Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Chicago and North Suburbs Plagued with Sex Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Rape, and Psychiatric Drugging of Molestation Victims

[Note: The full title of this article is

Chicago and North Suburbs Plagued with
Sex Trafficking, Parental Alienation, Child Rape, and Psychiatric Drugging of Molestation Victims:
Fifty-Nine People and Places Which Are Threats to Children's Safety

1. Brad W. Andersen, Lake Bluff realtor. His sons’ female friend - who was also the daughter of one of his own friends - performed as a camgirl for him when she was in her early twenties.

2. Ronald Bell, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. 

3. Raymond Allen Boldt, Mundelein attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Defended a statutory rapist; a priest named Jeffrey B. Hannah. Hired by Kash Jackson's ex-wife to extort him for child support money and pay egregious amounts to G.A.L. Sally Lichter in order to speak to them over the phone.

4. Janelle Christensen, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

5. Sam Cunningham, former Mayor of Waukegan. Defended Joe Biden's groping and molesting of children as "part of the job" of being president, in public, while speaking to a protester in downtown Waukegan in 2021.

6. Sheriff Mark Curran, former Sheriff of Lake County, Illinois. Assists in parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

7. Sean Curran, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

8. David del Re, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. One of his victims included a Lake County father named Sam Gorg.

9. Jonathan Dick, Lake Forest confectioner (owner of Sweet’s). Molested, raped, and provided alcohol (and possibly also access to pornography) so the son of his sister; his ten-year-old nephew. The mother of the victim is formerly of Lake Forest, who wrote the book Straying Towards Truth. Jonathan Dick is the husband of Susan Dick, who helped Mr. Dick cover-up his crimes, and blame and gaslight the victim. May or may not be using the alias “Jonathan D. Jonathan”; this might have been a typographical error. Jonathan Dick is almost definitely Jonathan Dick, Jr., the son of Jonathan H. Dick, a man who is probably around age 70, who won squash tournaments at his golf club Onwentsia, and has been a member there since the 1970s, and is currently a member of that club's Board of Senators in good standing. Jonathan Dick, Jr. might be using his father's power and influence - and his own personal wealth, from his ice cream shop as well as his real estate sale and/or development - to purchase attorneys who are willing to defend him for child rape charges. Unclear whether he has any other victims in addition to his nephew; the mother of that victim is worried that Mr. Dick has a lawyer on retainer to defend him for those purposes.

10. Susan Dick, Lake Forest confectioner (owner of Sweet’s). Molested and/or raped the daughters of the mother, formerly of Lake Forest, who wrote the book Straying Towards Truth. Wife of Jonathan Dick, and possibly served as accessory to his crimes after the fact.

11. Michael Feld, Northbrook psychiatrist. Had an affair with a client. Prescribed neurotranquilizing / sedative atypical antipsychotic medications to Joseph W. Kopsick when he attempted to come forward with child molestation allegations against his attorney father Richard S. Kopsick in 2015. Came recommended (to Richard Kopsick) by psychiatrist and youth counselor Sol Rappaport, who works with children in his practice.

12. George Filenko, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

13. Marc Fisher, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

14. Scott Boen Gibson, Waukegan / Lake Forest attorney. Former partner of child molester Richard S. Kopsick. Gibson pinched Joe Kopsick’s behind, and other children’s behinds, at his pool parties when Kopsick was a child, while yelling “There’s a butt-biter in the pool!”. Former heroin user. Recovering alcoholic.

15. Melodie Gliniewicz, Fox Lake. Widow of Fox Lake police officer Joseph Gliniewicz. Defrauded a children’s charity with her now deceased husband.

16. Kenneth Hasty, Waukegan basketball recruiter. Molested teenage boys, was put on probation, and tried to seduce a 19-year-old boy. His attorney Richard S. Kopsick recommended more probation in 1993 - saying that Hasty had "reformed" his behavior - but Hasty was jailed. Two years later, Richard S. Kopsick molested and raped his first born son, Joseph W. Kopsick.

17. Eric Hill, Zion police officer. Shot 17-year-old Justus Howell to death, in the back, while Howell was fleeing.

18. Laura Horner, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. 

19. Adam Hyde, Lincolnshire police officer. In 2009, interrogated then 22-year-old Melissa Calusinski and coerced her into falsely confessing to murdering 1-year-old Benjamin Kingan.

20. Sheriff John Idleburg, current Sheriff of Lake County, Illinois. Assists in parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

21. Howard Kallem, attorney. Wrote a sham 47-page investigation about the sorry, half-hearted attempt, by Lake Forest High School and its attorneys, to investigate why L.F.H.S. and its employees dropped the ball in regard to David Miller's 47-year-long, off-and-on molestation (and possibly statutory rape) of teenage boys at his school. Kallem created this report (one-eighth of which was redacted) in conjunction with attorney Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger.

22. Richard S. Kopsick, Waukegan / Lake Bluff personal injury attorney. Defended child molester Kenneth Hasty in 1993. Molested and raped his oldest son Joey in 1995 and 1996, multiple times. Former friend of attorney Scott Gibson, who pinched Joe Kopsick’s behind and the behinds of other children at his pool parties. Active in the Lake County Democratic Party and the Lake Bluff District 65 school board during the 1990s. President of the Lake County Bar Association for the year of 2004. Defends people charged with statutory rape. Associate of Joseph McKeown, who used to work in his office, along with McKeown's father Dennis (now retired).

