Friday, April 30, 2021

Forty-Eight Badly Needed Reforms to Policing, Drugs, Immigration, and War That Could Save America From a Second Trump Term (Incomplete)

     Americans are increasingly waking up to the fact that Joe Biden is indeed guilty of growing America's prison system.
     The 1994 Clinton crime bill arguably contributed to an increase in disproportionate imprisonment of African-Americans, and caused hundreds of thousands of non-violent offenders to go to prison.
     Although many in the liberal media would have voters believe that Biden regrets his "vote" on the bill, Biden has said he regrets that vote "not one bit". In fact, to characterize Biden's contribution to that bill as merely a vote, is deceptive. Biden wrote the bill.
     If the Biden-Harris Administration doesn't do something to show they're better at dealing with crime than the Trump-Pence Administration was - and if Joe Biden doesn't repeal his signature legislation (the 1994 crime bill) or substantially reform policing in a way that secures the progressives' vote in 2024 - then it's likely that Donald Trump could have a chance at re-election to the presidency.

     Here is a set of forty-eight reforms - to policing, drugs, immigration, and war - that, if implemented by the Biden-Harris Administration, could prevent the re-election of Donald Trump.
     These suggested reforms are organized according to the level of government to which they correspond. Look up your state and federal representatives' phone numbers and e-mail addresses - on,, and the website of your state's election board - to find out whom, and how, to call lawmakers about these issues.

Call your U.S. congressman or U.S. senator to demand that President Biden and his Justice Department:

     1. Issue executive orders and signing statements that will end enforcement of the 1994 crime bill, resulting in the partial or total repeal of the 1994 omnibus crime bill which Joe Biden authored (i.e., the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994).   

     2. Treat federal “mandatory” minimum sentencing guidelines as the optional guidelines they are; regarding them as unconstitutional or at least merely advisory and optional (being that they allow courts to take into account information not covered in the guidelines, and can create ex post facto law problems).     

     3. End the federal funding of S.A.M.H.S.A. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)’s  state drug courts, authorized by Section 509 of the Public Health Service Act.     

     4. Remove cannabis products, opioids, 18-MC, and ibogaine from the list of Schedule I drugs.  

     5. End the scheduling of all drugs that are not extremely toxic to the point where touching them can         cause overdoses.   

     6. Support increased funding for drug addiction-related needs and Covid-related mental health needs.

Call your U.S. senator(s) to demand that they urge President Biden and his Dept. of Homeland Security to:

     7. Prohibit V.I.P.R. squads (Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Teams) from searching for drugs, except for drugs which can cause overdoses if touched, and as part of searches following the discovery of evidence indicating intent of committing a real crime against people or property.

     8. Repeal all portions of the Patriot Act which violate due process and/or are not essential to updating laws regarding legal technologies for tracking criminals.  

     9. Prevent U.S. Code Title 6 on Domestic Security (now non-positive law) from becoming positive law.

     10. Direct border guards to replace hot plastic bottles full of water with cold water, instead of knocking them over. 

     11. Pass a law requiring detention facilities to keep sources of drinking water and toilet water at least fifteen feet away from one another, and both available to all detainees.

     12. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security, placing any duties of the I.C.E. and C.B.P. which don’t violate due process, under the authority of a new agency called the Department of Naturalization Regulation Services.

     13. Refrain from using Covid-19 as an excuse to discourage immigration; allow Doctors Without Borders -type organizations, and other volunteer health organizations, to treat refugees at the border.

     14. Train T.S.A. agents to be mindful of their customers’ medical needs and limitations.    

     15. End the racist practice of joint U.S.-Israeli police training.

Call your U.S. senator to demand that President Biden and his Defense Department: 

     16. De-fund the L.E.S.O. (Law Enforcement Support Office), ending the 1033 program that put tanks in local police departments.

     17. Cease enforcing the Authorization for the Use of Military Force of 2001 (which authorized the War on Terror), or else call upon Congress to propose legislation which would repeal that law and end the wars.

     18. Verify that the state of emergency over the situation in Korea is not still in place. Demand review of Executive Orders 10195 and 10585 to make sure that E.O. 10195 is not still in effect and was totally ended by E.O. 10585. Additionally, demand review of E.O.s 13466, 13551, 13570, 13687, 13722, and 13810, and consider reversing them or otherwise ceasing to enforce them.

     19. Withdraw troops and contractors from Iraq and Syria.

     20. Deliver on their plan to pull all troops out of Afghanistan by 9/11/21, and don’t leave contractors.

     21. End U.S. involvement in Saudi Arabia’s racist war on Yemen.

     22. Withdraw more troops from Germany than Trump did (12,000) and dismantle Ramstein Air Force Base.

     23. Withdraw troops from South Korea, and dismantle the base at Camp Humphreys.

     24. Dismantle bases in Baghdad, Diego Garcia, and Thule in Greenland, and the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

     25. Unite the Department of Defense with the Department of State, and shift funds from militarism to diplomacy while creating a Department of Peace.

Call your state senator or state assemblyperson to demand that your state’s governor:

     26-29. Nullify the 1994 omnibus crime bill, resulting in:   

          26. One hundred thousand fewer police officers on the street.

          27. An end to the federal subsidization of states to build more prisons.     

          28. The decrease of some drug penalties.

          29. The re-legalization of 19 types of automatic weapons.

     30. Cease enforcing laws against victimless infractions which are based on the Model Penal Code (especially the governors of New York, New Jersey, and Oregon, which have fully implemented it).

     31. Protect the right of self-defense against the deadly and illegal use of police force. Your state courts and police honor the precedent set in Bad Elk v. U.S. (civilian right of self-defense against police using deadly force without a warrant or probable cause). [Notes: This precedent needs to be upheld by the supreme courts of AK, HI, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, UT, AZ, MT, CO, ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, MN, IA, MO, AR, WI, IL, KY, TN, OH, FL, DC, DE, NJ, VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, and ME. A campaign to urge governors J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, Phil Murphy of New Jersey, Gavin Newsom of California, Greg Abbott of Texas, Ron deSantis of Florida, and Mike deWine of Ohio - and Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser, would do the most to protect the  largest African-American populations by state, from unlawful use of police force.]

Call your state senator or state assemblyperson to demand that they:

     32. Author legislation which would bring parole and parole boards back to your state. [Note: OR, CA, AZ, KS, IL, MS, IN, OH, NC, DE, and ME have no parole boards; parole boards need development (or it’s unclear whether there are parole boards) in HI, WA, MT, CO, NM, ND, SD, MN, IA, MO, LA, MI, WV, VA, FL, NY, MD, DC, VT, and MA; and AK, NV, ID, UT, WY, NE, OK, TX, AR, WI, KY, TN, AL, GA, PA, SC, NJ, CT, NH, and RI have active parole boards.]

     33. Author legislation which would replace "beat cops" with "peace officers".

     34. Consider the eight "Eight Can't Wait" measures recommended by Campaign Zero. These are I) banning chokeholds and strangleholds; II) requiring de-escalation; III) requiring warning before shooting; IV) requiring officers to exhaust all alternatives before shooting; V) charging officers witnessing abuse with a duty to intervene; VI) banning shooting at moving vehicles; VII) establishing a a use of force continuum; and VIII) requiring that all force be reported.

     35. Sponsor statutes requiring police to undergo training demanding that they adhere to a strict continuum and rules of engagement regarding justifiable use of police force. First, police should locate the person who called the police and make sure they are safe. Second, the officer should attempt de-escalation. Third, the officer should resort to potentially deadly tasing and macing and pepper-spraying, but only as a "last resort". Firing no more than one or two bullets at a time as a “last last resort” should only be implemented in policing districts where community policing boards enthusiastically want them; while all other communities should consider allowing all or most police officers to have only pepper spray, mace, tasers (all of which can be deadly if used on the wrong person) and work without guns. Additionally - although we should always remember that using a gun is always "shooting to kill" - some "shoot not to kill" (or "shoot to wound") measures should be considered. Officers should be taught that shooting in the legs or arms could cause a suspect to bleed out, and that shooting to graze the shoulder or the surface of the stomach is less likely to cause a mortal injury.

