Thursday, November 22, 2018

Forty-Seven Reasons Why I'm Concerned About a Resurgence of Nazism in America (Incomplete)

Table of Contents

1. Most Americans Don't Mind Sacrificing Liberty or Privacy in Exchange for the Illusion of Security
2. The T.S.A. Confiscates Our Things and Sells Them on the Cheap, Like the Nazis Did to the Jews
3. Both I.C.E. and the Nazis Used the Promise of Showers to Deceive Their Prisoners

4. Most Americans Don't Mind Spending too Much, Working too Hard, to Earn Special Treatment
5. Unpaid Prison Labor and For-Profit Prisons Are on the Rise
6. Fear-Mongering About Disease-Carrying Immigrants Prompts Calls for Ethnic Cleansing

7. U.S. Immigration Authorities Sprayed Immigrants with Zyklon-B, Once Used to Gas Jews
8. Authorities Are Spraying People with Noxious Gas at the Border Right Now
9. Calling Welfare Recipients and Immigrants “Parasites” Normalizes Dehumanization
10. Americans of 
Both Major Parties Justify Abortion if it's of “the Right Race”
11. Immigrants Are Depicted as Invading Hordes of Barbarians, Like the Jews Were
12. Immigrants Are Depicted as Both “Lazy” and “Taking Your Jobs”, Like the Jews Were
13. President Trump Has Promulgated Stereotypes About Hispanics, Muslims, and Jews
14. President Trump Said He'd Consider Creating a Database of Muslim-Americans
15. President Trump Encourages His Supporters to Harm Protesters and Dissidents
16. Trump's Ex-Wife Claims He Reads and Admires the Fascist Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini
17. President Trump Wants to Amend or Repeal the Birthright Citizenship Clause
18. The President Wants Dictatorial Power, and Congress Has Historically Given it to Him
19. The 2020 Census Could Be Used as an Excuse to Arrest and Deport Undocumented Immigrants
20. The U.S. Already Practices Internment of “Undesirables” and Maintains Concentration Camps
21. People Still Excuse F.D.R. for Refusing to Let Undocumented Jewish Refugees In
22. The Democratic Party's Love of Big Government Makes Authoritarianism Unavoidable

23. An I.C.E. Official Said They're “Just Following Orders”, Like the Nazi Adolf Eichmann Did
24. Trump's Former Press Correspondent Claimed That the Nazis Never Used Chemical Weapons

25. Ultra-Nationalism, Nativism, and Extreme Anti-Immigration Policies Are the New Normal
26. American Citizens in Good Standing Are Already Losing Their Citizenship Without Cause
27. Right-Wingers in Germany, Austria, Italy, etc. Hope to Form an "Axis" to Solve Immigration
28. Democrats' Enthusiastic Support for Assimilation Plays Right into Republicans' Hands
29. Americans of Both Major Parties Demonize the Far Left, Communism, and All Things Foreign
30. Obama Democrats Made it Difficult to Get Away with Calling the President Racist or Fascist

31. Strong Anti-Fascism is Virtually Non-Existent in Libertarian Circles, the One Place it Matters
32. I.C.E. Separates People by Age and Sex, Like the Nazis Did
33. I.C.E. Confiscates Religious Items, Like the Nazis and Communists Did
34. Post-9/11 Fear of Foreigners and Middle Easterners Threatens the Safety of Jewish People
35. A Growing Number of Americans Want to Silence Discussion of Israel
36. All Criticism of the State of Israel is Deemed Anti-Semitic, and This Silences Jewish Voices
37. Promoting Jewish Stereotypes is Publicly Acceptable in America Nowadays
38. Many Jewish-Americans Have Been Legally, and Voluntarily, Disarmed
39. Israeli Ultra-Nationalism is on the Rise, and Gaza is Already a Concentration Camp
40. George W. Bush's Grandfather Was a War Profiteer, and Bush Loyalists Are Still in Office
41. American Companies That Financed Nazis and the Holocaust Are Still Around, and Popular
42. Americans and Soviets Imported Nazi Scientists As Part of Operation Paperclip
43. Americans Call for More Non-White Police, While Nazis Rewarded Loyalty with Police Posts
44. Many Americans Are Desensitized to Violence, and See Mass Murder as Something Funny
45. A Literal Nazi Ran for U.S. House of Representatives and Won His Nomination Uncontested
46. American Culture is Awash in Alcohol, Which Was Given to Jews to Cope with Their Conditions
47. American Culture Values Competitiveness in Sports, the Economy, and Even Survival