23. Sally A. Lichter, Libertyville-based G.A.L. (Guardian Ad Litem) at Sally Family Law. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Charges parents tens of thousands of dollars to speak to their children. Victims include the father Kash Jackson (born Benjamin Adam Winderweedle).

24. Steve Lunardi, Waukegan-based attorney. Effectively committed defamation against Joseph W. Kopsick in fall 2023; by claiming, to his face - in public - that Richard Kopsick did not molest or rape the younger Mr. Kopsick.. Lunardi was arrested in the late 1980s for possession of crack cocaine.

25. Lisa Malkov, Lake Bluff police officer. Refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with molesting his son (despite multiple written statements, precise estimation of dates on which the abuse occurred, explanations as to why physical evidence is not available, and a prosecutor’s admission that it sounds to him like Joe Kopsick’s mother and brother believe him about the abuse).

26. Matt deMartini, Antioch attorney. In 2011, prosecuted Melissa Calusinski alongside his associate attorney Steven J. “Steve” Scheller. Framed Calusinski by failing to produce sufficiently light X-ray evidence showing that the baby who died in Calusinski’s care had previously existing head injuries.

27. Steve McCollum, Waukegan-based attorney. Former (and possibly still current) friend of child-raping attorney Richard Kopsick and child-groping attorney Scott Gibson. McCollum defended Diane M. Ross (a teacher and mother) for sending and/or receiving child pornography in 2000.

28. Joseph "Joe" McKeown, Waukegan-based Guardian Ad Litem (taking custody of children for legal purposes). Once used an image of "Herbert the Pervert" (a pedophile character from Family Guy as his Facebook profile picture. Making light of sex crimes against children in this way, is arguably something that a person whose job it is to hold legal custody of children, should not do, as it is insensitive, and reflects a lack of seriousness regarding such crimes.

29. Justice Robert McLaren, Illinois justice. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

30. David “Dave” Miller, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest theater director. Exchanged sexually charged text messages with boys around the age of 17 years old, and kissed students. May have also had sexual relationships with teenage boys. Reportedly, information about this was suppressed between 2009 and 2020 because Miller’s victims wanted to retain their privacy.

31. Judge Christopher Morozin, Waukegan-based judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

32. Michael Nerheim, Waukegan former State's Attorney of Lake County. Republican. Defeated by Democrat Eric Rinehart in November 2020. Nerheim's office refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with child molestation. Nerheim urged support of police after the shooting death of 17-year-old Justus Howell, who was shot by police in the back while fleeing.

33. Victor o’Block, Waukegan prosecutor at the Specialized Victims Unit of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office. Refused to charge Richard S. Kopsick with multiple counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse or assault against his son Joe Kopsick, despite the existence of medical evidence of injury (on Mr. Kopsick's lower left ribs), and while admitting that it seemed to o'Block that Joe Kopsick's mother and brother believed his claims about his father attacking him with sexual intent.

34. Kathleen o’Hara, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest former teacher and principal. Mayor of Lake Bluff since 2007. Screamed at students (including Joe Kopsick) while disciplining them, during her tenure at Lake Bluff Middle School (possibly contributing to an environment in which children would be unlikely to report abuse). Possibly failed to sufficiently bring Diane M. Ross’s child pornography arrest to the community’s attention.

35. Sol R. Rappaport, Libertyville psychiatrist and youth counselor. Recommended Dr. Michael Feld (who had an affair with a client) to Richard S. Kopsick, to treat his son Joe Kopsick, after he began recovering memories of abuse in 2015, and attempted to come forward about his father molesting him in 1995 and 1996.

36. David del Re, Waukegan attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Works with psychiatrist and youth counselor Sol R. Rappaport.

37. Diane M. Ross, Lake Bluff / Lake Forest English professor at Lake Forest College. Mother of students who were in Lake Bluff schools in the year 2000, when Ross was arrested for sending and/or requesting child pornography over the internet via a web forum, using the screen name "SnowyViolet". Employed Steve McCollum (friend of child rapist and attorney Richard Kopsick, and child groping attorney Scott Gibson) as her attorney in that case.

38. Judge Al Salvi, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

39. Joseph V. Salvi, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

40. Steven. J. “Steve” Scheller, Waukegan attorney at Scheller & Burke, L.L.C.. Prosecutor, and former defense attorney. In 2011, prosecuted Melissa Calusinski alongside his associate attorney Matt deMartini. Framed Calusinski by failing to produce sufficiently light and legible X-ray evidence showing that the baby who died in Calusinski’s care had previously existing head injuries. Friend of attorney Richard S. Kopsick, who defended a child molester and molested his own son.

41. Gary Schlesinger, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

42. Justice Mary Schostok, Illinois justice. Prevented lawsuit against David Miller from going forward, on grounds that statute of limitations had expired. That statute was replaced by a new law in 2020, which allows victims to pursue charges against their abusers past the age of 38 if they can prove they were intimidated, and until the age of 38 if they cannot.

43. Nicole Slobe, Waukegan-based attorney. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

44. Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger, Waukegan-based attorney. Wrote a sham 47-page investigation about the sorry, half-hearted attempt, by Lake Forest High School and its attorneys, to investigate why L.F.H.S. and its employees dropped the ball in regard to David Miller's 47-year-long, off-and-on molestation (and possibly statutory rape) of teenage boys at his school. Veidlinger created this report (one-eighth of which was redacted) in conjunction with attorney Howard Kallem.

