Saturday, August 15, 2020

State of Illinois v. Smollett: What if Jussie Smollett is Telling the Truth? (Incomplete)

     The following article was written as a script for my presentation to the Chicago College of Complexes, which I delivered on August 15th, 2020 via video teleconference.

Table of Contents

Part I: Introductions
     1. Introduction to Illinois v. Smollett, incl. Basic Facts About the Attack
     2. Why People Suspect This Was a Fabricated, Staged, Fake Hate Crime
     3. Speculation vs. the Rules of Evidence

Part II: The Physical Evidence and Verbal Testimony in the Case
     1. Examining the Supposed Proof That the Attacks Were Fabricated
     2. Additional Facts and Possibilities
     3. Conclusions About Physical Evidence, Verbal Testimony, and Speculation

Part III: Looking Closer at the Claims About "M.A.G.A."
     1. What is the Role of "M.A.G.A." in the Attack?
     2. Looking Closer at the Threatening Letter Smollett Received
     3. What the Police Say About the Purchases
     4. What Did the Osundairo Brothers Purchase Before the Attack?
     5. What Did the Police Find in the Osundairo Brothers' Apartment?

Part IV: Legal and Political Aspects of the Case
     1. Introduction to Legal and Political Aspects
     2. Did Smollett Confess? Did the Osundairo Brothers Confess? Who Says They Confessed?
     3. Political Aspects of the Case
     4. Did Smollett Get a "Sweetheart Deal"? Why Was He Let Off?

Part V: Conclusions, Part 1
     1. Confessions and Police Statements Don't Match Up with Verbal Testimony or Physical Evidence
     2. The Fact that Cameras Didn't Capture the Incident Could Mean Absolutely Nothing
     3. Smollett's Explanation of the Phone Call and the Noose Makes Sense
     4. Mayor Emanuel and Police Chief Johnson Made People Believe Smollett Defamed the City, Owed Reparations

Part VI: Conclusions, Part 2
     1. Faked Hate Crimes in America
     2. Jussie Smollett Was Lynched


Part I: Introductions

     1. Introduction to Illinois v. Smollett, incl. Basic Facts About the Attack


     Thank you for having me. My name is Joseph W. Kopsick, I'm an independent researcher and blogger, and frequent candidate. I first addressed the topic of Jussie Smollett on my YouTube channel, JoeKopsick4Congress, on April 4th, 2019. That video is titled "Why Jussie Smollett Might Be Innocent." [
     In that video, I read an e-mail which I addressed to podcast host and comedian Jimmy Dore. I thanked him for covering the Jussie Smollett case, but I explained that I disagreed with him that CNN host Brian Stelter was wrong to say that we can never really be sure about what happened the night that actor Jussie Smollett was allegedly attacked in Chicago (the morning of January 29th, 2019).
     I explained why I believe that Jussie Smollett might be telling the truth, and why I think it's possible that the Osundairo brothers were in fact extorting Smollett for money rather than Smollett commissioning them to attack him in a staged hate crime.
     I will do the same thing here tonight, and I will additionally explain why I think statements by the Chicago Police Department are a mix of lies and truth. Most importantly, I will explain why I think the physical evidence and the verbal testimony in the case contradicts a large portion of what the police are saying about what happened.

     Basic Facts About the Attack

     For those who aren't familiar with the case, Jussie Smollett was friends with Abimbola "Abel" Osundairo, and his brother Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo, both immigrants from Nigeria. Smollett had worked on the Fox T.V. series Empire with Abel, who was a stand-in for the character "Kai", who was the love interest of Smollett's character Jamal Lyon.
     Jussie Smollett claims that he was attacked around 2 A.M. on the morning of January 29th, 2019, while on the phone, after leaving a Subway located at 511 North McClurg Street in Chicago. The attack occurred on the 300 block of East Lower North Water Street in the Streeterville neighborhood of Chicago.
     Smollett told police that he had received a threatening letter in the days before the attack. That letter contained a white powdery substance, and was mailed to Smollett at the T.V. studio where Empire was filmed; 1445 South Rockwell Street in Chicago.