     The October 27
th Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh – in which 11 Jewish-Americans were shot to death in the midst of their morning prayer1 – confirmed many Americans' fears that the threat of violent anti-Semitism is real. Many are beginning to wonder whether actual Nazism itself is on the rise in America today2 (as opposed to just plain American imperialism and authoritarianism, like we're used to seeing every day).3
     On November 19th, a video was uploaded to the YouTube channel youthleadermagazine, entitled “Jeremy Ornstein Sunrise Movement 1: Adults – Face Harsh Reality – GROW UP!”.4 In the video, an 18-year-old Jewish-American student from Massachusetts named Jeremy Ornstein, speaks outside of once and future Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's office in Washington, D.C.. Accompanied by scores of students holding signs reading “Green New Deal”, Mr. Ornstein described his brother finding the Holocaust memoirs of their grandparent who had immigrated from Hungary.
     According to Ornstein, “I walked in, and almost immediately to my right, I saw a book on the table, and read that the Nazis pretended the gas chambers were showers to kill the Jews. And I remembered that I was devastated by that fact, and all of my resolve fell from my shoulders. And before I left that room, I had to grow up. So many times in the past few years, I have had to grow up. Like the first, second, and third time I read about kids being shot in schools. And when we all learned about the lead in the water in Flint. And every time that I read or see about the aftermath of climate-fueled disasters.”4
     Mr. Ornstein then described being on the phone with his father while the shooter in Pittsburgh was still active, and went on to challenge Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership to “grow up” like he did.
     In his speech – perhaps intentionally, perhaps unwittingly - Ornstein seemed to be drawing a parallel between the Nazis' deceptive promise of showers for the Jews in their custody, and the government's failed promise of clean, potable drinking water to the people of Flint, Michigan.5 Each involved a promise of water and cleanliness, and neither promise was fulfilled.
     Ornstein is right to call his government out for failing to deliver on its promise, and to challenge the Democratic Party leadership to stand up to the opposition party. While it would be difficult to argue that Jeremy Ornstein and his ancestors were not victimized by their governments, it is hard to ignore the tragic irony of his situation: he is coerced into trusting a government which has already deceived him many times before. Moreover, he is begging one party to protect him from the other.
     Ornstein described repeatedly being let down by the Democratic leadership, albeit while wearing a T-shirt bearing the words “we have a right to good jobs and a livable future”, and while admitting that the Nazis baited their Jewish victims with promises that they'd take care of them and give them showers. It would be unfair to blame the victims in these situations, but I'm compelled to admit that Ornstein's message is, sadly, not as self-aware as it could be.
     In my opinion, one of the main lessons of the fact that Nazis pretended that gas chambers were showers - and gave the Jews soap to wash up with as they were being unwittingly led to their deaths (although some knew, or at least suspected, what was happening)6 - is that governments are willing to tempt their people with promises of care, riches, jobs, and other nice things, even if those governments eventually want those very same people dead.

     The use of showers as an excuse to “exterminate” people, is just one small example in a long line of policies influenced by the “ethnic cleansing” mindset.7, 8 A nation which adopts this mindset will posit that the nation, its moral culture, and the human gene pool need to be “cleansed” of “alien” and “sub-human” elements, and takes this as an ideology of “racial hygiene”, to underlie and inform its public health policy.9 This idea – and the idea that we're all being fattened-up, and made to surrender all sorts of measures of privacy, independence, and even security, for the sake of the illusion of security, and a little special treatment – is what I intend to explore in the remainder of this essay.
     I see many reasons why the administration of President Donald Trump could, should, and must be described as imperialistic and authoritarian, and even as dictatorial, fascistic, and Naziesque. This essay is intended as a precise enumeration of the forty-five reasons why I feel that way, and what parallels I see between the current treatment of immigrants to the United States by I.C.E., and the treatment of Jewish prisoners by the Nazi S.S. (schutzstaffel; “storm troopers”) before and during the Holocaust.

