Saturday, January 27, 2024

How to Avoid Another Failed Presidency of Joe Biden and Donald Trump

      According to recent polls, shown on the website, Donald Trump is currently leading in battleground states such as Iowa, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia; while incumbent President Joe Biden is leading in Virginia and Wisconsin.

     If those trends continue until Election Day - such that the actual results of the Electoral College play out in the same fashion - then Biden will defeat Trump by a narrow margin of 270 to 268 electoral votes (as shown below).

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     However, if even one electoral vote can be swung away from Biden, and towards Trump or any other candidate, then no candidate will receive the 270 votes necessary to become president.

     This would trigger a process prescribed by the 12th Amendment, in which the House of Representatives would elect the president, with each state voting as a single delegation, with 26 votes required to clear the simple majority.

     But how could an electoral vote go to anyone other than Trump or Biden, without any other candidate defeating Trump or Biden in any state?

     There are 22 states in the Union which do not require states to submit their electoral vote according to how the majority voted, and which do not have processes providing for punishment of "faithless electors".
     The states that do not punish faithless electors are shown below, in orange. (Source:

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     The House would then be free to choose from among the top three recipients of electoral votes from that first Electoral College election round.
     To quote Amendment XII to the U.S. Constitution: “if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.”

     For example, if neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton had received 270 electoral votes in 2016, and the number of faithless electors would have been the same, then the House would have been free to choose from among Trump; Hillary; and Colin Powell, who received three faithless electoral votes, more than any other candidate who received faithless electoral votes.

Map created by Joe Kopsick,
through the use of the mapping tool found at

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download if necessary, in order to view full-size.

     Americans who are unfamiliar with how the 12th Amendment and Electoral College work, must learn about this! It is the only way to inform mass numbers of American voters that the re-election of Biden and Trump - and the election of anyone other than the two most popular candidates in any presidential election - is not inevitable.

     You can learn more about what happens when no candidate receives a simple majority of the electoral votes, by watching the video found at the following address:

     There is another way! Please share this article with anyone and everyone you know who doesn't want to re-live and re-litigate the U.S. presidential election of 2020.

Originally written, and posted to Facebook, on January 25th, 2024.

Edited and expanded, and posted to this blog, on January 27th, 2024.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Contact Information for Me, and Links to My Websites (Including This Blog, Links to Buy Books, and Links to Social Media)

     What follows below is a list of ways to get in touch with me - including my home address, cell phone, and e-mail address - followed by links to various websites which I maintain.
     Those websites include this blog (the Aquarian Agrarian on Blogspot / Blogger); and my various accounts and pages on Facebook, YouTube, Rumble, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.

     You can download a PDF of this information - which is printable, and displayed more neatly than the information below - by clicking on the following link:




Address (Residence, and)      548 Archer Avenue, Apt. #3 / Apt. C / 3rd Floor;
     for Mailing Purposes):            Waukegan, IL 60085-9407

Phone Number:                      618-751-3229 (personal cell phone)

E-Mail Address:           

Company / Employer:           Howe Security, Inc. (based in Lake Bluff, IL)

Personal Website           / (under construction)

Blog (Political Writing):         The Aquarian Agrarian Blog on / Blogger

Buy Books:                            or


     two-collections-of-essavs-now-available html

            [Author's Note: The link to buy books needs to be updated; the books are not currently available as of February 2025. This text will change once the link is updated. E-mail Joe Kopsick at with any questions about purchasing books.]



Facebook (personal profile):  Joseph Kopsick /

http:/www. ?id=100090385913768

     Facebook Page:                Positive Toxicity /

Instagram:                              JosephW.Kopsick / Joseph W. Kopsick /


Rumble Channel #1              

     (Political Videos):              JoeKopsick /

     Rumble Channel #2

          (Child Abuse in IL):      LakeCountyIllinoisAbusesKids /

     Rumble Channel #3                      

          (Comedy & Parodies):  NipplebackTV /

TikTok Channel #1 (Current): Joe Kopsick /@JosephKopsick

     TikTok Channel #2 (Old):  Brezon55 / (@brezon21 /

Twitter / X:                            JoeKopsick/ @joe_kopsick

YouTube Channel:                 Inverting the Pyramid with Joe Kopsick / JoeKopsick4Congress

                                                     / @joekopsick1540

Information gathered throughout 2023.