     36. Sponsor statutes requiring police training to include testing that reminds them that some of the people they will encounter are sick, old, feeble, autistic, handicapped, or of limited mobility, or may be wearing headphones, or may be otherwise unable to hear and comply with officers’ commands.

     37. Sponsor statutes requiring police to wear cameras that face the officer as well as the suspect, which cannot be switched off by officers until their end of their shift

     38. Help legalize the filming and recording of police officers, through repealing two-party consent laws and replacing them with one-party consent laws. Thirty-five states have one-party consent laws, while five are solid two-party consent states, and ten have a mix. States should consider 1) not requiring consent from any civilian, for recording, when there is no reason to expect privacy, 2) not requiring consent from officers to be recorded, and only requiring consent from one civilian and notification of the officer, in order to use the film in court, whether there is no reason to expect privacy or not, and 3) notification of a civilian that they‘re being recorded when or where there is a reason to expect privacy.

     39. Sponsor laws, on policing and health and insurance, that protect suspects’ rights to refuse to submit to forced blood draws, and nurses’ rights to refuse to draw blood from unconscious patients.

     40. Sponsor legislation ending qualified immunity in your state (needed in all states but CO & NM).

     41. Sponsor statutes prohibiting the police from “having sex with” (raping) people in custody. [Note: These laws are needed in NV, ID, MT, WY, CO, NM, SD, NE, KS, TX, MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, WI, IL, MS, KY, TN, AL, MI, WV, VA, SC, NY, PA, MD, DC, DE, VT, NH, MA, RI, and ME]

     42. Sponsor “Ban the Box” -type legislation at the state level, so people who have paid their debt to society can get jobs without disclosing their previous status, and rejoin society in productivity and financial independence. [Note: AK, NV, ID, UT, AZ, MT, WY, ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, IA, MO, AR, LA, WI, MS, MI, IN, KY, TN, AL, OH, GA, FL, WV, SC, NY, PA, VA, NC, MD, DE, CT, NH, and ME currently lack Ban the Box laws.]

     43. Will inform voters that the 15th Amendment protects the right to vote regardless of previous condition of servitude (which includes involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime; i.e., modern-day slavery in prisons) and regardless of whether one lacks identification or an address (due to the prohibition on poll taxes), and that 14th Amendment incorporation requires the states to follow suit. [Note: AK, HI, WA, ID, UT, AZ, MT, WY, CO, NM, ND, SD, OK, MA, and DC may still not have adopted the 15th Amendment].

     44. Will support efforts to allow ex-offenders who have served their sentences, to vote. [Note: AK, HI, OR, ID, UT, MT, CO, NM, ND, KS, OK, TX, MN, MO, AR, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, GA, SC, WV, DC, PA, NJ, VT, NH, MA, CT, RI, and ME currently allow people to resume voting, automatically or through applying to vote, upon release. WA, CA, AZ, WY, SD, NE, IA, LA, MS, KY, TN, AL, VA, NC, FL, MD, DE, NY either ban voting by ex-offenders, or else require governors‘ pardons, waiting, and/or the paying of fines or fees, in order to vote.] 

     45. Support reforms to policing which follow Campaign Zero’s 10 recommendations (end broken windows policing, community oversight, limit use of force, independently investigate and prosecute, community representation, body cameras, training, ending for-profit policing, demilitarization, and fair police union contracts).

     46. Support the repeal of laws which needlessly and irresponsibly criminalize homelessness (such as laws against camping, panhandling, hitchhiking, fishing, owning too many possessions, public inebriation, etc.)

     47. Support the repeal of unnecessary limitations on access to libraries, parks, beaches, and food pantries on account of a person’s zip code.

     48. Look to the coercive control laws of Ireland as a model on which to build state statutes protecting domestic abuse victims from having their finances and other important decisions controlled by abusers.

Created on April 28th and 30th, 2021

Originally Published on April 30th, 2021
under the title "Forty-Three Badly Needed Reforms to Policing, Drugs, and War
That Could Save America From a Second Trump Term"

Edited and Expanded on May 3rd, 4th, and 8th 2021

Where the Federal Government Gets its Supposed Authority to Over-Regulate Health, Drugs, Travel, and Immigration

      I created this infographic to show how the original powers, delegated to the Congress through the Constitution, have been repeatedly abused, to allow more and more arguably unconstitutional federal intervention on health, drugs, travel, and immigration.
     This has been justified, juridically, by the notions that these interventions are necessary and proper, and by the ever-loosening interpretation of the meaning of the General Welfare Clause and the interstate Commerce Clause.

     This infographic may also serve as a teaching tool, to show how many of Congress's newer powers, were justified. The chart shows, in part, that the need for government to monopolize defense, courts, and buildings essential to defense and courts, was used to excuse increased ownership and management of interior lands by the federal government.
     Then - while patents began to grow longer, and immigration restrictions became more unreasonable and racialist, and interstate travel became more restricted - expansion of government land management was predicated on the idea that the government could engage in more agriculture (and create a U.S.D.A.) in order to justify keeping those lands.
     All of this led to the current mess of plant D.N.A. patenting lawsuits, medical hoarding by government, and ridiculous Covid-related restrictions, which we are seeing today.
     But we should be under no illusion; none of this is constitutional. We must get rid of Phase 2 through 6 laws as soon as possible.

     After reading the title, and the key, start reading this chart from the bottom (i.e., Phase 1). Then read Phase 2, Phase 3, and so on, to get a sense of how previous legitimate powers went on to be inappropriately construed to justify more egregious, unreasonable, and violent policies regarding the topics at hand.

Click, open in new tab or window, and download,
to see in full resolution

Created on April 28th and 30th, 2021

Published on April 30th, 2021

Edited on May 3rd, 2021

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Reporting Drs. Michael Feld and Sol Rappaport for Psychiatric Fraud to Illinois Professional Regulators

     The letter below was sent to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (I.D.F.P.R.) on May 5th, 2021. In this letter, I reported Dr. Michael Feld and Dr. Sol Rappaport, for agreeing to be part of my father's attempt to cover-up the fact that, in 2015, I had begun to recover memories of him abusing me when I was a child.
     My father has never seen therapy as potentially helpful, until he found out that I had told my mother that I believed I was recovering memories of my father subjecting me to sexual abuse as a child.

     The first half of this report was written on April 28th, 2021, and the report was expanded on April 30th, 2021 and May 5th, 2021. It was mailed to the I.D.F.P.D. on May 5th, 2021. 
     The remainder of this document consists of research regarding the medication I was prescribed (Abilify) which I wrote in February and March 2021. The full-length version of that document is now provided as a link at the bottom of this article.

     The text below contains several phrases in [brackets]; indicating that the words in brackets were added for clarification after the letter was sent to the I.D.F.P.R.



     My father, Richard Kopsick, reached out to Dr. Feld about me in mid-March 2015, on the advice of Dr. Sol Rappaport.

     My father told Dr. Rappaport that I had "symptoms" of something and was "catatonic". Around this time, my father would shout at me, and I didn’t know whether shouting back, being silent, or speaking softly would make him yell at me less.

     I did not have catatonia. Catatonia involves both irregular speech and irregular movement. Sitting still on my father’s couch is not irregular movement. The way I was talking was not irregular; my father just couldn’t relate to what I was saying.

     My father described me as catatonic, to distract from the fact that he had recently discovered that I had been talking and publishing posts about him and molestation. He knew on February 24th, 2015 – a month before he went to Dr. Rappaport – that I had begun to suspect that he molested me when I was a child.


     My father has routinely screamed at me, picked fights with me, intimidated me, and manipulated me with gifts, for the last 20 years. He has been doing this because he wants to subject me to constant abuse, to make me forget that he molested me when I was age 8 and 9.

     I recovered these memories by myself - without the help of a therapist, meaning there’s no chance of therapist-implanted memories - between 2015 and now.

     In 1995 and 1996, my father tickled me violently on the gray couch in our basement in Lake Bluff, and "tickled me" on my penis, over my clothes, and squeezed my testicles to make me stop screaming. He knew I was trying to escape and pretended he would let me go if I pulled my way out.

