Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sixty-Three Things That the State of Israel Has Done Wrong

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: List of 63 Things Israel Has Done Wrong
Part 3: Explanation of 63 Things Israel Did Wrong


Part 1: Introduction

     The following is my response to the question "What has Israel done wrong?".

     This article does not contain any criticism of the Jewish religion. The fact that I am criticizing Israel should not be construed to mean that I am attacking Jewish people as a whole, nor the Jewish religion. I do not mean to either criticize or attack Judaism; I mean to affirm Judaism, and, at that, affirm it as a religion of peace.
     I only mean to criticize the military and diplomatic policies of the State of Israel, and how they affect that country's relationship with the United States, its Arab neighbors, and the rest of the world. I intend this as constructive criticism, and I believe that Jews would experience less anti-Semitic violence if the party governing Israel were not so insistent that Israel and its actions represent all Jewish people the world over, and if the domestic and diplomatic policies of the State of Israel were not so militaristic.
     Israel's belligerent militarism has nothing to do with traditional Jewish values, and should not reflect badly upon the Jewish religion, nor should every Jew worldwide be held to answer anyone in public, and choose between Israel and his host country. On the contrary; the world will benefit from increased awareness that there is disagreement among Jewish people.
     As long as open-mindedness and acceptance continue to spread, it will no longer be necessary, nor justifiable, to put up a front that the Jewish people are so united about supporting Israel, in order to convince the world to help Jewish people. It is possible to help Jewish people who are in need, without assisting the sovereign government of the State of Israel. Furthermore, the appearance of united support of Israel among Jewish people, will only continue to make all Jewish people look guilty of Israeli war crimes by association, or cement the stereotype in the minds of impressionable people that Israel's war crimes reflect Jewish religious principles. They don't.

     Additionally, I recognize that other countries besides Israel - for example; Honduras, Venezuela, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and China - are experiencing serious crises which deserve our attention, so I don't mean to single Israel out. I only wish to explain the extent of Israeli influence on U.S. policy, in order to illuminate my readers as to why I feel that this issue is worth so much attention in the first place.
     I will also note that the inordinate influence of Israeli policy on American policy, which I allege in this article, should prompt us to admit that criticism of Israel means nothing unless it is coming from a position of credibility. And diplomatic efforts to convince our allies to stop doing something, will always fail, if we are doing it ourselves.
     That's why I cannot, in good conscience, criticize Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians and its Arab neighbors, without criticizing the treatment of Native Americans, which was perpetrated by my own government, that of the United States. Nor can I neglect to mention all the wars and racist policies the United States has enacted, nor the various wars of territorial conquest and for territorial gain which America has waged against the British, Spanish, French, Mexicans, and the Native American tribes, and still criticize the Israeli policy of flouting U.N. resolutions concerning unlawful occupation of Palestinian territories. The occupation of Palestine, is worthy of being condemned as a movement of troops into a territory occupied through conquest during wartime, just as the annexation of Crimea by Russia arguably was in 2014, and just as the German invasion of Poland was in 1939.
     Whatever happens, somebody - whether it be the United States, Israel, the anarchists, or whomever else - somebody needs to set a good example, set real standards of human rights, do it for a long time, and protect human rights better, longer, and more consistently than anybody else. Then you can think about "throwing the first stone", instead of simply ordering another country to stop doing something that you're still doing.
     And, of course, anarchists can claim that they have deprived people of human rights a whole lot less than nearly any government you could think of has.

Part 2: List of 63 Things Israel Has Done Wrong

What Israel Has Done Wrong With Regard to Nuclear Weapons
1. Israeli has nuclear weapons that it won't admit to.
2. Israel hasn't signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
3. Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor.
4. Israel probably helped attack an Iranian nuclear reactor.
5. Israeli agents may have plotted to kill John F. Kennedy.

What Israel Has Done Wrong to Palestinians, and to its Arab Neighbors
6. Proto-Israeli paramilitary forces massacred an Arab village.
7. Israel attempted a failed false-flag attack called the Lavon Affair.
8. Israeli politicians have been exposed making racist statements.
9. Israel violates numerous U.N. resolutions.
10. The Israeli government allows the destruction of Arab homes.
11. The Israeli military uses chemical weapons.
12. The I.D.F. shoots innocent civilians, simply for being stateless prisoners near the border.
13. Israeli troops target vulnerable people on purpose.
14. Israeli troops target civilian infrastructure on purpose.
15. Israeli troops target Arab children on purpose.
16. Israeli troops physically and sexually torture detainees, including children.
17. Israel separates its people with a border wall.
18. Israel cruelly and unnecessarily cuts Palestinians off from access to water.
19. Israel imposes a blockade upon Gaza.
20. Pro-Israel interests in the U.S. demonize Assad and Syria.
21. "Arabs have full rights in Israel" is a half-truth.
22. Israel denies Palestinians the Right of Return, enjoyed by Jews who have never been to Israel

What Israel Has Done Wrong to Americans and Christians
23. Israel is a xenophobic, anti-black, anti-Arab, security state.
24. Israel receives billions in aid from U.S. taxpayers.
25. Israel drops American bombs on Palestinians.
26. Israeli companies test chemical weapons on civilians and children.
27. The pro-Israel lobby unduly influences U.S. policy in terms of defense, security, and diplomacy.
28. Israel secured a deal to make spy equipment for the U.S.., with the help of a congressman who milked 9/11 patriotism.
29. Israel's regional interests may have played a key role in America going to war with Iraq for the second time.
30. The Israeli military bombed a ship full of American sailors, in order to try to drag America into the Six-Day War.
31. Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard gave classified U.S. information to Israel, and is now free.
32. Israeli counter-intelligence may have worked with the U.S. to engineer 9/11 as a false flag.
33. Pro-Israel media have lied about the faith of the 1993 W.T.C. attackers and the 9/11 attackers.
34. Israeli counter-intelligence, Larry Silverstein's business deals in Israel, Dancing Israelis, Danny Lewin, and more, all suggest Israeli involvement in 9/11.
35. An Israeli killed protester Rachel Corrie.
36. Jewish-Americans are over-represented in government, and all are eligible for Israeli citizenship through the Right of Return.
37. The Israeli equivalent of the C.I.A., and an Israeli fighting technique, are being promoted in American entertainment.
38. Some Israelis mock Christians and Christianity, and burn churches and desecrate Christian graves.
39. Israeli influence on U.S. diplomacy and foreign policy risk an uninformed and misguided policy on the Islamic world.