45. Donna-Jo Vorderstrasse, Waukegan judge. Commits parental alienation, a/k/a legal kidnapping from parents not proven unfit to care for children.

46. "Popz", the adult male proprietor of a hookah bar and music venue called Swing State, which used to exist in Waukegan. Solicited topless photos from at least one underage teenage girl. May have also sexually abused and/or pimped-out at least three underage girls; likely some time in the early 2000s.

47. An adult male in either Lake Bluff or Lake Forest, name unknown, who molested a boy in the 1990s and/or 2000s who attended school in Lake Bluff with Joe Kopsick.

48. A Lake Bluff father, name unknown, who molested and/or raped his daughter, who attended school in Lake Forest with Joe Kopsick.

49. One or more sailors at Great Lakes Naval Base who committed statutory rape against a girl or girls as young as 12 or 13 years old, some time between the years 1999 and 2002. One of these girls was also victimized by the proprietor of a Waukegan hookah bar.

50. The adult male who molested, or attempted to molest, young boys in the men’s showers of the Lake Bluff park district’s public pool in the 1990s. Name unknown.

51. The Office of Child Support Enforcement, of Illinois. Assists in legal child kidnapping (a/k/a parental alienation, through the family courts system; demanding ransom from parents, for Guardians Ad Litem, in exchange for seeing their children and/or talking to them over the phone).

52. The proprietors of, and dance instructors at, Model Act Studios, based in Schaumburg and Lemont. Accused of taking parents money for photographs of children, without offering adequate dance instruction to kids; may be a scam to defraud parents for money and/or obtain photos and/or videos of children for illicit purposes. Works with International Modeling and Talent Association (I.M.T.A.) to put on child fashion shows featuring young girls in immodest two-piece swimsuits. May be working with (I.M.T.A.) to find attractive children who can be lured into the entertainment industry.

53. J.B. Pritzker and family (including former Jeffrey Epstein associate Tom Pritzker, J.B.’s cousin). Governor of Illinois, Democrat. The Pritzker family owns the Hyatt Regency “Chicago” (actually in Schaumburg) and the neighboring Hyatt Place in Schaumburg. Sex trafficking has occurred at the Hyatt Regency, and has likely occurred at Hyatt Place as well.

54. The Village of Schaumburg, which owns the Renaissance Convention Center and Hotel in Schaumburg. The Renaissance Convention Center has hosted conventions of Tremaine dance studios, which teaches young girls (and some boys) sexually charged dance routines.

55. The owner(s) of Private Events by Sam and Harry’s in Schaumburg. Located next to the Renaissance Convention Center. Reputed area where sex trafficking has likely occurred (possibly in connection to sex trafficking occurring at the Renaissance).

56. The City of Chicago, which owns o’Hare International Airport in northwestern Chicago (a known human trafficking and sex trafficking site) and Midway Airport in south Chicago (another possible human trafficking site).

     [note: Some names have been removed temporarily, in order to help protect the author. More information will be added to this page at a later date.]

Written and published on May 25th, 2021

Updated, Edited, and Expanded on November 15th and 18th, 2023.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Social Network Map of Child Molesting Attorneys, Fraudulent Psychiatrists, and Corrupt Police Officers in Lake County, Illinois

Part 1: Social Networking Map

     The infographic below is a social networking map which shows the child-molesting attorneys and educators, parental alienation committing attorneys, fraudulent psychiatrists who drug rape accuser patients with psychiatric medications, corrupt and racist police officers, and other corrupt officials, in Lake County, Illinois.

     This image should help explain why I believe that it would be difficult for me to obtain a fair trial - or a trial at all - in my ongoing attempt to urge prosecutors to file charges against my father for molesting me in 1995 and 1996.

     This is a quick-reference guide designed to help people who are new to, or unfamiliar with, my case, to understand the connections between the various attorneys, and other prominent people in Lake County, whom my father Richard Kopsick knows, and how he knows them.

Click, and open in new tab and/or window,
and download, to view in full resolution

Part 2: List of People

     The text below consists of all people mentioned on the chart above (except for attorney Matt deMartini).
     For the sake of including the maximum number of possible child predators in the Lake County legal system, I have also included the names of several people involved in parental alienation and child molestation cases whom are close to me.
     I have also included the names of people involved in several well-known criminal cases from Lake County, all of which involved Coroner Dr. Thomas Rudd. I have included this information in order to help illustrate the general degree of corruption in the county, and also because Rudd was the coroner in State of Illinois v. Calusinski, a case in which my father Richard Kopsick and his friend Steve Scheller were both involved.

- Andersen, Brad

     Managing broker at GGL Realty (Griffith, Grant, & Lackie) in Lake Bluff. Friend of Richard Kopsick. Used the camgirl services of one of his friend’s daughters, who was in her early twenties at the time.

- Bello, Evelyn

     Former legal advocate at Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center in Gurnee. Spoke to Lake Bluff police officer Lisa Malkov about Joe Kopsick’s claims against Richard Kopsick. Told Joe Kopsick to wait for the police to respond if and when contacted by Victor o’Block.

- Berry, Christine

     Former therapist at Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center. Provided counseling to Joe Kopsick between February and November 2020. Did not commit any acts of impropriety against Joe Kopsick.

- Boldt, Raymond Allen

     Mundelein-based attorney. Accused by Grayson “Kash” Jackson (born Benjamin Winderweedle) of parental alienation. Represented Kash Jackson’s ex-wife in their custody battle Defended Jeffrey B. Hannah, a youth pastor who pled guilty of sexual assault against several teenage girls. Boldt motioned for Hannah to be able to visit his niece and nephew.


