Friday, September 24, 2021

Wisconsin Family Resources Use Covid as Cheap Excuse for Denying Families Access, Exacerbating Separation of Families [Incomplete]

The full title of this article is

"Wisconsin Family Resources
Use Covid as Cheap Excuse
for Denying Families Access,
Exacerbating Separation of Families:

Covid Pandemic Exacerbates Social Services Access Hardships
Experienced by Parents of Disabled Children in Wisconsin".

Table of Contents

1. Why Caring About Disabled Families Being Unable to Access Social Services,
     Does Not Make You a "Father's Rights Movement" Fanatic

2. How the Social Security System Makes Families Susceptible to Separation

3. Intent Matters: How Wisconsin's Laws on Child Abuse Define Accidents as Abuse

4. Why Ignoring Intent Creates a Slippery Slope Regarding How Child Abuse is Defined

5. Additional Notes Regarding Standards in Defining Child Abuse

6. Parents Experience Loss of Work, No Compensation for Social Work Visits, Economic Hardship

7. How the Covid Crisis and Family Law Affect Families with Members on the Autism Spectrum

8. The Government Unjustly and Systematically Deprived Disabled People of the Ability to Reliably Access Services; and the Laws and Rights Which Social Services Potentially Violated in the Course of Depriving Access


1. Why Caring About Disabled Families Being Unable to Access Social Services,
     Does Not Make You a "Father's Rights Movement" Fanatic

     [coming soon]

2. How the Social Security System Makes Families Susceptible to Separation

     [coming soon]

3. Intent Matters: How Wisconsin's Laws on Child Abuse Define Accidents as Abuse

     [coming soon]

4. Why Ignoring Intent Creates a Slippery Slope Regarding How Child Abuse is Defined

     [coming soon]

5. Additional Notes Regarding Standards in Defining Child Abuse

     [coming soon]

6. Parents Experience Loss of Work, No Compensation for Social Work Visits, Economic Hardship

     [coming soon]

7. How the Covid Crisis and Family Law Affect Families with Members on the Autism Spectrum

     [coming soon]

8. The Government Unjustly and Systematically Deprived Disabled People of the Ability to Reliably Access Services; and the Laws and Rights Which Social Services Potentially Violated in the Course of Depriving Access

     [coming soon]

Written between June 30th and July 5th, 2021

Published incomplete on September 24th, 2021

Title changed on October 26th, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Boycott Pedophile Musicians: Thirty Artists Who Preyed on Children (or Tried to, or Were Accused, etc)

     Part I: Author's Note, Added on March 24th, 2025

     This list of musicians suspected, accused, and convicted of sex crimes against minors, has been updated and expanded since the initial creation of the images.
     Please bear in mind, when reading the following images, that Keith Richards may have been unfairly included (as further investigation is necessary), and that more accurate information about these people's alleged crimes is available at the following link (an article posted on March 24th, 2025):

     Part II: Large Composite Image of Thirty Suspected Sex Criminals

Click, open in new tab and/or new window,
and download, in order to see in full resolution.

     Part III: Thirty Individual Images

Click, open in new tab and/or new window,
and download, in order to see in full resolution.

Compiled in summer and early fall of 2021

Created between mid-September 2021

First published on
September 23rd and 24th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on September 23rd,
24th, and 26th, and October 6th, 2021

Individual images added on October 6th, 2021

Author's Note Added on March 24th, 2025

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Stance on Theories Regarding "Reptilian" Overlords and Alien- or Reptilian- Human Hybrids

      Some people think that Alex Jones believes that alien-lizard-human hybrids control the world. That is not true. We do not know for sure whether Alex Jones believes in aliens.

     While on comedian Joe Rogan’s podcast, Jones told Rogan that he believes that the Nazis believed themselves to be in communication with aliens, but Jones has not directly stated that he believes in aliens.
     Jones sometimes talks about interdimensional beings, but he may be speaking in regard to spiritual dimensions, rather than about real aliens he may have seen. He stated on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he has never been an aliens type of guy.

     People think that about Alex Jones because he has had David Icke on his show, the sportscaster-turned- “conspiracy theorist” who has talked about reptilians.
     But Icke doesn’t really believe in alien lizard humans either; as it is evident from his 2001 book Children of the Matrix, Icke only writes about reptilians in relation to reptilian animal symbolism in ancient civilizations, anthropology, mysticism, and psychology.
     Icke comments on the so-called "reptilian complex" in the brain; that is, the basal ganglia. In Children of the Matrix, Icke makes reference to Paul D. MacLean's "Triune brain" model of understanding the evolution and the different parts of the brain.

