Friday, April 16, 2021

Video on Land Value Taxation to Be Included in Waukegan City Council Livestream on April 19th, 2021

     Original post, written and published on April 16th, 2021:

      The links below lead to the YouTube channel WaukeganTV.

     At 7 P.M. Central Standard Time, on Monday, April 19th, 2021, the Waukegan City Council will hold a meeting that will be livestreamed at one of the addresses above. I recommend opening both links right before 7:00, and then looking for anything that says "livestream".
     That broadcast will include a video I made regarding how Land Value Taxation could fix Waukegan's tax problems. That video is already available on YouTube, and will remain available, at the link below.

     For viewers in Lake County, the live broadcast of the Waukegan City Council meeting can be seen on local Comcast channel 17.

     The three-minute video is based on my recent research on property taxes and other topics. You can read that research at the following links:

     Post-Script, added on April 19th, 2021:

     The meeting was broadcast on the link below, but without audio. As of the evening of April 19th, the video can be accessed at this link (without audio), between the 2:26:16 and 2:32:00 marks.

     Audio will be added to that WaukeganTV YouTube video at a later point. Updates will be available here shortly.

     Post-Script, added on April 23rd, 2021:

     The full meeting, edited for time and including the audio from my video submission, has been posted to WaukeganTV's YouTube channel. It is available at the link below:

     Watch from 21:00 to 24:00 to see my video, or watch from 20:00 to 25:00 to see what happened in the meeting immediately before and after my video was shown.

Written on April 16th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on April 19th and 23rd, 2021

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