Thursday, March 20, 2025

Reaction to Shepard Middle School Staff Pressuring a Girl to Disrobe in Front of a Trans-Identifying Boy

Part I: Introduction

     The following article is my reaction to March 2025 reports out of Deerfield, Illinois, that teachers and administrators at Shepard Middle School (part of School District 109) attempted to "force" a teenage female student to disrobe in a locker room, in front of a boy who identifies as a girl.

     Readers wishing to learn more about this story can click on the link below to read A.B.C. 7 News Chicago's coverage of the event.

     This speech would take somewhere between fifteen and twenty minutes to read; while the Board of Education's speaking time is likely limited to three minutes per person.
     The text below consists of the speech that I would give to the District 109 Board of Education if my time were not limited.
     I will attempt to read portions - or a new draft - of this speech, at the district's next meeting.

     The next meeting of the District 109 Board of Education begins at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 10th, 2025.

Part II: Original Comment

     My name is Joe Kopsick, I live in Waukegan but I attended Lake Forest schools growing up. I’m here to comment about the girls who were forced to strip nude in front of the boy.


     There’s an episode of “The Simpsons” in which Marge – as a little girl – is about to start kindergarten, and her older sisters are trying to scare her about school, by saying that there is just one giant toilet, and “they make you all go at the same time”.

     You people in school administration and government are making our reality into a nightmare so bizarre that Hollywood screenwriters couldn’t even make it up if they tried.

     Here are three interesting facts.

     Fact Number 1: Statistics collected by the Associated Press between 2011 and 2015 show that about 17,000 public school children reported molestation over those four years (by either a teacher or a fellow student). A subsequent report by the U.S. Department of Education revealed that fourteen thousand one hundred molestations were reported in just a single school year (2017 to 2018). Divided by 180 school days, that comes out to seventy-eight kids molested or raped, in public schools, somewhere in America.

     Fact Number 2: School shooting statistics from 2018 (roughly the same time period), show that 114 students were shot and/or killed that year.

     What this all means is that American public school kids get molested or raped one hundred and twenty-three point six times as often as they get shot or killed.

     If guns must be banned "even if it could only save the life of just one child", then what about the privacy, safety, and innocence of children? Are those things really less than one percent as important as their lives, that the people educating them should be going out of their way to invent new types of sex crimes to commit against them?

     Instead of turning schools into “gun-free zones” – which are really just “sitting-duck zones” – why don’t we adequately arm the security guards who are protecting the schools, and make sure the security guards are talking to the building’s engineers and making sure that the doors and locks are all working properly?

     Because you guys get paid whether they get shot or molested or not.

     Instead of taking guns away from law-abiding citizens – because some 20-year-old shot up a school (probably because they’re mad that they were molested by a teacher) – why not ban child molesters from the schools?

     How many kids need to be abused in schools before we realize that government is not about civilization, it’s about slavery and submission?

     There’s an episode of “The Office” in which the character Ron Swanson causes a little girl to start thinking that government is not trustworthy. So the girl’s mother gets upset, and talks to Ron. Then Ron Swanson advises the girl: “Listen to your teachers”.

     Here’s another interesting fact, in case you’re still thinking that government is good.

     Fact Number Three: Since thirty-five states have failed to specifically criminalize police having sex while on duty, police officers are essentially free (in those states) to coerce arrested suspects into having sex with them in order to get uncuffed and be set free. That means that in two-thirds of the county – including in Illinois – it is effectively legal for police to handcuff and then rape people without a warrant and without charging them with a crime.

     We must rid ourselves of the delusional notion that the government is here to help us.

     Garbage like that – and like what happened at Shepard Middle School – is why people don’t want to pay taxes.

     I wake up every day, and go to work as a security guard, knowing that every Monday through Friday, nine months out of the year, seventy-eight kids a day or more are getting molested, and I’m not allowed to stop funding it. Teachers use that money to pay union dues, those unions hire lawyers to defend any and all teachers accused of abusing kids.

     You people are forcing me – and every other taxpayer in this country – to fund a nationwide system of rape factories. I’ve chosen to opt-out of having kids (so far). You know what I’m not allowed to opt-out of? Funding a system that allows seventy-eight public school children to be molested per day.

     Take our money out of your pockets and give it back; you are molesting our kids instead of educating them and we want our money back.

     Shepard Middle School claims to provide “private” changing facilities; but what does that mean? First; Are there single-occupant changing stalls, available as alternatives for girls who don’t want to change in front of trans-identifying boys? Second; Even if there are, does that really merit taking away a girl’s access to the girls’ locker room – or a boy’s access to a boys’ locker room – just because they don’t want other kids to see them naked?