     [Note: More information on the "Triune brain" theory can be found at the following link:]
     As the theory behind the Triune brain model goes, the reptilian segments of the brain are the most primal, and control the most important parts of the body that we need to survive; the heart and lungs. These parts of the brain developed before the amphibian and mammalian "brains" (or brain fragments) which developed around, and after, the reptilian brain.
     Icke described the reptilian brain as the most basal, and as the most related to ritual. This is why Icke sees the reptilian brain as integrally connected to the ritual aspects which are extremely common in organized religion.
     That's why it’s possible that Icke subtitled his book “How an Interdimensional Race Has Controlled the World For Years – And Still Does” solely in order to get people interested enough to buy it.

     I personally suspect that – on a subtle or perhaps even subconscious level – Icke’s allusions to an animal aspect to humanity (one that feels bestial or inhuman because it doesn’t seem to recognize
our humanity) could be rooted in a desire to expose British royals for their genocidal crimes under colonialism (as well as their sex crimes), and achieve that task without communicating it so openly that Icke could end up imprisoned by the Queen of England.
     After all, Princess Diana once said of Prince Charles’s family, “They’re not human”. Granted, she meant this figuratively; but every bit as figuratively as any reptilian allusions that Icke may have made towards the British royal family and their cohorts over the years.

     Moreover, David Icke was not the first person to talk about this “reptilian-human hybrid” theory. Israeli author and mystic Drunvalo Melchizedek (born Bernard Perona) was writing about the possibility of gray aliens, gray-human hybrids, and the Anunnaki (Babylonian and Sumerian deities who supposedly visited humans), as early as 2011 (or earlier), long before anyone came to associate David Icke or Alex Jones with “reptilian conspiracy theories”.
     In fact, Drunvalo Melchizedek was not the first to speak of otherworldly beings coming down and interbreeding with human beings.

     The pseudepigraphal three Books of Enoch, which is read by Muslims, tells of the Nephilim, giant human beings traditionally explained by some Judaic texts to have been the spawn of human beings and angels who came down from Heaven.
     The Books of Enoch aside, the Old Testament itself – read by all three major Abrahamic religions and more – speaks of angels visiting humans for procreation purposes. The Nephilim giants (or giant-angels) are mentioned in the books of Genesis (Chapter 6), Numbers (Chapter 13), and Ezekiel (Chapter 32). Additionally, Chapter 19 of the Book of Genesis mentions human beings coming to the home of patriarch Lot, wanting to have sex with the angels who were visiting him.

     All of this is not to say that reptiles, aliens, or angels have interbred with human beings, however. My only points are that Alex Jones and David Icke possibly do not believe in aliens, and that human-alien (or human-angel) hybrid theories are at least as old as the Old Testament, if not older.
     This does not necessarily point to alien-human (or alien-reptile) hybrids existing, however; but it certainly does help explain why so many people nowadays seem to think, suspect, or feel that there is an animal, alien, or otherworldly presence in some of our fellow human beings (especially among the elite).

Author's Note:

     The above text first appeared in my July 2021 article "Questions for Sam Seder on Euthanasia and Health Care, Environment and Immigration, General Welfare, and Law Without the State". That article can be viewed at the following address:

Post-Script (Written October 8th, 2021):

     Readers should be cautioned that apocalyptic cult leaders, such as David Berg (the now deceased leader of the Children of God cult), are wont to cite the biblical mentions of the incestuous offspring of Cain and Lot, in order to claim that there is a biblical or religious justification for incestuous acts including child rape.
     There is no justification whatsoever, for incest, nor child rape, nor the use of religion in order to convert followers (i.e., "Flirty Fishing", which is a distortion of Christ's "I will make fishers of men" quotation).
     It is for this reason - and for the sake of decency regarding how children are raised - that God, Jesus Christ, angels, and cherubs, must never be sexualized, nor confused with one another (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

Original article Written on
July 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, and 14th, 2021

This segment edited on September 21st, 2021

Published on September 21st, 2021

Post-Script Written and Added on
October 8th, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thirty Historical Events That Never Happened (or Didn't Happen the Way We Were Taught They Did)

     Many events that we were taught about in history class as children, have been distorted; by the rose-colored glasses through which the American, capitalist, imperialistic public school system chooses to see them, and wishes its servants to see them. This is done in order to elicit national pride, and to do away with the qualms we have about submitting to that system.
     Here is a list of thirty historical events - between 1916 and 2018 - that either never happened, or else happened in a completely different way from how we were told they unfolded.