What Israel Has Done Wrong to its Own People (Jews and Israelis) and to Judaism
40. The Jewish-American mafia helped proto-Israeli paramilitary forces attempt a coup against the Israeli government.
41. The Israeli military enforces a draft.
42. Protesting Israel's draft is illegal there.
43. Many Israeli schools are segregated.
44. Some Israelis teach their children to hate Arabs.
45. A group of Israelis may have mocked bombing victims during a photo shoot.
46. Many Israelis in the West Bank are complicit with "price tag" reprisals, which target Palestinians and their property.
47. Some Israeli charities are scams to fund the army.
48. Some Israelis despise the devoutly religious, and those who criticize Israel.
49. Israeli doctors sterilized black Jewish women.
50. Israel has grown increasingly xenophobic lately.
51. An Israeli official appeared to sympathize with the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter.
52. Israeli puts Jews in harm's way by associating Israeli war crimes with Judaism.
53. Israel has done little to combat the rise of pro-Zionist elements of the alt-Right.
54. Israel sells weapons to terrorist groups in Ukraine and Syria that use them to target Jews.
55. Jabotinsky, a key founder of Zionism, made arguably anti-Yiddish, anti-Semitic, anti-"Asiatic" statements about some Jewish people.
56. The contributions of Herzl, another key founder of Zionism, suggest that religious Judaism was not always part of the plan for Israel.
57. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a devoutly observant Jew.
58. Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife are currently under investigation for bribery and corruption.
59. The Netanyahu government has had a stranglehold on Israeli politics for twenty years.
60. There is sexual segregation on Israeli buses.
61. The I.D.F. discriminates against, and spies on, Israeli and Palestinian homosexuals
62. The predication of the State of Israel upon the religion of Judaism is dubious in the first place.
63. Some pro-Israel interests do not want to admit that Israel doesn't have full freedom of religion, and for good reason.

Part 3: Explanation of 62 Things Israel Did Wrong

What Israel Has Done Wrong With Regard to Nuclear Weapons

     1. Israeli has nuclear weapons that it won't admit to.

     The Israeli military currently possesses at least 150, 200, or 300 nuclear weapons, according to various decade-old estimates, but if those estimates are accurate, Israel could very well have as many as a thousand by now. The Israeli government maintains a state of "intentional ambiguity" as to whether they possess nuclear weapons, but the international community knows that it really does have them. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop the U.S. from refusing to acknowledge that Israel has them.

     2. Israel hasn't signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

     Israel has refused to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (N.P.T.), the international agreement which prohibits countries from selling nuclear arms to other nations. Iran, on the other hand, signed the nuclear N.P.T., and appears to be obeying it. The U.S. continues to give Israel money (in the form of U.S. aid) despite the fact that there is nothing stopping the Israelis from selling weapons to other nations, which possibly renders Israel a state sponsor of terror. And it is illegal, or at least it's supposed to be illegal, for the U.S. to support state sponsors of terror.

     3. Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor.

     In 1981, the Israeli Air Force bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor near Baghdad, in Operation Opera. It did so without notifying the United States, and the Reagan administration condemned the action.

     4. Israel probably helped attack an Iranian nuclear reactor.

     The Israeli military most likely worked with the U.S. to carry out the Stuxnet on Iran's nuclear reactor in 2010, which destroyed 1,000 centrifuges.

     5. Israeli agents may have plotted to kill John F. Kennedy.

     Israeli agents, and/or the Jewish mafia in the United States, may have played a role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, or at the very least wanted him dead.
     J.F.K. wanted increased transparency into the Israeli nuclear weapons program, which may have been one of the reasons for his murder. J.F.K. urged David ben-Gurion to allow inspections of Israeli nuclear facilities. Also, Kennedy's tough stance on organized crime made Jewish bootleggers and mobsters potential targets for prosecution by his brother Bobby.
     Jack Ruby, who killed alleged presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald live on national television, was Jewish. He was also a former nightclub owner, he would give free drinks to Dallas police officers, and he knew bootleggers. Most importantly, Ruby knew Jewish-American gangster Mickey Cohen, and Cohen knew Menachim Begin, then a militant, but who would later become Prime Minister of Israel.
     Additionally, Arnon Milchan, the billionaire producer of the Oliver Stone film J.F.K. (which arguably contained erroneous information about the assassination), owns companies based in Israel which attempted to illegally import 800 nuclear triggers.

What Israel Has Done Wrong to Palestinians, and to its Arab Neighbors

     6. Proto-Israeli paramilitary forces massacred an Arab village.

     In 1948, just over a month before the State of Israel declared independence, fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi massacred the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. Some deny that a massacre took place, but Irgun and Lehi's actions resulted in the deaths of 107 Palestinians, and 4 Jewish militiamen.