1. Most Americans Don't Mind Sacrificing Liberty or Privacy in Exchange for the Illusion of Security

     Regarding a tax dispute in Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
10 Although Franklin made that statement in favor of taxation for the purposes of funding collective defense,11 the statement has been characterized as one in favor of greater privacy and less government intrusion in our lives.12
     Franklin's point is well taken; the political ramifications of the attacks of September 11th, 2001 – in particular, the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act,13 and the 2012 N.D.A.A. (National Defense Authorization Act)14, 15 – have demonstrated just how much privacy, independence, integrity, and peace Americans have been willing to put up with paying, in order for the illusions of safety and security,16 and in exchange for a little bit of convenience17, 18 and special treatment.
     As a result of the Patriot Act, omnibus defense budgets whose riders affirmed the policies of the Patriot Act, and subsequent Supreme Court decisions; the Bill of Rights,19 habeas corpus,20 the principles of the Magna Carta,21 and the rule of law,22 are effectively null and void.
     F.B.I. agents write their own search warrants.23 Courts have made it easier for police officers to follow us into our homes,24 and to declare us domestic terrorists,25 deny our right to trial,26 and freeze our assets so that we can't defend ourselves in court.27, 28 Citizen and judiciary complacency with “Stop-and-Frisk” laws29 have rendered the decision in Terry v. Ohio practically meaningless,30 all but ignoring our right to resist officers who violate our safety, and even violate the law itself, in the course of their duties.31, 32
     However, 9/11 did not change everything; as many of these restrictive measures were in place long before the attacks. As the result of a Supreme Court decision made in the 1980s (Warren v. D.C.),33 police are rarely held responsible for their crimes,34 and never held to an expectation that they will protect and serve all the people.35 As the result of a Clinton-era law,36 local police departments all over the country are in possession of weapons of war, from machine guns, to tanks, to drones, etc..37
     Those offenses against the people, as well as the intrusions into our privacy via warrantless wiretaps38 and other forms of domestic surveillance, have been well-documented (of course, not well enough). But those points aside, it should not escape our attention that the Transportation Security Administration posted a whopping 95% failure rate in a 2015 study, catching only 3 out of 70 concealed weapons.39
     The T.S.A. does create what Franklin described; the feeling of “a little temporary safety”. But the T.S.A.'s failure shows that this feeling of safety is just that; a feeling, an illusion. Given this fact, the reckless invasions of privacy, bodily autonomy, and physical comfort which are reflected in its policies concerning pat-downs and body scanners,40 should prompt us to question whether there is anything at all in these practices which benefits us (the people paying for it, and the people subjected to it).
     Today, anyone is welcome in America who steadfastly trusts, and is loyal to, the police. Some Americans want to believe so badly that the police are doing the right thing, that they are willing to excuse the unnecessary use of force (and the disproportionate use of that force against non-whites41) – or an excessively complicated and even conflicting set of directions for surrender42 – in order for an officer of the law to subdue an arrestee. Recent years have seen Americans arrested after failing to obey orders due to an inability to hear those orders in the first place, whether it's because they're deaf,43 listening to music on headphones,44 mentally disabled,45 a legally armed security guard who simply didn't hear the order to drop the weapon,46 or even already paralyzed and in a coma.47
     This devoted trust of police officers and their commands, have given rise to the idea that “all you have to do is comply, and you won't get hurt.”48 American comedian Bill Burr remarked sarcastically, “Look, it's really simple. All you have to do is comply, and you won't get your ass kicked by police. When they tell you to get down, you get down. When they tell you to turn in your gun, you turn in your gun. When they tell you to get in the boxcar, you get in the fucking boxcar. Why in the Hell is this so difficult to understand, people?”49 In the words of author Patrick S. Tomlinson, “'Just do what they say and you won't get hurt' is what we tell hostages, not free citizens interacting with police.”50