- Calusinski, Melissa (and sister)

     After what could be described as a coerced confession, Melissa Calusinski was convicted in 2012 of murdering a baby at a child care facility in 2009. Richard Kopsick represented someone in that case, possibly Calusinski’s sister or co-worker. Kopsick’s friend Steve Scheller prosecuted Calusinski along with his associate Matt deMartini.


- Christensen, Judge Janelle

     Presided over part of Kash Jackson’s child custody case. Acted with prejudice in committing parental alienation against Jackson.

- Collins, Judge Raymond D.

     Judge in the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Illinois. Accused by Sam Gorg of parental alienation.

- del Re, David

     Attorney in Waukegan. Accused by parent Sam Gorg of working with Sol Rappaport to commit fraudulent litigation of Gorg’s child custody and parental alienation case.

- Dick, Jonathan, and Dick, Susan

     Proprietors of Sweet’s Ice Cream store in Lake Forest. Parents of a student Joe Kopsick knew in high school. Accused, by author and therapist Karen A. Fennell, of molesting Fennell’s children.

- Dunn, Dan

     Friend of Richard Kopsick. Former police officer in either Lake Bluff or Lake Forest. Joe Kopsick overheard Dunn telling fellow police officer Carl Schons that the Jews owned most of the factories in Germany, and therefore caused the pollution (implying that the Jews deserved what was coming to them).

- Feld, Dr. Michael

     Psychiatrist based in Northbrook. Was recommended to treat Joe Kopsick, by Dr. Sol Rappaport, after Richard Kopsick asked Rappaport to recommend a therapist. Joe Kopsick reported Feld to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations in May 2021.

- Fennell, Karen A. (and family)

     Formerly of Lake Bluff. Therapist, and the author of Straying Towards Truth, a fictionalized account of what to expect when a child in the family comes forward with allegations of sexual abuse. Fennell claims that Jonathan and Susan Dick, the owners of Sweet’s Ice Cream store in Lake Forest, molested her daughter or daughters. Moved out of state after the alleged abuse.

- Gibson, Scott Boen

     Waukegan-based attorney who lives in Lake Forest. Long time friend of Richard Kopsick; vacationed together with their families (including Union League Club Hotel in Chicago in December 1996). Used to share office space with Kopsick. Pinched Joe Kopsick’s butt when he was a child attending Gibson’s pool parties, and bragged that he was pinching child guests’ butts by yelling “There’s a butt-biter in the pool” in front of other parents, who did nothing about it. Denied pinching any children’s butts, according to a mutual friend of Gibson and Joe Kopsick, in late June or early July 2020. Once wrote a letter to Richard Kopsick saying that he was in Europe and the heroin there was great. Recovering alcoholic. Divorced.

- Gliniewicz, Joseph

     Deceased Fox Lake police officer. Killed himself in a staged suicide on September 1st, 2015, prompting suspicion of murder and a search for the alleged killers. The non-existent suspects were described as ethnic minorities. Coroner Dr. Thomas Rudd revealed that Gliniewicz committed suicide. Gliniewicz and his wife Melodie defrauded the Youth Police Explorers Group.


- Gorg, Sam

     Lake County parent. Published a video alleging misconduct and intentional parental alienation by attorney David del Re and psychiatrist Dr. Sol R. Rappaport in Gorg’s child custody case.

- Hannah, Jeffrey B.

     Former youth pastor from Wildwood who pled guilty to sexual assaults against teenage girls. Was defended by attorney Raymond A. Boldt, who represented Kash Jackson’s wife in their child custody battle.


- Hastert, J. Dennis

     Former U.S. Representative from Illinois and Republican Speaker of the House. Molested teenage boys while working as a basketball coach (a commonality he shares with Kenneth Hasty).

- Hasty, Kenneth

     Waukegan man and former aldermanic candidate. Defended by Richard Kopsick in 1993 for attempting to make sexual advances towards a teenage boy while in his home. Had previously been accused of child molestation and was on probation. Richard Kopsick urged continued probation.


- Howell, Justus

     Now deceased boy from Zion who was shot to death by police at the age of 17. Coroner Dr. Thomas Rudd said that Howell was shot in the back by the police.


- Jackson, Grayson “Kash”

     Navy veteran, and former resident of Antioch, Illinois. Gubernatorial nominee of the Libertarian Party of Illinois in 2018. Accused Judge Joseph V. Salvi, Judge Janelle Christensen, and his ex-wife’s attorney Raymond Allen Boldt, of committing parental alienation against him in his child custody dispute.

- Jones, Kristin

     Supervisor at Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center in Gurnee. Referred Joe Kopsick to North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic after Evelyn Bello stopped working at Zacharias.

- Kopsick, Joseph W.

     Private security guard. Born in Lake Forest on February 24th, 1987. Grew up in Lake Bluff, now lives in Waukegan. Son of Richard S. Kopsick. Accused Richard S. Kopsick of criminal sexual abuse, to Lake Bluff police, in December 2019 and March 2021. Studied political science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison between 2005 and 2009. Blogger and political researcher at the Aquarian Agrarian. Frequent candidate for U.S. House of Representatives.

- Kopsick, Richard S.