Published to this blog on January 25th, 2024.

Author's Note added on February 12th, 2025.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Letter of Resignation from the Lake County, Illinois Chapter of the Libertarian Party

      The following letter was addressed to Alexa Maffei (interim chair of the Lake County, Illinois chapter of the Libertarian Party), Scott Shuey (immediate past chair of the chapter), Carter Mitchell (chapter treasurer), and other members of the L.C.L.P. (Lake County Libertarian Party).

     This resignation was intended to be effective immediately.




Bad News (Please Read Carefully and Thoroughly)


Dear Friends:

            I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Secretary of the Lake County of Illinois chapter of the Libertarian Party.
            I especially regret this because I was unable to fulfill my duties as Secretary for even a single meeting. I admit that this was a failure on my part, and I would like to sincerely apologize.

            I want you to know that my reason for leaving has nothing to do with ideological differences. I am relieved that the party platform still contains language endorsing “free markets” and does not contain the word “capitalism”. I could point to a number of ideological differences that I have with the party and its platform, but they are not significant enough to justify my leaving on any sort of permanent basis. My reasons for leaving have nothing to do with the extremely minor differences in ideology which I have with the party.

            I will always be a small-“l” libertarian at heart, so I cannot guarantee that I will never be back. I would be glad to attend an upcoming meeting of the chapter, if it regroups; however, my former campaign manager has advised me that I refrain from attending more than one L.C.L.P. this year, in order to avoid violating Illinois campaign laws which prevent candidates from attending nominating processes of more than one political party. This year, I will be seeking the Green Party’s nomination for Illinois State Representative, from the 60th District (currently represented by Democrat Rita Mayfield).

            Unfortunately, this is not the end of the bad news which I need to impart to you in this letter. Please be advised that the information which follows below is sad and may be distressing.


            A number of you may remember that, several times over the last few years, I invited a young man named Ethan Winnett to our meetings. He was the chairman of the Lake County Green Party.
            I am sad to inform you that Ethan passed away in October.


            I cannot remember whether I informed any of you about this individually. But to those who are hearing of this for the first time now, I regret not informing you of this earlier (for example, in the e-mail which I sent to Scott, Alexa, and Carter on October 26th, 2023). I believe that I was in too much shock to mention it at that time.

            Ethan was a great friend to me, and a close friend, as well as a passionate and outspoken activist. I’m glad that a number of you got to meet him before his untimely passing.


After the Covid-19 pandemic, and ensuing lockdown, made regular meetings of the Lake County Greens impossible, Ethan and I began holding unofficial “meetings” of the party, solely between ourselves.

On these occasions, he communicated to me the need to protect the environment; end the wars; and protect the rights of veterans, homeless people, and people in need of medical care.

I responded by stressing the need to pursue these goals at levels of government which are appropriate (given to the separation of powers laid out in the U.S. Constitution), in order to secure these freedoms on a permanent basis, rather than a temporary one (whereas the Democrats have opted to pursue temporary avenues which have proved useless and easy to reverse).

            Therefore, I am leaving the L.C.L.P. (either on a temporary or permanent basis, I don’t know yet) in order to fulfill what I perceive as a duty, to my late friend, to continue his legacy, and to make sure that the Green Party does not remain permanently dissolved in this county.

            While the L.C.L.P. has not met in approximately six to eight months, it has more members who would be prepared to reinstate meetings, as compared to the Green Party, which I am convinced will need my help in order to resume regular meetings and regain its footing.

            While I can only formally support one party at a time, I do not want either the Green Party or the Libertarian Party to die-out in this county, so I will do whatever I can to make sure that they remain in existence (outside of violating laws which may disqualify me from continuing my candidacy).


            As a supporter of the “Progressive-Libertarian Alliance” (which was spoken of by Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, and the like) since 2007, it has been my dream of uniting the two political movements which are the most steadfastly opposed to defeating the Democrat-Republican duopoly, which is controlled by the neoliberal-neoconservative alliance that puts on the pretense of being “centrist”. I know, as well as you do, that this is a lie, because the true center of American politics is not “between those parties”, but rather, lies closer to activism and decentralization, and farther from authoritarianism, than these parties have led us.
            The “Progressive-Libertarian” dream led to another dream; promoting the fusion of the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. Although this is an uphill battle – due to ideological differences, party bylaws, and election laws – I do not believe that it should be abandoned entirely.

