Monday, March 17, 2025

Speech to the Waukegan City Council Regarding Land Value Taxation (March 17th, 2025)

      The following speech about taxation policy was delivered, in part, on the evening of March 17th, 2025, during the twice-monthly meeting of the city council of Waukegan, Illinois.
     The Waukegan City Council allows three minutes for public comments, and normally meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, at 7:00 P.M..

     The proposal to which I refer in the speech, and offer to provide to the mayor and aldermen, can be read at the following address:
     A summary of that article can be accessed, as well, at the following address:

     Video of this speech may be available at the following address:

     It’s good to see you again… I’m Joe Kopsick, an eight-year Waukegan resident, originally from Lake Bluff.

     Out of more than three thousand counties in America, only nineteen of them tax property value more than Lake County does. Property owners feel over-taxed, and they are. That’s why I want to tell you about a plan to stop taxing property value… and start taxing the unimproved value of property.

     Land Value Taxation (or L.V.T.) is a plan to decrease urban sprawl – and conserve space in densely-populated areas – by reducing the number of vacant lots in the middle of cities. L.V.T. would tax the owners of such parcels of land; because those parcels are going unused, and because their non-use makes it impossible for everyone else to derive use from that land.

     So, then, the owners should pay a fee, to the city, in exchange for continuing to exercise ownership of that property. Cities could use tax liens (or other tools) to ensure that those who don’t pay such fees would have their property confiscated, and temporarily put into city custody, until it can be auctioned off in a fair bidding process (in which monopolists and land speculators can’t place bids).

     Four years ago, I looked at the city budget, classified all taxes into types, and determined whether they follow L.V.T. principles or could co-exist with L.V.T.. In my opinion, as much as sixty percent of the current city budget, can and should be replaced with taxes on the despoilation, hoarding, and non-improvement of land. I propose phasing L.V.T. in slowly over four years. This proposal could be enacted with or without a basic income; I propose letting each city decide.

     If you don’t mind, I’d like to give each of you a copy of this proposal. I can also email you a video I made, based on this proposal; and I have unabbreviated versions of this speech.


     While looking at the budget, I also learned that the city operates a “Vacant Lots Registry Fund”. So – to facilitate the phasing-in of Land Value Taxes – I propose that the city expand that fund, into what I would describe as a “vacant lots and homes; polluted or blighted or hoarded lands; and parcels housing abandoned construction projects… registry fund”.

     It may also help if that fund could eventually partner with – or maybe even merge into – local land conservation agencies and Community Land Trusts.

     Using L.V.T., we would tax the despoilation of land, in an intentionally punitive way; instead of accidentally appearing to “punish taxpayers for producing” (by taxing income, sale and purchase, and construction). We should phase-in L.V.T.; while phasing-out taxes on working, buying, selling, consuming, building-values (because it would be anti-productive and economically harmful to tax these “improvements upon land”).

     Enacting Land Value Taxes – including a tax on owning more than 4.8 acres per person – will free homeowners to develop, beautify, and improve their homes, without having to worry about either gentrification, or higher property taxes arising from their having increased their own property’s value. We need to assess land value fairly – by “taxing land, not buildings” – in order to reduce the average price of land for everyone.

     Once land is less expensive, everything on top of the land will – in turn – become less expensive. It will be easier and cheaper to mix labor and capital on top of the land; more affordable to work, start a business, and apply human labor to raw materials in order to produce things we need to survive). When working and starting business are not taxed unnecessarily, they will be less expensive, and this will lead to less unemployment, less homelessness, and less landlessness.

     L.V.T. would thus make property taxes and home “ownership” less expensive and easier to understand for the average person. And I put “ownership” in quotes, because if you have to pay taxes on something you own - to the government - then it really isn’t truly or fully yours. L.V.T. solves that problem; by taxing people based on whether they’re using – and how they treat – their property; instead of taxing them just because they own it.

     L.V.T. is a win-win for everyone; except for those certain land “developers” - and giant corporations investing in real estate - who happen to be financial criminals (preying upon cities and towns, trying to profit from spoiling land, hoarding large swaths of it, and speculating on its value for personal and investor gain).

     That’s why – alongside the enactment of Land Value Taxes – we should continue (and increase) the fining and prosecution of people and companies that pollute, or that commit wage theft or other financial crimes (including mineral companies that take unique resources from our ground and then “skip town with the money”).

      Thus, the people and companies harming Waukegan’s economy the most – and hoarding Waukegan’s land the most – would start paying the city adequately for the cost of continuing to uphold their wasteful, untenable property claims (or else they would surrender that property).

     The communists wanted to communize the commons (meaning the land, water, and air); while people who want free markets say “laissez-faire” (essentially; leave producers untaxed) and want taxes to be simpler and easier to understand. This proposal achieves both, satisfying people on the economic left and right.

     Additionally, lowering taxes on everyone who earns income without allowing land to go to waste or become unusable, will also help decrease government intrusion into the private economic affairs of ordinary law-abiding workers.

     Land Value Taxation will help us move away from a model of taxing things just because they exist and are valuable, towards a model in which we would fund government with fees and fines levied against financial crimes and other harmful economic activities. L.V.T. will make city budgets easier to fully fund without resorting to double taxation of income by multiple levels of government (which taxpayers dislike). We will be taxing the right things for the right reasons, and the reason for the taxation will be (more often) related to the purpose of the spending.

     In summary: Tax land, not man. Tax land, not labor or capital. Tax bads, not goods. Tax destruction, not production.

      Thank you for listening. Please let me know if I can put you in touch with economists whom are better-versed on this topic; these include Scott Baker, Mason Gaffney, Alanna Hartzok, and Jeffery Smith.

Written on March 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2025.

Published on March 17th, 2025.

Delivered in part on March 17th, 2025.

Speech to the Waukegan City Council Regarding Former Mayor Sam Cunningham (February 3rd, 2025)

Part I: Introduction

      Approximately half of the following speech was delivered to the mayor and aldermen of Waukegan, Illinois, at the February 3rd meeting of the Waukegan City Council.
     What follows is the full speech that I would have given, had I not been constrained by the city council's three-minute time allotment for public comments.