     Personal injury, criminal defense, and medical negligence attorney based in Waukegan. Born in Manhattan, New York City, New York State on March 10th, 1957. Grew up in Lake Bluff. Lives in Lake Bluff. Molested his oldest son Joseph W. Kopsick at 524 East Washington Avenue, Lake Bluff, in 1995 and 1996. Defended accused child molester Kenneth Hasty in 1993. Former friend of attorney Scott Gibson, who pinched Joe Kopsick’s butt at his pool parties in the 1990s. Democrat, heavily involved with Lake County Democratic Party during the 1990s.

- Lichter, Sally

     G.A.L. (Guardian Ad Litem) who charged Kash Jackson thousands of dollars to speak to his son over the phone.

- Malkov, Lisa

     Police officer at the Lake Bluff Police Department. Spoke to Joe Kopsick, and several people Kopsick suggested the police interview, after each of Kopsick’s two visits to the Lake Bluff police (in December 2019 and March 2021). Would contact Victor o’Block’s Special Victims Unit office in the Lake County State’s Attorney if she determined that there was enough evidence to charge Richard Kopsick with a crime.

- Miller, David “Dave”

     Former theater director at Lake Forest High School. Lives in Lake Bluff. Reports that Miller had had inappropriate sexual relationships and text messages with teenage students, surfaced in 2009, and then again in 2020 because the 2009 accusers wished to retain their privacy.


- Nerheim, Michael

     Lake County State’s Attorney from November 2012 to January 2021. Republican. Defeated by Democrat Eric Rinehart. Served above prosecutor Victor o’Block when o’Block decided not to file charges against Richard Kopsick in early 2020.

- o’Block, Victor

     Prosecutor at the Special Victims Unit of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office. In the position to file charges against Richard Kopsick when and if police determine that there is enough evidence to do so. Decided not to file charges against Richard Kopsick in March 2020 (but failed to notify Joe Kopsick, resulting in his not finding out until two months later). Told Joe Kopsick, the first time they spoke (in May 2020), that he would not file charges, and that if Kopsick wants legal action, he should file a civil suit, or else go out of Lake County’s jurisdiction to bring attention to the case.

- o’Hara, Kathleen

     Former teacher and principal at Lake Bluff Middle School. President and mayor of the Village of Lake Bluff since 2007. Attended school board meetings with Richard Kopsick in the 1990s. Yelled at Joe Kopsick in her principal’s office for using the word “pot” while trying to draw attention to a very young boy who was using marijuana. Accused by Joe Kopsick, in 2020, of not doing enough to alert parents and the community about Diane M. Ross's 2000 arrest for soliciting child pornography.


- Rappaport, Dr. Sol R.

     Libertyville-based psychiatrist. One of the owners of Counseling Connections Therapeutic Day Schools. Co-founder of four other therapeutic day schools. Youth counselor. Has presented on family counseling and other topics for bar associations. Recommended Dr. Michael Feld to Richard Kopsick, for the purposes of providing psychiatric counseling to Joe Kopsick, in March 2015. Knew that Richard Kopsick wanted his son and victim Joe Kopsick medicated, when he recommended Feld.

- Rinehart, Eric

     Lake County State’s Attorney since January 2021 (defeated incumbent Republican Michael Nerheim). Democrat. Praised the work done by Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center while on David Rych’s Reality Radio show on WRLR 98.3 FM Lake County in late 2020. Works in the same office as prosecutor Victor o’Block, whom is in a position to file charges against Richard Kopsick but has not done so.

- Ross, Diane M.

     Former English professor at Lake Forest College. Lived in Lake Bluff. Mother of two students who attended Lake Bluff schools with Joe Kopsick. Arrested in 2000 for posing as a 13-year-old girl in order to send child pornography over the internet.


- Rossetti, Judge Victoria “Vicky”

     Judge in the 19th Judicial Circuit Court of Illinois. Married to attorney Doug Zeit, who shares office space with Richard Kopsick. Friend of Richard Kopsick.

- Rudd, Dr. Thomas

     Former Lake County Coroner. Involved in the cases of Joseph Gliniewicz (police officer suicide), Melissa Calusinski (infant homicide), and Justus Howell (shot by police).

- Salvi, Judge Joseph V.

     Presided over part of Kash Jackson’s child custody case. Acted with prejudice in committing parental alienation against Jackson.

- Scheller, Steve

     Former defense attorney. Prosecutor, along with associate Matt deMartini, in Melissa Calusinski’s trial for the alleged murder of infant Benjamin Kingan. Conspired with deMartini to depict Calusinski as an intentional murderer when the cause of the baby’s death was unintentional homicide. Scheller and/or deMartini, probably intentionally, failed to lighten X-ray evidence which showed that the baby had previous injuries. Friend of Richard Kopsick, who represented Calusinski’s sister and/or co-worker in relation to the case.


- Schons, Carl

     Former Chief of Police of the Lake Bluff Police Department. Friend of Richard Kopsick and officer Dan Dunn. Did not push back against Dunn when Dunn whispered to Schons that the Jews in Germany ran most of the factories and therefore were responsible for most of the pollution.

- Vorderstrasse, Judge Donna-Jo

     Presided over part of Kash Jackson’s child custody case. Acted with prejudice in committing parental alienation against Jackson.

- Wright, Dr. Vernice

     Therapist at Truth Youth and Family Services, L.L.C., based in Waukegan. Provided cognitive behavior therapy to Joe Kopsick in early 2021. Did not commit any acts of impropriety against Joe Kopsick.