     As the old saying goes, “If you give someone an inch, they will take a mile.” That is, if you let someone tell you what to do, they'll continue doing it. Then, before you know it, you're just doing as you're told, without questioning it, instead of doing what you want to do.
     Although is is not required to think for yourself in our society, it is also not prohibited, and that is for a reason. If you let other people direct your life, eventually you will end up their puppet, and the executor of their will, and you may have to give up your identity, your well-being, or even your life in order to serve out somebody else's sick purposes. It's usually acceptable to refuse to obey orders that seriously violate your conscience and your sense of morality, and having a healthy distrust of authority is not only acceptable; it's part of our heritage as Americans (from the Revolutionary War).51
     As you read the remainder of this article, when I discuss American policies currently in place – I invite you to ask yourself how this policy affects Jewish-Americans. Set aside how it affects Americans who are not Jewish, and then consider the possibility that non-Jewish Americans' freedoms might be curtailed solely to make curtailments of Jewish citizens' freedoms seem normal, or “not as bad” by comparison.
      Opponents may say, “See, the Jews and the non-Jews both have to do something they don't want to do, that's called sacrifice,52 and it's what you do in a society to compromise”.53 But consider the possibility, instead, that two wrongs don't make a right. Also, consider that condemning people to equal misery, is equality, but only equality in suffering.54

2. The T.S.A. Confiscates Our Things and Sells Them on the Cheap, Like the Nazis Did to the Jews

     The Transportation Security Administration confiscates more than half a million dollars in spare change alone from travelers every year.
55 Not only that, they sell the items they confiscate from us on the cheap,56 and you can go online57, 58 to find out how to buy those items back from them in government-sponsored police auctions.
     After a 1938 Nazi law required Jewish residents to register their wealth and their valuable possessions, the Nazis confiscated many Jews' possessions.59 While some Jews were legally ordered to sell their possessions, others were left with no realistic alternative available but to sell their most cherished possessions in order to afford to leave the country, while others were forced to abandon their property in order leave the country. At times, Jews' property was sold to finance the government, and/or in order to finance the Jews' own deportation at the hands of the Nazis.60
     American travelers - and sports fans,61, 62 and concert-goers - have almost gotten accustomed to abandoning their possessions with little or no notice or thought, when entering public property, or someone else's private property. Perhaps this is, to a large extent, a result of the T.S.A.'s rule banning containers of liquid larger than 3 ounces (in order to decrease the likelihood that a liquid-based plastic explosive or “gel-ignite” could be smuggled aboard an airplane flight).63
     Once in 2012, I myself decided not to attend a speech by President Obama because the online invitation for the event suggested that security would confiscate my bottle of water on the way in.64 It's hard to go see a band at a festival, concert, or even a punk bar, without showing your I.D. to prove that you're of legal drinking age, pay too much for the ticket, get your hand stamped and/or let them put a bracelet on you (to signify that you've paid already), and, possibly, be asked to throw away any food and drinks we might have on us. It seems excessive.
     But more importantly, it conditions us to put up with similar treatment by government, and by people who invite us onto their property. People should not have to choose to abandon water and food, - two of our most urgent needs - in order to be allowed onto private or public property. Nursing mothers should not have to throw away breast milk,65 and cancer patients should not have to be attacked for not enjoying being grabbed by T.S.A. agents,66 solely in order order to fly “safely” across their own country. Yet Americans put up with this sort of treatment every day – enduring all forms of medical torture - simply to get from Point A to Point B. The fact that the T.S.A. is selling our possessions back to us, only adds insult to injury.
     If this is all really “for our protection”, then clearly something is wrong. The right to be secure in our persons, papers, and property includes the rights of bodily autonomy, physical integrity, the right to defend oneself, and the right to possess items including medication, so long as we do not use those possessions to harm others. No government should have the right to force or pressure us to abandon, destroy, nor sell our property in order to cooperate with it, nor in order to cease cooperating with it (by terminating our citizenship).
     The fact that non-Jewish travelers suffer these indignities and deprivations, ought not be any less worrisome than the fact that Jewish travelers suffer them. And the fact that they both suffer, only helps to conceal the facts that 1) Jewish travelers are grossly inconvenienced by these measures, and 2) no traveler, concert-goer, nor sports fan – either Jew or Gentile – need undergo them.
     Those who remember the victims of the Holocaust, and whom have learned its lessons, would do well to consider that if they keep checking their possessions at the door (to the property, or the country, whatever the case may be), then they might eventually be asked, or even expected, to check even more of their property, and their right to privacy, and their identity and heritage, at the door. This is a slippery slope that will lead us to think that privacy, property, and the right to express ourselves are things that have to be earned at grave costs.
     But indeed they are, because so many have fought for them. That is why we must cherish the right to own possessions (as long as we don't use them to hurt others or gain leverage over people), and cherish our right to privacy, and to express ourselves, or else we will lose those rights.

