact that ObamaCare still exists, should not be taken as proof that we live in a socialist country. The essence of socialism is either worker control, or democratic decision-making, or inclusion of all of society in the decision-making. ObamaCare was pushed through without regard as to whether it was constitutional, affordable, beneficial to workers, or whether it was even a public option or a single-payer proposal in the first place. The mere fact that it is a “public works” does not prove that it is worker-controlled, or that it operates in the interest of the broadest swath of society that our lawmakers could manage to consult.
     If we had a socialist health system, then the profit incentive in health insurance would completely cease to exist. I'm not a socialist, but I think it should cease to exist; there are non-profit charities and humanitarian organizations that could step in to fund health insurance for the poor, without inviting the government to get involved, and rob all of us to pay for it. I also believe that government is pressuring us into choosing for-profit forms of insurance, because non-profits don't have to pay taxes, so the more people choose non-profit health providers, the less tax revenue the government gets from taxing the profits of the health industry. The way the government is being run right now, the government has literally no incentive to help people afford health care and health insurance. That's because if you solve that problem, you eliminate the artificial need for the existence of the branch of government that pretends to solve that problem but does nothing about it.
     Nobody wanted ObamaCare, it had to be forced on us, through what is openly being called the individual mandate. It is mandatory. It's force. It's a bailout of the private insurance companies, in the name of socialism. Single-payer will give us more of the same thing, except it will be more confusing, because all the money will be lumped together into one pool, so Democrats will depict every attempt to save those funds and spend them wisely, as an attempt to lower the total amount being spent, which they will characterize as robbery, even when it is done out of a genuine concern for the fiscal stability of the country. Democrats have stooped to this same irrational, emotionally manipulative fear-mongering, and I hope that Democratic voters will not continue to fall for it.
     The social safety net is something that the capitalist system gives to workers, to make them satisfied with the condition of servitude that they're in, and to make them satisfied with capitalism. They do this in hopes that this will eventually cause far-left Democrats to call for socialism, because the social safety net isn't doing a good enough job. ObamaCare is not socialism; it's a capitalist tool designed to get people to stop complaining, to stop wanting a better quality of life for themselves and their children, to stop asking to be treated equally at the hospital just because they can't afford to pay (even though doctors take oaths to treat people regardless of their ability to pay).

     Doctors and patients alike are increasingly realizing that health insurance companies are middlemen, who get in the way of the efficiency, equality, and confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship. The same could be said about our government, which orders us to buy that health insurance, and then pretends like that's going to help them lower prices, instead of just jack-up the premiums every year while demanding more and more taxpayer bailouts.
     People who are sick don't need health insurance, they need health care. Just like a person whose house is on fire doesn't need fire insurance, they need someone to put out the fire. It does no good to insure against something that has already happened, so being pressured to buy insurance after the problem has already appeared is just an unnecessary expense that distracts from the real problem.
     Insuring anything only serves to convince people that they can be as reckless as they want with it, and that government and the taxpayers will always foot the bill to compensate for whatever thoughtless thing people want to do with their bodies, or their cars, or their guns. This creates a culture of irresponsibility, and needlessly welcoming the insurance industry and insurance legislation into our lives.
     Anyone who wants the government to force all American citizens to pay into the same insurance pool, should be wary that they may be welcoming other people to control their health decisions, based on the idea that they're paying for it, so they get a say in the matter. We can have an egalitarian health system without resorting to redistribution; all we have to do is let people know it's not OK to be pressured into making economic decisions that benefit solely other people, and having free choice in health care and insurance markets, not corporate welfare for the already wealthy insurers and pharmaceutical companies, paid for through legalized theft from taxpayers.

Topic #8: Anti-Semitism “Appears to Be Intensifying” in the U.S.

Question #8:
     “...The Anti-Defamation League [reported a] 57% increase in anti-Semitic incidents from the previous year. ...many synagogues and Jewish day schools have been amping up security measures. ...What do you think is contributing to the increase of anti-Semitism, not just in the U.S. but also around the world?”

