Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wisconsin's 2nd District U.S. House Debates

   As a write-in independent candidate who failed to garner sufficient signatures to gain access to the ballot for Wisconsin's 2nd-district U.S. House seat, I have been excluded from three events wherein I would have had the opportunity to explain my views and positions.
   Being that my fellow independent candidate - Rocky Ison of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost Party - also failed to garner enough signatures to secure ballot access, he has encountered the same obstacles as I have encountered in terms of debate access.
   Mr. Ison, myself, and possibly Libertarians State Assembly candidate Richard Martin - and / or other candidates for elected office living in Madison - will soon be mentioned in an article by Jack Craver for the Capital Times, explaining their support of Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for the presidency.

   On September 28th, 2012, the League of Women Voters held a debate. Democratic nominee State Assemblyman Mark Pocan was the only candidate present (how that event qualified as a debate is beyond me). I did not find out about the debate until after it happened, but had I known, I would have been excluded from participating due to my lack of ballot access. The debate was broadcast by Madison City Channel 12.
   On October 13th, 2012, the businessmen's organization 100 Black Men of Madison will host a general membership meeting. Mr. Pocan and Republican nominee Chad Lee will appear as guest speakers. I am not yet aware whether their comments will be broadcast or recorded, nor whether the event format is that of a debate. I was excluded from speaking due to my lack of ballot access.
   On October 17th, the Rotary Club of Madison will host a debate at the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall. Mark Pocan and Chad Lee will appear. I was excluded from the debate due to my lack of ballot access, and also due to the debate's 30-minute time limit (how the myriad of inter-related political issues can be covered in half an hour is beyond me). The debate will be broadcast by WisEye, and it will likely be available for free streaming the following day.

   On October 7th, I gave a three-minute speech on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol during the 42nd Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival, following the march from Library Mall to the Capitol. I criticized Chad Lee's lack of enthusiasm in communicating any position on marijuana, as well as Mark Pocan's inconsistent and unprincipled support of some personal freedoms in regards to legal and illicit medications. I also endorsed the legalization of the trade and use of marijuana for recreational, medicinal, industrial, and entheogenic purposes alike.
   I plan to record myself doing voice-over commentary on the Rotary Club's debate - which will feature only the Democratic and Republican nominees - and upload it onto my YouTube channel at

For more entries on Wisconsin politics, please visit:

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