     7. Israel attempted a failed false-flag attack called the Lavon Affair.

     In 1953, the Lavon Affair occurred. In a failed false flag attack, Israeli military intelligence recruited Egyptian Jews to plant bombs in American educational centers, and cinemas and libraries owned by Americans, and by British and Egyptian citizens. The failed attack was intended to inspire sympathy for sustained British presence at the Suez Canal. Muslims, communists, and other groups were supposed to be blamed, but the attacks failed, and the two of the four perpetrators who did not commit suicide were executed by the Egyptian government.

     8. Israeli politicians have been exposed making racist statements.

     Numerous Israeli politicians have been known to make racist statements, and advocate for segregationist and exclusionist policies towards non-Jews.
     In the 1980s, then Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef supposedly said that five thousand Palestinians "aren't worth a Jewish fingernail". The overt racism of this statement aside, some anti-Zionist Jews believe that the idea of a "chief rabbi" or "chief rabbinate" has nothing to do with Judaism; because the nasi (which means "prince") of the Jerusalem Sanhedrin (a court of rabbis) should ever be considered a "head rabbi" in any way, shape, or form. Yosef was not properly ordained to be a nasi, nor is the Chief Rabbinate the ultimate authority on Judaism (G-d still is).
    Rabbi Yosef said many other racist and intolerant things that have been called out as offensive. However, it's possible that he did not make the "Jewish fingernail" comment. Rabbi Ya'acov Perin said "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" at the funeral of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein in 1994, but the Yosef quote, if genuine, is supposed to be from the 1980s.
     Either way, the sentiment exists in Israel that Palestinian or Arab lives are somehow worth less than the lives of Jewish people and Israelis.

     9. Israel violates numerous U.N. resolutions.

     Israel has been found to have violated numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions; regarding the prohibition on conquering territory during wartime and moving troops into that territory. Most notably, Resolutions 89, 237, and 242.
     The fact that Israel has been in violation of at least 79 U.N. resolutions, ought to be sufficient cause to change this article's title to "One Hundred Thirty-Nine Things the State of Israel Has Done Wrong", but it's too late for that!
     Israel violated Resolution 89 when it ignored the welfare of the Palestinian people in establishing the Israeli state (in the Nakba, which saw the displacement of 3/4 million Palestinians), and Israel violated Resolutions 237 and 242 when it "annexed" the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula (which it later returned to Egypt) during the Six-Day War in 1967.
     Hundreds of thousands of Israelis civilians now live in the West Bank, which is under military occupation. The development of settlements in those areas has been a continuing source of controversy over the last several decades.

     10. The Israeli government allows the destruction of Arab homes.

     The Israeli government has allowed not only the destruction of Palestinian homes for the purposes of building new Israeli settlements, it has also allowed the desecration of Palestinian graves.

    11. The Israeli military uses chemical weapons.

     The Israeli Air Force has dropped incendiary devices, cluster bombs, and the chemical white phosphorus, on civilian populations. These activities are forms of siege warfare, which is a war crime and a violation of international law.

     12. The I.D.F. shoots innocent civilians, simply for being stateless prisoners near the border.

     In the last eleven months, I.D.F. soldiers have shot over six thousand Palestinians (over 18 per day on average).

      13. Israeli troops target vulnerable people on purpose.

     Israeli soldiers have been known to deliberately target children, disabled people, clearly labeled medics, and clearly labeled journalists and reporters, with live rounds of ammunition (i.e., with the intent to kill them). The Israeli army targets journalists because it does not want the public to read stories in the news which reflect negatively upon Israel.

     14. Israeli troops target civilian infrastructure on purpose.

     I.D.F. troops have been observed deliberately choosing civilian targets - such as schools, hospitals, and mosques - in order to take out Hamas.
     While it's true that Hamas militants launch rockets and mortar shells from these locations, they do this because they are the only source of defense for civilians in Gaza, and they hope that Israeli soldiers would not be as willing to strike them, if it meant hurting children and sick people in the process.
     Supporters of what the I.D.F. is doing, label this "putting children in harm's way" and "using children as human shields", but Hamas does this because they know that all adults will be treated as militant belligerents by the Israelis. Using schools, mosques, and hospitals for cover, is intended to inspire sympathy in the hearts of the I.D.F. soldiers, so that they take pity on them, and refrain from striking. Striking civilian targets involves mass casualties, and is a war crime.

     15. Israeli troops target Arab children on purpose.

     A single Israeli sniper recently picked off 35 Palestinian children, including kids that were merely playing and posed no threat whatsoever, near the Gaza-Israel border.

     16. Israeli troops physically and sexually torture detainees, including children.

     I.D.F. soldiers were discovered to have physically and sexually tortured Palestinian children and adults who were in their custody. One report found that 12% of detainees were threatened with sexual assault, while 4% were actually sexually assaulted. I.D.F. soldiers have also been known to punch Palestinian boys in the testicles during the course of interrogations.

     17. Israel separates its people with a border wall.

     With the help of the East Jerusalem dividing wall, and road checkpoints, Israeli authorities severely restrict the flow of Palestinians to and from their places of work.

     18. Israel cruelly and unnecessarily cuts Palestinians off from access to water.

     The Israeli government has allowed the people of Gaza and the West Bank to suffer wholly inadequate standards of access to clean potable drinking water.

     19. Israel imposes a blockade upon Gaza.

     Israel, together with Egypt, has imposed a sea blockade upon Gaza for decades, at its Mediterranean Sea coastline. This prevents flotillas of aid from coming into the country by sea.

    20. Pro-Israel interests in the U.S. demonize Assad and Syria.

     Pro-Israel interests in the U.S. tend to demonize Bashar al-Assad of Syria, but the Israelis are on good terms with him. The Israelis at least view him as someone who's been around for a while, whom they know well, and can deal with, even if he's not necessarily Israel's ally. Assad has definitely been a threat to some of his own people, but if he really is the threat to America that Americans say he is, then what does that make Israel?