- Zeit, Douglas E. “Doug”

     Waukegan-based attorney. Shares office space with Richard Kopsick. Friend of Richard Kopsick. Married to Judge Victoria “Vicky” Rossetti.

- [Name unknown]

     Old man accused of molesting kids in Lake Bluff public pool showers.

- [Name unknown] [not mentioned in the infographic]

     Unknown adult male in the community who molested a male student who attended Lake Bluff schools with Joe Kopsick.

- [Name unknown] [not mentioned in the infographic]

     Unknown adult male in the community who molested a male student who attended Lake Bluff schools with Joe Kopsick.

- [Name unknown] [not mentioned in the infographic]

     Unknown adult male in the community who molested and/or raped his daughter, who attended Lake Forest High School with Joe Kopsick.

- [Names unknown] [not mentioned in the infographic]

     Unknown adults in the community who may have conspired to keep the David Miller and/or Diane M. Ross child sex crime scandals a secret.

- [Names unknown] [not mentioned in the infographic]

     Unknown sailors at Great Lakes Naval Base (in Great Lakes, Illinois) who committed statutory rape against one or more young teen underage girls, at least as young as 12 or 13 years old. At least one of such girls may have been acting, at the time, as an underage prostitute, pimped by her father. This occurred some time between 1999 and 2002.

Created on May 21st, 24th, and 25th, 2021

Originally published on May 25th, 2021
under the title
"Social Networking Map of Child Molesting Attorneys,
Fraudulent Psychiatrists, and Racist Police Officers
in Lake County, Illinois"

Edited and Expanded on July 30th, 2021

Sunday, May 23, 2021

No Means No, So Stop Asking: How Consent, Permission, and Volunteering Actually Work

             Learning to hear “no” as “no” can be one of the most difficult impediments to successful communication. “No” is among the most difficult concepts for a person who is new to socialization and civility, to master.

            Don’t feel bad, though; the meaning of the word “no” has baffled anthropologists, linguists, and other scientists, since the beginning of time.

Due to the word’s “negativity” – and its tendency to negate things - most people actually doubt its existence. “No” may not be a physical thing, and we can’t find it or mine it anywhere.

But “no” is a powerful force, because of the power contained in people who say “no”. This power, combined with energy, can be converted into force, which can kick you in the nuts for refusing to accept "no" for an answer.


            If someone has referred you to this article, then it unfortunately means that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “no”.
            Perhaps you have not heard the word “no” enough times in your life. I would be glad to help familiarize you with this concept of “no”.

            In case you weren’t aware, no means “no”. No means no, in a literal sense. And in a figurative sense, it means “no”, except figuratively.
            In Spanish, it’s “no”. In French, it’s “non”. In Italian, “no”. In Russian, “nyet”.
            “No” can be used as a determiner, an exclamation, an adverb, or a noun. It can also be used to tell someone to “fuck off”.
            “No” is the opposite – or negation – of “yes”. This indicates the direction in which you would like the person to fuck off; i.e., the direction which would lead you away the fuck from them.
            To put it another way: Off is the name of the general direction in which they would like you to fuck. Fuck “off”. Fucking off is the opposite – or negation – of fucking on. They want you to fuck off, because if you fucked on (or near) them, they wouldn’t appreciate it.
     Always get someone’s permission before fucking on or near them.

            Although “no” may be difficult to hear, I regret to inform you that other people besides you – in fact – exist in the world, and are not extensions or projections of you. Other people do not exist to serve you. If you want others to serve you, you have to negotiate.
            If you want to use other people’s stuff, share with people, and use other people’s labor, then you’re eventually going to have to deal with the sticky world of “consent” and “permission”.
            You’re also going to have to get used to the idea of negation, which the concept of “no” is based on. You may also have to deal with the mean concept of the “negative”.

            Since negations and opposites of things exist, it is sometimes necessary to “be negative”; such as by using words like “no”, “not”, “none”, and even “negative” itself.
            But using the word “no” every now and then, doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. It just means that there are some things that you will do, and other things that you will not do.
            Everyone has standards, and boundaries. And everyone has a right to set up standards and boundaries, as long as they clearly communicate those boundaries to others.
            We say and think “no” every day. “I will not walk into the road because there are cars there”, “I will not spend too much of my money because I want to have some left over”, and “I think that I will not drink poison today” are all things that help us¸ yet curiously they somehow involve the “negative”.
            Thus, “no” is unavoidable, and what it brings to our lives is not solely negative. But why is this? Let’s take a closer look.

            Other people own their own property and possessions, and control their own bodies. If you want to use their services and labor – or their property or goods they produce or sell – then you have to get what’s called their “permission” (also known as “consent”) first.
            Usually this “permission” or “consent” is given through the verbal communication of an affirmative exclamation; i.e., the person will say “yes”.

            There’s a debate over whether "silence equals consent", and the idea that a clear affirmation must be given in order for permission and consent to be said to have been given. The idea that silence equals consent, could probably help explain the source of the confusion which you are experiencing.
            Allow me to be perfectly clear: Silence does not equal consent.
     A person should always 
clearly communicate that they want something, or want to participate in something, before another person does something to them that - for any reason - they conceivably might not want to do.
     If you're ever unsure as to whether someone really wants to do something, ask them. Ask them whether they feel pressured to say "yes" or "no", remove them from that pressure if there is any, and ask them again when you are sure that nobody else will unduly influence their decision.