     This speech is based, in part, on an article I published on July 25th, 2021, titled "Former Waukegan Mayor Sam Cunningham Excused Joe Biden's Child Molestation, Then Physically Assaulted my Friend". That article was published eight days after that event occurred.
     I also expanded the article, several times in October and November 2023, to reflect the fact that, originally, I neglected to mention that Cunningham shoved my friend to the ground, and neglected to mention how that occurred.
     While I regret the omission, I stress that I did not embellish the story, nor did I make any errors. The only reason why I forgot that Cunningham shoved my friend - and forgot to mention the reason why my friend subsequently sat on the sidewalk - was because of the stress which the event induced in the moment.
     I have recently discovered that undergoing stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol, which shrinks the hippocampus (which plays an important role in memory). The release of cortisol during the stress response is probably the most important factor contributing to diminished ability to remember said stressful and traumatic events.

     My original account of Cunningham's shoving my friend to the ground on July 17th, 2021 can be read at the following address:

     Additional articles I have written that mention Sam Cunningham can be accessed at the links below:
     [Note: Despite the fact that two of these articles' titles begin with the word "speech", they were not actually delivered.]

Part II: Unabbreviated Speech

     My name is Joseph W. Kopsick. I have lived in Waukegan for eight years.

      On February 24th and April 1st of this year, 2025, the eligible voters of Waukegan are called to decide who will be the next mayor of this city of 90,000 people.

     I rise this evening to inform the community that one of the candidates in this upcoming mayoral election, committed an act of physical battery, in an act which may also have constituted voter intimidation.


     On the evening of July 17th, 2021, an activist friend and I went to the public sidewalk out in front of what was then the Democratic Party Headquarters of Lake County, at 118 Genesee Street.
     I was holding a sign that read either, “The president is a pedophile” or “The president is a child molester”. I had made this sign to refer to an incident that occurred on January 6th, 2015, when then Vice President Joe Biden pinched the nipple of an 8-year-old girl, while the girl’s uncle, Steve Daines, was being sworn-in as Senator from Montana. This act was broadcast live on C-SPAN2, footage of it can still be found, and I can produce that footage if asked.

     I brought that sign to the front sidewalk, out in front of an active meeting of the Lake County chapter of the Democratic Party, in order to call local Democrats’ attention to Biden’s inappropriate behavior.

     Around 6:30 P.M., my friend and I noticed that two men were standing in front of the “A Cuban Experience” cigar store across the street. One of them was white, and the other was tall and African-American.
     My friend quickly noticed that the second person was Sam Cunningham, and he drew this to my attention. As soon as we were able to confirm that it was actually him, Cunningham – from across the street - noticed my sign, – which, again, read “the president is a child molester” – and he shouted, “That’s part of the job!”

     [I suppose the case could be made that he was “just joking”, but at the same time, this is arguably not a topic that it’s appropriate to make jokes about.]

     So I said, “Molesting children is part of the job of being president!?"

     Then my friend said, excitedly, “Is that disgraced former mayor Sam Cunningham?” My friend said this loudly enough for Cunningham to hear him.

     [As an aside:

     To say that my friend was in the wrong here, would require arguing that it constitutes “fighting words” to call someone who’s twenty feet away from you, “disgraced”. But my friend did not, at any point, dare Cunningham to fight him, or ask him to cross the street.

     As for the reason why my friend called him “disgraced former mayor”: As I’m sure many of you know, Cunningham had gotten in trouble for allegedly taking too much personal credit for the “Mayor’s Music Festival” and for allegedly working with his mother to attempt to get a man named Mike Morales kicked out of his public housing unit as retaliation for posting a photo of Cunningham and his mother with devil horns.]

     Hearing my friend call him “disgraced former mayor Sam Cunningham”, Cunningham marched across the street, and got up in my friend’s face. I should note, here, that my friend was a full foot shorter than Cunningham in height.

     Cunningham said, “What’d you say?”, pointed his finger at my friend’s chest, and then gave him either a shove, or a hard, firm, long, poke in the sternum. This caused my friend to fall to the ground, onto his backside.

     My friend then stood up, but sat down again, to show that he had been put there by Cunningham, and to show that he was not fighting back. At no point did my friend lay a hand or a finger on Cunningham.

     Before we knew it, Cunningham was allowed to go inside to where the meeting was happening (even though he had just been seen committing battery), and then his mother Mary Ross Cunningham – as well as a white woman inside the Democratic Party meeting – both called the police on us, claiming that there were “people laying down on the sidewalk" (as if Cunningham had not put my friend on the sidewalk by knocking him over during an instance of illegal battery).

     My friend and I left just as the police were arriving. We arguably should have stayed, and explained what happened, but we did not want to be in the position of appearing to resist arrest or contradict police in attempt to convince them that they were acting based on a false police report; nor in the position of having to convince the several people at the nearby La Casa de Samuel who witnessed and filmed the shoving, to hand-over their cell-phone videos (which, by the way, only captured what happened immediately after my friend was knocked to the ground, and thus would not be useful to the police in terms of showing who started the fight, even if they could be recovered).

     Numerous people saw Sam Cunningham there that day. I would be willing to testify in court that the preceding testimony is true, to the best of my recollection. I based tonight’s speech on a longer, more detailed account that I wrote right after it happened. Unfortunately, the police have told me that the statute of limitations for reporting Cunningham’s act of battery, have passed.

     I am not asking you to believe my account unquestioningly; and I would be glad to answer questions. I am simply inviting you to ask yourselves whether you think Sam Cunningham – six-foot-tall Sam Cunningham, whom has been accused of corruption before multiple times – has it within him, to have committed the act I have described.

     And if the answer is yes, then I invite you to consider that that sort of intimidation and battery is not the type of behavior that we should expect from someone who is running to be a servant of the people - as part of a civic obligation to create a more polite, peaceful society, where we sort out our differences calmly using words, rather than through violence – and consider that someone who has been credibly accused of such things should not be deemed a worthy candidate for mayor.

     Cunningham’s opponents are Ann Taylor, Keith Turner, Miguel Rivera, Kenneth Smith, and Harold Beadling. Choose wisely.

