Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Food Pantries Currently Operating in Waukegan and Libertyville, Illinois


(Times and other information may be subject to change.

Call ahead of time to make sure pantry is still operating,
and operating this week, and find out times,
and whether they require I.D.s or residence in town.

Call United Way, at 211, for more options.)




- 10 AM – 1:45 P.M. – C.O.O.L. (Christian Outreach of Lutherans) Food Pantry, 800 W. Glen
            Flora Ave., Waukegan (bring photo ID) (call 847-662-1230 for more info) (Can only get food                  once every 30 days)

 - 10 AM – 2 PM: Food pantry at Umma Center, 841 Grand Ave , Waukegan
            (call 847-336-6136; must go on same day of the week each time you go)
 (bring bags, not boxes)

Monday Through Friday

- Community Action Partnership of Lake County, 1200 Glen Flora Avenue. Must have
            appointment provide ID of everyone over 18 in household, and provide Social Security
            cards of everyone in household. Call 847-249-4330, extension 3324 for more
            information [213 Water St. and 224-412-8945 are not valid contacts]. Open Monday
            through Friday.

- 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM: St. Joseph’s Church
            - 112 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville IL 60048 / 847-362-2073


- 10 AM – 1:45 P.M. – C.O.O.L. (Christian Outreach of Lutherans) Food Pantry, 800 W. Glen
            Flora Ave., Waukegan (bring photo ID) (call 847-662-1230 for more info) 
(Can only get food                  once every 30 days)

- 10 AM – Noon: Mt. Moriah Christian Center, 524 10th St.. Call 847-662-5683 for more information.

- 10 AM – 2 PM: Food pantry at Umma Center, 841 Grand Ave., Waukegan
            (call 847-336-6136; must go on same day of the week each time you go)
 (bring bags, not boxes)

- 10 AM – 3 PM, at Libertyville Township Pantry, 359 Merrill Court Libertyville IL 60048 / 847-


 - 10 AM – 1:45 P.M. – C.O.O.L. (Christian Outreach of Lutherans) Food Pantry, 800 W. Glen
            Flora Ave., Waukegan (bring photo ID) (call 847-662-1230 for more info) 
(Can only get food                  once every 30 days)

- 10 AM – 2 PM: Food pantry at Umma Center, 841 Grand Ave. (location confirmed) (call 847-480-
4320; must go on same day of the week each time you go) (bring bags, not boxes)

- 10 AM – 3 PM: UMMA Center, 221 Washington St., Waukegan


- 10 AM – Noon: Food pantry at St. Anastasia, 624 Douglas Ave., Waukegan, bring photo ID.
            Call 847-623-5050 for more information.

- 10 AM – 1:45 P.M. – C.O.O.L. (Christian Outreach of Lutherans) Food Pantry, 800 W. Glen
            Flora Ave., Waukegan (bring photo ID) (call 847-662-1230 for more info) (Can only get food                  once every 30 days)

 - 10 AM – 2 PM: Food pantry at Umma Center, 841 Grand Ave., Waukegan
            (call 847-336-6136; must go on same day of the week each time you go)
 (bring bags, not boxes)

- 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM: St. Joseph’s Church
            - 112 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville IL 60048 / 847-362-2073


- 8:00 – 9:15 A.M.:
First Presbyterian Church (Mobile Pantry)
            - Saturday each week at 8:00 AM-9:15 AM
            - 219 W. Maple Avenue Libertyville IL 60048 / 847-362-2174 or 847-662-2174
            - Cars will pull into Brainard Parking lot across from church on Douglas St. in
                        Libertyville and check in.

 - 8 AM – 11 AM: HOPE Food Distribution Services
            - St. Lawrence Episcopal Church Community Meal (Soup Kitchen)
            - 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, or every third Saturday of the month
                        (call to find out)
            - Phone: 847-362-2110 or 847-662-7084
            - 125 W. Church St. Libertyville IL 60048

- 10 AM – Noon: Food pantry at Shiloh Baptist Church, 800 S. Genesee St., Waukegan

Day(s) of Week Unknown;
            Entities Possibly Providing Food Pantry Services (Call for More Information)

- Christian Fellowship Church, 621 Belvidere St.. Call 847-336-1815. Food on holidays only.

- El Puente Latino, 2415 North Butrick. Call 847-599-3051 for more information.

- Greater Faith Church – Baptist, 565 Powell Avenue. Call 847-244-4400 for more information.

- Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church, 711 8th St.. Call 847-662-3182 for more information.

- Most Blessed Trinity / Holy Family Parish, 914 8th Street. Call 847-623-2112 for more information.

Download a Better-Organized .PDF File of This Article by Clicking on the Link Below:


Based on research gathered throughout 2023.

Completed and published on December 5th, 2023.

Edited and expanded on December 6th and 23rd, 2023,
and January 4th, 2024.

Link to PDF added on January 4th, 2024.

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