     Why should girls’ privacy (and boys’ privacy) be eroded, simply because society erroneously thinks that a trans-identifying person – whether child or adult – should get to see anybody naked that they please, provided that their stated identity matches who’s allowed to enter the room in question?
     A policy that is nonsensical cannot possibly be enforceable.


     Shepard Middle School is claiming that nobody was forced to change in front of others. If that is true, then why are we hearing that the girl in question was not allowed to leave the room?

     How does blocking exits not constitute force? The answer is that it absolutely does; therefore, these teachers and administrators should be charged not only with conspiracy to attempt to commit an act of public indecency against minors; but also with false arrest and/or false imprisonment.

     The fact that trapping is not an overt act of physical force, does not mean that it is acceptable to trap minor children in a room as you order them to take their clothes off.

     And the fact that these children have to teach you this, means that you’re not qualified to teach children, because you are dumber than children are.

     These teachers, effectively, arrested students in that locker room. These teachers and administrators are acting like cops. Discipline means teaching; it does not mean physical or sexual abuse.


     God forbid your child gets abused by a teacher. Do you know who your teacher’s union is going to hire? Great people like Steve McCollum, who has defended at least two different Lake Forest -area teachers for that crime, and happens to be friends with two child-molesting lawyers; Scott Gibson and Richard Kopsick. Scott Gibson pinched my ass at his pool parties in the 1990s. Richard Kopsick is my father, and he raped me when I was eight and nine years old.

     These teachers (and other child abuse suspects) are hiring friends of child molesters – and, in some cases, probably even actual child molesters, themselves, as well – to defend them in court. So don’t tell me that lawyers are unbiased just because they promise to defend their clients to the best of their ability. Some of these lawyers are defending accused child molesters because they are pro- child molestation.

     Lake County is not safe for children. You have all been lulled into a false sense of security. The professional classes of this county are raping your kids, and they’re doing it with your money.
     In 2021, a sixteen-year-old girl was raped in a school bathroom in Virginia, by a boy who was wearing a skirt.

     This is not an accident; the schools are doing this to your children on purpose. It wasn’t just gym teachers who made these girls disrobe; it was school administrators.

     In May 2023, in North Carolina, a girl, approximately fourteen years of age, was given a lap dance by an adult male transvestite – as part of a school-sanctioned event – while a crowd of students and teachers laughed and cheered.

     This… is… intentional. The goal is to induce compliance and submission, through sexual humiliation; whether in public, or in a space that should be private but has been stripped of the privacy that it once provided.

     We need to stop politicizing this issue, and instead allow each individual student to undress, and use the toilet, in locations that theynot the teachers – believe is the safest and most private. We need security guards to stand, posted, outside of restrooms and locker rooms, to break-up physical and sexual assaults; and to be adequately armed while posted at entrances whose locks are routinely checked to ensure that they work properly and can keep gunmen out. And we need security guards to detain adults who are dancing suggestibly for children, and then hand them over to the police, to be charged with violating laws against public indecency.

     That’s what we need; we don’t need teachers trapping underage girls in locker rooms and forcing them to disrobe while a boy watches.

     How easy does it need to be, for an adult male to enter a restroom where women and girls are present, before we realize that we are completely letting our guards down, and giving attempted child molesters and kidnappers a head start and a free pass?

     It’s possible that some adults are mature enough to handle gender integration in restrooms. But people still get beaten up in bathrooms – and they probably always will – because they’re relatively private – and enclosed – spaces. That’s why the interests of safety, security, and privacy must not be compromised in these places.

     The needs of adults aside, experimental policies desegregating restrooms and locker rooms on the basis of gender identification – when forced upon minors - cannot possibly be consensual, because children can’t consent.

     That’s why – when dealing with minors - adequate but separate accommodations should be made; for trans people, and girls, and boys. If trans people want their own spaces, then that should be conditional upon leaving girls and boys alone to enjoy that same right.

     Furthermore, individuals of any kind who would like a heightened level of privacy, should have access to private, single-stall accommodations, whether they identify as trans or not. But at the same time, each restroom and locker room door should be clearly labeled. with regard as to whom is allowed in, to prevent confusion. Every one of these suggestions can be implemented without resorting to forcing students to prove their gender or sex in order to get in.

     I suspect that we haven’t even stopped to ask ourselves why trans students can’t play sports with girls or boys, but then shower and change somewhere aside from the girls’ or boys’ designated rooms. So all of these suggestions can be implemented without even prohibiting trans-identifying kids from playing on the team of their choice.

     When gender-separated and gender-integrated teams both exist – and each individual student can choose which team they’d like to be on – each student will have the equal right to freedom of choice and the equal right to privacy.