     He also partially suffocated me at the time via restraint, making it difficult to remember the abuse (oxygen deprivation). I forgot the abuse some time between the ages of 10-13.


     Despite 1) my father's willingness to speak on my behalf in sessions with Dr. Feld, 2) my father's flat-out denial of what I said even when it wasn't accusative about him; 3) my father's domineering way of treating me, and 4) my hesitancy about talking with Dr. Feld due to the fact that my father was paying for the sessions (meaning Feld would be unlikely to be objective if I were to say I remembered him abusing me),

     Dr. Feld was unable to detect that my father was trying to silence me about something. If I had felt comfortable around Dr. Feld, I would have disclosed that I suspected that I had been molested and was trying to recover memories.

     Instead of welcoming my criticism of my father, Dr. Feld prescribed me Abilify. My father recruited Dr. Rappaport, Dr. Feld, my uncle, and my mother to pressure me into taking Abilify. I never took it because I have never been diagnosed with anything.

     I probably have C.P.T.S.D. from my father's abuse, but Feld never discussed that possibility, nor discussed any disorder with me other than O.D.D. (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), which he told me I didn't have.

     I found out years later that Abilify's makers have been sued for pushing the medication, which has side effects that include reduced inhibitions, and in rare cases, partial paralysis. Abilify is also diagnosed to cure some of the same problems it causes as side effects; namely, dissociation, mania/restlessness, and depression.

     The fact that Abilify can cause partial paralysis, or impairment of the ability to stand up and think clearly and speak clearly, have caused me to suspect that if I had taken Abilify, I might have been rendered unable to remember and/or talk about the memories of abuse that I was trying to recover.

     After my five sessions with Dr. Feld, I found out that my mother's sister specifically warned my father not to have me see Dr. Feld, because he had been accused of having an affair with a past client.

     This is not the kind of psychiatrist that I wanted to open up to, because I was worried that I had been molested as a child and had recently begun experiencing flashbacks to my childhood.


     After the third or fourth of my five visits with Dr. Feld - each of which cost my father $200 - I began to express interest in psychology, since I had discussed the topic with a friend of mine from Wisconsin who has schizophrenia and was molested as a child.

     After I expressed interest in continuing therapy - between the fourth and fifth sessions - my father expressed interest in canceling the fifth session, which had already been scheduled. That fifth session took place in late April or early May 2015.

     My father decided to let me go to the fifth session, but he decided that that would be the last one. Some time, at least several weeks after that fifth session, my father began remembering what happened in a different way, when I would talk to him about it. He has claimed, since mid-2015, that was the one who decided to stop going to see Dr. Feld. That is not what happened.

     As I stated, I wanted to go to the fifth session, and my father did not want me to. The fifth session had been booked, he wanted to cancel it, and I persuaded him not to cancel it. He decided to let me go to the fifth session, that was the last time I saw Dr. Feld, and I was fine with that being our last session.

     My father has lied about how and why I stopped seeing Feld at least twice.

     I say this, however, only as background, to explain what else I want the I.D.F.P.R. to know. During either my fourth or fifth therapy session with Feld, I told him that my father wanted to cease paying for my visits to him.

     Feld pushed back against this, attempting to persuade me to continue scheduling appointments with him. I can't remember all of what Dr. Feld said, but it ended with him bluntly saying, "I want his money" or “I want your dad’s money”.

     I have informed my mother and my current therapist, Dr. Vernice Wright, of this fact. I don't remember whether I've told my father about it.


     I believe that Dr. Michael Feld purposely suppressed my discussion of my father’s mistreatment of me. He did not allow my criticism of my father to go on for too long; he would allow my father to simply deny what I said. Thus I justifiably felt unfree to discuss more serious things my father has done to me (namely, the molestation). Feld never heard anything about molestation.

     I believe that Dr. Feld scammed me and my father, by not letting me discuss the possibility that my father abused me and was controlling my life. I believe that Dr. Feld did this on purpose, in order to avoid criticism of the person paying for the sessions, i.e., my father. Feld suffered from a conflict of interest which he [practically] admitted to me, when he said during the third or fourth session, “I want your dad’s money.” [when I mentioned the possibility of ending the sessions]


     Feld was able to get $1000 out of my father (five $200 sessions) by refraining from verbally recognizing the signs of my father’s manipulative and controlling behavior, and its effect over me. Feld was thus able to avoid risking [discussing] the chance that my father was treating me that way because he didn’t want me talking about the abuse.

     I talked to my ex-girlfriend, and then my mother, about the memories of molestation that had come up, and my father found out. He said I was crazy and tried to put me on antipsychotics after I hadn’t been diagnosed with anything. I didn’t even find out the name of the medication until after my father conscripted my mother to try to persuade me to take it.


     Dr. Feld, and possibly also Dr. Rappaport, not only committed psychiatric fraud; Feld or both of them conspired with my father to drug me with neurotoxic drugs that remove inhibitions and have many side effects, and a wide range of them.

     Dr. Michael Feld should be charged with committing psychiatric fraud for profit, by intentionally causing harm to the patient (me) by allowing my father to speak on my behalf during therapy. He violated the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm in the process.

     Feld should also be charged with participating in a criminal conspiracy to suppress evidence of child molestation, related to my ongoing case with the Lake Bluff Police (and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office), Lake Bluff Police case number 19-13631.

     It’s possible that Sol Rappaport knew that Dr. Feld would not solve my problem.

     Rappaport has been described by past patient, on, as “negligent”, “egotistical”, “minimally present”, having “very little educational experience”, “seeming to be more interested in money than in helping my wife or myself”, and as vindicating the abuser while blaming an innocent spouse.

     Rappaport should be charged with psychiatric fraud, and also with criminal negligence, in allowing a similarly negligent and profit-motivated psychiatrist, Dr. Feld, to solve “my father’s problem” (i.e., the problem of me coming forward about him molesting me as a child).

     The remainder of my letter to the I.D.F.P.R. consists of the psychiatrically relevant excerpts from my research regarding Abilify, which I gathered in February and March 2021 and published to this blog in March 2021 under the title "Abilify and Other [']Atypical Antipsychotics['] Are Overprescribed, Dangerous, and Increase Some Psychotic Symptoms".
     That full article can be read at the following link:


Written and Published on April 28th, 2021
Edited and Expanded on April 30th and May 5th, 2021

Originally Published on April 28th, 2021

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and His Wife Alexandra of Hesse Were Third Cousins, and Were Both Severely Inbred

     The infographic below shows how Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his wife, Alexandra of Hesse, were related.
     It is a smaller version of the infographic I published in my previous article "Proving That the Royal Families of Seven Countries Are Related (and Inbred)", which focuses specifically on Nicky and Alix's parentage and incestuous heritage, rather than how the Romanovs and the seven royal families are interrelated.

     As I explained in my previous article, "Prince Philip's Death Prompts Realization That He and Elizabeth Were Incestuous Imperialists":

     They were third cousins; because both Nicky and Alix were the great-great-grandchildren of King George III of Britain and Ireland.
     Maria Romanov's father, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, was the son of Maria Feodorovna of Denmark, also known as Dagmar. Dagmar's mother was Louise of Hesse-Kassel, the daughter of Louise Charlotte of Denmark. Louise Charlotte's father was George III, and her brother was Prince Edward, Duke of Kent and Stratheam.
     Prince Edward married Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg and Salfield, and they had a daughter who became Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, her first cousin once removed. Their marriage begat Edward VII and Princess Alice. Princess Alice married Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse. Their marriage begat several daughters, including Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine, and Alexandra (who married Tsar Nicholas II and gave birth to Maria).
     Thus, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei Romanov were descended from King George III of England through both their mother's and father's sides of the family.

