Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Speech at the DeForest Area Chamber of Commerce Candidates' Forum

I gave the following address - to an audience of about 15 or 20 people - following a debate between Democrat Mark Pocan and Republican Chad Lee at the DeForest Area Public Library on October 16th, 2012, at the candidates' forum for the race for the U.S. House from Wisconsin's 2nd District (some of this material has been recycled from my previous criticisms of Pocan and Lee, and from a recent press release):

As an independent write-in candidate who did not garner enough signatures to get on the ballot, this forum is the first of four events from which I have not been excluded.
The average American can afford neither the time nor the education necessary to know his legal rights and understand the political system well enough in order to defend himself in court, nor to run a successful campaign for elected office. As such, my candidacy has focused on the restoration of civil liberties, the augmentation of the rights of the accused, and the information of citizens and jurors of jury nullification.
My campaign has also focused on restoring competitivity to government. That is not to say that I support “running the government like a business” – especially not in the sense that government should protect or bestow privilege upon businesses (of any size) – but rather, I support removing barriers to entry into the electoral system which are keeping third-party and independent candidates and opinions out of the picture, and which are helping to erect a false and combative dichotomy between the two mainstream political parties.
Being that I oppose big money in politics, my campaign neither solicits nor accepts monetary donations. I believe that it is not primarily Big Bird nor the Koch brothers who pose the greatest threat to government devoid of influence by special interests, but rather the military-financial complex, and an opportunistic inclination towards bribing the citizens with their own money, supported by an overly loose and unconstitutional interpretation of the General Welfare Clause. I believe that no two people have exactly the same set of values, and that therefore there is no such thing as constitutional federal spending, being that such spending would not benefit all - or nearly all – citizens, as I feel the founders intended.
As a candidate, I have supported Mark Pocan’s views on social ethics while supporting Chad Lee’s views on the Constitution, most notably the 10th Amendment. However, I would criticize Mr. Pocan’s views on the 2nd Amendment, and vice laws on alcohol and tobacco, while criticizing Mr. Lee’s views on immigration and abortion.
I’m running for Congress because I support free-market and strict-constructionist policies which I feel not one of my opponents – even the Republican – either fully nor sufficiently supports. But I’m also running because I support social-justice ethics which I feel not one of my opponents – even the Democrat – sufficiently supports.
If elected to the 113th Congress from Wisconsin’s 2nd district, I would be an outspoken voice supporting dual federalism, American national sovereignty, a non-interventionist foreign policy, the restoration of the civil liberties contained in the Bill of Rights, the freedom of choice, freedom from public-sector discrimination, amnesty for all non-violent undocumented immigrants, a non-interventionist monetary policy, sound currency, and real fiscal restraint.
I would be an ardent critic of the current federal monetary, budgetary, taxation, and wage policies; the political influence of all types of lobbies from Wall Street to Israel; and the overly loose, predominantly-held interpretation of the General Welfare Clause which excuses unconstitutional federal spending on military and economic aid to foreign governments; the development of national infrastructure; and loans, favors, and privileges for large labor unions and large businesses alike.
I will vocally oppose the subversion of American national sovereignty and interest to the concerns of the pro-Israel lobby and the United Nations, oppose all attempts to continue to fund arms races between the State of Israel and its neighbors, and call attention to any suspected institutional moves to deliberately exclude or suppress the articulation and communication of anti-Zionist religious, cultural, political, and military policy positions.
I believe that America needs to reaffirm its commitment to protect Israel; not the State of Israel, nor the land of Israel, but primarily the people of Israel, especially when it comes to protecting the rights of religious minorities – be they Christian, Jewish, or Muslim – against encroachments by the State.
I would also criticize the overly loose interpretation of the Necessary and Proper Clause; the Just Compensation Clause; Presidential Reorganizational Authority of the executive branch; and all laws that unreasonably strengthen the power of the executive, especially to use emergency domestic security and financial powers, and to provide for continuity-of-government measures which erode civil liberties.
If I am elected, I will support the freedom of and from association; voluntary exchange and compliance; and a system of contract law which is the basis of – rather than limited by – all legitimate governance. My voting record will reflect the people’s desire to limit and decentralize government, require it to compete in all sectors of the social economy, and embrace free-market principles, and restore our republic and our individual rights in a manner that adheres to the letter of Constitutional law.
I believe that the need for economic efficiency and social justice calls upon all members and sectors of society - as a tentative coalition of individuals, businesses, cooperatives, and communities - to promote the consent of the governed, and freer choice and alternatives in elections; to bring about an egalitarian funding system for governments through boycott and social convention; and to reject predatory lending, the manipulation of currency values and interest rates, and speculation without full possession of assets; in order to guard against – and compensate for - the excessive and undue influence of unnatural monopolies and oligarchies of all varieties; be they representatives of government, labor, or capital.
Please vote for me, Joe Kopsick – K-O-P-S-I-C-K – by writing-in my name on the ballot for the U.S. House on November 6th. Thank you.

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