3. Both I.C.E. and the Nazis Used the Promise of Showers as a Way to Deceive Their Prisoners

     According to witnesses, gas chambers at the Dachau extermination facility were disguised as “Brause Bad” (“shower baths”),6 and their ceilings were even studded with fake shower heads made of sheet metal.67 The German reputation for cleanliness had culminated in an ideology of “racial hygiene”,9 wherein inferior races can be washed away from the “body” of the German volk (“the German people”) as diseases and parasites are washed away from pure white Aryan skin along with the dark soot. The disease may be given as typhus, but the “virus” that the Nazis intended to “wash away” was Jewishness.
     The book Crystal Night details how the Nazis allowed Jews to purchase food and cigarettes as a consolation for being deported.68 This fact ought to teach us that when all of our "freedoms" are only exercised after paying, and when specifically permitted by government through permits and licensing, government can be made-out to look benevolent for simply removing the obstacles it placed between its employers (we the people) and the things we want. As Ayn Rand said, through her Fountainhead character Howard Roark, who will let me is "not the point. The point is, who will stop me?"69
     To Jews arriving in Dachau, the fake shower heads probably provided a brief moment of hope that the Nazis intended to, at least, keep them healthy enough to work themselves half to death. But history shows us that the permissions, allotments, variances, and even gifts that come from government, are merely as a “betrayal with a kiss" (as in the story of Judas's betrayal of Jesus). It is said to “Beware Greeks bearing gifts”, but it is also said not to “look a gift-horse in the mouth”. I prefer the former quotation.
     This is why I have written this article; to caution people about the twin dangers, which always go hand-in-hand: of totalitarianism (the Republicans) and totalitarianism-enablers (Democrats). Of Nazism (the Neo-Nazis and Trump loyalists) and the apathy and neutrality which make it possible. Let no one diminish what horrors the one is capable of inflicting, and the other of excusing, permitting, and being accomplice and accessory.