            Additionally, for a person to be said to “volunteer” or “consent”, they have to have given enthusiastic consent.
     This means that a person must want a thing or action so badly, that any negative consequences which could possibly result from it, are negligible, in their opinion. 
But they have to know about the possible negative consequences in the first place. This sets up what is known as “informed consent”.
            For consent and permission to be given, that consent must be fully informed. And ideally, a person’s consent to an activity should be enthusiastic, and everyone who is involved, should benefit. This is the essence of mutually beneficial voluntary exchange.
     The more of these conditions that are fulfilled, the more consensual an activity becomes.

            “No” means no.
            It most certainly doesn’t mean yes. Unless someone is playing mind games with you, or has worked out a code system, or you and someone else have decided that it’s “Opposite Day”.
            “No” does not mean “maybe”.
            “No” does not mean “ask again later”.

            If you are reading this article, then it means that you have asked someone to use their property, or their possessions, or their body, or their labor, or their favors, so many times that they no longer feel that they can say “no” to you, and have that be the end of it.
            Given the historic level of derision afforded to The Knights Who Say “No”, it seems appropriate to conclude that the true meaning of the word “no” is, in fact, even deeper and more profound than modern anthropologists and linguists have ever guessed.
            Linguistic anthropologists have determined that the actual meaning of "no", more closely resembles "no, and please stop asking", as opposed to their previous hypothesis (which posited that "no" actually meant "do whatever you want, just don't kill me", which was widely regarded by nearly all of humanity as the word's previous meaning).

            You see, “no” is not just a small, two-letter word, bearing zero power. It can be applied to many situations, thoughts, and fields of study.
            Think of the economic, social, and sexual implications of the word “no”, for example.
            Many salesmen like to tell each other “Remember not to take ‘no’ for an answer.” This may be great advice for a sales meeting, in which everyone knows that one person is trying to be the seller, and trying to get the other person to be the buyer. But not every situation is transactional, and not every situation should bear those kinds of expectations.
            Suppose that you were a salesman, and you were to bring the same attitude that gets you a successful sale, into the bedroom. Suppose that you were to go out to celebrate a successful sale, by going to the local bar, and trying to pick up a woman. What would happen if you remembered not to take “no” for an answer?
            A person who refuses to take “no” for an answer - in a sales meeting in which everybody knows he’s determined to make a sale and everyone’s fine with that – is a good businessman. But a person who refuses to take “no” for an answer – in the bedroom, or while trying to pick up mates – is a potential rapist.

            If you do not learn how to take “no” for an answer sexually, then you are at risk of becoming a rapist.
            If you do not learn how to take “no” for an answer socially, then you are at risk of becoming a person who is interpersonally exploitative.
            A person who is interpersonally exploitative, takes every chance they can, to exploit other persons. They see each and every social interaction, as a chance to “win” or benefit in some way. This is a common trait of people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which is typified by a grandiose sense of self and delusions of grandeur.
     It's not that a person shouldn't want to benefit from every situation they're in. In fact, they should. People don't have a reason to do something, for which there is no benefit or payoff. But it's socially maladaptive - and frankly rude - to try to benefit more than other people do in every social situation.
     If you're trying to benefit at the expense of others, then you're not just "rationally self-interested", you're greedy.

            Applying “no” to the context of politics, gives us political independence movements, and movements to respect the consent of the governed. “No” as in “no taxation without representation”. “No” as in “Congress shall make no law…”.
            If someone has referred you to this article, then you need to learn how to take no for an answer, either socially, sexually, or economically. Perhaps all three. Or maybe it was in regard to your politics; maybe your political ideals have somehow refused to accept the idea that people will give a hard "no" to certain proposals, laws, or programs.
            Feel free to take this opportunity to read this article, and brush up on how to take "no" for an answer in each of those different ways (i.e., social, sexual, economic, and political).

     You may be unclear as to why someone has said "no", and you may find yourself in want of a better - or another - explanation as to why you received a "no".
            If someone has referred you to this article, then it is probably because they can’t find a polite, indirect way to say “no” to you that you will
notice. Odds are, they have tried being polite and indirect, and it has failed. Now, they can't find a direct way to tell you "no", which you will not describe as impolite.
            If you are still at a loss for why someone is still saying “no” to you, then the reason why you find yourself in this situation, is that you refused to accept the explanation(s) which you have already been given, as to why someone told you “no”.

            Remember, if you are asking someone for something – their time, a favor, use of their body or labor, a possession, etc. – then you should not be surprised when and if they say “no”.
            After all, if you asked them, then that implies two things (which I don’t know whether you were aware of this):

            1) The answer will either be “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “I don’t know”, “yes but only on certain conditions”, or “no unless certain conditions change”. “Yes” and “no” are the most common responses. All questions asking for consent and permission are what we call “yes or no questions”. Anyone who asks a “yes or no question” should keep in mind that “no” could be one of the potential answers. And that person should be prepared to accept that answer the first time. If you are unsure of whether they mean what they say, and you feel that you must ask for permission multiple times, then you should only do it in order to give them a second opportunity to say "no"; don't do it to pressure them to give a "yes". If you accept someone's "no", but the other person then says "What do you mean 'no'!?", then that will be a great opportunity to teach the other person about the wondrous concept of "consent".
            2) Asking someone implies that the person has the right and the authority to say either “yes” or “no”. You do not have the right to beg for an explanation after hearing “no”, unless you indicate during the “yes or no question” that you intend to beg and whine after the answer is given. You are asking for permission because the thing or person you want is not yours. This includes people besides you, their possessions and property, things they co-own with people, the household items they possess, their pets, children, family members, etc.. You can do what you want with things that are yours. But someone being "your" friend or family member does not make them your property. You have to clearly ask them for permission, and clearly receive a "yes", or else you have no right to expect them to help you.