Answer #8:
     I think that one of the chief contributing causes of anti-Semitism in recent years, has been the increase in acceptability of the hatred of other ethnic minorities. I feel that Trump and his loyalists have been stoking the flames of xenophobia, and hatred of immigrants, since his campaign began. They have created an environment where questioning people's loyalty to this country is always acceptable, in which nobody has the right to speak their own native language without having to undergo extreme, invasive measures to prove to police that they are not foreign spies.
     Frankly, I would be missing something if I neglected to mention that the Democrats have made it easier for Republicans to hate on immigrants, with the Democrats' demonization of all things Russian (almost as if to re-ignite the Red Scare which the Republicans started 55 years ago), and with their mockery of Trump's German last name. This is a desperate attempt by the Democrats to seem patriotic, but they're just stoking nationalistic hatred against all Russians and Germans by doing these things. The Democrats should not be complimented just for choosing to hate white nations for no good reason instead of non-white nations.
     In a sense, it was only a matter of time before the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment came to envelop Jewish people in addition to other ethnic minorities. Indeed, I believe that Robert Bowers (the alleged shooter at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh) did what he did because he believed – to repeat, he believed this, not me - that Tree of Life and H.I.A.S. (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) were part of a vast Jewish-Arab-Hispanic conspiracy to disobey American law, flood America with immigrants, and have Jewish Democrat politicians tempt Donald Trump away from true conservatism.
     Aside from that shooting, and in general, I believe that the main reason Jewish people are being chosen as targets is because it's no longer acceptable in America – at least while in the company of the 51% of us who are Republicans - to be anything less than a white Christian conservative American citizen with a full-time job, wealthy, and in perfect standing with the law, who additionally sucks up to the power elite. So obedient to the law, some of them, that they will not even consider violating the law, or orders, even when it violates their conscience. You could call that a patriot, but patriot or not, it's also a psychopath, because psychopaths have no conscience (nor empathy, for that matter).
     Many of these people openly embrace, and often promote, the idea that a person who obeys authority is somehow “protected” by God, even if they die, even if they do something wrong in the process. Some steadfast Christians who are control freaks – I repeat, some; not all of them, just the worst of them - are so willing to believe that all orders come from God, that they are willing to encourage people to become victims, tell them that they're protected and safe, allow them to die, and take credit for pretending to help them.
     As much as I support many of the principles in the Constitution, I have to agree with those who have said that our Constitution has been powerless to prevent the chain of excesses and abuses of power which have allowed this to happen. The Constitution has failed to sufficiently limit the power of the president, and the last fifty years of history have shown us that our Congress will needlessly hand its duly-delegated powers over to the president, even when the president isn't asking for that much power (Note: I'm referring to Richard Nixon's veto of the War Powers Resolution, which was overridden).
     We the voters, and our foolish faith in the Constitution, have allowed this racist psychopath to take over our airwaves; have allowed this despotic president to whip us all into a race-baiting, war-mongering frenzy of calling the cops on our neighbors, instead of banding together against him in the name of embracing and respecting each other's differences, which is not only our last chance at social cohesion, but maybe also the survival of the planet.
     We should be arming ourselves and providing for the security and well-being of our families, not obsessing over what some idiotic billionaire casino owner who likes to fire people - who can't get by without stealing from all 320 million of us at once – is going to order us to do next. We are free individuals, freedom is all you need to fight a successful revolution, and a free individual does not wait around playing guessing games about what we could do to make the president less mad at us, as if all 320 million of us belong in jail, instead of him.
     Donald Trump and his loyalists are making people of all kinds, cultures, heritages, and religions feel unwelcome in this country. No matter whether they were born here, no matter if they did come in legally (because white people can still get away with calling the cops on Puerto Ricans who wave the flag of Puerto Rico, which is U.S. territory, not a foreign nation). My grandmother was born in Italy and she doesn't know where her Social Security card is. This terrifies me, as someone who sees Trump saying things that I last heard coming out of the mouths of Mussolini and Hitler. I believe that if Trump gets to revoke birthright citizenship and repeal the 14th Amendment, then the next step will be to revoke the citizenship of people whose parents or grandparents weren't born here. And that includes the vast majority of us.