     21. "Arabs have full rights in Israel" is a half-truth.

     Defenders of Israel say that Arab citizens of Israel have all the same rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. And it's true, they do have the same rights; they can vote, and they can serve in elected office (and there are several Arab parties in Israel).
     They also have the same "right" to be forced to serve in the military (unless they're one of the 1/4 of Israeli youths who get exemptions). They also have the same right to bulldoze their own cousin's homes.

22. Israel denies Palestinians the Right of Return, enjoyed by Jews who have never been to Israel

What Israel Has Done Wrong to Americans and Christians

     23. Israel is a xenophobic, anti-black, anti-Arab, security state.

     Israel security is reputedly very suspicious of foreigners, Westerners, and reporters. Visitors to Israel should be advised that if they have criticized Israel, or the occupation of Palestinian territories, on social media, or on a blog, they might not be allowed into the country.
     In 2017 or 2018, an African-American journalist from New York visited Israel, and reported in a New York based magazine that he was asked whether he was Arab, presumably because of his darker skin. He also reported that the mere mention of entities such as Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, or Hezbollah can get a person denied entry into Israel. Unfortunately, I was unable to find that article.

     24. Israel receives billions in aid from U.S. taxpayers.

     Israel receives more U.S. aid than any other country with which the U.S. is not currently at war (this is to say that aid to Israel is second only to aid to Afghanistan). Israel receives $4 billion per year, increasing by $100 million annually. This was negotiated by George W. Bush, and later Barack Obama. Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye was responsible for changing the U.S. policy on money for Israel from one based on loans to one based on gifts.
     If any U.S. aid being spent on the Israeli military - and some have suggested that it all goes towards arms, and the protection of intellectual property in arms - then this presents a constitutional problem, because the Congress is not authorized to make any military expenditure for any longer than two years at a time.
     Israel has only nine million people, yet the aid it receives is vastly disproportionate to both the distribution of world population and the distribution of problems that deserve American attention.$91-billion-and-counting.html

     25. Israel drops American bombs on Palestinians.

     Some of the bombs which the Israeli Air Force drops onto Palestinian civilian targets, are manufactured in the United States.

     26. Israeli companies test chemical weapons on civilians and children.

    Israeli pharmaceutical firms are testing gas bombs and stink bombs on Palestinian civilians, including children. The military also tests traditional weapons on civilians, in addition to chemical weapons.

     27. The pro-Israel lobby unduly influences U.S. policy in terms of defense, security, and diplomacy.

     The influence of pro-Israel interests - lobbying groups such as A.I.P.A.C. (the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the evangelical group C.U.F.I. (Christians United for Israel) - shows, in the way U.S. policy has drifted towards pro-Israeli positions in recent years.

     These include:
     A) refusal to condemn Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank, similar policies concerning the war on terror and B) transportation security,
     C) similar policies concerning the selective service  and "mandatory civilian national service" (both euphemisms for the draft),
     D) the adoption of Israel's "intentional ambiguity" nuclear weapons policy for the purposes of a more general military philosophy by American Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and, most recently,
    E) laws in 26 states banning public workers from supporting B.D.S. (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) or any boycott against Israel.
     F) diplomacy, in terms of U.S. alliances in the Islamic world.

     These policies have vast implications on relations between the three Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; as well as on relations between the U.S. and the Islamic world (comprising some 1.5 billion people).


A. Senate supporting Israel on Gaza, etc.

B. Racial profiling in airport security:

C. The Draft:

D. Mattis:


F. Diplomacy:

     For more information and links on this topic, please read Point #39, on the subject of U.S.-Islamic relations.

     28. Israel secured a deal to make spy equipment for the U.S.., with the help of a congressman who milked 9/11 patriotism.

     An Israeli surveillance company secured a lucrative contract with the U.S. government, shortly after 9/11, with the help of Congressman Robert "Bob" Ney of Ohio. Ney was the same congressman who later tried to whip Americans into a frenzy over the French disapproval of the Iraq War, by supporting serving "Freedom Fries" in the congressional cafeteria as a solution. To what, I have no idea.,28804,2061530_2061531_2061545,00.html

     29. Israel's regional interests may have played a key role in America going to war with Iraq for the second time.

     Many of the key players in the Bush administration who led the charge for a second war in Iraq, including a high number of undersecretaries, were Jewish.
     This does not directly point to Israeli interference in U.S. foreign policy, but it should call into question whether Israel benefited from the U.S. occupation of Iraq (in particular, with regard to oil pipelines being built in the region, especially those which would pass through Syria, and thus near Israel). It should also call into question whether the officers who pushed for that war had any business dealings in Israel. Some of the same people have wanted a war with Iran (a neighbor of both Iraq and Afghanistan) for at least 13 years now.

     30. The Israeli military bombed a ship full of American sailors, in order to try to drag America into the Six-Day War.

     The Israeli Air Force perpetrated the U.S.S. Liberty incident on June 8th, 1967.
     The Israeli military killed 34 U.S. sailors aboard the unarmed technical research and communications vessel the U.S.S. Liberty, sinking it in a barrage of bullets that lasted approximately two whole hours. A hundred seventy-one people were also wounded in the attack.
     Israel positively identified the ship as American earlier in the day, but later claimed that they got the ship's location wrong. The Israelis then blamed the attack on the United Arab Republic, a now non-existent country made up of Egypt and Syria, which was at that point fighting Israel.
     Essentially, Israel tried to drag the United States, and its army, into the Six-Day War, in order to give it the edge against its Arab neighbors. Israel acquired the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and other territories, in that war; territories whose occupation continue to generate problems for Israel's public relations.
     The fact that the Israelis intentionally attacked this U.S. military vessel, means that Israel is the only "Semitic" or Middle Eastern country that has successfully attacked a U.S. military target unprovoked since the end of World War II (aside from the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, perpetrated by the Sudan).
     Additionally, John McCain's father helped cover-up the U.S.S. Liberty incident, by heading the committee to investigate the incident, and supposedly was ordered to conclude that the attack was accidental.