     A school that refuses to respect the privacy, safety, and decency of its children, must be abolished. A government that refuses to respect the consent of the governed must not stand.

     Forcing people to strip naked is what the Nazis did to the Jews before they shot them to death and then threw them into a shallow grave. It’s what they did to Jewish women before they raped them, and to Jews in general before they gassed them. Anyone who’s even superficially familiar with history should be able to guess what’s coming next.

     It’s also worth noting that the Nazis typically didn’t do these things until after they had already separated the men, the women, and the children from one another like cattle. That’s what administrators are, effectively, doing to your families every morning, when one parent (or more) goes to work, and the child is dropped off at school and placed in the custody of a government employee.

     Something like what happened at Deerfield Middle School will happen again and again – and brand-new forms of child abuse in schools will be invented every year - until public schools are abolished.

     If we cannot completely reform schools - by hiring more security guards, and get social workers (whom are trained to spot signs of abuse) to sit-in on parent-teacher conferences – then we need a vote of total lack of confidence in our schools, and in all levels of our government.

     If we cannot get immediate and sweeping reform, then parents should engage in mass refusal to send children to public schools on the grounds that they are extremely likely to be molested or shot while there.


Part III: Addendum

     I’d like to clear something up, regarding the school’s claim that “nobody was forced” to change in front of others.

     I admit that I do not have all the details of the case. But, based on what I can gather: If it’s true that “nobody was forced to change”, then that is only because the girl resisted, and spoke up, and told somebody.

     If the girl had not resisted, then she would have been forced to disrobe in front of others. That’s the issue. We don’t care whether the attempt to make the girl disrobe was successful; it shouldn’t have been attempted to begin with.


     I know that I just said we should avoid politicizing this issue. And I still do want to avoid politicizing transgender people’s rights. But I need to mention the Donald Trump rape case in order to make an important point.

     The jury in E. Jean Carroll’s rape case against Donald Trump, found that he did not rape her; yet he was still found liable for civil damages. How is this possible? Because the only reason Trump did not rape Carroll, was because Carroll successfully fought him off. He’s still an attempted rapist, her claim about what happened did not defame him because she didn’t lie and didn’t say what she said out of malice. That is why he was ordered to pay her money.

     The fact that teachers and administrators failed to make one of those female students at Shepard Middle School, strip naked, doesn’t make them innocent, it makes them attempted child sexual abusers. Doesn't matter that they failed; they're still attempted child abusers because they made the attempt.

     It is not these minor students’ jobs to make you teachers and administrators into innocent people, or to save you from your own guilt, by defending themselves against your inappropriate treatment. The burden is upon you – the teachers and administrators - to stop exposing them and to stop preying upon them in other manners.

     Overt physical force is not the only form that force comes in. Threats, intimidation, manipulation, pressure, and taking away viable alternatives without just cause, are all violations of a person’s right to be free from force (and free from having their refusal to give consent, ignored).

     What's really happening here is that you people are terrified that children might learn that it's okay to say "no" sometimes.

     Asher McMaher said the girl’s mother is trying to “use [her] child to push [her] agenda to use this situation to try to harm a kid, who all they’re trying to do is go to gym class”. This accusation is not reasonable.

     For one, if the mother “had an agenda” and hates trans people, then she would have complained at the beginning of the school year – six months ago – instead of in March. Moreover, if her daughter says she was coerced or pressured to take her clothes off – or was unreasonably deprived of viable alternatives which were previously normally available to her – then we have no right to tell her that she did not experience that.

     Nobody is trying to “harm” the transgender-identifying male who was allowed into the girls’ locker room. That student should have the same right to safety and privacy and comfort as everybody else; but at the same time, no minors should be pressured in any way to get naked – or see others naked – unless they’re totally comfortable with it, and the avenues of lodging a complaint or objection are functioning properly.

     Give these students private and safe restrooms and changing facilities. We must not pretend that the comfort of one transgender student means that cisgender individuals do not have the equal right to comfort and privacy.

     Stop pretending that it is so difficult to find an ethical and equitable arrangement without resorting to attempting to coerce students into getting naked in front of people around whom they aren’t comfortable; for whatever reason, and without requiring them to provide a reason.

     The privacy of all children must be respected; end of story.



"Patr I: Introduction" was written on March 21st, 2025.

"Part II: Original Comment" was written on March 19th, 2025,
and edited and expanded on March 20th and 21st, 2025.

"Part III: Addendum" was written on March 20th - 21st, 2025.

Published on March 21st, 2025.

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Reaction to Shepard Middle School Staff Pressuring a Girl to Disrobe in Front of a Trans-Identifying Boy

Part I: Introduction      The following article is my reaction to March 2025 reports out of Deerfield, Illinois, that teachers and administr...