Part III: Link to Video

     Video of me delivering part of this speech is not yet available online. However, it may become available in the future, at the City of Waukegan's official YouTube account, which can be found at the following address:

Parts I and III written on March 17th, 2025
Part II written on February 2nd and 3rd, 2025.

Based on an article written on July 25th, 2023
and edited in late October and early November 2023.

Published on March 17th, 2025.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Actress Michelle Trachtenberg Dead at 39: Did Predators Around Her Drive Her to Alcoholism?

      Beloved actress Michelle Trachtenberg passed away on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025.
     The star of Nickelodeon's first movie Harriet the Spy, Disney's Ice Princess, and television's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gossip Girl was found unresponsive in her New York City apartment.
     Michelle Christine Trachtenberg was thirty-nine years old.

     On March 2nd, the cause and manner of her death were reported as undetermined, by the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City.
     Numerous reports state that Trachtenberg had recently undergone a liver transplant. Coroners in New York told reporters at A.B.C. that complications from that liver transplant were the likely cause of death. It's possible that Trachtenberg's body rejected the organ transplant. Sepsis frequently accompanies this condition.

     Despite widespread agreement that that failed liver transplant was the primary cause of Trachtenberg's ultimately death, social media posts that Trachtenberg made in 2022 have caused some internet users to speculate whether vaccination or over-vaccination may have contributed to her health problems, and potentially even to her death.
     While we should undoubtedly engage this issue with respect - as Trachtenberg's family and friends are mourning - the possibility that vaccines weakened her immune system, should not be considered unquestionable, nor undebatable.
     On March 21st, 2021, Trachtenberg made a post to Instagram consisting of a photograph of her facing slightly downward, along with a caption that began, "This is how I look down at people who don't want to get the vaccine."
     On December 21st, 2021, Trachtenberg made a post to Instagram which read, "I smile cuz I'm fully #vaccinated."
     It is regrettable that vaccination has become such a divisive issue. Unfortunately, many people view vaccination as a life-or-death issue. We should take this opportunity to reflect upon how we sometimes allow our opinions of what we consider life-or-death issues, to make us "look down" at others for having different views.
     I also hope that those who are concerned that vaccination may have contributed to Trachtenberg's inability to survive her transplant, will show restraint, and be respectful if and when they feel that they need to criticize Trachtenberg's choice to get vaccinated.
     Finally, I hope that people who support the use of vaccines, will look into the list of ingredients which have been included in vaccines (and some still are). These include thimerosal (mercury), formaldehyde (the preservative), tissue from human cadavers, tissue removed from Henrietta Lacks's tumor, cells from human aborted fetuses, and cells from green monkeys' kidneys.
     The link below contains a list of documentaries about vaccines, several of which explain the process of manufacturing vaccines:

     Trachtenberg's family has declined an autopsy, according to multiple sources.
     It seems likely that potential factors contributing to the lack of autopsy could possibly have consisted of any or all of the following:
     1) Trachtenberg's family may have considered an autopsy unnecessary, given the probability that the cause of death was the failed liver transplant;
     2) Autopsies are currently in high demand, due to the death rate increasing over the last five years; which means that autopsies more likely to be expensive, and therefore coroners overburdened and autopsies more difficult to come by. Vaccine researcher Steve Kirsch recently said that autopsies are "rarely done" anymore.
     3) Trachtenberg's heritage is Jewish (in addition to German and Russian). If her family observes Jewish customs, then burial of the dead within two or three days is recommended, and bypassing an autopsy could have been a way to expedite the planning of their daughter's burial and funeral.

     People Magazine reported that Trachtenberg's liver transplant took place "months before" her death; although it's unclear exactly when this occurred.
     People also reported that Trachtenberg shared a photo to social media in January 2024, to which some commenters responded with concern about her health. Sadly, Trachtenberg responded in a defensive manner, interpreting the comments as criticism of her gaunt appearance; as a suggestion that she looked old.
     These facts seem to suggest it's likely that Trachtenberg didn't even know she was sick until recently. It's possible that fear that she may have been sick, caused her to go into denial.
     Four days ago, NYU Web Publishing reported that Trachtenberg's weight dropped from 145 pounds in the early 2010s, down to 120 pounds a decade later.

     Liver transplant and over-vaccination aside, there is another potential contributing cause to Trachtenberg's death which should not be overlooked. The reason Trachtenberg needed a liver transplant is because she had developed alcoholism.
     Trachtenberg's small size would have made it more difficult for her - as compared to the average person - to ingest alcoholic drinks. That, coupled with living in urban environments (i.e., New York City and Los Angeles) would predispose her to drinking more than the average person does. The stress of working in the entertainment industry may have also been a factor. Actors frequently get up early in the morning to begin photography.
     These factors could certainly have contributed to the development of Trachtenberg's self-medication with alcohol. But something else likely accelerated that process: Hollywood predators.
     Here are fourteen potential predators who were near Michelle Trachtenberg throughout her life, who may have been bad influences upon her.

     1) None of this is to imply that Trachtenberg was intentionally murdered; only that she may have been driven to a spiral into alcoholism due to stress inflicted upon her by multiple boyfriends and actors who may have treated her in inappropriate manners.
     2) The only person on this list who was specifically accused as predatory by Trachtenberg was Joss Whedon.
     3) The only person on this list who is an admitted child rapist is Iggy Pop.
     4) This list is arranged from least suspicious to most suspicious, beginning with the least threatening individuals first.
     5) Individuals at the top of the list were not inappropriate towards Trachtenberg, but their inclusion here is necessary to clarify some rumors. Please read carefully before coming to conclusions.]

     1. Sarah Michelle Gellar

     Gellar was Trachtenberg's co-star in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
     Gellar starred in the 1998 film Cruel Intentions with Ryan Phillippe (who later became her husband). Gellar and Phillipe portrayed a brother and sister who were in an incestuous relationship as adults. 
     However, no allegations of inappropriate treatment of minors have come out against Gellar. In fact, she backed Michelle Trachtenberg up when Trachtenberg reported that Buffy creator Joss Whedon had been inappropriate toward her.