     31. Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard gave classified U.S. information to Israel, and is now free.

     Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard served over two decades in federal prison for infiltrating the C.I.A. and passing-on classified American information concerning Arab nations to Israel. Pollard was released from prison in 2015, after 30 years.

     32. Israeli counter-intelligence may have worked with the U.S. to engineer 9/11 as a false flag.

     Former University of Wisconsin professor Kevin Barrett believes that the U.S. and Israel both use the same counter-terrorism policy: recruit Muslims who are already angry at Israel (preferably people of low intelligence, or even mentally disabled individuals) who can be agitated and provoked further (that is, radicalized), and trained to carry out attacks against American, Jewish, or Israeli targets. Basically, staging false flag attacks, and doing "agents provocateurs" tactics, is our "counter-terrorism" policy. Our counter-terrorism policy is to create more terrorism, that's sanctioned by our own government. Our policy is to radicalize Islam, and then impose mass punishment upon Muslims by blaming them for failing to hold fellow Muslims responsible.
     Barrett believes that the reason this policy is successful, is because American intelligence agents are usually able to stop these attacks (such as by scrambling fighter jets), which wins them more funding for police because they prevented an attack (that they staged to begin with). But when American intelligence agents fail to prevent an attack that they staged, they still get more funding, because then, it looks like they need that funding (and it also serves as a reminder that we need to clamp down on Americans' civil liberties more).
     Additionally, Israeli counterintelligence agents have been known to take advantage of the similarity in appearance between Arabs and Semitic Jews, for spy purposes (and some have suggested that this tactic was used on 9/11).


Kevin Barrett:

Adam Gadahn:

     33. Pro-Israel media have lied about the faith of the 1993 W.T.C. attackers and the 9/11 attackers.

     Pro-Israel media, and Islamophobic media, have glossed over the fact that Ramzi Yousef, the lead perpetrator of the 1993 World Trade Center attacks, was known to drink alcohol and associate with strippers and prostitutes. The same can be said of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and alleged 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta.
     The fact that Islam forbids those licentious activities, cannot be reconciled with the idea that those Muslims who attack Americans do so out of a firm belief in their religion. If Yousef, Mohammed, and Atta firmly believed in Islam, then they would not have drunk alcohol, nor associated with prostitutes.

     34. Israeli counter-intelligence, Larry Silverstein's business deals in Israel, Dancing Israelis, Danny Lewin, and more, all suggest Israeli involvement in 9/11.

     Numerous facts point to possible Israeli involvement in, or at least foreknowledge of, the attacks of September 11th, 2001.
     These include the Israeli business interests of World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein and the attacks as a possible case of insurance fraud on Silverstein's behalf, a FOX report on Israeli agents posing as art students and toy salesmen in the United States, the revelation that Israeli airliner El-Al is housing plane wreckage from the 9/11 attacks in one of its hangars at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, and the fact that passenger Danny Lewin and the "dancing Israelis" arrested in New Jersey on 9/11 had all served in M.O.S.S.A.D..
     Benjamin Netanyahu has even made statements that seem to cast 9/11 in a positive light, if only for its possible positive effects on Jewish safety. Additionally, Ehud Barak jumped to blaming Osama bin Laden for 9/11 very soon after the attacks.

     35. An Israeli killed American protester Rachel Corrie by running her over with a bulldozer.

     In 2004 - in Rafah, Gaza - an Israeli ran over 23-year-old American protester Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer, killing her.
     Corrie was protesting the destruction of Palestinian homes (with those very same bulldozers) in order to continue the development of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The operator of the bulldozer claimed that he did not see Corrie.
     Corrie's family sought reparations from the Israeli government over the incident, but the court ruled against them.

     36. Jewish-Americans are over-represented in government, and all are eligible for Israeli citizenship through the Right of Return.

     Jewish-Americans continue to be vastly over-represented in the U.S. Senate, House, and Supreme Court. True, intermarriage means that many of these representatives are only part Jewish, and merit should always govern how elected officials are not chosen, nor should quota systems be imposed.
     But questions of disproportionate numeric influence aside; the fact of Jewish over-representation on the Court and in Congress are problematic for two reasons: 1) all Jews are eligible for Israeli citizenship, due to the Israeli "right of return" law, and that means any Jewish U.S. official could easily become a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, and 2) the more Jewish people (whether white, Semitic, both, or neither) we have representing Americans in the halls of Congress, the fewer Hispanics, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and others, we have representing Americans in the halls of Congress.

     37. The Israeli equivalent of the C.I.A., and an Israeli fighting technique, are being promoted in American entertainment.

     Several American television shows, including The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother, were revealed to have been subtly promoting the Israeli martial arts school Krav Maga. The Adam Sandler film You Don't Mess with the Zohan was an even more overt propagandization of pro-M.O.S.S.A.D. sentiments (but with an anti-racist, but nonetheless misogynistic, "moral of the story" in the end). It is getting harder to deny that some American television and films have pro-Israel propaganda in them (the Islamophobia, though, is much easier to detect).

     38. Some Israelis mock Christians and Christianity, and burn churches and desecrate Christian graves.

     Israelis have been observed mocking America for being the victim of 9/11, spitting on Christians, denigrating Jesus and Mary and mocking the crucifixion, burning Christian churches, and desecrating Christian graves.