     2. Why People Suspect This Was a Fabricated, Staged, Fake Hate Crime

     There are eight main reasons why people suspect that this was a staged, fabricated hate crime:

     1. People can't understand why Smollett's assailants would shout "This is M.A.G.A. country" in Chicago.
     2. People can't understand why Smollett would be outside at 2 A.M. in the middle of a polar vortex, in below-zero weather.
     3. People can't figure out how the bleach which was allegedly poured on Smollett, could have stayed warm long enough to remain a liquid, in time to be poured on Smollett, as he claims.
     4. People can't understand why Smollett would go outside in the middle of the night, given the supposed danger he was in, from the people who had been sending him threatening letters.
     5. People seem to suspect that the fact that Smollett received a threatening letter before the alleged attack, was done by the Osundairo brothers, at the direction of Jussie Smollett.
     6. People can't understand why Smollett was wearing the noose allegedly used in the attack, when the police arrived.
     7. Smollett's job (his role on Empire) was supposedly at risk, which people believe suggests that he staged the attack in order to create publicity for himself, as a victim of a staged hate crime, to keep his role, and increase his wealth; and people think he used his acting skills to do it.
     8. People aren't pleased about the fact that security cameras in the area supposedly didn't capture the alleged attack.

     3. Speculation vs. the Rules of Evidence

     I will show, throughout this presentation, that a lot of what the public has been led to believe - by the mainstream media and the Chicago Police Department, and by citizens commenting on the case - is purely a matter of speculation, or else is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the physical evidence and verbal testimony surrounding the case (which are better indicators of the facts).

     The rules of evidence, and the scientific method, are such that the person making the claim, must be the one who proves his claims; not the person being accused. I agree with the notion that perhaps we will never know what really happened that night", but my goal in this presentation is not to figure out exactly what happened. It is to figure out what might have happened that night, if Smollett has been telling the truth all or most of the time.
     We should remember that Smollett has barely had a chance to tell his story, and when he has, his statements have been twisted around by countless YouTube commenters, including people claiming to be "body language experts", whose credentials are dubious and whose comments are mostly speculation. I will additionally explain how each and every one of Smollett's actions and statements have been twisted to make him look like he is guilty and lying.

Part II: The Physical Evidence and Verbal Testimony in the Case

     1. Examining the Supposed Proof That the Attacks Were Fabricated

     M.A.G.A. Country

     Smollett stated that his attackers shouted "This is M.A.G.A. country" during the attack. This refers to Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".
     Judging from the conversations I've had on the subject, the average Chicagoan who hears Smollett claim that his attackers shouted "This is M.A.G.A. country", thinks "Chicago is definitely not 'M.A.G.A. country'. Why would Smollett's attackers say such a thing in one of the most heavily Democratic cities in the country?

     People who are already convinced that Smollett is lying, will jump to the conclusion that, if whomever attacked Smollett shouted something that wasn't true, then Smollett couldn't possibly be telling the truth.
     But isn't it more likely - or at least just as likely - that the attackers were lying? Isn't it possible that the attackers just said "This is M.A.G.A. country" - even though they didn't believe it - in order to conceal their identities?

     The Polar Vortex, the Temperature, and Bleach

     Some Americans who discussed the case were led to believe that the temperature outside, when Smollett was allegedly attacked, was 60 degrees below zero. However, the actual temperature at the time was probably sixteen degrees below zero (although it has been reported as anywhere between -20 and +2).
     The temperature was sixty below, with the wind chill included. That means it felt like sixty below, but that was not the actual temperature. However, some sources, such as C.B.S., gave the wind chill at the time as 40 below, 55 below, and 60 below. So what the temperature and wind chill were at the time of the alleged attack, is a matter which is under dispute.

     Most Americans were perplexed as to why Smollett would be outside, at 2 in the morning, in the middle of a polar vortex. That's why they think Smollett must be lying about the attack. But what many Americans don't know is that Chicagoans are used to going out in below-zero temperatures. We are used to it because we sometimes have to go outside in the middle of the night, for whatever reason, and we have to dig our cars out of the snow sometimes. 
     Another thing that confused people watching Smollett's case develop, was the issue of how the bleach stayed a liquid in such cold temperatures. However, Smollett only believed that bleach had been poured on him. It was reported as a "bleach-like substance". Different types of bleach freeze at either 7, 19, or 20 degrees above Fahrenheit, depending on which type of bleach, or bleach-like substance it is.
     Still, that's a higher temperature than the temperature at which the attack occurred, so it's understandable that people would be confused about how the bleach stayed a liquid at such a low temperature. But there is an explanation: The bleach could have been stored indoors, and then brought outside for the attack before it could freeze.

[The remainder of this article will appear on this page at a later date.]

Published in Part on August 16th, 2020
Incomplete Portions Removed on August 17th, 2020

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