     Myth #1:

     The evil sorcerer Grigory Rasputin cursed the Romanov family in December 1916.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Rasputin did not curse the family. Rather, he predicted his own death, and said that the Romanovs would die if Rasputin's death was caused by the Romanovs' kinsmen.
     Moreover, Rasputin was not evil, nor a sorcerer, but a monk, a medicine man and healer, a holy man, a horse whisperer, and a person intimately concerned with the struggles of poor and Jewish people in Russia, as well as with the bleeding disease hemophilia, from which Alexei Romanov suffered.
     The extent to which there was a falling-out between Rasputin and the Tsar has been greatly exaggerated. It's entirely possible that the Tsar only sent Rasputin away on a pilgrimage - temporarily, not permanently - due to the immense pressure he felt from his other advisors to do so.


     For more information, read my August 2019 article "Why Some Believe Anastasia Survived, and Other Strange Facts About the Romanovs and Rasputin":

     Myth #2:

     Vladimir Lenin took over Russia for communism, 1917-1924.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Kaiser Wilhelm II, the first cousin of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, financed Lenin's move from Switzerland to St. Petersburg in early 1917. Furthermore, the Soviet Union never achieved full communism, but only significant collectivization of agriculture.

     Myth #3:

     The U.S.S.R. was established in 1917-1918.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The U.S.S.R. was not established until 1922. The entity that took over Russia in 1917-1918 was the R.S.F.S.R. (the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic).

     Myth #4:

     The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg was stormed in 1917.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The "storming of the winter palace" was not a real historical event, but rather a "mass spectacle" which was staged by Russians for propaganda purposes in 1920. Tsar Nicholas II was not removed through an overnight coup wherein huge masses of people stormed the palace; rather, he was forced to abdicate, and then Alexander Kerensky's Provisional Government was elected. The Romanovs were allowed to take many of their belongings with them when they left Tsarskoe Selo (the Tsar's palace); they were not rushed out and forced to flee overnight.

     Myth #5:

     Anastasia and Alexei Romanov were murdered with the rest of their family in July 1917.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The fact that Alexei's corpse, and the corpse of Anastasia or one of her sisters, weren't discovered until 2006, suggests that Anastasia and Alexei may not have been murdered along with the rest of their family in July 1917. The book The Myth of the Basement Massacre explains that all members of the family might not have even been shot in the same room.

     For more information, read my August 2019 article "Why Some Believe Anastasia Survived, and Other Strange Facts About the Romanovs and Rasputin":

     Myth #6:

     Stalinists sabotaged the Spanish republican revolution from 1936 to 1939.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The idea that Stalinists sabotaged the Spanish revolution on purpose, was the opinion of Leon Trotsky and others. But this is not so.
     The Stalinists provided military aid to the Spanish republicans, in exchange for a set of conditions. These included allowing the Soviets to gain influence over military operations in Spain, and the imposition of labor discipline, and the provisions that soldiers may not become drunk (because it would lower their guards when they needed to be ready to fight). Another cause of the Spanish resistance wearing-down was that the republican soldiers had so much democratic power that they could vote their commanding officers out of power. To the Stalinists, who sent them military aid (albeit delayed and insufficient), this was intolerable. Another reason why the Stalinists cannot be blamed for sabotaging the republicans' efforts, is that the Soviets needed to save military equipment for themselves, having tens of millions more people to protect than the Spanish did.

     For more information, read my February 2018 article "Reflection Upon the Use of Forced Labor Camps by Anarchists and Communists":

     Myth #7:

     Josef Stalin capitulated to Nazism in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in August 1939.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Stalin did not allow the Nazis to gain control of Soviet territory, nor control of its soldiers. Stalin's U.S.S.R. was the last country to attempt a treaty with the Nazis, after nearly every single country in Europe had already capitulated, and handed territory over to Germany. Stalin knew that Hitler would eventually violate the treaty. Making a deal with Hitler allowed the Soviets to buy time, move industries eastward, and trade the Nazis the weapons and materiel they needed to eventually destroy each other. Stalin's regime could be described as a dictatorship, and perhaps even as anti-Semitic (especially in the last three years of Stalin's reign), but those facts alone do not mean that it was fascist; certainly not Nazi.