     Time and time again, the establishment Democrats, under leaders like Nancy Pelosi, have let young men like Jeremy Ornstein down. Democrats betray their own voters – supposedly a party of, by, and for workers and people of color – and turn around and push Republican policies on their own people. Then they try to make up for it by attaching riders to bills, and bargaining for slightly less repression, in order to tempt the left-leaning public with political goodies and treats; special favors intended as bargaining chips so that they'll vote them back into office.
     Democratic Republicanism, even of the Progressive or Democratic Socialist varieties, only serves to make unfulfillable and unaffordable promises to the American people, while using those promises to distract from not just their own impossibility and unaffordability, but also from the horrendous legislation the goodies are attached to. For example, Senator Bernie Sanders voted to support the 1994 crime control bill that was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. That law led to the incarceration of at least a million non-violent offenders, but Sanders decided to support the bill because it included protection against victims of domestic violence.70
     Whether it's a robust social safety net as a compromise for having to pay for the military-industrial complex, or compensation to farmers as consolation for getting “punished” by tariffs,71 the supporters of both major parties have been bought-out. Americans can't tell when they're just being fattened-up for the slaughter. They think they can buy their way out of a system that unabashedly fumbles for excuses to confiscate their property, and rules their lives, and regulates their money, and controls that money's value. The goodies and treats promised in exchange for the welfare-warfare state “compromise” are soaked with blood, and are inedible.
     When we think of Jews being saved from “extermination”, one thing that comes to mind is Nazi Party member Oskar Schindler, who is credited with saving the lives of over a thousand Jewish people by employing them in his factories.72 One wonders how many would-be Holocaust victims were saved solely because other people were not saved. I am reminded of the story of Rabbi Chaim Rumkowski, whom the Nazis gave a position as the head of the Council of Elders of the ghetto in Lodz (or Litzmannstadt) ghetto in Poland. Rabbi Rumkowski eventually called on ghetto-dwelling Jews to give up their elderly, their children, and themselves. All the while, Rumkowski performed a role similar to that of Schindler: shape which Jews survive, and which Jews escape the country. As a matter of fact, a 1942 speech73 by Rumkowski shows that he thought of himself as a surgeon, with the collective body of the Jewish people before him on the operating table, believing that he needed to “cut off limbs in order to save the body”.73 Captive Jews knew that it would help them to curry favor with Rumkowski (and with Jewish community leaders in other ghettos, and also with their Nazi captors).
     The sad facts that many Jews tried to ingratiate themselves to their captors through submitting to back-breaking labor, and through assimilating (for example, through their dress and appearance, and through converting to Christianity), and ingratiated themselves to the members of their own communities assigned to represent them, ought not serve as a mark of shame. But the consequences of those actions are felt today; Jews are not alone among the many peoples of America, or of the world, who cower at the feet of those who pledge and pretend to protect, serve, defend, and represent us (military, police, politicians, and bureaucratic special interests alike) whether they follow through on those promises or not.
     I'm disturbed by the contrast between that fact, and the fact that the Jewish tradition is one of peaceful disagreement, civil disobedience, and non-conformity. The shared trauma of the Holocaust and the horrors of police violence and domestic surveillance in post-9/11 America have produced a society wherein Jews and non-Jews alike have been intimidated into submission; into willfully divulging all of their personal information,74 and registering many of their valuable possessions instead of insisting upon owning them outright.75 America and Israel alike are societies full of people who have experienced Stockholm Syndrome;76 if not at the hands of genocidal captors, then at least at the hands of their own tyrannical, imperialist government.
     Cooperation and authority are all well and good. But if it's cooperation with authority, or if you didn't give the authority to the authority figure willingly, or if it's cooperation with people who want you dead, then cooperating would be unwise because it would be submission to tyranny. It is not necessary to negotiate with our captors; not when it is possible to fight back, or when it is possible to prevent ourselves from falling into our captors' control in the first place. We can and must fight back against the demands and expectations that our possessions and privacy should be simply thrown away, so that we can enter someone's property, enter public property for which our taxes paid, or exercise our natural freedom to travel across the Earth.
     This is the condition we find ourselves in today: that we've allowed ourselves to be deceived. We believe that eating and smoking are privileges instead of rights, that do not have to be merely paid for but also permitted by the government. Many of us have been tricked into thinking that access to clean water is a privilege as well. That collecting rain water is not a right (when it can be done safely, and without affecting our neighbors).77 That you have to pay taxes in some towns and municipalities – including my own former hometown of Lake Bluff, Illinois (as recently as June 2017) - in order to access its beaches.78
     Where people can be tricked into thinking that clean water and showers are a privilege, rather than a right, they can be tricked into being so grateful for those things, that they can be convinced to give up anything and everything in order to receive them; their freedom, their clothing, anything.
     Yet most Americans are willing to give up food and drinks just to get into a movie theater or concert, give up small weapons they might need for self-defense just to get in anywhere, and give up their right to expect privacy wherever they go outside their own home. But most people don't even have “their own home”, because the bank and the government can always take it away.

     Whenever public utilities providers fail to deliver clean water, suitable, for drinking and bathing, to the people who pay their salaries - and whenever government places unnecessary obstructions to solving the problem when water must be delivered to people who need it – we should let our government's failed promises remind us of the Nazis' willful betrayal.
     But most importantly, I.C.E. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) did use the promise of baths – not showers, like the Jews, mind you; but baths - in order to trick immigrant women into allowing officials to take their children away.
     According to Texas-based federal public defender Miguel Nogueres, “Every day we hear that parents are being separated from their children and are given different reasons for the separation. Some are told the truth. Others are told that [their] children are being taken for a break to play, or bathe, or sleep, … little white lies to ameliorate an exploding situation. The parents will realize they were lied to when they meet us before court.”79
     In a June 10, 2018 article for the Boston Globe, entitled “'Children are being used as a tool' in Trump's effort to stop border crossings”,80 Liz Goodwin reported that “[Azalea] Aleman-Bendiks, the public defender, said several of her clients have told her their children were taken from them by Border Patrol agents who said they were going to give them a bath. As the hours passed, it dawned on the mothers the kids were not coming back.”
     Goodwin continues, “In late May, separated parents in McAllen [Texas] were given a number to call HHS [the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] and try to locate their children. It was the wrong number. Last week [early June 2018], parents were given a handwritten note telling them to call ICE – not HHS – if they wanted information about how to reunite with their children. But parents did not have access to phones at the time, rendering the number useless.”