     Queen Victoria had originally objected to the marriage of Nicholas to her granddaughter Alexandra, but the two married anyway, and had five children, none of them strong enough to be king.
     Probably owing to Nicky and Alix's third-cousins relationship, and to the high probability that the children of incest will inherit recessive genes, Queen Victoria passed hemophilia down to Prince Alexei, through Alexandria and her mother Alice. Alexei's hemophilia caused him to bleed non-stop whenever he was injured, which made the Russian royal family consider turning to Rasputin for help.
     See the link below to see the seven-family royal tree:"


Click, open in new tab, and download, to expand

Created, Written, and Published on April 28th, 2021

Includes an excerpt from an article written on April 15th, 2021
and edited on April 21st and 28th, 2021

Monday, April 26, 2021

Instead of Fighting, Libertarians and Communists Should Be Working Together

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Misconceptions
     I. Markets and Monopolies
     II. The State and Centralism
     III. Economics
     IV. Politics
     V. Environment and Borders
     VI. Self-Regulation of Firms
3. Conclusion


1. Introduction

     Why are libertarians and communists fighting each other instead of working together?

     Karl Marx said that "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". These are not words which you might expect would come out of the mouth of a communist. The quote seems to imply that the collective has a duty to satisfy the individual's needs, and perhaps even his wants. But Marx did say it (in Chapter 2 of The Communist Manifesto).
     It's easy to imagine why individualist anarchist Max Stirner might have agreed with this sentiment. After all, Stirner said "If it is said socialistically, society gives me what I require - then the egoist says, I take what I require."
     Despite Stirner's association with the mostly left-wing Young Hegelians, he has become somewhat of a hero to anarcho-capitalists (possibly owing somewhat to his financially disastrous ownership of a milk shop).
     Marx's pro-individualist statement, and Stirner's popularity among right-libertarians, should cause us to wonder whether libertarians and communists can get along after all, and whether their relationship can be salvaged, and their differences resolved.
     I believe that they can. But first, students of these schools of thought must continue their education, increase their level of discourse with rival schools, and resolve and clarify long-standing misconceptions about the supposed irreconcilability of libertarian and communist thinking on economic and political matters.

2. Misconceptions

     Among those misconceptions are the following.

I. Markets and Monopolies

     Communists shouldn't worry about truly free markets.

     Free markets don't have to result in super-profits or monopolies. The rewards of competition are only permanent when there is a monopoly on the recognition of legitimate property claims (i.e., a state). When the state registers property claims, it promises the legitimate use of force against people who contest other people's property claims. Otherwise, the rewards for competition are permanent and markets are free, all resources would be capable of being competed for, and contested.

     Unnatural monopolies cannot be sustained without willingness to use violence. Without the use of the state as a violent tool of repression, the private sector would have to protect itself, and work to support itself and maintain its own properties. Instead, the private sector colludes with the state to subtly deprive and impoverish people into being "willing" to perform that labor for reduced wages.

     But this "will" is not truly voluntary; it is acceding and begrudging acceptance, when enthusiastic consent should be the standard. Make no mistake, libertarians: wage-theft and wage-slavery are real, and the augmentation of the economic pressure felt by the poor is undeniably coercive - and therefore in violation of the Non-Aggression Principle - because it is being done with the help of the state.

     But not all private-sector entities reap profits. The non-profit sector, and workers' cooperatives, do not reap profits, are largely outside the realms of 
both the public state sector and the for-profit private sector. Non-profits and workers' cooperatives are thus "private" in the sense that they are not state actors, but they could also be described as not private, but only to the extent that "private" implies being in business for profit (which it does not necessarily imply).

II. The State and Centralism

     Lenin clarified in The State and Revolution that Engels was more consistent than Marx about wanting community control rather than state control. Marxists do oppose the state, at least as we now know it (i.e., the bourgeois-controlled ultra-nationalist state). The "state" which the Marxists and Leninists support - and want to replace the current state, and then gradually wither away after revolution - is arguably not a state at all, since it would be comprised of the masses of people acting in voluntary cooperation with one another. This "proletarian state" - a state of affairs in which the people have the power and proliferate freely without fear that their children will become slaves - could hardly be described as either a state, or as any sort of monopoly.

     So communists and libertarians both oppose the state, and centralization, and fascism. Moreover, Lenin also let people trade in markets temporarily during economic crises (i.e., Lenin's New Economic Policy of 1922). Libertarians and communists both support decentralization, as well as geographical political autonomy. The voluntary building of intentional communities, and their secession from larger units of government, therefore furthers both libertarian and communist goals.

III. Economics

     Redistribution doesn't have to be done by the state, and it doesn't have to harm workers or the poor. Redistribution can and should be done through the community, whether it expresses itself as a public sector entity or market entity. But only the ill-gotten wealth of government contractors and artificial monopolies - and what has been legally or illegally stolen from the public or the commons - should be redistributed back to the people.

     Both the communist and libertarian schools of thought are equally tolerant of libertarian Marxism, Murray Bookchin's libertarian communalism, Georgism, geo-libertarianism, Mutualism, voluntary syndicalism, physiocracy, left-wing market-anarchism, platformist anarchism, free-market anti-capitalism, and post-scarcity economics. The Alliance of the Libertarian Left, must take shape, but also heed criticism coming from the libertarian right; while the right heeds the criticism of the Left.

IV. Politics

     Austrian economics and Austromarxism should be taught side by side, because total freedom of choice includes political and economic freedom. Also, market-anarchists like Molinari and Marxist Otto Bauer both promoted panarchism, the freedom to choose your political association without changing your location.

     Libertarians and far-leftists should talk about how the Constitution can be amended. If that doesn't happen, then leftists will scream demands to vote away everyone's right to have guns and private health insurance, without caring whether it's even legal to "force the vote" on a given topic in the first place. Until leftists receive constitutional education from the libertarian right, permanent national reform on health, retirement, education, environment, land management, housing, and energy will be all but impossible.

V. Environment and Borders

     Once libertarians and communists educate one another, they should support the abolition of states and the U.S. Senate, and their replacement with bioregionalist states (such as Cascadia). This will reduce competition over water resources and water regulation, and reduce the need for (and expense involved in maintaining) artificial borders.

     This will in turn reduce interruptions in the flow of commerce, making goods less expensive. A Georgist or Mutualist economy will also drastically reduce taxes on income and sales, decreasing prices even further. Automation, overproduction, and cessation of government hoarding of land and resources, will accelerate this process. Carl Menger’s writing on how abundance results in low prices, makes him essential reading for both left-libertarians and students of Austrian economics.

VI. Self-Regulation of Firms

     “Free market” does not have to mean “not regulated at all”. Consumers are not being allowed to do their part to help keep the markets free, because consumers are not fully free to boycott without government permission.
     Markets regulated through consumers' freedom to refuse to buy a product, would regulate monopolies out of existence, especially in the absence of a state. We currently don't have the freedom to refuse to buy some products, though (namely, identification, and everything that the government bails out and subsidizes, like health insurance).
     This means that our right to boycott is being inhibited unfairly, through the threat of violent enforcement of the law (i.e., of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947), and through the process of taxation and subsidization (i.e., extorting working people for money, and handing their income over to companies they might wish to withhold their money from).
     This must end; Taft-Hartley must be repealed, and subsidies to all for-profit agencies (and possibly some non-profit agencies as well) should cease as soon as possible.
     Self-regulation exists as well; for example, in the form of voluntary recalls.

     The libertarians want society and the economy to be self-regulated, and they want firms to be self-regulating too, if possible. Is that so absurd, communists? When you believe workers' cooperatives can manage themselves just the same?

     Socializing workplaces without the help of the state, and organizing large numbers of individuals to unionize together into a union of private contractors - while demanding the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act, and insisting on the irrelevance of the National Labor Relations Board in permitting or denying strikes - would drastically increase union participation, and recognize the right to boycott again, but without empowering the state. Additionally, it would achieve mass ownership of the means of production which would be held by collectives and cooperatives, while at the same time, that ownership could also be described as "private" (in the sense that those means would not be state-owned).

3. Conclusion

     Without the state, markets would be free from monopolies, and the commons would not be eroded by the public sector inviting-in statism, monopoly, and hoarding of natural resources by "public" politicians and bureaucrats secretly serving private interests which are a mix of their own and their cronies and beneficiaries. Less state interference in society, the market, and the environment will result in a clearer separation of the public and private sectors, and in the growth of additional sectors of which most people are scarcely aware (i.e., the commons, the club sector, and the voluntary / charity / third sector).