Israelis' treatment of Christians:,7340,L-4525312,00.html

Israelis' mockery of Christianity:

Israelis mocking 9/11:,7340,L-4351384,00.html

Christian graves desecrated:


     39. Israeli influence on U.S. diplomacy and foreign policy risk an uninformed and misguided policy on the Islamic world.

     If U.S. foreign policy towards the Islamic world is in any way misguided, then U.S. policy towards Israel has enormous consequences regarding those some 1.5 billion Muslim people. Our determination that there be "no light between the United States and Israel", often requires making enemies of entire predominantly-Muslim nations, hundreds of millions of people at a time.
     Choosing the wrong Muslim countries, and the wrong regimes, to cooperate with, could have dire consequences upon the alignment of nations in a potential future cold war or world war (specifically, at worst, a conspiracy against the United States and Israel by countries representing half the world's population).

What Israel Has Done Wrong to its Own People (Jews and Israelis) and to Judaism

     40. The Jewish-American mafia helped proto-Israeli paramilitary forces attempt a coup against the Israeli government.

     Jewish-American gangsters Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, and others, established the Jewish mafia in America. One outlet for the Jewish mafia was a candy store. The Jewish mafia in the United States operated under the name Murder Inc.. Meyer Lansky and the mob played instrumental roles in helping the Israeli state to become independent.
     Murder Inc.'s associates in Zionist paramilitary group Irgun, bought the ship the Altalena, loaded it with millions of dollars in French-bought arms, and attempted to land on the Israeli shore. Irgun, then led by Menachem Begin, did this in order to attempt to carry out a coup against the democratically elected government of Israel, the Labor-Zionist Mapai party led by Prime Minister David ben-Gurion, who treated the Altalena affair as an act of insurrection.
     The Altalena was sunk before making landfall, and 19 people were killed during the two days of the affair.
     Haganah, along with Irgun and Lehi, were merged into the Israeli Defense Forces when Israel declared independence in May 1948. Despite the fact that Irgun had merged into the I.D.F., that did not stop the I.D.F. from confronting Irgun militants aboard the Altalena. The Irgun was completely absorbed into the I.D.F. on the first day of June 1948.

     41. The Israeli military enforces a draft.

     The Israeli Defense Forces require Israeli citizens above age 18 to serve in the I.D.F.. Men serve for 2 years and 8 months, while women serve for two years.
     After all the exemptions are taken into account, 3/4 of Israeli youths end up serving in the I.D.F., while about half of Israeli citizens living in the country today have served in the I.D.F.. The Israeli draft includes young women, and it also includes yeshiva students who would rather be studying G-d's word than learning how to fight.
     It is ironic that Israelis criticize Palestinians for turning their children into warriors at the age of 12, because Israelis think themselves so much more civilized just because they wait until their children turn 18 to strap guns to them. It suggests a low standard for military valor.

     42. Protesting Israel's draft is illegal there.

     Israeli authorities have arrested and jailed people for protesting Israel's draft.

     43. Many Israeli schools are segregated.

     Most schools in Israel are segregated according to religion (i.e., Judaism vs. Islam), and even according to sects or traditions within Judaism (i.e., liberal, reform, Reconstructionist, conservadox, modern Orthodox, ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jews, etc.).

     44. Some Israelis teach their children to hate Arabs.

     While it's true that some Palestinians teach their children to hate Jews, there are Israeli citizens who teach their children to hate Palestinians.
     Some defenders of Israel like to repeat a quotation attributed to Golda Meir (which, incidentally, possibly was never said by her); that Palestinians will only stop attacking Israelis when their love of their children overwhelms their hatred of Israelis.
     The idea that Meir said this, is a form of propaganda that indoctrinates young Jewish people into assuming that all Arabs hate Jews, and want to kill them because it's supposedly part of their religion, etc..
     The idea that Meir said this, has been used to absolve Israelis of all responsibility to teach their own children that Arab hatred of Israelis is not unprovoked (because of the I.D.F.'s crimes against the Palestinians). The quotation shifts the responsibility from the Israelis attacking "in self defense" to the people who are getting fired upon; it suggests that Palestinians ought to ask themselves what they did to put themselves in that situation.,7340,L-4826594,00.html

     45. A group of Israelis may have mocked bombing victims during a photo shoot.

     In 2006, Israeli children were photographed writing messages onto Israeli tank shells intended to be fired across the northern Israeli border into Lebanon.
     Although it looks on the surface like the children were drawing taunting messages on the rockets, their messages were supposedly messages of love, directed at Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Additionally, defenders of the photographs say that the children had been in an underground shelter for five days before the photographs were taken. Children also drew Israeli flags on the rockets.
     According to reports, the parents of the children, and photographic journalists who were there when this occurred, thought that letting the children draw on tank shells would show the contrast between love and war. But it is also easy to understand how these photographs could be perceived as insensitive, taunting of the people who will eventually end up on the other side of those shells, and even as an example of Israelis teaching their children to hate Arabs.

     46. Many Israelis in the West Bank are complicit with "price tag" reprisals, which target Palestinians and their property.

     An Israeli Jewish father living in the West Bank gave an interview to press after his teenage daughter was caught vandalizing Palestinian property. The man told a reporter that he was proud of his daughter for caring enough about the problems in the world to do something like that.