     Many people in this country will never stop seeing Jewish people as foreigners, as non-white, as rejecting Jesus. Many people in this country will continue to blame Jewish people for killing Jesus, or even to doubt the loyalty of Jewish people because they suspect that they might have more loyalty to the State of Israel than to the United States. It is unfortunate that there are so many racists in America. But wishing that this were not so, does not absolve us of the responsibility to take adequate preparations for the possible scenario of anti-Semitic pogroms, possibly even including racist or Nazi-sympathetic elements of the police (rogue police or not).
     I hope that more Jewish people will consider doing what Israelis have done to protect their own security interests: arm most citizens. I do not think that a draft is necessary to achieve that, but I do hope to see more Jewish Americans come to value their right to bear arms. I feel the same way about liberals, Democrats, and ethnic and religious minorities of all kinds who think that Democratic gun control measures are going to stop racists from targeting them. If the Republicans can win an election and change who's allowed to have a gun, they're going to take guns away from everyone who's not a solid white Christian patriot.
     I would like to urge Jewish Americans to join the interest group J.P.F.O. (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership). That group aims to spread the message that Senator Chris Dodd Sr. helped spearhead the modern call for increased gun control legislation back in the mid 20th century, when he evidently took inspiration from the Nazi model of gun control. The Nazis, by the way, curtailed the right of non-Germans to travel, but curtailed less the right of Germans to travel, to make it seem fair. They also increased restrictions on the Jews' right to bear arms, while loosening restrictions on ethnic Germans' right to bear arms; do not allow yourself to be fooled by those who claim that Germany had a general loosening of restrictions. That loosening only applied to Germans.
     I am a Libertarian. I embrace free market ideals. I am open to conservative and right-wing ideas, as long as they are conducive to freedom and independence. But I simply cannot endorse the idea that continuing to obey authority, or obey the law, is going to make it any easier for us. You – immigrant or not, Jewish or not - are being given a choice again between being peacefully murdered, violently murdered, or fighting your way free.
     If I were to go back to Nazi Germany, and tell Jewish people under Nazi rule, that they ought to “respect authority”, and “do what the police say, and they won't mess with you too much”, who would I be talking about? I would be encouraging people to obey Nazis. You may wish to call them “Nazi sympathizers dressed in police uniforms”, but that describes a literal Nazi as well. I don't wish to help order people into death camps. Distrust of authority is healthy, and if an authority is responsible and duly authorized, then it should be able to survive answering a few questions before it resorts to violence and brutal repression (including of people who are just trying to find out what horrible things their tax money is being spent on).
     Your legislatures and your police forces have been taken over by Nazi sympathizers who don't respect your individual right to defend yourself, because they want to pretend it threatens national security, instead of just threatening their power to control you; to order you to work yourself to death or else fuck-off out of the country. Do not trust the police to protect you, and do not let your children grow up thinking that the police, or the president, are always right.
     No state can be trusted to protect Jewish people. How many dozens of European countries have banned Jewish people at one time or another over the centuries? Plenty of Jewish people have gone on to be anarchists: Noam Chomsky, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman. Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, Jewish libertarians, admitted that we could live without the state.
     Jewish people are under no obligation to obey the law unto the pain of death. They are not now, and they were not under Nazi rule. Jewish law obligates Jewish people to defend themselves, and there have been midrashim written which interpret Jewish law as meaning that when G-d made the covenant with the Jewish people, He also commanded them to obey the laws of their host nations, but additionally commanded all the nations of the world to refrain from treating the Jews in a harsh or unreasonable manner. Jewish Americans, just like any other people in America, have every right to arm themselves, and even to disobey laws that seriously violate their conscience. But it is getting increasinly difficult to do both of those things, and I blame politicians who support gun control and support increased restrictions on free speech and freedom of the press.
     Peaceful disobedience of unjust laws founded this country at the Boston Tea Party. That tradition continued with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Today, the Libertarian Party wholly embraces the peaceful disobedience of laws that violate one's personal conscience. But free people are under no obligation to remain “peaceful” in the face of constant threats and provocations.