            That is why I will be looking into state laws regarding “electoral fusion” and “cross-ballot filing” and “cross-ballot nomination”. Nine states currently allow a candidate to be nominated by multiple parties. During my campaign this year, I plan to find out exactly which laws, in the other 41 states, prohibit a candidate from being nominated by multiple parties, and recommending that minor party and independent candidates in those states, run on platforms which include amending or repealing those laws.

            I would love to see the Green and Libertarian parties move closer together, to make it more likely that candidates in all fifty states could be nominated by both parties. Little would threaten the two-party duopoly’s stranglehold on the American political process more than this, and that is why I believe that electoral fusion should become an essential part of all minor parties’ platforms regarding electoral reform.


            Although the Green Party is currently officially socialist, I will be encouraging the party to adopt Georgism (also known as Geoism, the philosophy of economist Henry George) as its guiding economic philosophy.

I believe that promoting Georgist and Geo-Libertarian policies - regarding reforms to land management, the environment, taxes, and property rights – will help bring the parties closer together, solve the problem of double taxation by promoting a strict separation of taxes across the various levels of government, and simplify taxation and government in general in order to make civics easier to teach to our young people (leading to an influx of ordinary people into the legislative process).

Also, there is a movement to create a “Green Liberty Caucus” within the Green Party. It’s possible that Green Party by-laws will prevent this from happening, but if it does, then that movement will continue, as a bloc, a coalition, a Political Action Committee, or all of the above. The movement puts medical freedom and prosecution of state crimes as its most important goals, and I hope to help the G.L.C. attract more supporters, regardless of their current affiliation.

That is why I believe that the Green Party will be the most effective vehicle for the promotion of these goals; at least for the time being.


As I explained, I would not be opposed to attending future meetings of the L.C.L.P., but I must limit myself to only one official meeting during the year 2024. I would be glad to meeting any or all of you on a strictly social basis, however.

            And, as I also explained, I do not want to stop helping the L.C.L.P., and I don’t want to “go away empty-handed” (as they say on the game shows).

            That is why I have attached to this e-mail, the materials which will allow the chapter to continue its affairs, should it decide to re-group, and renew calls for regular meetings to take place, now that the primary season is upon us.


            Attached to this e-mail, you will find the set of L.C.L.P. chapter logos which were designed by Scott Shuey and myself, which remained to be voted upon, in our last official meetings. I would recommend that multiple logos be chosen, for different purposes (hats, T-shirts, refrigerator magnets, bumper stickers, and official chapter literature), due to their different shapes, and in order to avoid wasting too many of the proposed designs. Please note that the numbering of the individual logos do not match the numbering of the logos which is found in the image containing the nine best logos.

            I have also included the e-mail list of people who have been members of our chapter over the last several years.

            Additionally, I have included a document which contains the agenda which I planned to discuss, during the one meeting over which I would have presided as Secretary, but which had to be cancelled due to low attendance. Feel free to edit the agenda (namely, the highlighted portions) as needed, to suit the agenda of the next meeting that will be held.


            As some of you may know, Scott Shuey had to resign his post as Chair of the chapter early last year, and Alexa Maffei stepped-up as Interim Chair. Carter Mitchell remains Treasurer.

            Someone will likely need to volunteer to become Chair and/or Co-Chair – and to replace me as Secretary – at least for the time being, until meetings can be held on a routine monthly basis, at which time a more permanent resolution regarding chapter positions can be made.

            You now have the materials you will need to continue your operations. The ball is now in your court. I wish you good luck, and may the best party win!

            Feel free to invite me to whichever upcoming meeting, later this year, that you think would promote our mutual interests the most.

            And do not hesitate to reach out – via e-mail and/or phone – if you would like to chat, or meet with me on a social basis, or extend your condolences regarding Ethan Winnett’s passing. I plan to discuss, with his friends, how to honor his legacy, and perhaps set up some sort of memorial fund or foundation in his memory.


            Thank you for your support in my most recent campaign (2020), and thank you for being my friends. I look forward to speaking with you again in whatever capacity you please.

            Take care.