     47. Some Israeli charities are scams to fund the army.

     Jewish prophecy foretells that in Olam Ha-Ba ("the world to come"), the land of Israel will flourish anew. That happened, many thousands of trees were planted, and the miraculous desalinization process developed by Israeli scientists allowed the cultivation of many acres of land which would otherwise be impossible to farm due to the deserts.
     Charity organizations such as the Jewish National Fund (J.N.F.; popularly known as the "pennies for Israel" charity) collected funds which were intended to go toward the planting of trees in Israel, in order to help make that prophecy come true. Unfortunately, some of the funds which were collected for planting trees in Israel, went to purchasing guns and bombs for the Israeli Defense Forces. This was likely rationalized as "beating our ploughshares into swords".
     As a reminder, the I.D.F. was organized through the merger of three paramilitary organizations, which, until they were to formally constitute the military apparatus of a state, would otherwise be considered potential terrorist groups; stateless entities (that is, on par with I.S.I.S.).

     48. Some Israelis despise the devoutly religious, and those who criticize Israel.

     Many Israeli citizens teach their children to think that ultra-Orthodox Jews who reject the idea of Jewish sovereignty are crazy.
     Granted, these Jews are in a minority - only 1% of Jews are considered ultra-Orthodox and reject Jewish sovereignty that does not involve communal rabbinic courts - but being in the minority guarantees neither that they are wrong, nor that they have rights.
     Some Israeli citizens disparage ultra-Orthodox Jews for rejecting the latest technology, and disparage anti-Zionist Jews as "self-hating" Jews. Israelis also mock such Jews for being unable to resist the temptation to accept assistance from the Israeli government, which is supposed to be against their religion.

     49. Israeli doctors sterilized black Jewish women.

     Israeli doctors allowed many Ethiopian Jewish women to be sterilized without their knowledge. This was alleged to have been part of a deliberate attempt to reduce the population of Ethiopian Jews in Israel. The Israelis' treatment of Ethiopians is ironic, given the lengths to which Israeli soldiers went to save Ethiopians in Operation Solomon.

     50. Israel has grown increasingly xenophobic lately.

     In recent years, the State of Israel has made conscious steps towards, and overt statements justifying, the supposed need to crack down on non-Jewish and non-white immigration into the country.

     51. An Israeli official appeared to sympathize with the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter.

     Israeli advisor Naftali Bennett appeared to agree with the perpetrator of the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, saying that the shooter was motivated by the need to oppose immigration.

     52. Israeli puts Jews in harm's way by associating Israeli war crimes with Judaism.

     While attacks on Jews around the world increase whenever Israel is at war, Israel's representatives - especially Benjamin Netanyahu - tend to speak in vain, self-loathing (yet somehow also self-congratulating) platitudes, pretending that it has the ability or the desire to save every Jew outside Israel from violence.
     Israel does this in order to garner sympathy and donations for itself, while Jews around the world suffer from anti-Semitic attacks which are inspired by Israel's policy of war crimes, not by anything having to do with the religion of Judaism.
     Israel, by asserting that its illegal actions represent all Jews worldwide, motivates anti-Semitic attacks, and causes people to treat any and all Jewish people as potential agents of the Israeli government (and Israel does little to dissuade that sentiment, because it drafts 3/4 of its own people!). 
     Essentially, Israel is using the Israeli people, and the Jewish religion, as shields against criticism for Israel's crimes (in every bit the same way as Palestinians use their children as human shields, and more).

     53. Israel has done little to combat the rise of pro-Zionist elements of the alt-Right.

     The rise of figures like Jared Kushner and Milo Yiannopoulos (whom are Jewish); and Steve Bannon, Richard Spencer, to some extent David Duke (whom are not), present the troublesome potential of a growing alliance between Zionists and white nationalists.
     Spencer, for example, says that a more white and homogeneous Israel, with more restricted immigration and the recently enacted "Nation State Law", reflects the same principles of nationalism he'd wish of any other country.
     The Netanyahu regime is evidently doing little to stop Zionism, white nationalism, and racism from becoming permanently intertwined, and sadly, some Jewish-Americans have even fallen for it.

Trump & Israel:

Steve Bannon:

Richard Spencer:

Milo Yiannopoulos:

     54. Israel sells weapons to terrorist groups in Ukraine and Syria that use them to target Jews.

     Agents in Israel have reportedly sold Israeli-made weapons to terrorist groups in the Ukraine and Syria, which subsequently used those weapons against Jewish targets in those countries. Israel has also sold weapons to at least 18 other countries.

     55. Jabotinsky, a key founder of Zionism, made arguably anti-Yiddish, anti-Semitic, anti-"Asiatic" statements about some Jewish people.

     Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a key early contributor to the development of Zionism, urged Jews to shed their Eastern appearances which made them obviously Jewish to the naked eye, and to instead adopt an ideal of Jewish "masculine beauty" which was antithetical to the traditional appearance of Jews in the Eastern European pale, and more similar to the clean-shaven, robust, angular appearance of the people who had routinely banned them from this and that European country over the previous millennium.
     Jabotinsky himself did not wear a beard, and his statements arguably helped confirm and rationalize white Christian Europeans' feelings of repulsion by Ashkenazic Jews' "Asiatic" appearances.

     56. The contributions of Herzl, another key founder of Zionism, suggest that religious Judaism was not always part of the plan for Israel.

     Another key contributor to Zionism, Theodor Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organization, did not circumcise his son, was not a practicing Jew, and saw Zionism as a purely political solution to the problem of Jewish safety.
     Herzl did not foresee Israelis speaking Hebrew; and incidentally, modern Hebrew is arguably a corruption of ancient Hebrew, traditionally considered a holy language. In speaking modern Hebrew, modern Israeli culture is arguably a profanation of a holy language. Speaking any sort of Hebrew language fluently is not considered necessary to be a practicing Jew.

     57. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a devoutly observant Jew.

     Netanyahu does not keep kosher, wears a yarmulke very infrequently, and does not know what language Jesus spoke.
     Netanyahu, Herzl, and Jabotinsky, in many ways, all deserve to be characterized as (as Christopher Hitchens put it) "believing that G-d does not exist, but also that He gave Jews the land of Israel".
     Despite Netanyahu's lack of devoted religious observation, he is somehow able to maintain the illusion that he, his party, and the State of Israel, represent all Jewish people worldwide, as well as Jewish values.