     Being in America does not obligate you to be a mouthpiece for American fascism and racism, nor for the anti-immigrant sentiment and xenophobia whose spread helps make these things seem normal by comparison. You do not have to hate on illegal immigrants just because you had the patience and the money and the connections to come in legally, and they didn't. You have no right to close the door on refugees when American immigration quotas from countries with humanitarian catastrophes are being nowhere near fulfilled; humanitarian catastrophes which our country is partly to blame for. That hatred is coming back to bite Jewish Americans in the ass, because they are unfortunate enough to be in America at the height of a race-baiting epidemic, when racists hate all kinds of immigrants, and don't care enough to distinguish which ones are Jewish and which ones are not.
     Last year, a racist put a piece of pork on the handle of a doorway of a Muslim mosque. Should we assume that, just because this man targeted Muslims instead of Jews, that he is above perpetrating the same type of vandalism upon a synagogue, to mock the Jews for their dietary restrictions in the same way? How hard do you think it would be to get Donald Trump to pay the legal bills of anybody who leaves a piece of pork on the doorstep of a mosque? If he did that, how much would you be willing to bet that if someone vandalized a synagogue with pork the next day, Trump would pretend he had nothing to do with creating the environment that said it's perfectly acceptable to treat religious minorities that way.
     Twenty or thirty years ago in New York City, a Hasidic Jewish man was attacked by a racist for speaking Yiddish or Hebrew on his cell phone. Racists don't care what language you're speaking, they just want to attack you if it's not English (or German, or whatever language they want to force people to speak).
     I want all people in America to feel free to use their native language, and practice any part of their religion that doesn't directly call for violence against non-believers (and all three Abrahamic faiths do that, just in different amounts). But ethnic and religious minorities should keep in mind that some people may want to hurt them for doing it, and that the police will not always be nearby to rush to their defense. They might even think that they have more important things to do. Sometimes the cops even defend anti-racist protesters from gangs of white racist thugs. The cops get a free pass for this, because some people are foolish enough to label all anti-racist protesters as belonging to “Antifa”, which people pretend is a terrorist group, rather than the only people who are actively engaging openly racist white people in overt warfare (which is what racists deserve).
     The police care much more about getting paid, than doing their job. They cannot even be held legally responsible for failing to protect anyone who doesn't directly pay them for that protection. The police are, in effect, a mafia, which has legalized its own crimes, and turned its documentation of its own crimes into a basis for law. The police do not care about keeping individuals safe from harm, especially not if it's a small minority of people whom they could easily stand to lose without risking too much of their paycheck.
     Individuals must remain well-armed if we are to guard against perhaps the greatest horror of the twentieth century – a horror with many faces, many dictators as its facades – the deliberate and willfully negligent murder of hundreds of millions of people at the hands of the governments which were instituted, ironically, to preserve their freedoms and protect their lives. We are fools if we think that any country that has ever banned Jews – or anybody else – could not easily do it again.
     An increase in the number of Jewish politicians, or of Jewish police officers, would not guarantee that Jewish people would be protected, because there will always be politicians who want to sell their constituents the illusion of safety. Democrats, for example, do this by telling their constituents, Jews included, to hand their guns over to the racist Donald Trump. Then the Republicans say he needs these guns to protect you from the Muslims. Meanwhile, the government stockpiles more weapons for itself, passes more laws that gives racist governments the right to deny non-whites the right to bear arms in order to defend themselves, and makes secret plans to draft us all again. How these young people are supposed to fight wars overseas without any guns is beyond me.
     That's why I can't support the Democrats. They've shown themselves all too willing to push-through whatever the Republicans want them to, and then to let the G.O.P. Call their own idea socialist just because the Democrats realized that it was the only way to get Republicans to stop complaining. Well, control freaks never stop complaining. You don't just do whatever a control freak wants you to just because you think it will upset them less. Control freaks are not supposed to be obeyed, they're supposed to be confronted for trying to run the lives of free independent people who they're supposed to be getting along with.
     It's very plain to me that Trump is baiting us against each other on the basis of nationality, race, ethnicity, culture, and religion. As much as I want to say that we should not allow him to divide us, the Democrats have proven themselves to be equally incapable of maintaining their affairs ethically or constitutionally enough to deserve the reins of power. As Franklin said, freedom cannot be bought with security. As Jefferson said, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
     I am concerned that President Trump is doing what Richard Spencer is doing; paying lip service to the State of Israel in order to make people believe that he couldn't possibly have an aversion to Jewish people. I also suspect that Trump is trying to use the lip service he pays to Israel as leverage, and even his own daughter Ivanka's Judaism, to distract from the fact that he once promulgated a Jewish stereotype in an interview. Trump told an interviewer that he likes to hire “the guys with the funny little hats” (or something like that) to handle his money, because they're supposedly good with it. We should not just chalk this off as a “positive stereotype”; positive stereotypes are still harmful because they reduce all individuals to caricatures of the culture they come from.
     If this is what we are supposed to expect from the “leader of the free world”, then we might as well abolish the office of the president, and ask another country to invade us and depose our democratically-elected leader, because we've got Nazis. After all, it wouldn't be the first time we'd be supporting the ouster of a sovereign government, so no solid American citizen can rightfully tell me that such an action would be unprecedented, or even inconsistent with American values.
     “Never again”, they say. Never again should Jewish people blindly trust any sovereign nation-state on this planet which has ever banned any ethnic or religious minority from its shores. Sure, wish for “never again” with one hand. But also fight for “never again” with the other hand. I'm sorry if this means putting people at risk, or putting people in harm's way, by urging them to be willing to break the law if it is necessary to protect innocent lives. But the law is not always right, and it is not always on the side of preserving human life. People who know that will continue to fight bad governments in order to achieve a better world. That is the price that we pay for not putting severe limits on our government (which we create, not the other way around).

Written on November 13th and 14th, 2018

Published on November 14th, 2018

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