     2. Hugh Laurie / producers of House, M.D.

     Trachtenberg appeared - and was nominated for an Emmy for her appearance - in the television show House, M.D., starring Hugh Laurie.
     Some viewers have described a scene which depicted Laurie's character examining Trachtenberg as inappropriate. However, Trachtenberg has told reporters that she had a crush on Laurie. This suggests that Laurie and the show's creators did not treat Trachtenberg disrespectfully.

     3. Josh Groban

     Trachtenberg dated singer Josh Groban, who was four years older than she was.
     No specific accusations of sexual impropriety have been made about Groban, but there are unconfirmed rumors that he made an unwanted advance towards a young adult woman. On the other hand, he invited a teenage girl onstage to sing, and was not inappropriate towards her. The lack of specific details about the rumor make it difficult to draw conclusions as to whether Groban is a predator.

     4. Shawn Ashmore

     Michelle Trachtenberg was nineteen years old when she dated actor Shawn Ashmore, who was six years older than she was. Some would find this objectionable on the grounds of Trachtenberg's only recently having become an adult when Ashmore began pursuing her. Although Ashmore did once play a porn actor in a movie, no allegations of impropriety have come out regarding Ashmore's behavior in real life.

     5. Matthew Perry / producers of 17 Again

     Matthew Perry starred alongside Michelle Trachtenberg and Zac Efron in the 2009 comedy 17 Again.
     The film's plot resembles a cross between Back to the Future and Miracle on 34th Street. In the film, Matthew Perry's character - Mike, age 37 - has an encounter on a bridge, and then discovers that he is his 17-year-old self again. Mike goes by the name "Mark", and cannot tell his daughter - played by Trachtenberg - who he is. There is a scene in 17 Again in which Trachtenberg's character either falls in love with her father, or attempts to seduce him.
     17 Again was written by Jason Filardi and directed by Burr Steers.

     When Matthew Perry died, Nickelodeon creator Dan Schneider made a post memorializing him. The post included photographs of Perry and Dan Schneider with their hands on each other's shoulders. In 1993, Schneider and Perry co-starred together in the short-lived television show Home Free. Schneider is suspected to be a pedophile. More information about Dan Schneider follows below.
     Additionally, Matthew Perry co-starred on the hit show Friends with Matt LeBlanc and David Schwimmer. LeBlanc and Schwimmer told at least two pedophilic jokes in their roles as Joey and Ross on Friends; these include a scene in which Joey discovers that the girl he is hitting on is not yet 18. Information about Ross follows below.

     6. David Schwimmer

     Several years ago, Michelle Trachtenberg posted to social media saying that she had recently hung out with actor David Schwimmer.
     On Friends, David Schwimmer played "Ross", who works as a paleontologist. One episode featured a scene in which Ross offers to accompany a man's young son to a museum after hours. What Ross is saying begins to get concerning; when Ross offers to let the son "touch" things in the museum.

     7. Joseph Gordon Levitt

     Trachtenberg co-starred along with Joseph Gordon Levitt in the 2004 film Mysterious Skin.
     Mysterious Skin was directed by Gregg Araki, and based on a book by Scott Heim. The film depicts two male characters who survived sexual abuse as children; one of them played by Levitt. The film has been praised for its accurate depiction of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. However, the film contains a scene in which a man inserts his fist into a young boy, so the choice to depict such an extreme and heinous sex act, in a manner as close and as intimate as the scene was filmed - combined with the casting of an adorably handsome young boy with freckles as the victim - arguably make the film objectionable.
     Although Levitt has not been accused of sexual impropriety, he did make a guest appearance on That 70s Show, in which he played a gay teenage boy who was attracted to Eric Foreman. Several male actors on That 70s Show are suspected rapists and statutory rapists. These include Wilmer Valderrama (who dated at least three actresses below the age 18), Danny Masterson (who was jailed for rape), and Ashton Kutcher (who works for anti-child-trafficking organization Thorn, which some suspect is not only doing child trafficking, but possibly also with the help of the C.I.A. and/or the Clintons).
     Joseph Gordon Levitt became well known as a teenager when he was on the long-lived television show Third Rock from the Sun. In that show, Levitt portrayed an alien who was disguised as a teenage boy named "Tommy Solomon", For part of that show, Tommy dated a teenage human girl, played by Larisa Oleynik. Some episodes reveal that Tommy is the oldest of all the people in his family, all of whom are played by adult actors. This suggests that Tommy may be much, much older than his girlfriend.

     8. Pete Wentz

     Michelle Trachtenberg dated musician Pete Wentz of the band Fallout Boy. He was six years older than she was.
     Pete Wentz was suspected of statutory rape against a 15-year-old girl. Some sources say the person in question was seventeen years old, which is the legal age for sexual consent in Illinois, where the sexual activity took place. Other sources say that the girl really was fifteen when it happened, and that she said so on the Ayahuasca Podcast in 2020. It's not clear whether the girl made formal complaints to the police.
     Wentz is a friend of musician Joel Madden of the band Good Charlotte. Madden was sexually involved with actress Hilary Duff when she was sixteen years old and Madden was 24 and/or 25. It's unclear where that sexual activity occurred, but at the time, the age of consent was 17 in New York and 18 in California, so it's likely that Madden committed statutory rape against Duff early in their relationship.

     9. Jay Cohen

     At the time of her death, Michelle Trachtenberg was dating her former agent, Jay Cohen. She made a post to social media, featuring her wearing a comically large fake engagement ring, joking that Cohen had proposed to her. They did not marry.
     Jay Cohen is sixty-three years old; twenty-four years Trachtenberg's senior.
     Although it would be disrespectful to question the romantic choices of a grown woman who has departed us, I would be remiss if I neglected to note that twenty-four years is longer than one generation (which many consider to be approximately 21 years). Cohen's history with Trachtenberg shows that she had progressively wider age gaps between herself and her boyfriends.