     For more information, read my April 2019 article "Stalin Killed Fewer People Than Hitler Did, and How Stalin Tricked Hitler with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact":

     Myth #8:

     The Nazis and Soviets held a joint military parade in Brest-Litovsk in September 1939.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Brest and Litovsk are not now - and were not then - a single city called "Brest-Litovsk". Rather, they are two cities; the then German city of Brest, and the Soviet Russian city of Litovsk. The military "parade" was not a single joint military parade, but two different parades; one held in Brest, the other in Litovsk. The militaries did meet, but there was uneasy tension between them. Also, they did not collaborate, nor help train one another. The Soviet training of the German air force ended in 1933, the same year Hitler took power. The cities of Brest and Litovsk are now located in the country of Belarus.

     Myth #9:

     The Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The Soviet Union's takeover of eastern Poland, in late September 1939, followed the Nazis' takeover of western Poland by a full two weeks. The Soviet Union arguably "invaded" eastern Poland in order to protect it from becoming occupied by the Nazis, and because the Nazis had recognized eastern Poland as within the Soviet sphere of influence in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Later, the Soviets salted the earth in eastern Poland as they retreated, but this was done in order to make the land less valuable to the Nazis, not as an act of war against the Polish people.

     For more information, read my April 2019 article "Stalin Killed Fewer People Than Hitler Did, and How Stalin Tricked Hitler with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact":

     Myth #10:

     Poles were targeted for genocide in the Katyn Forest Massacre in March 1940.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The twenty-two thousand Poles killed in the Katyn Forest Massacre were not targeted due to their ethnicity; they were targeted specifically because they were military officers, who had been given opportunities to give up information about the locations of enemy Nazi troops, and refused to collaborate with the Soviets against the Nazis. Less than a thousand of those killed were civilian noncombatants.

     For more information, read my April 2019 article "Stalin Killed Fewer People Than Hitler Did, and How Stalin Tricked Hitler with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact":

     Myth #11:

     The Japanese shot first in the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7th, 1941.

     Why It's a Myth:

     A Japanese submarine snuck into Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7th, 1941. When that submarine was discovered, a U.S. naval officer fired the first shot in the Pacific theater, killing the Japanese submariner inside. The wreckage of that sub was discovered decades later, and reported in the New York Times.

     Myth #12:

     Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Hawai'i was not one of the United States during the attack on Pearl Harbor; it was a territory of the United States, and was considered as "belonging" to the United States at the time. Hawai'i did not become a state until eighteen years later in 1959.

     Source: Daniel Immerwahr's "How to Hide an Empire"

     Myth #13:

     Pearl Harbor was the only Japanese attack on American targets during World War II, December 7th, 1941.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Japan also attacked Wake Island, Guam, and the Philippines on that day.

     Source: Daniel Immerwahr's "How to Hide an Empire"

     Myth #14:

     The Pearl Harbor attack of December 7th, 1941 was the only successful attack on U.S. military forces during World War II.

     Why It's a Myth:

     On April 8th, 1942, German U-Boats successfully sank three American ships, with torpedoes, off the coast of St. Simons Island, near Georgia. These ships included the oil tanker Oklahoma, and the Esso Baton Rouge. Twenty-three American crewmen were killed in these attacks.

     Myth #15:

     The Soviets raised their flag over Berlin during the capture of Berlin in early 1945.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The Soviets did assist in the capture of Berlin, but the famous photo of Soviet troops raising their flag, high above the city of Berlin, was staged for propaganda purposes.

     Myth #16:

     Japan refused to surrender to all Allied Forces in August 1945.

     Why It's a Myth:

     The reason Japan refused to surrender, during its first opportunity to do so, was that the U.S.S.R. was not a signatory of the Allied Forces' invitation to surrender. The Soviet Union did not declare war on Japan until August 11th, 1945; two days after the American bombing of Nagasaki.

     Myth #17:

     Mao Tse Tung took over China for communism on October 1st, 1949.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Mao's "revolution" was backed by Western financial interests; he was funded by the "C.I.A. at Yale" (i.e., segments of Yale University which were involved with the Office of Strategic Services, which later morphed into the C.I.A.). This occurred after the U.S. backed the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-Shek, which Mao deposed. Additionally, there is debate over whether China ever achieved full communism, and debate over how in-control of China's revolutionary forces Mao was.


     Myth #18:

     Capitalists formed the resistance to the Soviet invasion of Hungary in October 1956.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Hungarian socialist workers, whom were opposed to the Soviet system, formed the resistance to the Soviet invasion; not capitalists.

