Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Biden Bunch: Joe Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes


     (written and added on January 12th, 2024)

            Many Americans – supporters and opponents of President Joe Biden alike – claim that the president has dementia. His opponents say so because they believe he is disqualified, while his supporters say so because they want to attribute his sniffing and groping of women and girls to a deterioration of his cognitive capacities.

Joe Biden is not demented, he's a serial rapist and a child molester. He molested a child live on C-SPAN2 on January 6th, 2015. In my opinion, he only appears demented because he has a stuttering problem.

It is entirely possible that Biden is demented, though. But even if that is true, we must not allow the possibility that he is demented, to distract us from doing whatever it takes to hold him responsible for groping and molesting children, by pretending that he is only molesting kids and sexually assaulting and harassing women, because he is demented. Biden has been looking at children inappropriately since the 1970s.


A Wisconsin court recently ruled that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial for sexual abuse of a child, because he supposedly has dementia (according to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins).

[Note: You can read more about this by visiting the following link:


We must not allow rapists, child molesters, and Nazi collaborators escape justice simply because they are too old, and out of touch with the reality of what they did, to face a trial without getting the vapors and playing the victim card.

     1) Ron Jeremy escaped justice due to his supposed dementia as well. Read about it here:
     2) Bill Cosby potentially stood to escape trial due to his supposed dementia, but that was not the ultimate cause of the dismissal of his case. Read about that here:


The state impersonates the victim in every criminal case; you can read the very name of the case (e.g., “State of Illinois v. Defendant”), and it will be obvious that this is so.

The state impersonates the victim in order to speak on the victim's behalf, rob the victim of the opportunity to speak and to confront the accused, and drop charges on the victim's behalf without the victim's permission.

The state is a violent mob that has legalized its own crimes, it is intrinsically violent, and its purpose is to protect the accused from the "harassing" claims of the accuser.


Down with the state, and down with all those who seek political power solely in order to escape justice for their crimes.


The State of Israel is currently on trial for genocide at the Hague, 77 years after the Nakba.

The arm of the law is long, but the arc of history is longer, and so are our memories.

The state can only protect the guilty for so long, before people see what is going on and eventually rebel, and see the state for what it is; the protector of the guilty, and the enemy of the innocent.

We are told that "ignorance of the law is no excuse". But ignorance of one's own crimes should not be an excuse either.

Nine Adult Women Who Came Forward Against Biden for Unwanted Touching, Inappropriate Sexual Conduct, and/or Forceful Fondling

1. Caitlyn Caruso

2. Ally Coll, a/k/a Ally Rose Cole, a/k/a Ally Cole Steele

3. Jessica-Leigh Collins

4. Lucy Flores

5. D.J. Hill

6. Sofie Karasek

7. Amy Stokes Lappos

8. Alexandra Tara Reade

9. Vail Kohnert-Yount 

[From top-left, going clockwise:

Top-Left: Caitlyn Caruso
Top-Center: D. J. Hill
Top-Right: Amy Lappos
Center-Right: Ally Rose Coll / Ally Coll Steele
Bottom-Right: Lucy Flores
Bottom-Center: Jessica-Leigh Collins
Bottom-Left: Sofie Karasek
Center-Left: Vail Kohnert-Yount]

[Note: The image above does not include Alexandra Tara Reade.]

[Author's Note:

     The list above previously appeared in my article "Full List of Donald Trump's and Joe Biden's Sexual Assault and Harassment Accusers", which was originally published to this blog on July 30th, 2020, and was subsequently edited and expanded several times to include new accusers.

     That full article can be read at the following link:


Image created on January 9th, 2024.

Portions of article below the Introduction were posted on January 9th, 2024.

Introduction written and added on January 12th, 2024.

Includes information previously published to this blog on July 30th, 2020.

Credit for coining the phrase
"Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes [Anymore]"
goes to the late Ethan Winnett.

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