   10. Dan Schneider

     Trachtenberg co-starred in the 1996 Nickelodeon film Good Burger, directed by Dan Schneider.
     Schneider - creator of iCarly and The Amanda Show - dragged teenage actress Jenette McCurdy by her feet to scare her, bragged on the red carpet about putting teenage girls into ridiculous situations in the sketches he wrote, and appeared in a hot tub with 13-year-old Amanda Bynes in an Amanda Show sketch.
     He is also suspected of getting Bynes pregnant when she was underage, and also of molesting actress Lori Beth Denberg. Brian Peck and several other men were also caught up in pedophilic scandals while working at Nickelodeon.
     Trachtenberg is not known to have made any specific allegations against Schneider.

   11. Seth Green

     Michelle Trachtenberg provided the voice of a gummi bear who gets caught in a bear trap, in the Cartoon Network show Robot Chicken.
      Seth Green - well-known for his roles as "Scott Evil" in the Austin Powers film series and "Chris Griffin" in Family Guy - created Robot Chicken, and provided the voice-over in the gummi bear sketch. Green also starred alongside Trachtenberg in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
     In 2016, Seth Green attended a party hosted by Dane Cook. Actor Isaac Kappy was present as well. Seth Green appeared to have a female guest; a young adult white woman. Multiple people involved, referred to Cook's parties as "game night". Instagram posts by Cook and someone with the username "mikaela" included pizza symbols in their messages; a possible allusion to pedophilic attraction to underage girls (being that pizza slices and vaginas are both commonly depicted as triangle-shaped). Dane Cook was later revealed to have been dating a girl who was 15 or 16 years old.
     Isaac Kappy died mysteriously in 2019, three years after revealing this information about Seth Green and Dane Cook (as well as other information about Oprah, Tom Hanks, and Steven Spielberg).

   12. Rosie o'Donnell / producers of Harriet the Spy

     Michelle Trachtenberg played the lead role of Harriet in the 1996 Nickelodeon movie Harriet the Spy (based on the novel by Louise Fitzhugh). Harriet's nanny, Golly, is played by actress-comedienne Rosie o'Donnell.

     In 2000, while on the red carpet, Rosie o'Donnell made a joke that Diddy would go to prison. It was a play on words referencing Sing Sing prison and the act of singing. It's not clear of which crimes o'Donnell suspected Diddy (formerly "Puff Daddy") back then - twenty-four years before his arrest - but it's possible that she knew he was raping people (and, as it turns out, at least 25 minors) and chose to make a joke about it on the spur of the moment rather than taking the issue more seriously and going to press and/or police about it.
     On November 27th, 2011, Rosie o'Donnell's television show The Rosie Show featured two transgender individuals: Jazz Jennings and Chaz Bono (the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono who attempted to transition to male). Jazz Jennings was 14 years old when this episode aired. During their interview, Jazz and Jazz's mother Jeanette tell Rosie that Jazz had a dream that a fairy told Jazz that the fairy would turn Jazz's penis into a vagina. Jazz allegedly came to Jeanette with this tale when Jazz was just two or three years old. Rosie o'Donnell did not push back against Jeanette's narrative about how this happened one bit; it perhaps would have been appropriate for o'Donnell to ask why Jazz was talking about penises and vaginas at such a young age, and whether Jeanette ever - for example - snuck into her child's room and whispered into Jazz's ear that she would turn Jazz's penis into a vagina.
     The Learning Channel show I Am Jazz later showed Jeanette Jennings threatening to insert a dildo-shaped stretching device into Jazz's post-operation "neo-vagina" if Jazz wouldn't do it. Some critics interpreted that threat as essentially a threat of medical rape against a minor.

     In the best-known scene in Harriet the Spy, the other children devise a cruel plan to douse Harriet with blue paint. This causes her to need a bath, and a scene follows in which Golly bathes Harriet. While nothing inappropriate happens, Trachtenberg's feet are shown in this scene. While one shot of the child's feet would not be suspicious, there is another scene in which Harriet uses a black pen to draw a temporary tattoo on the foot of her male friend. While there is nothing intrinsically inappropriate about either of these scenes, taken separately, the fact that the film contains multiple shots of children's feet, suggest a possibility that somebody involved in the production of the film may have a thing for children's feet.
     Curiously, Dan Schneider does not appear to have been involved in the production of the film.
     Harriet the Spy was directed by Bronwen Hughes, and written by Doug Petrie and Theresa Rebeck. Greg Taylor and Julie Talen adapted it from the book version.

   13. Joss Whedon

     Joss Whedon created and wrote for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in which - for three seasons - Michelle Trachtenberg played Buffy's younger sister, Dawn.
     As noted above, Trachtenberg accused Whedon of impropriety. Supposedly, when Trachtenberg was 16, Whedon called Trachtenberg into his office, some sort of inappropriate verbal exchange ensued, and Trachtenberg left the office "distraught" or "shaken". According to an article by Vulture, after this happened, there was an "informal rule", on the set of Buffy, that Whedon was not to be alone with Trachtenberg anymore. Reportedly, Whedon was not aware of such a rule.