     While the Georgists say "Tax land, not man" and "Tax bads, not goods", Lenin's advice is to regulate goods but not people. Although this may seem like the opposite of Georgism, it at least fulfills the libertarians' desire that society go unregulated by external means. And despite these little differences, at least now, we can all agree that something must be taxed and regulated less, but that the centralized state shouldn't do it. We just can't exactly agree on which things should be taxed and regulated less.

     Once society and economic production become uncontrolled by violent state monopolies, "external political governance" (as Lenin put it) will become unnecessary.

     This "withering away of the state" should be our long-term goal, after an era of political upheaval which can either be described as revolutionary, or at least drastic and radical in its degree of reform. Such reform must wholly abolish the monopolistic, territorial, and violent nature of the governing bodies, however, in order to be said to have truly achieved the abolition of the state (inasmuch as it is a local monopoly on the legitimate use of force).

     Disarming and demilitarizing the police (or at least empowering the people to defend themselves and police their own communities in some manner) - in addition to decentralizing political organization, ending unnatural and artificial borders, and ending or reforming illegitimate state governments - will do wonders to start us on the path of abolishing the most egregious abuses which are characteristic of the modern bourgeois nation-state.

     But all of this is only possible - according to the beliefs of both libertarians and communists - once the people become educated enough to regulate themselves and make wiser decisions. We need political, economic, social, and productive technical education. Free development of the individual and the community - and the free development and exchange of libertarian and communist thought - are impossible without them.

Written on April 27th, 2021

Originally posted to the Facebook group
"Communists vs. Libertarians Debate Group"
on April 27th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on April 28th and 30th, 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021

Saturday Night Live Has Aired at Least Fifty-Four Sets of Sketches That Made Light of Pedophilia and Incest

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. List
3. Conclusion


1. Introduction

       The following is a list of fifty-four one-time sketches and recurring sketches, which have been put on by the N.B.C. show Saturday Night Live, and poke fun at either pedophilia, incest, or both.
     This is only a partial list. I have estimated that there have been at least 200 sketches, over the show's history, which made jokes regarding these topics.

     To the show's credit, some of these jokes about pedophilia and child molestation were unobjectionable, such as Norm MacDonald's jokes on Weekend Update that scorned Michael Jackson by constantly reminding the audience that Jackson was a pedophile. But the vast majority of them were of questionable taste.
     The following sketches should cause us to wonder whether the producers and cast were having a little bit too much fun "poking fun at" child molestation. That topic should not be made into a laughing matter lightly.
     I believe that Saturday Night Live's constant, subtle barrage of jokes about child molestation, has served to desensitize the American viewing public to the serious problem of child molestation. This problem ruins people's lives, and can drive people to homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, and suicide. The decision to joke about it should not be made lightly, much less over and over again, as Saturday Night Live has done.

     I have explained, at least a bit, why I feel that the sketches below mock the victims of child molestation and incest. But if, after this, you, the reader, still have any difficulty guessing why these sketches may be offensive, then it may help to keep in mind, while reading this, that many of the sketches mentioned below, feature adults who are dressed up as children, acting out the fantasies which those same immature sketch writers probably hope children and teenagers have.
     Saturday Night Live would, therefore, better be referred to as Age Play Night Live, or Saturnalia Night Live.

2. List

     1. The opening monologue from the episode from the early 1990s which was hosted by Rob Lowe shortly after he made a sex tape with a 16-year-old girl when he was 23 or 24 years old. In the opening monologue, Lowe spoke with Lorne Michaels, Kevin Nealon, and Victoria Jackson, about whether he could survive the scandal. During the monologue, Lowe called the sex tape the best thing that had ever happened to his career.

     2. The recurring "Spartans cheerleaders" sketch - featuring Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri - from the 1990s, which frequently included jokes about puberty and teen sex. These included the chant "sex can wait, masturbate", Christina Ricci as a teenage girl telling a boy that she was going to make him touch her "boobs", and Jim Carrey as a foreign student telling Cheri Oteri's character about his erection.

     3. The recurring "Mary Katherine Gallagher" sketch - featuring Molly Shannon - which was even made into a movie, Superstar, starring Shannon and Will Ferrell. Those sketches nearly always feature Shannon's character sniffing her fingers after putting them under her armpits, and frequently feature other references to Gallagher's puberty or sexual desires. One such sketch featured Jerry Seinfeld - who dated a 17-year-old girl when he was 38 - as Gallagher's love interest.

     4. Larry David's appearance in a 2020 sketch about the Titanic sinking, in which David plays an old man who tries to get into a life boat by saying that a teenage boy in a life boat was actually a man because he had a "happy trail" (i.e., pubic hair).

     5. A sketch from the mid-1990s - featuring Mark McKinney, Chris Elliott, and Janeane Garofalo - in which Elliott's and Garofalo's characters consult McKinney's character for internet advice, in order to pose as 13-year-old girls on the internet for the purposes of sexual flirting.

     6. A sketch from the 2010s - featuring Aziz Ansari and Melissa Villasenor - in which Ansari and Villasenor play a couple who are trying to start talking dirty to each other. Villasenor's character calls her boyfriend "dad" instead of "daddy".
     [It's noteworthy that two of Ansari's former co-stars, Jerry Seinfeld and James Franco, tried to date teenage girls. Also, Ansari has worked with at least a dozen other actors who have done pedophilic jokes, including Tim and Eric, Will Ferrell, Kristen Schaal, Dave Chappelle, Nick Kroll, Amy Poehler, the Lonely Island, and the creators of The Venture Bros.]

     7. A sketch from the 2000s in which Amy Poehler played a girl at a slumber party, who was being teased by the other girls for putting a frozen hot dog in her "nooners" (i.e., vagina).

     8. A recurring sketch from the early 2000s - featuring Chris Parnell and Julianna Marguiles - in which a man brings his girlfriend home to meet his family, and reveals to her that his parents feed him by spitting food into his mouth. These are referred to as the "Bird Family" sketches.

     9. A sketch from a 1988 episode, hosted by John Larroquette, in which Al Franken appears on Weekend Update as Lyndon LaRouche. As LaRouche, Franken ridicules LaRouche as someone who believes in conspiracy theories that involve child molesters.

     10. A sketch from the mid-1990s, featuring Jim Breuer and David Koechner, as an assembly of men who are eagerly awaiting the publication of that year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. The men sing a song about the swimsuit models, whose lyrics include a question about whether a certain model would "pose with her daughter".

     11. Another sketch about the swimsuit edition featured supermodel Paulina Porizkova and two actual teenage boys. Porizkova is shown promoting the issue while standing behind the two boys as they read it. The episode was hosted by Bronson Pinchot.

     12. A 2013 fake commercial for language learning software Rosetta Stone featured Will Forte as someone's who's learning Thai and planning to go to Thailand "for a thing". The Thai phrases used in that sketch are phrases one would use when buying a prostitute. The country is notorious for underage prostitution, so there's no telling whether the deliberately veiled references to prostitution could refer to child sex slavery in particular.

     13. A 1997 sketch in which host Claire Danes played the Peter Pan character Tinkerbell. In the sketch, Tinkerbell tells Wendy (a child) to stay away from Peter Pan because Tinkerbell "own"s him. Tinkerbell calls Wendy "whore", "slut", "tramp", and "bitch" during the sketch.

     14. Two sketches from 2014 featured Aidy Bryant as "Tonker Bell", a foul-mouthed, rude half-sister of Tinkerbell. Tonker Bell makes sexual references to the Lost Boys in both sketches, and even confesses to having sex with a nine-year-old boy whom she thought was at least 22 because he was "tall". Tonker Bell talks about her mouse boyfriend in front of the children, and even mentions having sex with a had sex with a "tall". In response to James Franco's Captain Hook threatening to throw the children into the ocean, Tonker Bell responds "You're a freak and I like it", apparently deriving sexual gratification from the mention of murdering children.
     In January 2018, Newsweek and Gawker published articles reporting that a woman from Scotland had accused Franco of trying to hook up with her through Instagram when she was seventeen years old. Franco has also been accused, by five actresses, of pressuring his former acting students into doing nude scenes.