     Myth #19:

     John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a single bullet, fired by a single assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, on November 22nd, 1963.

     Why It's a Myth:

     John F. Kennedy was shot by at least two bullets that day. Oswald claimed that he was a "patsy" (that is, a pawn or "fall-guy") between his arrest and his own murder. Some theories assert that it took an entire team, of as many as eight people, to carry out the assassination. Also, the single-bullet theory (or "magic bullet theory") is impossible; for one, magic isn't real, and two, a bullet cannot take a turn in mid-air between penetrating the body of Texas Governor John Connally and entering J.F.K.'s body.

     Myth #20:

     "Tank Man" stopped a line of Chinese tanks with the intent of preventing them from continuing to oppress the Chinese people at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on June 5th, 1989.

     Why It's a Myth:

     "Tank Man" stood in front of a row of tanks because he wanted the tanks to stay in Tiananmen Square; not to prevent them from continuing to oppress the Chinese people.

     For more information, read my June 2019 article "Eight Things You Might Not Know About the Tiananmen Square Massacre", at the following link:

     Myth #21:

     Iraqi soldiers threw hundreds of babies out of incubators, and stole the incubators, in 1990, during Iraq's attack on Kuwait.

     Why It's a Myth:

     This claim was made by 15-year-old Nayirah al-Sabah, in what came to be known as the "Nayirah testimony", delivered to the U.S. Congressional Human Rights Caucus on October 10th, 1990. In 1992, she was revealed to be the daughter of U.S. Ambassador to Kuwait, Saud al-Sabah. Premature babies did die during Iraq's attack on Kuwait, but Nayirah's claim that "hundreds" of babies were thrown out of incubators, which were stolen, could not be verified.

     Myth #22:

     The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were committed by Muslim members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

     Why It's a Myth:

     For one, al-Qaeda is a database of U.S.-backed Afghan militants, which America has kept as a bulwark against the Soviets since the late 1970s. Second, the first bombing of the World Trade Center (in 1993) was reportedly spearheaded by Ramzi Yousef, who had apparently been plied into committing the attacks with alcohol and strippers, hardly the behavior of a devout Muslim; therefore, the narrative about "radicalized Muslims committing 9/11" is dubious. Third, numerous evidence exists which supports the presence of Israeli footprints during and after 9/11, such as the "dancing Israelis" seen celebrating the attacks, and the numerous American Zionists who were in power beneath George W. Bush when the attacks occurred.

     Myth #23:

     The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were the first successful attacks on a U.S. military target since Pearl Harbor.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Although the Pentagon was targeted on 9/11, it was not the first successful attack on a U.S. military target since Pearl Harbor in 1941. As explained above, twenty-three U.S. sailors were killed by German U-Boats off the coast of the state of Georgia in 1942. Also, the U.S.S. Cole was bombed on October 12th, 2000, in an attack for which al Qaeda supposedly claimed responsibility. Other U.S. navy ships have been targeted as well, including the U.S.S. Stark incident in 1987 (carried out by Iraq), and the U.S.S. Liberty incident in 1967 (carried out by the State of Israel). The attacks of 9/11 could be described as the first successful attacks on a U.S. military target on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, but not as the first successful attacks on a U.S. military target in general since Pearl Harbor.

     Myth #24:

     The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were the only attacks against U.S. military targets committed by a foreign country since the end of World War II. / Muslims or Afghanistan "declared war on the United States" on 9/11.

     Why It's a Myth:

     There is no evidence that any particular national government planned or carried out the 9/11 attacks (unless you count the State of Israel). In 2001, the Afghani Taliban hardly had the resources to carry out such an attack, and there is no concrete evidence that Afghanistan was harboring Osama bin Laden (despite its claims that it wished to turn bin Laden over to the United States). It's possible that the U.K., Saudi Arabia, Israel, and/or Pakistan had advanced knowledge of the attacks - or even participated in committing them - but they could have not done so without knowledge by, and help from, the United States. The 9/11 attacks were thus not an act of war, because no single foreign national government committed the attack without U.S. complicity (or at least foreknowledge).

     Myth #25:

     The Afghan Taliban sheltered Osama bin Laden in late 2001.

     Why It's a Myth:

     On October 3rd, 2001, the Chicago Tribune published an article titled "Taliban maintains refusal to turn over bin Laden".

     On October 14th, 2001, The Guardian published an article titled "Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand bin Laden over".