   14. Iggy Pop / producers of The Adventures of Pete & Pete

     Musician Iggy Pop played the father of Michelle Trachtenberg's character Nona, on the Nickelodeon show The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Trachtenberg was six or seven years old when filming of Pete and Pete began, and was nine or ten when it ended.
     Iggy Pop - real name James Osterberg, Jr. - became known as the singer of the band The Stooges. In his song "Look Away", he confessed, "I slept with Sable when she was thirteen, her folks were too rich to do anything".
     This was a reference to Sable Starr, one of the so-called "baby groupies"; the severely underage girls who "chased" rock stars in the early 1970s. These rock stars included Randy California, Jimmy Page, Rod Stewart, Keith Moon, Alice Cooper, one or more members of the New York Dolls, and others. The "groupies" - teenage runaways who were likely supplied with alcohol and/or drugs by these musicians - included Sable Starr, Lori Maddox, Queenie Glam, Shray Mecham, and others.
     "Look Away" was included in Osterberg's album Naughty Little Doggie. That album came out in March 1996, four months before the debut of Trachtenberg's Harriet the Spy. The third and final season of The Adventures of Pete and Pete concluded that same year.
     It is also worth noting that Pete and Pete had an underage character who had a tattoo. Danny Tamberelli played the younger Pete (whose older brother, also named Pete, was played by Mike Maronna). Tamberelli went on to appear on Nickelodeon's All That, where Dan Schneider worked between 1994 and 2005.
     It's not clear whether having an eight-year-old character with a tattoo of a sexy lady named Petunia (whom he can make dance when he wiggles his arm) was an attempt to groom children into wanting a tattoo. But there are other inappropriate things about the show. The boys have a friend who calls himself "Artie, the Strongest Man in the World" (played by Toby Huss, of Office Space and King of the Hill fame). This character is always depicted with a noticeable bulge in his pants, wearing his underwear on the outside like a typical superhero. The show also did an episode where Pete and Pete and their parents get into a rivalry with another family while on vacation. The episode ends with the family stripping naked, while in their car, in order to lighten their load, so they can win some sort of race or challenge against the other family.
     Pete and Pete became known for its random guest spots by famous musicians. These included Michael Stipe of the band R.E.M., who was photographed with artist Marina Abramovic, a suspected pedophile and suspected Satanist. Actress Heather Matarazzo also appeared on Pete and Pete as a child; she went on to star in the 1995 film Welcome to the Dollhouse, in which Matarazzo plays a twelve-year-old girl named Dawn who is threatened with rape by an older boy, and then falls in love with a boy named Steve who is about seventeen years old. The film contains references to masturbation, and to a "blow-up doll" that "looks like" a "little girl". Dollhouse was directed by Todd Solondz, who has alluded to pedophilia in several other films.
     The Adventures of Pete and Pete was created by Will Robb and Chris Viscardi.

     In light of the fact that no autopsy on Michelle Trachtenberg's remains will occur, the information contained herein should suffice as a sort of "social autopsy" reviewing the social factors which potentially increased risk of developing an alcohol abuse issue.
     Therefore, 1) being surrounded by predators; 2) alcohol abuse; 3) complications from liver transplant; and 4) possibly weakened immune response from over-vaccination, should all be considered as likely factors which contributed to the loss of Michelle Trachtenberg.

     I have written this article because - as someone who, like Trachtenberg, has made an accusation of sexual impropriety - I feel that I owe it to her to determine who might have had a bad influence upon her; or worse, could have attempted to abuse her. I worry that she may have known that people other than Joss Whedon were dangerous, and for that reason refrained from accusing them of anything; or if not, then I at least would like to know who other dangerous people were, who may have been around her.
     I first became interested in this topic when I discovered that Iggy Pop was a child rapist. I made the connection, soon after learning that, that he was near Michelle Trachtenberg on Pete and Pete (which I had grown up watching, as the show aired when I was ages six to nine).
     Michelle Trachtenberg was two years older than I am, when she died. She was - as S.N.L. and All That star Kenan Thompson tweeted in his memorial to her - the star of the first Nickelodeon movie, even before Goodburger. She was the first child star I saw on screen in theaters; as the titular role in Harriet the Spy.
     Some American public schools tried to ban the book version of Harriet, on the basis that it supposedly encourages children to spy. Moreover, according to a 2005 report by C.N.N.'s David Ensor, Central Intelligence Agent Lindsay Moran said that the book series inspired her to pursue her career in the C.I.A..
     Problematic though the books by Louise Fitzhugh may have been, Trachtenberg's Harriet teaches kids an important tool: If you see something suspicious, tell someone, or at least write it down.
     This film was crucial in helping me detect suspicious behavior of adults at age nine. When I was twenty-seven years old, I began to recover memories of sexual abuse at the hands of my father. Several years later, I realized that I had lost access to these memories some time between age ten and age thirteen, and that the abuse had happened when I was eight and/or nine years old.
     I was eight in 1995, and nine years old in the summer of 1996, when Harriet the Spy came out in theaters. My parents had taken me to see it. This was right around the time that my father stopped abusing me (aside from the one last attempt he made when I was 13, which failed, because I had finally become big and strong enough to fight him off).
     After I saw Harriet the Spy, I wanted to be a spy (as, I'm sure, millions of other kids who saw it, did as well). I got myself a black-and-white journal - just like Harriet (and all the other Harriet the Spy fans) had - and I began to write down suspicious things about the adults around me. And all this, while in a state of momentary memory loss about that molestation and rape by my father, due to a combination of partial asphyxiation during that molestation, the stress of which led to cortisol release, preventing the formation of new memories.
     I began to enjoy writing when I began to take "language arts" classes at school, where - at times - I was required to come up with one or two pages of original material per week. In 2010 - when I was twenty-three years old - I posted about ten or twelve of my college essays onto a blog, on the Blogger / Blogspot website, and started The Aquarian Agrarian political blog. That weblog now contains over seven hundred articles (including my first two reports to the police about my father).

     It's possible that remembering my state of mind after watching Harriet the Spy helped me recover memories of the abuse.

     Harriet's inspiration for my freelance writing career outside, what stuck out to me the most about the film, is a scene towards the beginning, when Harriet sees a child on a leash, and writes it in her journal.
     To quote the film:
     "Boy with ringlets. Man with tattoos. Girl on... a leash? Man, if my parents ever tried putting me in one of those things, I'd trade them in. This kid looks like she can roll over and fetch. I learn everything I can, and I write down everything I see. Golly says if I want to be a writer, then I'd better start now. Which is why I am a spy."

     Several years ago, I made a video explaining my objections to putting children on leashes. The main pushback against stopping the leashing of children seems to be coming from parents of autistic children, who use "harnesses" to prevent potential accidents that could result from their children "eloping" (running off). Types of leashes used on children include cloth-covered cuffs which resemble a soft form of handcuffs.
     While I do not object to reasonable parents doing what it takes to prevent their children from getting into accidents, I would strongly urge them to consider reviewing the wide variety of alternatives to harnessing and leashing, and consider using a combination thereof. These include holding the child's hand as they walk, putting them in a stroller, letting them walk free when they're old enough but staying close beside them at all times, and holding the child in one's arms.