     15. A sketch featuring Aidy Bryant, in which she plays a teenage girl at a slumber party who develops a crush on her friend's dad, and even starts hitting on him and saying lewd things about him. One version of this sketch featured Star Wars actor Adam Driver as the father, while another version featured the singer and rapper Drake.
     [Note: Drake was criticized after teenage actress Millie Bobby Brown (of Stranger Things) revealed that she and Drake had been texting each other, including about boys.]

     16. The "Disney Housewives" sketch features Nasim Pedrad as Jasmine from Aladdin saying that she "had sex with Iago", the parrot owned by evil sorcerer Jafar. She also refers to giving Aladdin a lap dance. Princess Jasmine is canonically 16 years old.

     17. A 2019 sketch called "Cast List", which was cut for time, featured Will Ferrell as a high school drama director. In that sketch, Ferrell's character tells one of the students to have sex as an assignment.

     18. A 2017 sketch which featured host James Franco reading the words in a spelling bee. Nearly all of the words are terms relating to someone sexually humiliating and emasculating their stepson.

     19. Numerous sketches from 2013 feature Kristen Wiig as "Shana", a redheaded "bombshell" who flirts with male co-workers. Shana uses sexual innuendo which gradually becomes filthier and more explicit, including references to coprophilia (feces fetish).

     20. A 2011 sketch featured Andy Samberg as the president of M.T.V., discussing the network's controversial show Skins. Samberg says that M.T.V. got in trouble for showing "fourth graders having sex" and violating "child pornography laws", which Samberg's character says while showing air-quotes with his hands. Next, a clip is shown of the retooled version of the show, now laden with product placements. The young characters discuss having sex and having a threesome. The sketch ends with one male character saying flatly, "I'm twelve".

     21. The three "Uncle Roy" sketches from between 1978 and 1980, which starred Buck Henry, Jane Curtin, Gilda Radner, and Laraine Newman. The sketch is about an uncle who has tricked his nieces into enjoying playing games he has devised; games which allowed him to molest them and have sex with them before the sketches took place. In an interview, Buck Henry has said that he understands why these sketches were controversial, but that they meant to point out that "there's an Uncle Roy in every family".

     22. The recurring "Canteen Boy" sketches, featuring Adam Sandler as a boy scout, and Alec Baldwin as a scout leader who tries to seduce him.

     23. One of the "Schweddy Balls" sketches, featuring Alec Baldwin, features Baldwin's character Pete Schweddy telling radio listeners that children's eyes light up when they are given his "Schweddy Balls" as gifts to eat. These sketches featured Molly Shannon and Ana Gasteyer, playing hosts of a fictional N.P.R. show about food, called "The Delicious Dish".

     24. One of the recurring "Ambiguously Gay Duo" sketches, in which the characters - superheroes Ace and Gary (voiced by Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell) - engage in ambiguously sexual interactions in front of children.

     25. A sketch from the late 2010s, about a blind date, wherein the male at the table - played by Kyle Mooney - suddenly reveals that he is twelve years old.

     26. A sketch from the 1990s, featuring Chris Kattan as Peter Pan and Claire Daines as Tinkerbell, in which Tinkerbell gets drunk and sulks over Peter Pan not being her boyfriend.

     27. A sketch from the 2010s, featuring Dwayne "Rock" Johnson and Bobby Moynihan, in which The Rock plays a scientist who has entered a "most evil invention" contest. His submission is a robot that molests children, which he has molested in order to make it want to molest children.

     28. A Halloween sketch from the 2000s, featuring Will Forte and Jon Hamm, in which Forte plays a man who is going door-to-door, informing people that he is not a sex offender, even though his Halloween costume is that he is legally required to inform people that he is a sex offender.

     29. The 2004 "Harry Potter" sketch, in which then Lindsay Lohan played Hermione Granger after a "growth spurt". The sketch features Horatio Sanz as a horny Professor Hagrid, lusting over Hermione's breasts, and Will Forte as Professor Snape, struggling to hide his perturbation. At one point, Lohan's cleavage is even show through a magnifying glass. Lohan did not turn 18 years old until two months after she hosted that episode.

     30. The episode from 2000 in which Britney Spears hosted and performed as the musical guest, which contained an opening monologue that drew attention to Spears's breasts. In the monologue, Spears denies that she has had breast augmentation surgery, and says that she is eighteen years old and "still growing" while her breasts start moving unexpectedly. Spears had turned 18 years old just five months prior to hosting that episode in May 2000.

     31. An episode from the 1990s that featured Danny Aiello as a bus driver and Cheri Oteri as a little girl named Althea McMittaman. During that sketch, Oteri's character - who we could assume is somewhere between eight and twelve years old - annoys Aiello by constantly talking to him. One of the things that she says is that nobody is allowed to touch her private parts, except when she feels the need to "explore". Next, Althea starts chanting "I touch myself", causing Aiello to almost crash the bus.

     32. A fake commercial, from the 2000s, for "Huggies thongs".
     The sketch ostensibly pokes fun at the sexualization of younger and younger children by the fashion industry, but the sheer number of gratuitous shots of babies' butts is a clear indication that the "cringe factor" is the only thing that makes the commercial "funny".
     As Bill Murray told Eric Idle in an early episode of the show, even if it's not funny, S.N.L.'s audience will laugh anyway, because they know it's supposed to be funny.

     33. One of the sketches from the early 2010s, which depicted a European family of artists, featured Will Ferrell playing a character who reveals that he is going through puberty even though his character is clearly established as older than thirty. Those sketches also featured Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph, who played the parents of Ferrell's character, both named Nuni.

     34. A sketch from the 2010s in which Lady Gaga played a mother to a girl who was dancing as part of a pageant competition. Lady Gaga and the actor playing the girl's father are shown dancing along to their daughter's routine, and shouting instructions and encouragement at her. The girl is never shown. Throughout the sketch, the dancing gradually becomes more sexual.
     It would be difficult to argue that the sketch does not cause viewers to imagine a little girl dancing suggestively on a pageant stage (not unlike the girls depicted in the now cancelled show Toddlers and Tiaras).
     Before that episode of S.N.L., Tom Hanks appeared in a sketch on Jimmy Kimmel Live! which was remarkably similar to the premise and setup of the Lady Gaga sketch. Hanks played a pageant father who was acting-out instructions for his daughter, but there was actually a little girl there, whom Hanks introduced as his daughter. She was not Hanks's real daughter, however.

     35. In one of the recurring "Stefon" sketches on Weekend Update, Stefon (played by Bill Hader) talks about a club - which is presumably full of adults who are drinking and trying to find dates - that "has everything", including "a child", which he says before a long, awkward pause.

     36. The recurring "Boston teens" sketches, featuring Jimmy Fallon and Rachel Dratch, included numerous references to teenagers making out and trying to get laid.

     37. The recurring "Goth Talk" sketch - in which Molly Shannon and Chris Kattan played goth teenagers who hosted a late-night public access show - featured several references to the goth teens' sexual histories. These included Kattan's character, and a character played by Charlize Theron, who reveals that one of the teachers "went down on" her (i.e., had oral sex with her).

     38. A sketch from the late 1990s in which Molly Shannon, Cheri Oteri, Ana Gasteyer, and Sarah Michelle Gellar play teenage girls who are the hosts of a T.R.L. (Total Request Live) -type show about boy bands, features a fictional music artist who is literally an infant boy. He is shown wearing a leather jacket, and it is revealed that he has released a song called "I Want to Give it to You Hard".

     39. A sketch from the mid-1990s, which featured host Nathan Lane playing a nun, who walks around looking at art nudes, and saying the word "pubic" over and over again.

     40. A sketch from the 2000s, starring Rachel Dratch and host Jennifer Aniston, in which the two women play Dickensian ragamuffins (i.e., children), features the young characters singing a song whose lyrics include "I'd decapitate a whore for you".

     41. A recurring series of sketches, which featured Chris Kattan and Cheri Oteri as a couple who talked dirty to each other in front of their friends, included at least one sketch in which Kattan's and Oteri's characters called each other "daddy" and "mama".