     Well, which is it? Did the Taliban offer to turn bin Laden over to American authorities, or didn't they? If both articles above are correct, then if this did happen, then it must have happened between October 3rd and 14th.
     The Guardian article says that Haji Abdul Kabir, "the third most powerful figure" in the Taliban in Afghanistan, said that the Taliban "would be ready to hand him over to a third country" if they found evidence that bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks.

     It's possible that bin Laden was in Afghanistan in late 2001, as American authorities claimed. But the fact that bin Laden was reportedly killed in Pakistan (in a town called Abbottabad) in 2011, suggests the possibility that bin Laden was never in Afghanistan to begin with.
     The fact that opium production dropped the year before 9/11, and skyrocketed back up again after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, suggests that opium poppies (as well as lithium deposits, and perhaps also the country's underage male sex trade) were the real reasons behind America's invasion of Afghanistan, rather than getting bin Laden.
     Moreover, bin Laden's father had business ties to the Bush family. It's probably more likely that bin Laden was an intelligence asset of the United States, than Afghanistan.

     Myth #26:

     The World Trade Center collapsed on September 11th, 2001 because its steel was melted by jet fuel.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Burning jet fuel is hot enough to melt steel beams in a manner that weakens them, but not hot enough to cause them to collapse on its own. Witnesses reported seeing construction crews enter the World Trade Center in the several weeks leading up to the attack. Physical evidence has confirmed that electric charges were placed on many of the steel beams near a 45-degree angle, allowing the top portions of the beams to slide off of the bottom portions. Numerous videos show that the towers fell nearly at free-fall speed, which is commensurate with what happens during a controlled demolition. Towers 1 and 2 may have been destroyed in a controlled demolition because Building 7 was indisputably demolished intentionally. We know this because World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein admitted that he told firefighters, "pull it" after World Trade Center Building 7 underwent significant fire damage.

     Myth #27:

     The Pentagon was hit by a plane on September 11th, 2001.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Only five frames of film show an object hitting the Pentagon. None of those five frames show an object large enough to be a plane. All other video tapes were confiscated by the government from local convenience stores and gas stations. Numerous theories suggest that a missile hit the Pentagon rather than a plane. No airplane wreckage was ever recovered from the Pentagon. The hole in the Pentagon was too small and too neat to have been caused by an airplane with wings. For a plane to have hit the Pentagon, it would have had to fly over a highway, where it would have been seen by hundreds of people.

     Myth #28:

     Saddam Hussein's Iraq had W.M.D.s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in 2003.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Despite the persistent claims of some supporters of the second Iraq War - years after that war ended - that Saddam Hussein allowed W.M.D.s to be smuggled out of Iraq, and into neighboring countries, before the U.S. was able to invade, no weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. Granted, Hussein gassed Kurds with mustard gas and nerve agents in Halabja in 1985, but that was the same year that America ceased arming Iran exclusively, and began arming both sides of the Iraqi-Iranian War (which lasted from 1981 to 1989). It's possible that the U.S. not only supplied Hussein with the gas, but in fact wanted him to commit those attacks against the Kurds in northern Iraq (whom were allied with Iran at the time). U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell famously held up a vial of anthrax to urge the world to support the war, but that vial was only a model vial, and did not contain real anthrax, much less anthrax from Iraq. Moreover, the documents which indicated that Hussein sought to purchase "yellowcake" uranium from Niger, were later shown to have been forgeries, obtained through officials in Italy, France, and the U.K..

     Myth #29:

     Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro burned trucks loaded with aid on a bridge connecting Colombia and Venezuela in March 2019.

     Why It's a Myth:

     In March 2019, a top member of the opposition to Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro told The New York Times that Maduro's forces had intentionally set fire to a convoy full of humanitarian aid (consisting of food and medicine), on the Francisco de Paula Santander Bridge between Colombia and Venezuela. Critics of Maduro claimed that Maduro ordered the convoy to be set on fire. Shortly thereafter, The New York Times retracted this story, after video footage and eyewitness accounts emerged, which showed that the convoy caught fire when it was hit with a Molotov cocktail. That makeshift bomb was thrown by a member of the opposition to Maduro, not by one of Maduro's supporters.

     Myth #30:

     A "migrant caravan", with Muslim jihadists hidden in its midst, sought to invade the United States in 2018.