     Supporters of President Trump's immigration policy doubt that the above story has any veracity; they do not believe that there is any truth behind the claim that immigrant children were separated from their parents through promises of baths. But it is the truth, and any student of history should hear serious alarm bells ringing in his head at the similarity between this incident and the Nazis' gassing of Jews after they were told they were about to take showers.

     Sure, this is slightly different, because the Jews were gassed to death, while the immigrant children are merely missing... but to those who would make that argument, I ask: What makes you so certain that many of those immigrant children didn't die too?

4. Most Americans Don't Mind Spending too Much, Working too Hard, to Earn Special Treatment
5. Unpaid Prison Labor and For-Profit Prisons Are on the Rise
6. Fear-Mongering About Disease-Carrying Immigrants Prompts Calls for Ethnic Cleansing

7. U.S. Immigration Authorities Sprayed Immigrants with Zyklon-B, Once Used to Gas Jews
8. Authorities Are Spraying People with Noxious Gas at the Border Right Now
9. Calling Welfare Recipients and Immigrants “Parasites” Normalizes Dehumanization
10. Americans of 
Both Major Parties Justify Abortion if it's of “the Right Race”
11. Immigrants Are Depicted as Invading Hordes of Barbarians, Like the Jews Were
12. Immigrants Are Depicted as Both “Lazy” and “Taking Your Jobs”, Like the Jews Were
13. President Trump Has Promulgated Stereotypes About Hispanics, Muslims, and Jews
14. President Trump Said He'd Consider Creating a Database of Muslim-Americans
15. President Trump Encourages His Supporters to Harm Protesters and Dissidents
16. Trump's Ex-Wife Claims He Reads and Admires the Fascist Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini
17. President Trump Wants to Amend or Repeal the Birthright Citizenship Clause
18. The President Wants Dictatorial Power, and Congress Has Historically Given it to Him
19. The 2020 Census Could Be Used as an Excuse to Arrest and Deport Undocumented Immigrants
20. The U.S. Already Practices Internment of “Undesirables” and Maintains Concentration Camps
21. People Still Excuse F.D.R. for Refusing to Let Undocumented Jewish Refugees In
22. The Democratic Party's Love of Big Government Makes Authoritarianism Unavoidable

23. An I.C.E. Official Said They're “Just Following Orders”, Like the Nazi Adolf Eichmann Did
24. Trump's Former Press Correspondent Claimed That the Nazis Never Used Chemical Weapons

25. Ultra-Nationalism, Nativism, and Extreme Anti-Immigration Policies Are the New Normal
26. American Citizens in Good Standing Are Already Losing Their Citizenship Without Cause
27. Right-Wingers in Germany, Austria, Italy, etc. Hope to Form an "Axis" to Solve Immigration
28. Democrats' Enthusiastic Support for Assimilation Plays Right into Republicans' Hands
29. Americans of Both Major Parties Demonize the Far Left, Communism, and All Things Foreign
30. Obama Democrats Made it Difficult to Get Away with Calling the President Racist or Fascist
31. Strong Anti-Fascism is Virtually Non-Existent in Libertarian Circles, the One Place it Matters
32. I.C.E. Separates People by Age and Sex, Like the Nazis Did
33. I.C.E. Confiscates Religious Items, Like the Nazis and Communists Did
34. Post-9/11 Fear of Foreigners and Middle Easterners Threatens the Safety of Jewish People
35. A Growing Number of Americans Want to Silence Discussion of Israel
36. All Criticism of the State of Israel is Deemed Anti-Semitic, and This Silences Jewish Voices
37. Promoting Jewish Stereotypes is Publicly Acceptable in America Nowadays
38. Many Jewish-Americans Have Been Legally, and Voluntarily, Disarmed
39. Israeli Ultra-Nationalism is on the Rise, and Gaza is Already a Concentration Camp
40. George W. Bush's Grandfather Was a War Profiteer, and Bush Loyalists Are Still in Office
41. American Companies That Financed Nazis and the Holocaust Are Still Around, and Popular
42. Americans and Soviets Imported Nazi Scientists As Part of Operation Paperclip
43. Americans Call for More Non-White Police, While Nazis Rewarded Loyalty with Police Posts
44. Many Americans Are Desensitized to Violence, and See Mass Murder as Something Funny
45. A Literal Nazi Ran for U.S. House of Representatives and Won His Nomination Uncontested
46. American Culture is Awash in Alcohol, Which Was Given to Jews to Cope with Their Conditions
47. American Culture Values Competitiveness in Sports, the Economy, and Even Survival

     The explanation for reasons #4-#47 will be posted here soon.