     58. Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife are currently under investigation for bribery and corruption.

     59. The Netanyahu government has had a stranglehold on Israeli politics for twenty years.

     The Netanyahu government, and the Likud Party, have dominated Israeli politics for some two decades, disenfranchising a large number of parties. True, the Likud has been obligated to form coalition governments, and small parties do win seats, but small parties are all but excluded from the Israeli political process.

     60. There is sexual segregation on Israeli buses.

     The influence of conservative Judaism on Israeli politics has resulted in the adoption of gender segregation on public transportation in Israel.

61. The I.D.F. discriminates against, and spies on, Israeli and Palestinian homosexuals.

     It is a matter of public knowledge in Israel that the military's cybersecurity apparati collect negative information about people, for the purpose of using it as blackmail. This information includes whether a person of interest is homosexual. In the case of homosexual Palestinians, this is often done for the purpose of pressuring them into becoming informants for the I.D.F..
     Israeli society also suffers from a widespread and open stigmatization of homosexuality. Several scenes in Adam Sandler's 2008 film You Don't Mess with the Zohan portray just how openly homophobic some I.D.F. soldiers can be.

     62. The predication of the State of Israel upon the religion of Judaism is dubious in the first place.

     Pro-Israeli public relations outlets have predicated the existence and survival of the Jewish people upon the State of Israel. In practice, this means that Jews' safety is thought to be dependent upon the State of Israel's sovereignty, its right to "defend itself" as it sees fit (even if that means committing war crimes), and its exclusionary immigration policy.
     The idea that the Oaths of the Torah can only be fulfilled inside Israel, ignores the fact that the people of Moses received the Torah outside the land of Israel, and before entering the Holy Land. The Oaths can be fulfilled inside the land, and Jews can live in Israel at will, but ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionists Jews believe that willful mass immigration to Israel is prohibited, since the Jews are in exile (and have been since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D.).

     63. Some pro-Israel interests do not want to admit that Israel doesn't have full freedom of religion, and for good reason.

     Pro-Israel public relations outlets have supported the right of Jews to pray in the Old City, basically wherever and whenever they please, in defiance of Israeli and Jordanian authorities.
     In 2013, Rabbi Susan Silverman, the sister of Jewish-American comedian Sarah Silverman, protested Jews' lack of freedom to pray openly at the Wailing Wall, as part of a group called Women of the Wall.
     Jewish Israelis' supposed right to do this, is defended on the grounds that Israel is the only democracy and the only country with religious freedom in the Middle East. Additionally, the notion that in the world to come, Jerusalem will become "a house of prayer for all nations", is cited to defend the need to allow Jews to pray freely in the Old City of Jerusalem.
     This may seem like an inhibition of religious freedom, and an obvious instance of the Jews being correct, but the Jordanian Islamic Waqf has control of the Dome of the Rock, and restricts prayer to certain times and dates, and restricts Jews' freedom to overtly pray, for a reason.
     This is the spot which was formerly occupied by the First and Second Holy Temples. It is also believed to have been the spot where Abraham almost sacrificed his son Isaac. Some also believe that it was the "cornerstone of Creation", the first place on Earth created by G-d. Muslims also believe that Muhammad ascended to Heaven on this site; next to the Dome of the Rock mosque (al-Aqsa). Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter the Dome of the Rock.
     A lot of people - of various faiths - want these areas to be protected. The "Sanctum Sanctorum" (the "Holy of Holies", the name for the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle) is probably the single most holy of all places in Judaism. It is believed to have once housed the Ark of the Covenant of the people of Moses.
     Stepping on the Holy of Holies (the former site of the Tabernacle -, or entering the sanctuary at the wrong date and time, or when one is not a Levite priest - is forbidden. Not in Islam; in Judaism, and according to Israeli law as well.
     Jordanian Islamic authorities are not the only ones who restrict prayer on the Temple Mount; Israeli law affects the legality of prayer there as well. So if anyone deserves to be protested for restricting prayer, then Jordanian and Israeli authorities must share equal blame. And it seems that the Women of the Wall protesters did assign equal blame. But we should also ask ourselves whether G-d deserves any blame, since He's the one who supposedly set these prayer rules down in the first place.
     And maybe He did, maybe He didn't! These ideas might seem unusual or foreign to Westerners, Christians, and secularists. But the problem is not necessarily that open prayer by Jewish people on the Temple Mount is going to cause some kind of "end of the world". The problem is that openly praying in public - in defiance of multiple religious and political organizations' requests, and at inappropriate times and dates and locations - is disruptive. It interferes with the religious liberty of non-Jews wishing to pray quietly, and without disrupting others, at that location.
     We may value religious liberty here in the West, and that is fine. But our freedom to practice our own religion (or no religion) should not negate other people's rights to practice their religion in peace. We have the right to worship as we please, but not if it requires hurting others, and not if it requires shoving our religion in other people's faces in public, and entering their holy spaces without their permission.

     Read the following articles to find out why some Israelis have even stooped to endorsing the same theories of racial supremacy which led the Nazis to attempt to destroy the Jewish people, and to endorsing the commission of new atrocities and disproportionate violence in response to the Holocaust:

Title changed several times in order to reflect the author's growing list of
"things Israel has done wrong"

Originally Written and Published on March 5th, 2019

Edited and Expanded on March 6th, 13th, 14th, and 21st, and April 30th, 2019
Links Added on March 5th through 7th, April 30th, and May 28th, 2019

Edited and Expanded on May 17th, 2019

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