Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fourth Amendment Image

Created in August 2013
Originally published 2-27-2014

For more entries on gun control, the Second Amendment, and arrest, please visit:

For more entries on justice, crime, and punishment, please visit:

The Syria Debate in Congress

Created in September 2013,
Originally published 2-27-2014

For more entries on military, national defense, and foreign policy, please visit:

For more entries on Judaism, the State of Israel, and the Israeli-Arab conflict, please visit:

Geopolitics Images

Created in 2012 and 2013
Originally published 2-27-2014

For more entries on military, national defense, and foreign policy, please visit:

Max Stirner Images

Created between 2012 and January 2016

For more entries on philosophy, please visit:

Secession Petition Signatures as of November 14th, 2012

Created in November 2012

For more entries on states' rights, the Tenth Amendment, and other states' issues, please visit:

Political Theory Flow Chart

Created in November 2013

This is my first and thus far only attempt at creating such a flow chart;

as such, it does not contain nearly enough historical information to be considered complete.

For more entries on philosophy, please visit:

For more entries on the political spectrum, please visit:

For more entries on theory of government, please visit:

Political Cartoons 2013-2018

"A Labor Movement Still in its Infancy"
Art and concept by Joe Kopsick

"Land for Peace"
Art and concept by Joe Kopsick

"America's Lap-Dog"
Art by Joe Kopsick.
Concept for "America's Lap-Dog" by Johnny Kayoss

"The U.S. Media Spin-Cycle"
Art and concept by Joe Kopsick
August 2014

"Anarchyball Cartoon"
Art by Joe Kopsick.
Concept inspired by "Countryballs" and "Anarchyball"
August 2014

"Flying Squirrel Phone Home"
Art and concept by Joe Kopsick
March or April 2015

"The Steam Shovel"
Art and concept by Joe Kopsick
March or April 2015

"Then Pen is Mightier Than the Sword"
Character subconsciously inspired by the Kevin Smith film Clerks
March or April 2015

Art and concept by Joe Kopsick
March or April 2015

"Liberalism is a Nazi Toilet"
Art by Joe Kopsick,
concept by Matt Denzin
April 2015

A still from the vice presidential debate
between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence,
which took place on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016;
image created on October 7th, 2016

"What Makes Land Ownership Legitimate?"
Art by Joe Kopsick.
Concept inspired by "Countryballs" and "Anarchyball"

"What do you mean you think there's not enough land to go around?"
Art by Joe Kopsick.
Concept inspired by Citizens for Truth in Schools.

Art and concept by Joe Kopsick
March 6th, 2018

Originally Published on February 27th, 2014
under the title "Political Cartoons"

Expanded on April 19th, 2022

Barack Obama Images

First image designed in October 2012
Last two images designed in 2013
Edited in April 2014

For more entries on high-profile corruption and conspiracy theories, please visit:

Zionism Images

For more entries on civil rights, slavery, segregation, and discrimination, please visit:

For more entries on Judaism, the State of Israel, and the Israeli-Arab conflict, please visit:

Cascadia Proposal

Originally written in July 2013

My plan for Cascadia would be a three-house legislature:

- A 290-seat People's Democratic Council (PDC)
(one seat per 37,500 people)

- A 290-seat Senate of Communities (SOC)
(one seat per incorporated community)

- A 29-seat Council on Natural Resources (CNR)
(one seat per basin / sub-basin administrative region, which should be as close to the same total area
as possible)

Each house would have to approve any bill separately, but when it comes to electing the president (if there would be one), there would be 870 electoral points, with the electors in the PDC and the SOC having one point each, and the electors in the CNR having ten points each.

For more entries on borders, immigration, and territorial integrity, please visit:

For more entries on the interior and tribal relations please visit:

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...