     I do not say this in order to tell people how to raise their children. It's not that extreme cases of autism, eloping, or clumsy or accident-prone children in general, shouldn't be subjected to soft forms of restraint, if repeated incidents show that they are dangers to themselves.
     I'm saying this because: 1) the children don't like it, I wouldn't like it, and the character of Harriet didn't like it; 2) nobody likes being tied to people or things; and 3) I believe that ending the leashing of children will help make child trafficking easier to detect.
     For one, if we say that any parent may leash any one of his children that he pleases, then the mother or father of a multiracial household would be free to leash his or her half-black children, but not the fully white children. The reader may consider this an unlikely possibility, but I had debates about the leashing of children with other Facebook users, and a white woman told me that she had been using a leash on her half-black child.
     Second, all reasonable people should question why it is necessary to attach a child to something which being attached to makes them easier to get a hold of, or potentially even tie down.
     But - thirdly and most importantly - in the hands of abusive parents, the potential for misuse of leashes is simply too high.

     Think about the epidemic of children in public schools who think they are animals. This epidemic is certainly overstated, as there are probably no real cases of litterboxes in schools. But the wearing of cat ears and collars is allowed in some schools, and children are occasionally allowed to act like cats and dogs and chickens. This all sounds like normal child's play, but Australia's Sky News reported that this is a "societal problem".
     A potential problem associated with children behaving like animals, is the potential that children could come to identify as animals, and/or get involved in the "furry" sub-culture, a significant portion of whose members have sexual interest in dressing up like animals. Photographs have circulated, in the last several years, of parents allowing their children to stand next to (appropriately clothed) adults in furry costumes.
     Whether there's a clear and present danger of sexual abuse to a child, posed by "furries" or not, the key question we should be asking - in regard to the leashing of children - is this: How long can your child pretend (or think) he is an animal, until you should become concerned that the child is mentally ill?
     I do not ask this in order to bully or shame any child. I ask this because it happened to me. In 1996 - the same year that the sexual abuse against me ended, and the same year that Harriet the Spy came out - I told a girl at my school, named Veronica, that I was a cat. This happened at the bus stop before school one day. I am allergic to cats, and I told her that, and also made up a story that a cat came into the room in the hospital in which I was born. I told her that those facts meant that I was really a cat. So she started calling me "cat boy" for at least a year afterwards.

     Later, when I was a young teenager, I was joking with my friends about how our school's cheerleaders' uniforms were labeled "cats" (after our team, the Lake Bluff Middle School Bobcats). The joke involved describing the "cats" as sexy.
     A boy my age making such jokes - I was probably thirteen - was the result of bad parenting. No boy raised by a child molester would be likely to have the fortune of being taught to speak about peer girls in a respectful manner. It took decades of self-reflection to understand that these comments were made in a state of memory loss from abuse, resulting in unhealthy and age-inappropriate forms of talking to my male friends about sex.
     So, to repeat and rephrase my key question: How long can your child pretend he's an animal, believe he's an animal, and/or express sexual interest in animals, before you begin to suspect mental illness, sexual abuse, or both? After all, if a child is really a cat, then they can't possibly be a human child who got sexually abused.
     Whether abuse is occurring or not, a good parent should think about it, and look into it. If parents don't do this, then some unreasonably restrictive - or maybe even bizarre - forms of parenting, are going to be practiced, and will be perceived as abuse by the child, yet still go undetected. And children will, as Harriet said, "roll over and fetch".

     It's because of Harriet the Spy that I know why it would be not just weird but suspicious if a parent kept a child on a leash. I would consider it weird whether the child was wearing a dog mask at the time, or not; and I would consider it weird whether it happened at a gay pride parade while the child was wearing tight gold shorts and no shirt, or not. I am not happy with the fact that it is probably legal, in most places, for a child dressed like that to dance at such a parade while wearing a dog mask.
     That is why I believe that - in order to make child abuse easier to detect - we must end the leashing of children who lack repeated history of eloping and self-harm.

     The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in the 2000 case Troxel v. Granville, that there exists a "fundamental" right of a parent to oversee the care of a child, but also that the privilege of taking care of a child is conditional upon refraining from abusing the child.
     All parents must know this; their right to raise their children being "fundamental" is not absolute. You cannot truly take care of a child without refraining from abusing them.

     This article is dedicated to the memory of Michelle Trachtenberg, and to her friends and family, and all accusers (whether child or adult) of sexual impropriety.
     Police investigators and internet researchers owe it to the young actors and actresses of Hollywood to report any and all dangerous people who may be around them.
     I hope that this article will inspire others to begin writing - and reporting suspicious behavior - just as Trachtenberg's Harriet inspired me to start doing the same, when I was just nine years old. Inspiring another person to begin writing would be the best way I can think of, that I could honor Michelle's memory.
     I wish the best of luck to any and all of you, whom I may have inspired; and the same to all those who loved Michelle. Do not hesitate to reach out to me - my emailing me at - if you have anything to say about (or add to, or edit) the content above.

     With solidarity to our sisters.

     Rest in Peace
     Michelle Christine Trachtenberg
     October 11th, 1985 - February 26th, 2025


     Post-Script, Added on March 12th, 2025:

     On March 7th, the Vigilant Citizen published an article titled, "Michelle Trachtenberg: A Mysterious Life Surrounded by the Occult Elite".
     In that article, there are screenshots taken from Trachtenberg's Instagram post - as well as images from her early life and career - which show her in close contact with then-President Bill Clinton and Sean "Diddy" Combs (a/k/a "Puff Daddy" and "Puffy"). Clinton and Combs are suspected pedophiles.
     Trachtenberg is also shown wearing black bunny ears and holding a menu labeled "33", an apparent reference to Disney's exclusive (and probably secret) club "Club 33". Critics of Disney have speculated that "33" is a reference to the number of degrees in the membership structure of the secret society of Freemasons. As supporting evidence that the Disney company is entangled with Masons, they cite Walt Disney's membership in DeMolay International, a Masonic youth organization.
     That article can be accessed at the following link:

Written and published on March 3rd, 2025.

Edited and expanded on March 6th and 12th, 2025.

Post-Script added on March 12th, 2025.

