Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sixty-Seven Topics in Esoteric and Hermetic Spiritual Thought

1. Secret Societies (esp. Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati, and their roles in the founding of the United States)

2. Bohemian Grove and the Cremation of Care ceremony

3. Skull and Bones (secret society at Yale)

4. The Twelve Apostles as Symbols for the Zodiac, and Christian Sun Worship (esp. as explained by Thomas Paine); and also the twelve cranial nerves as symbols for the twelve apostles (esp. as explained by Santos Bonacci)

5. Pagan Origins of Christmas and Easter

6. Caesar and Venus Worship

7. Luciferianism (incl. Lucifer vs. Satan, Lucifer vs. Jesus, and Iblis in Islam)

8. The Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.)

9. Lost Gospels, Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha
     (for more information on #9 and #10, see the following link:

10. The Books of Enoch (I, II, and III), Angelology, and the Nephilim

11. The Annunaki

12. Ezekiel, Ezekiel's Description of G-d's Chariot, and Merkabah Mysticism

13. The Last Scion (and relationship to the Divine Right of Kings and the idea of a Holy Empire)

14. The Rosicrucians (incl. the A.M.O.R.C.)

15. "Royal Blood, Holy Grail" & "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"

16. Alchemy and Christian Rosenkreutz

17. The Planets as Symbols for Elements (esp. Mercury)

18. The Music of the Spheres

19. Fertility Cults and Nature Religions

20. Ancestor Worship, Santeria, and "Saint Worship"

21. Pan, Pantheism, Animism, and Panentheism

22. Entheogens (incl. Genesis 1:29)

23. Sex Magick

24. Krampus and Black Peter

25. Alistair Crowley and Thelema

26. Geomancy

27. Life Energy (incl. Chi and Orgone Energy)

28. Planet and Star Worship

29. Saturn, Satan, and Set Worship (incl. the Hexagon on Saturn)

30. The Devil as the "Lord of the Flies" (Ba'al and Pazuzu)

31. Books of the Dead (incl. Egyptian, Tibetan, Necronomicon)

32. Necromancy

33. The Spiritual Meaning of the Number 6 and the Star of David (or "Israel star") (including "Star Numbers")

34. The Star of David as a sum of its components (i.e., the Chevron and Chalice, and the letters of the Aleph-Bet)

35. The religious symbolism of the Black Cube (which has to do with Saturn worship)

36. The Qa'Ba (or Ka'ba; in Mecca, Saudi Arabia; Muslims circumambulate around it in mimicry of the rings of Saturn)

37. Tefillin (black boxes containing Jewish prayer scrolls, worn by some Jews during prayer)

38. The Kabbalah (and the Babylonian Talmud)

40. Theosis and Christosis

41. Christian Cabalism, and Coptic and Gnostic Christian Thought

42. Sacred Geometry (incl. the Golden Ratio / Golden Mean)

43. The occurrence of the number 29 in the mathematics of physics and planetary relationships, including:
     - the latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza, expressed in degrees;
     - the speed of light, expressed in meters per second squared;
     - the number of Earth days in a lunar month; and
     - the length of the Saturnian year, expressed in Earth years. And also:
     - the number of times the phrase "Lamb of God" is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

44. Greek Isopsephy, Pythagorean Numerology, and Chaldean Numerology

45. Gematria (incl.:
     - Hebrew Gematria / Alephbet;
     - the "English Simple Gematria" [and the relationship of this phrase to the number 74];
     - Greek "gematria" / Greek isopsephy / Pythagorean numerology;
     - Masonic numerology)

46. The Number 666 (and its relevance to the book of Revelation, and also the 66.6-degree tilt of the Earth from spinning on its side)

47. The Number 23 (the "Chaos Number"; incl. Eris, Discordianism, and the Principia Discordia)

48. Chaos Magick (incl. sigil magick, scrying, casting lots, etc.)

49. The Sefirot

50. Trees of Life (incl. the Sefer Yetzirah in Judaism, and Yggdrasil in Norse religion)

51. Hermes, Hermeticism, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the prisca theologica

52. "Corpus Mysticum"

53. Avatars and Emanations (incl. of the Buddha. Also, the Holy Spirit and how it pertains to the meaning of the root "phan" in "hierophant", "phantom", and "epiphany")

54. The Theotokos

55. Tzevakot (the full meaning of the many names of G-d; and also, its gematric value, 1165, which is 233 [the gematric value of the Tree of Life] plus 972 [the gematric value of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil])

56. Theosophy (see also: Madame Helena Blavatsky, and Rudolf Steiner)

57. The Dead Sea Scrolls (incl. The Thunder, Perfect Mind, The Gospel of Truth, and the Gospel of Philip)

58. The Torah Codes / Hebrew Codes (incl. Equidistant Letter Sequences [E.L.S.s] and the use of Jewish cryptanalysts to help the Allies win WWII)

59. Oracles (including the Tarot, the Oracle at Delphi, Elsie Wheeler's Sabian Symbols, and the Ouija board)

60. Meaning of Abracadabra, esp. in ancient languages (see also: meaning and origin of the phrase "Avada Kedavra" in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter)

61. The Eye of Horus (and the Pineal Gland ["Third Eye"])

62. Moloch, Melek Taus, the Yazidi religion, and the Spiritual Symbolism of Peacock Feathers (esp. the Eye of the Peacock Feather)

63. The Malocchio, the Cuckold, and the Winged Phallus

64. Axis Mundi (and the Foundation Stone / Pierced Stone in the Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem; see also "T&O maps" which had Jerusalem at the center of a circular world)

65. The Number 33 (years in Jesus's life, degrees in Masonry, and vertebra in the human spine)

66. Jacob's Ladder (and its relationship to Axis Mundi, and symbolism as it pertains to human anatomy)

67. Flat Earth Theory (esp. as defended in the context of Biblical texts supporting Flat Earth Theory), and also Hollow Earth Cosmogony (incl. its endorsement by the Nazis). (Esp. see Santos Bonacci's explanation of torus, hyperbole, and Hyperborea; and the relationship of the torus to electromagnetism, Biblical symbolism, and Jacob's Ladder).

Compiled in 2018
Originally Published on March 20th, 2019
Edited and Expanded on March 21st, 22nd, 26th, and 27th, and April 18th, 2019

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