68. Crystal Night: 9-10 November 1938, Thalmann, Rita and Feinermann, Emmanuel. 1974.


Written on November 20th through 22nd, 2018
Originally Published on November 22nd, 2018
Ending of Section #3 Added on November 23rd, 2018
Edited and Expanded on November 28th and December 19th, 2018
Edited on November 30th, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Links to All Articles Regarding Spiritual Financial Advice

     The articles found below were published in Issues magazine between July 2017 and October 2018. The first ten articles were published in my third book, Time Money Moon Value: Financial Advice for Shamans, under my real name, Joseph W. Kopsick.
     The other five articles have not been published in any book. Topics discussed in those articles include spiritual financial advice, and the election of myself (using the pseudonyms Jack Sampson and A. Non-Imus) to the spiritual and financial leadership of the Order of Celestial Integration, (which was previously headed by the prophet J.C. Meyers).
     These articles are works of satire, but they are also meant to reveal hidden truths about the relationship of superstition and apophenia to the studies of economics and monetary matters.
     Readers feeling left empty-handed after reading the final article in this list, and hoping to look deeper into the topics at hand, should study the "temple economy", as well as the features and characteristics of the rock in the Dome of the Rock, for more information.

     [Caution: The final five articles in this list were written while a cult was trying to brainwash me into being a fictional cult leader named Jack Sampson.]

1. "Yes, That Inanimate Object is Mocking You, and Here's Why:
     a Guide for Schizophrenics Trying to Get into Chaos Magick" (June 2017)

2. "Investment Advice for Lunatics:
     Using Sigil Magick to Risk Nothing for Everything" (July 2017)

3. "Currency Wars:
     How to Game the System" (August 2017)

4. "Why Yap Island Stone Coins Tanked on Friday" (September 2017)

5. "Shut Yer Yap:
     How to Starve Yourself Rich" (A Numismatic Exorcism) (October 2017)

6. "Using Schizophrenia as a Powerful Creative and Introspective Tool" (November 2017)

7. "Crafting and Charging Your Sigil-Currency:
     How to Put Your Money to Work for You" (January 2018)

8. "Coping with a Faith-Based Currency:
     a Guide for the Uninitiated" (March 2018)

9. "Appreciating Your Possessions:
     Extending Faith Through Extending Credit" (April 2018)

10. "The Shibbolethic Talisman" (May 2018)

11. "How to Know God Through Investing in Memes", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)

12. "Jack for the Order:
     Independence from Meyers", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)
           Abbreviated Version (for publication in print):
           Full Version:

13. "I Hereby Retract My Identity", by A. Non-Imus (August 2018)

14. "Why I'm Right That the World Wouldn't Have Ended", by Jack Sampson (August 2018)

15. "Ascetic Austerity:
     Demurrage is the Demiurge", by Jack Sampson (September 2018)

     Copies of Time Money Moon Value can be purchased directly from me for $12 ($10 plus shipping). Please email me at to request your copy! Ten copies are still available.
     My other books - two collections of my best essays from before 2017, titled Libertarian Conspiracy Theories and Soft Communism for 90's Kids - can be purchased by following this link, and clicking the links embedded within the page:

     Articles #11-15 are the only articles I have written, and the only articles I ever will write, under the name of Jack Sampson or A. Non-Imus. Any and all other articles attributed to Jack Sampson, should be assumed to have been written by the staff of Issues magazine.

Links Compiled on November 21st, 2018

Introduction Written on November 21st, 2018

This Blog Entry Originally Published on November 21st, 2018

Post-Script Added on December 13th, 2018

Edited on December 19th, 2018 and February 28th, 2021

Imaged Added on December 20th, 2018

Edited on August 3rd, 2021 and
September 26th, 2021

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...