Based on research included in
TikTok videos that were posted on March 1st and 2nd,
and then deleted on March 3rd, 2025,
when Joe Kopsick's second TikTok account was shut down.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Links to Infographics and Other Resources Regarding the C.D.C.'s Vaccination and Immunization Schedule

     What follows below is a list of links to resources regarding the vaccination and immunization schedules which are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (C.D.C.).
     These include infographics which show that the number of recommended shots has increased sharply from the mid-1980s to today.

     This list was compiled by Joe Kopsick, with the assistance of Tom Rodman, for the purpose of providing reference material for an upcoming survey regarding Green Party members' attitudes about Covid-related policy, which will be titled the "Health Liberty Survey".

     To see images in full resolution, click on them, open in a new tab and/or a new window, and - if necessary - download and open using another program.

1. ChatGPT summary stating that, by age 18, the average American following CDC recommendations will likely receive 55–70 total vaccine doses, including COVID-19 vaccines, flu shots, and core immunizations:


2. Aaron Siri tweet stating that, "Leading up to 1986 there were only 3 routine vaccines in the United States totaling 7 injections. That's it. That's on the CDC schedule. 3 routine, 7 total injections. There are currently, by the way, 19 vaccines on the CDC schedule totaling 84 injections if you count Covid vaccine now given annually.”

Source Image:

3. C.D.C. Vaccine Schedule, 1983 vs. 2015


Image located at:

4. PDF from 2025 from the C.D.C, showing at least 55 to 60 or more total injections recommended for a person before the age of 18:

5. C.D.C. Vaccination Schedule, 1983 vs. 2023

6. 2019 Childhood Vaccine Schedule, 1962 vs. 1983 vs. 2019

Source: The film A Shot in the Dark

7. C.D.C. Immunization Schedule for In Utero to Twelve Months, 1986 vs. 2025

8. C.D.C.'s Vaccine Schedule for Zero to Twelve Months, 2025

9. C.D.C. Immunization Schedule for In Utero to 12 Months, 1986 vs. 2025

Click, open in new tab and/or window,
and/or download,
in order to see in full resolution.

10. Quotation of Aaron Siri on the Vaccine Schedule

11. Recommended Doses, 1962 vs. 1983 vs. 1986 vs. 2016 vs. 2024

Collected between August 2024 and February 24th, 2025.

Compiled and published on February 24th, 2025.

Edited and expanded on February 26th, 2025.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.

     Topics addressed in these documentaries include the responses to Coronavirus and other viruses; vaccine skepticism and hesitancy; the use of A.Z.T. against H.I.V.; the communicability of diseases; and the debate about whether the origin of most diseases is from germs or viruses, as opposed to being attributable to poor hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and other causes.

     Note: If you wish to download these documentaries, you can copy and paste the url link into the white bar at the website, which is found at the following link:

     [Television miniseries about Covid fraud, launched in 2021]
     Part 1: The Lockdown

     Part 2: The Mask

     Part 3: The Shot

     IMDB page:

     Dallas Buyers Club
     [2013 movie about H.I.V. and A.Z.T., featuring a character based on Anthony Fauci]
     Sign into YouTube to watch at
     Those with accounts can watch on Netflix,,, Roku, Kanopy, and Fandango.
     IMDB page:

     Died Suddenly
     [2022 documentary by Matthew Skow, produced by Stew Peters]
     Watch on Rumble at:
     Wikipedia page:

     The End of Germ Theory
     [Documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory, by Spacebusters]

     Guinea Pig Kids
     (2005 B.B.C. Documentary About the Use of A.Z.T. in the Treatment of Children with H.I.V.)

     The Real Anthony Fauci
     [2022 documentary narrated by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.]
     Part I:
     Part II:
     IMDB page:

     A Shot in the Dark
     [Television series / podcast series by Candace Owens]
     Episode 1:
     Episode 1:
     Episode 2:
     Episode 3:
     Episode 4:
     Episode 5:
     Episode 6:
     Episode 7:
     Episode 8:
     Episode 9:
     Episode 10:
     Episode 11:
     Can also be viewed on Owens's website at
     Listen on Apple Podcasts:
     IMDB page for TV series:

     (EMERGENCY): A Shot in the Dark: Covid-19 Vaccine Documentary
     [2023 documentary]

     Terrain: The End of Germ Theory

     [Documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory, by Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman]
     Entire Film:
     Part 1:
     Part 2:

     The Viral Delusion
     [2022 documentary about germ theory vs. terrain theory]
     [Note: Episodes 4 and 5 may contain material repeated in previous episodes.]

     Episode 1:
     Episode 2:
     Episode 3:
     Episode 4:
     Episode 5:

      Trace Amounts
     [2014 documentary by Eric Gladen]
     Link to video not available.
     Those with a account can watch online at:
     IMDB page:

     [2016-2024 documentary series about vaccines against Covid, Measles/Mumps/Rubella, Gardasil, etc.]
     Part I: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (2016):
     Part I IMDB page:                                   
     Part II: The People's Truth (2019):
     Part II IMDB page:               
     Part III: Authorized to Kill (2024):
     Part III IMDB page:              

     Vaxxed Nation
     [2022 documentary.]
     [No link available; those with accounts can view on Paramount,, JustWatch,,, and]
     [IMDB page is at htt

Non-Documentary Videos About Vaccines

     Dr. Mary Megson on the Link Between Autism and Vaccines, Using Cod Liver Oil to Reverse the Effects of Autism and Vaccine Damage
     [2000 speech to U.S. Congress; not a documentary]

     Nurses Out Loud
     (podcast series)
     Listen on Apple Podcasts:
     Listen on Spotify:

     Smoke, Mirrors, and the Disappearance of Polio
     [2013 / 2015 presentation by Dr. Suzanne Humphries; not a documentary]

Compiled and published on February 12th, 2025.

Expanded, and note added, on February 13th, 2025.

Edited and expanded on February 24th through 28th, 2025.

Speech to the Waukegan City Council Regarding Land Value Taxation (March 17th, 2025)

      The following speech about taxation policy was delivered, in part, on the evening of March 17th, 2025, during the twice-monthly meetin...