     Why It's a Myth:

     Then-president Donald Trump claimed that "unidentified Middle Easterners" were among the Central American caravan of migrants which Fox News repeated was traveling through Mexico to the United States between March and October of 2018. Most of these migrants - about 80% - were from Honduras. No evidence exists to support the claim that "Middle Easterners", nor "jihadists", were taking refuge among the caravan. President Trump exaggerated the fact that many people in the caravan were "military-age males", leading people to believe that militant Muslims constituted a significant segment of the caravan's members. Trump likely did this in order to increase diplomatic tension between the U.S. and its close Central American neighbors, to pressure Mexico into supporting the continued construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and to justify the use of U.S. military forces against the caravan and against countries appearing to assist it.

Written and published on September 9th, 2021

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Eight Reasons Why Left-Leaning Voters Should Stop Touting the Legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt

      How corrupt, racist, and elitist our 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was, seems to have seriously evaded the notice of most American voters who describe themselves as liberals, progressives, and Democrats.
     Most of F.D.R.'s most popular achievements - like the "end" of child labor, the 40-hour work-week, and Social Security old-age and retirement benefits - should be credited to F.D.R.'s Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins, rather than to Roosevelt himself.
     But that aside, F.D.R. - and his advisor Henry Stimson - made some horrendous wartime decisions, most of which, liberals and modern Democrats seem to have completely forgotten.

     Let's review. We're talking about a man:

     1. Who imprisoned over 110,000 Japanese-Americans who did nothing wrong, nor criminal, of their own volition. Their only "crime" was the accident of being related to their former countrymen back home in Japan.
     Think about what it means, from the perspective of the Japanese, for the United States (under F.D.R.) to intern 110,000 innocent American citizens in good standing with the law. Imagine that you attack a country. Imagine that that country responds by placing all of your emigrants as prisoners of war. Imagine that the enemy country allows children (for example, Star Trek actor George Takei) to grow up as if they were prisoners and common criminals.
     This would give you all the reason to keep the war going, and - at that - longer than it needs to go on! You would have every reason to not only fight that country in the air and at sea, but additionally to mount a full-scale land invasion on that country, for the purposes of setting those 110,000 people free!
     Franklin D. Roosevelt thus arguably kept World War II going, for much longer than it "had to" go on, by imprisoning those innocent people.
     The fact that this was done in the interest of national security - and Bill Clinton's formal apology to Fred Korematsu - do not matter. The United States is a country of laws, and the Fourth Amendment should have prevented F.D.R.'s orders to exclude Japanese-Americans from the West Coast Military Area from ever becoming law in the first place. In fact, because the Fourth Amendment is still in place, those orders were never valid laws in the first place. Which is why they were struck down in Korematsu v. U.S..

     2. Who authorized the internment of thousands of German-Americans and Italian-Americans.
     Eleven thousand German-Americans and nearly two thousand Italian-Americans were unlawfully detained during World War II. The fact that they were white, and that Japanese-Americans were detained too, does not make this "equal misery" (to paraphrase a quote by Winston Churchill) acceptable, nor sufferable. It was wrong then, and it would be wrong now.

     3. Who listened to the advice of Secretary of War Henry Stimson, when Stimson advised him not to bomb the train tracks which led to the Auschwitz cluster of several dozen forced labor, concentration, and extermination camps.
     The fact that it would have been dangerous to fly U.S. Air Force bomber planes over the area, is no excuse for shelving the plan to bomb the tracks leading to Auschwitz. The fact that Air Force planes risked being shelled by the Nazis' surface-to-air missiles, is no excuse.
     If the U.S. Military used "it's too dangerous" as an excuse all the time, then it never would have fought World War II to begin with. If the plan was made, then it should have been attempted. If it had been attempted and then it had failed, then it should have been attempted a second time (and, if necessary, a third time).
     The U.S. Military does not award anybody a medal for lack of bravery or lack of courage.
     Henry Stimson advised F.D.R. against attempting this plan, not because it probably wouldn't have worked, but because Henry Stimson was an anti-Semite. How do I know this?

     4. Listened to Henry Stimson another time - prior to the shelving of the Auschwitz plan - when Stimson advised against allowing a ship full of Jewish refugees into the United States.
     The M.S. St. Louis held about 900 passengers, the vast majority of them Jewish refugees from Europe who were trying to escape from the Nazis. When the so-called "Ship of the Damned" arrived in Cuba, passengers discovered that they had been sold fraudulent tickets, and were not allowed to disembark.
     The ship was unable to unload passengers, who turned to the United States out of desperation. After Stimson advised F.D.R. against allowing the passengers to disembark in the United States, the ship sailed to Canada, and unloaded about 600 passengers.
     The ship was eventually forced to return to Nazi-occupied Europe with 300 passengers in tow. The majority of them were murdered at the hands of the Nazis.

