Friday, April 30, 2021

Where the Federal Government Gets its Supposed Authority to Over-Regulate Health, Drugs, Travel, and Immigration

      I created this infographic to show how the original powers, delegated to the Congress through the Constitution, have been repeatedly abused, to allow more and more arguably unconstitutional federal intervention on health, drugs, travel, and immigration.
     This has been justified, juridically, by the notions that these interventions are necessary and proper, and by the ever-loosening interpretation of the meaning of the General Welfare Clause and the interstate Commerce Clause.

     This infographic may also serve as a teaching tool, to show how many of Congress's newer powers, were justified. The chart shows, in part, that the need for government to monopolize defense, courts, and buildings essential to defense and courts, was used to excuse increased ownership and management of interior lands by the federal government.
     Then - while patents began to grow longer, and immigration restrictions became more unreasonable and racialist, and interstate travel became more restricted - expansion of government land management was predicated on the idea that the government could engage in more agriculture (and create a U.S.D.A.) in order to justify keeping those lands.
     All of this led to the current mess of plant D.N.A. patenting lawsuits, medical hoarding by government, and ridiculous Covid-related restrictions, which we are seeing today.
     But we should be under no illusion; none of this is constitutional. We must get rid of Phase 2 through 6 laws as soon as possible.

     After reading the title, and the key, start reading this chart from the bottom (i.e., Phase 1). Then read Phase 2, Phase 3, and so on, to get a sense of how previous legitimate powers went on to be inappropriately construed to justify more egregious, unreasonable, and violent policies regarding the topics at hand.

Click, open in new tab or window, and download,
to see in full resolution

Created on April 28th and 30th, 2021

Published on April 30th, 2021

Edited on May 3rd, 2021

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Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

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