     42. The 2019 sketch “Bachelorette Party”, which features host Kit Harrington as a fiancée, stripping for his fiancée at her bachelorette party. One of the bachelorette’s friends is played by Melissa Villasenor, who spends the whole sketch leering at Harington (dressed in a skirt and pasties), but reveals at the very end of the sketch that she is his sister.

     43. The 2014 sketch “He-Man and Lion-O”, starring host Chris Pratt and Ariana Grande, features Kyle Mooney as a young boy wishing upon his birthday cake candles for his He-Man and Lion-O dolls to come to life. They do, and soon after, discover the joys of masturbating. Pratt and Taran Killam play the dolls, who masturbate in front of the boy, before being propositioned for a four-way in a hot tub by the boy’s mother (played by Aidy Bryant).

     44. The 2020 sketch “Sound of Music: Rolf and Liesl”, starring Cecily Strong as Liesl and host John Mulaney as Nazi envoy Rolf. The sketch features the pair singing “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” from the famous The Sound of Music musical (starring Julie Andrews), but puts a twist on the song. Rolf, based on Sound of Music character Rolf Gruber, was played by a 20-year-old actor in the film, named Dan Truhitte. But that fact didn’t stop S.N.L. from re-writing “Sixteen Going on Seventeen” to be about a thirty-eight-year-old Rolf hitting on the teenage Liesl. As a reminder, John Mulaney co-wrote the show’s “Stefon” sketches with Bill Hader, and is friends with pedophiles and Jeffrey Epstein associates Mick Jagger and Bill Clinton.

     45. The 2017 sketch “Golden Ticket”, starring Kristen Stewart as Charlie (the boy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), features Stewart’s Charlie acknowledging that he has washed the “balls” of the old man with glasses who lies in bed with Charlie’s grandfather (both of whom are unable to walk). The old man responds that he didn’t ask Charlie to wash his balls, implying that Charlie (a minor) decided to do so himself. Just a few seconds later, Charlie makes reference to the old people “scissoring” each other in bed all day (i.e., having sex).

     46. The 2015 S.N.L. music video “First Got Horny 2 U” features host Elizabeth Banks in a fictional band called “Infinity + 5” with cast members Cecily Strong, Vanessa Bayer, Aidy Bryant, and Kate McKinnon. “First Got Horny 2 U” features the women singing about teen heartthrobs, i.e., teenage boy celebrities, of the 1990s. These include Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and Taylor Hanson (of the late 1990s family pop band Hanson), as well Erik Menendez (who killed his parents after his father raped him and his brother Lyle). Towards the end of the music video, the women are shown dressed as the teen or pre-teen versions of themselves, making out with posters of teen heartthrobs (including Menendez), and making gestures suggestive of masturbation. 

     47. The "Christmas elves" sketches from the 2010s - featuring Louis C.K., Kenan Thompson, Vanessa Bayer, and Ryan Gosling" - which involve the diminutive elves begging, in a seductive and sexually suggestive way, for Santa to "discipline" them. They even make mistakes on the job, on purpose, in order to fabricate excuses to beg Santa to "discipline" them (such as with spanking).

     48. The 2017 music video for "Baby Steps" (or "The Baby Step") by Miley Cyrus. During the 2017 episode which Miley Cyrus hosted, she appeared in a music video for a song about "taking baby steps" - i.e., taking it slow - in a relationship. The sketch featured Miley - and other cast members, including Kenan Thompson - wearing diapers. At one point, Kenan begs Lorne Michaels for an answer as to why he is forcing the cast members to do such humiliating things while on the show. He gets no answer.
     [Note: Miley Cyrus previously appeared in a diaper in a music video; for her 2015 song "BB Talk".]

     49. The sketch from the late 1990s, which features Tim Meadows as "Jingleheimer Joe", the host of a children's show called "Jingleheimer Junction". Will Ferrell plays a character who wears a shirt with a large "F" on it, standing for friendship. He is introduced on the show, to the hosts's dismay, because the other characters have "U", "C", and "K" on their shirts, standing for unity, caring, and kindness. During the sketch, the show is briefly pulled off the air, because Ferrell's character keeps trying to join the other characters, spelling out the word "fuck" in front of the fictional show's audience of children. As if that weren't enough, the characters even break into song, saying "you can do it anywhere, in a park or on a chair, inside and outside."

     50. The "Happy Smile Patrol" sketch from 1999, which featured host John Goodman, Chris Kattan, and Cheri Oteri as actors on a children's show called Happy Smile Patrol. The children's show is interrupted by a newscaster who reveals that the actors have all murdered each other, and that Oteri's character (who played "Glenda Giggles" on the fictional show) became a drug mule and negotiated sex acts with a customs official in exchange for her release from custody, before murdering that official. Each report about the actors joining cults, becoming criminals, and dying at the hands of the police, is followed by a happy "We now return to the Happy Smile Patrol", and a close-up of one of the cast members doing something silly and child-like.

     51. The "Bill Brasky" sketches featured John Goodman, Will Ferrell, and other S.N.L. actors playing drunks in a bar. These sketches usually included one of the men drunkenly blurting out something personal and embarrassing about himself. In one of the "Bill Brasky" sketches, John Goodman's character suddenly tells everyone that he's a registered sex offender. In either the same sketch or a different "Brasky" sketch, Goodman's character blurts out "I masturbate to the Teletubbies".

     52. The sketch from the 1990s which featured Chris Kattan as a redneck living in a trailer, who spends most of the sketch drinking and hitting on people who are related to him.

     53. The "Girlfriends" sketches from the late 2010s, featuring Cecily Strong and Aidy Bryant, include numerous references to statutory rape (or at least the stalking of minors by adults, and what could be described as attempted statutory rape). Cecily Strong's character, a teenage girl, casually says the line "...My boyfriend's older" in nearly every sketch, after romanticizing the way her probably adult boyfriend is stalking her and obsessing over her.

     54. The 1982 episode hosted by Drew Barrymore, featured the then seven-year-old girl joking about drinking alcohol and murdering E.T..
     During the opening sketch, Drew walks into a room full of Not Ready for Primetime Players, and informs them that she was told that she could not "say any bad stuff". This line echoed a line previously said by one of the cast members, who specifically mentioned that Drew wasn't allowed to curse or mention sex. Before that sketch was over, seven-year-old Drew ordered a "double" alcoholic drink, because she's a Barrymore.
     During the monologue, a male cast member asks Drew who she wants to marry, and she responds "Steven Spielberg". [Note: Some people suspect Steven Spielberg of being a pedophile, pointing to signs in his film Amblin, and to facts surrounding his proximity to the death of Poltergeist actress Heather o'Rourke, which was possibly the result of rape.]
     During the E.T. sketch, Drew plays Gertie, her character from E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. In that sketch, Gertie reveals that she has killed E.T. with a baseball bat, saying "I killed the little sucker". During that sketch, Gertie's older brother Elliot uses the phrase "penis breath", a line which was said in the original movie. The Elliot character says "penis breath" despite the fact that the episode began with all of the actors acknowledging that seven-year-olds legally aren't allowed to work around people using curse words.
     [Note: Saturday Night Live evidently preferred alcohol and sex jokes about seven-year-olds, over Andy Kaufman's off-beat brand of humor (designed to elicit a child-like sense of joy), so much that they needed to kick him off the show permanently, and stop caring whether he lived or died. During that 1982 episode which Drew Barrymore hosted, the players revealed the results of an audience phone-in poll, and revealed that Andy had been voted off of the show forever. Andy Kaufman died in poverty of liver cancer just two years later.]

     It is also worth mentioning that Saturday Night Live alumnus Jimmy Fallon does a recurring sketch on his show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, in which he plays a teenage girl, complete with a blonde wig and fake braces. In these sketches, Fallon plays a girl named Sara, who hosts a show on Teen Nick (Nickelodeon), and says "Ew!" a lot. These sketches often feature references to teen sexuality.

3. Conclusion

     Maybe a single "Uncle Roy" sketch would have sufficed as an adequate warning that there's a child molester in every family. But repeating the sketch twice was arguably overkill.
     So were the other fifty-three sets of sketches which focused on teen sexuality (and one of which even portrayed a child hitting on an adult) which followed the last of the three Uncle Roy sketches. The last Uncle Roy sketch aired in 1980.
     Aside from the Drew Barrymore episode in 1982, S.N.L. went almost a good solid ten years without joking about pedophilia and teen sexuality much.
     Then came the 1990s.