     5. Who was not some poor boy, nor a dirt farmer, nor a union organizer, but a nepotist, being a cousin of former President Theodore Roosevelt.
     Teddy Roosevelt had previously served as President of the United States for nearly eight years. Teddy Roosevelt was no saint himself, having served as a general out west, massacring Indians, and as Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
     Another relative of theirs - Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. (born in 1916) - helped found the Office of Strategic Services (which eventually morphed into what is now the C.I.A.), and led America's coup against the democratically elected leader of Iran, Muhammad Mosaddegh, in 1953.
     Franklin D. Roosevelt also married his own cousin, Eleanor.
     Franklin D. Roosevelt is treated by Democrats today, as George W. Bush was treated by Republicans in the early 2000s; as a self-made man who pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and made a name for himself out of nothing. Nothing could be further from the truth.
     F.D.R. was nothing more than a spoiled, power-hungry elitist, who rode on the back of his cousin Teddy's accomplishments. Aside from being a nepotistic cousin-fucker whose parents were sixth-cousins.

     6. Who was the governor of the State of New York, prior to becoming president.
     F.D.R. served as governor of New York from 1929 to 1932. Before that, he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy (like his relative Teddy), and prior to that, he served in the New York State Legislature. Before that, he was a lawyer.
     Moreover, F.D.R.'s father James was a businessman and a horse breeder. James once took Franklin to meet Grover Cleveland while Cleveland was president. In fact, Cleveland told Franklin that he hoped Franklin would never become president.
     F.D.R. grew up playing polo and tennis, and received a free sailboat from his father at the age of sixteen. It would probably be fair to conclude that F.D.R. never performed a day of honest hard work in his whole life.

     7. Whose legacy was based on the myth that wartime spending can get a country out of a recession without many negative consequences.
     Sure, the United States emerged from World War II as the wealthiest country on the face of the Earth. But that was arguably due only to the facts that the other developed countries of the world were thoroughly bombed to rubble during the conflict, and because the U.S. was so far geographically removed from the other Allied nations that it never suffered significant military attacks.
     The U.S. may have recovered from the losses it suffered during World War II. But the number of people paying federal income taxes skyrocketed (from 7% to 64%) from 1940 to 1944. To the extent to which high income taxes discourage people from working and earning more, the economy has never recovered (in that regard). That number now sits at 44%.
     Additionally, the country has never recovered from the increased militarism which was brought about by its second major involvement in an international military conflagration. Prior to that, the U.S. had been relatively uninvolved in wars (that is, if you don't count its colonialism in the Philippines, Hawaii, and elsewhere). The people who settled America sailed across an entire ocean for a reason; to get away from Europe, its kings, and its endless conflicts (including religious wars).

     8. Was not an honest public servant, but rather, someone who knew how to do the bare minimum of what was required, in order to keep his power and his job. Richard Nixon could be described the same way.
     F.D.R. is credited for having lifted people out of poverty. But this came at the expense of the freedom of the interned Japanese, German, and Italian Americans. It came at the expense of forgetting the contributions of people like Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, and the legislators who wrote the laws that F.D.R. merely enforced.
     F.D.R.'s successes came at the expense of a legacy wherein modern-day Democrats "vote blue no matter who", despite all the indications that the Democratic Party is no longer interested in helping anybody other than wealthy professionals who live in wealthy suburbs which are growing so quickly that they resemble cancerous tumors on the face of the Earth more than they resemble livable human settlements.

     Don't even get me started on F.D.R.'s mischaracterization of the Philippines and Hawaii as if they were "American" in late 1941, in order to excuse American military involvement in the Pacific theater of World War II.
     For more information on this, please watch Daniel Immerwahr's presentation "How to Hide an Empire", available at the following link:
     Or read this article on the same topic:

     Or his confiscation of gold from American citizens, after which he turned around and sold the gold to big banks at a 28% profit.

     Or his refusal to meet (or "snubbing") of African-American Olympic champion runner Jesse Owens, which genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler didn't even have the gall to do.

Based on a post titled
"Franklin D. Roosevelt Was an Elitist,
and He and His Adviser Henry Stimson
Were Anti-Semitic War Criminals",
originally posted to Facebook on August 8th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on September 9th, 2021

Originally published to this blog on September 9th, 2021

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...