Warmest regards,

Joseph W. Kopsick


January 12th, 2024






[Chapter e-mail list not included in order to protect the privacy of members.

Logos not included due to formal decisions regarding logos not yet having been made.

Agenda not included due to its not being current,
and due to its not being needed by readers of this blog.]


Written and published on January 12th, 2024

Expanded on January 16th, 2024

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Biden Bunch: Joe Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes


     (written and added on January 12th, 2024)

            Many Americans – supporters and opponents of President Joe Biden alike – claim that the president has dementia. His opponents say so because they believe he is disqualified, while his supporters say so because they want to attribute his sniffing and groping of women and girls to a deterioration of his cognitive capacities.

Joe Biden is not demented, he's a serial rapist and a child molester. He molested a child live on C-SPAN2 on January 6th, 2015. In my opinion, he only appears demented because he has a stuttering problem.

It is entirely possible that Biden is demented, though. But even if that is true, we must not allow the possibility that he is demented, to distract us from doing whatever it takes to hold him responsible for groping and molesting children, by pretending that he is only molesting kids and sexually assaulting and harassing women, because he is demented. Biden has been looking at children inappropriately since the 1970s.


A Wisconsin court recently ruled that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick is not competent to stand trial for sexual abuse of a child, because he supposedly has dementia (according to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins).

[Note: You can read more about this by visiting the following link:


We must not allow rapists, child molesters, and Nazi collaborators escape justice simply because they are too old, and out of touch with the reality of what they did, to face a trial without getting the vapors and playing the victim card.

     1) Ron Jeremy escaped justice due to his supposed dementia as well. Read about it here:
     2) Bill Cosby potentially stood to escape trial due to his supposed dementia, but that was not the ultimate cause of the dismissal of his case. Read about that here:


The state impersonates the victim in every criminal case; you can read the very name of the case (e.g., “State of Illinois v. Defendant”), and it will be obvious that this is so.

The state impersonates the victim in order to speak on the victim's behalf, rob the victim of the opportunity to speak and to confront the accused, and drop charges on the victim's behalf without the victim's permission.

The state is a violent mob that has legalized its own crimes, it is intrinsically violent, and its purpose is to protect the accused from the "harassing" claims of the accuser.


Down with the state, and down with all those who seek political power solely in order to escape justice for their crimes.


The State of Israel is currently on trial for genocide at the Hague, 77 years after the Nakba.

The arm of the law is long, but the arc of history is longer, and so are our memories.

The state can only protect the guilty for so long, before people see what is going on and eventually rebel, and see the state for what it is; the protector of the guilty, and the enemy of the innocent.

We are told that "ignorance of the law is no excuse". But ignorance of one's own crimes should not be an excuse either.

Nine Adult Women Who Came Forward Against Biden for Unwanted Touching, Inappropriate Sexual Conduct, and/or Forceful Fondling

1. Caitlyn Caruso

2. Ally Coll, a/k/a Ally Rose Cole, a/k/a Ally Cole Steele

3. Jessica-Leigh Collins

4. Lucy Flores

5. D.J. Hill

6. Sofie Karasek

7. Amy Stokes Lappos

8. Alexandra Tara Reade

9. Vail Kohnert-Yount 

[From top-left, going clockwise:

Top-Left: Caitlyn Caruso
Top-Center: D. J. Hill
Top-Right: Amy Lappos
Center-Right: Ally Rose Coll / Ally Coll Steele
Bottom-Right: Lucy Flores
Bottom-Center: Jessica-Leigh Collins
Bottom-Left: Sofie Karasek
Center-Left: Vail Kohnert-Yount]

[Note: The image above does not include Alexandra Tara Reade.]

[Author's Note:

     The list above previously appeared in my article "Full List of Donald Trump's and Joe Biden's Sexual Assault and Harassment Accusers", which was originally published to this blog on July 30th, 2020, and was subsequently edited and expanded several times to include new accusers.

     That full article can be read at the following link:]

Image created on January 9th, 2024.

Portions of article below the Introduction were posted on January 9th, 2024.

Introduction written and added on January 12th, 2024.

Includes information previously published to this blog on July 30th, 2020.

Credit for coining the phrase
"Biden Can't Even Remember All the Rapes [Anymore]"
goes to the late Ethan Winnett.

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...