     Rob Lowe's 1992 teen sex tape scandal (in which he engaged in sex with a 16-year-old girl in a state where it was then legal to do that). Lowe's ability to laugh at himself certainly saved his career, after the scandal had caused so much damage to his reputation that producers of Tommy Boy did not even include his name in the credits.
     Lowe's sex tape scandal has gone largely forgotten, at least among the American public; however, his own son made a joke about it at an event in Hollywood.
     Lowe's mockery of the sex he had with a 16-year-old girl, seems to have been Saturday Night Live's turning point, which indicated that it was diving head-first into a complete lack of self-consciousness; all the while maintaining the air of "edginess". Lowe kept this "edginess" going by donning blackface during that same episode, playing Arsenio Hall in an eight-minute sketch.
     After Lowe's episode ended, and the "Spartans" and "Superstar" sketches began several years later, there was no turning back for S.N.L.. The show was now solidly about teen sexuality; or at least its two most popular sketches were.

     It is evident from the "Spartans" and "Superstar" sketches, that this is all being done in the spirit of mocking the sexual repression promoted by culturally conservative politicians and Catholic school teachers. And it is perfectly reasonable to want to mock people who want to heap unnecessary levels of shame on teenagers who want to start dating and experimenting.
     But too much defense of high school students' freedom to choose to start having sex - coupled with open mockery of anyone and everyone concerned about minors losing their virginity under dangerous or unwanted circumstances - risks turning teen sex into something even more dangerous than a secret. It turns it into a laughing matter, of which people must be ridiculed for being ashamed. This mindset renders rape as simply an unwanted version of something hilarious (i.e., sex). And how can something hilarious be bad, even when it's unwanted? The sex being unwanted just makes it humiliating, which is, again, hilarious.
     Saturday Night Live reflects the mindset of the conservative liberal, and of its network, N.B.C., which is owned by General Electric (G.E.), a war profiteer that makes parts for the U.S. military. S.N.L. reflects a liberal-conservative mindset which enables war and conservatism by mocking conservatism in order to fund the war with ad revenue from the commercials that run during the show. With its liberal left hand, S.N.L. gives us the comedy news, wakes us up about a few things, and boosts a Democratic politician or two; and with its conservative right hand, it lets Donald Trump host after using anti-Hispanic tropes, funds G.E.'s war machine with its ads, and teaches us to laugh at children who are getting raped by adults (I'm talking about you, Cecily).

     Let's put it this way: If the Uncle Roy sketches had never aired - and Buck Henry had instead done a public service announcement against incestuous child molestation on the show - then it would have accomplished the goal that the people of Saturday Night Live will claim that they wanted those sketches to accomplish. So joking about it - especially as much as they did - could only serve to compromise that narrative. The people at S.N.L. compromised the message - that child molesters deserved to be mocked because what they do is evil - and turned it into a message that child molesters deserve to be mocked rather than held accountable because anyone who opposes child molestation is stopping the fun.
     You see, having a live television show with a covert, duplicitous political message, achieves one very important thing for the coastal elites who control the entertainment industry. Creating a live show where "anything can happen" blends reality with fiction. This makes the entire world into a potential part of the show, because the show could potentially be interrupted by messages from the president. That's not actually true, but it's true for all intents and purposes, because the show features numerous "live messages" from the president, and has even allowed presidential candidates to appear on the show and host.
     And if the entire world is just part of S.N.L., then that means the whole world is something to laugh at. And anybody trying to hold people accountable for molesting children, is spoiling the fun. Essentially, they're interrupting the sketch.
     What situation are you in now? Does it feel like a sketch? Well, it's supposed to be funny. So somebody needs to be laughing. Are you in a sad or traumatic situation? Tough shit. In the words of Peter Griffin, "Somebody throw a pie!" You're lucky to be on T.V., so be a good sport.
     And remember what happened to Andy Kaufman: if there's a character you don't like, you can vote him off of the show. Just like on Survivor. And just like how the Greek jurors democratically decided to execute Socrates after threatening to kill his children and wife.
     As William Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players". [Note: This article was written and published on April 23rd, the anniversary of Shakespeare's death.]

     Do you see, now, how we are all little pawns in Saturday Night Live's game? It is a show where fiction and fantasy take place within reality, with a laugh track. A show where people can be voted off and then mocked until they die of cancer.
     We need to think about what this show is doing to our minds, and the way we perceive humor and even reality itself. It's time that we started thinking about live sketch comedy as a unique form of "reality TV".
     If the people who write, and agree to appear in, these sketches, are not themselves pedophiles, then at the very least, they are mentally ill freaks, who cannot think of anything better to juxtapose against children for laughs, other than the sexual activity which children are not supposed to have.
     Satyr-Day Night Live - or Satan Day Night Live - needs to be cancelled, and yesterday.

     (written July 8th, 2021):

      Unfortunately, in 2016, then President Barack Obama awarded Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

     The Sinead o'Connor fiasco is worth mentioning as well.
     In a 1992 episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Tim Robbins and featuring o'Connor as the musical guest, o'Connor performed the Bob Marley song "War", and sang the words "child abuse" in place of one of the original lyrics. At the end of the song, she tore up a picture of Pope John Paul II, and said "Fight the real enemy". The producers' reaction was to dim the lights, and refrain from instructing the audience to applaud. O'Connor later explained that she was protesting what she perceived as the coverup of sexual abuse of Irish children by the British with the consent of the Vatican.
     The next episode of Saturday Night Live was hosted by Italian Catholic actor Joe Pesci, who presented the reassembled photo of Pope John Paul II during his opening monologue.
     In the 1990s, Saturday Night Live actress Jan Hooks portrayed Sinead o'Connor in all sketches in which o'Connor did not play herself. Many of those sketches mocked o'Connor, and - almost like something out of medieval-era passion-plays, or the _eight minutes of hate" from 1984 - they encouraged the audience to boo Hooks's o'Connor character until she sauntered off-stage crying.
     The mockery of Sinead o'Connor did not stop at Saturday Night Live, however; the producers evidently had to use their other show to make fun of her too. In an episode of S.N.L.'s "sister show" 30 Rock, Kristen Schaal (playing an N.B.C. page) rips up a picture of Sinead o'Connor while on stage.

     Finally, six of the above fifty-four sets of sketches, included Will Ferrell, who was a cast member from 1995 to 2002.
     Several things that Will Ferrell has done, have caused researchers to question whether he is a member of a secret Hollywood pedophile elite.
     The first was Ferrell's 2011 appearance at a Museum of Contemporary Art gala, which had him wearing a white lab coat, eating desserts shaped like human body parts, near a human-shaped, human-size cake laying in a bathtub full of blood. That "artwork" was designed by Marina Abramovic, a "performance artist" connected to James Alefantis and John Podesta. Some suspect that Abramovic is a Satanist, because her use of body fluids in her art could reference the occult ceremony of "spirit cooking". Also in attendance at the Museum of Contemporary Art gala, which Ferrell attended, include Jerry Brown, Debbie Harry, Gwen Stefani, and Deeta von Teese (the girlfriend of accused rapist Marilyn Manson).
     The second thing Ferrell did which irked researchers' suspicion about his values, is the following "sketch" from The Chris Gethard Show, in which Ferrell performs a "ritual of the minds". This "ritual of the minds" is basically an occult birthing ritual, which Ferrell explained was a sort of prayer that The Chris Gethard Show would get better ratings. This clip was shown to Conan o'Brien's audience after it aired on Gethard's show.

Written and Published on April 23rd, 2021

Edited and Expanded on April 25th;
May 12th and 18th, 2021;
and July 8th and 16th, 2021

Title changed
(from "Saturday Night Live Has Aired at Least Thirty Sketches
That Made Light of Pedophilia and Incest"
on April 25th and May 18th, 2021

Based on research collected between 2017 and 2021

Post-Script Added on July 8th, 2021

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...