            Therefore, asking someone a “yes or no question” carries with it the assumption that they are allowed to say "no".


     It is too bad that nobody explains this idea to us early on in our lives!
     Most of us only get a basic explanation: "Don't hurt other kids, and don't steal from them." And some of us are lucky enough to get the additional advice of "and if you do, don't get caught, destroy the evidence, and intimidate any witnesses into silence".
     Unfortunately, for the "take-charge" types, consent is a little bit more complicated than that. It's not just about avoiding killing, stealing, rape, and fraud. Your actions affect others in ways you might not be able to anticipate. People's willingness to continue interacting with you is conditional upon your continued good behavior and fair treatment of others.
     You do not have any right to pressure, guilt-trip, bully, bribe, or intimidate anyone into continuing a relationship, when they have consistently said no, and lost their ability to trust you, due to your repeatedly ignoring their answers.

            Human beings have limitations. They need rest and relaxation, sleep, adequate heating and cooling and ventilation, decent quality air and water and food, health goods and services, and emotional support.
            You do not have a right to make others prioritize your wants over their own needs. Do not expect other people – each of whom is going through a struggle you know little to nothing about – to set aside their basic survival needs, to attend to your wants.
     You do not have the right to interrupt someone's sleep or meals to ask them for favors. You do not have the right to accuse someone of needing to eat, or sleep, or clean their house, as if they did it just to spite you or fuck with you or lord their possessions over you. You do not have the right to expect someone to have the energy or patience necessary to hang out with you, if you are constantly draining them of energy, taking up all of their attention, and preventing them from getting anything done to advance or improve their life.
     Simply put: Your friends can't hang out with you if your neediness makes them drop dead from exhaustion.
     If you are an adult with a car, money, a job, and/or friends, then you can probably solve your problems by yourself, without pressuring one of your friends or family members into saying “yes” to something they’re obviously uncomfortable doing.

It's not that my problems are more important than yours.
It's that your problems are your problems,
while my problems are my problems.

I have enough problems. I can only take on your problems
when I am ready and willing to do so.

     Consenting to someone's request, is different from giving up and finally saying yes after they've repeatedly refused to accept "no". This is called bullying someone into changing their mind. Enthusiastically consenting to something in a total absence of pressure and coercion, is completely different from begrudgingly saying yes after the other person has communicated that they will not accept "no" as a final answer.
            The fact that you can successfully pressure someone into acceding to your asking for permission over and over again after you have already been given multiple clear, direct “no”s, doesn’t mean that you have the right to blame the other person for letting you manipulate them.
     You are the one who manipulated them. You cannot claim that you’re not responsible for your own actions, unless you’re a child, feeble-minded elderly, mentally disabled, desperately addicted to drugs, or psychologically deranged.

            Human beings are like Magic Eight Balls. If you ask them something, and they say “no”, you could shake them violently over and over again until they give you an answer that resembles “yes”. But the fact that you can shake a person violently until they change their mind, doesn’t mean that you should.
            Magic Eight Balls are inanimate objects. Human beings are not Magic Eight Balls. They are real people with real feelings, and they are not extensions of you. They are not objects on which you can project all of your hopes, dreams, thoughts, perceptions, suspicions, and delusions.
     They are people who are trying to fix their own problems. People need their space sometimes.

     You do not have the right to keep asking for consent and permission after you’ve been given a direct “no” over and over again. The answer is no.
            You do not have a right to an endless series of explanations, which imply that you’re only getting a “no” because you might not have asked “the right way”. The answer is no.

And you do not have the right to change the agreement in the middle of the agreement being fulfilled, unless the change you are making is to end and terminate the agreement.

     If you are having sex with someone, and they ask you to stop, stop. If you are giving someone a ride, and they ask you to stop (and it’s safe to do so), stop.
            Please learn to respect other human beings, their boundaries, and their right to say “no”. The sooner you learn this, the easier it will be for you to understand that you should not use the fact that someone said “yes” once to some particular question, to imply that they really mean “yes” from now on. even though they’re saying “no” over and over again from now on.
     A single "yes", said once, is not the same thing as a "yes" that is meant to last forever. The more chances you give someone to say no, and withdraw consent, the safer you will be.

     No always means no. The only time it doesn't mean "no" is when it means "no, no, a thousand times no".
     Sometimes a "no" isn't just a "no". Sometimes it means "No, and please stop asking", or even "No, and please go away."

If someone tells you “no”, and you think they really mean “yes”, then it's fine to ask them, as long as you don't do it more than once. You must be prepared to take "no" as a final answer either the first or second time you hear it, or else you relinquish the right to be trusted by the other person, as someone who respects their boundaries.
     Make it clear that you didn't understand. Ask them, “When you said ‘no’, did you mean ‘no’? Or did you mean ‘yes’?” Be prepared to explain whether it was the "n" part or the "o" part that you failed to understand.
     Next, they’ll probably tell you what they really mean. And when I say “probably”, I mean “definitely”.
     Unless you're in a private sexual situation involving B.D.S.M. and/or "consent play" - or you're playing "Opposite Day" with someone, believe what they say. You have no right to expect other people to lie to you about their intentions regarding what you are planning to do together.
     Be direct with people, and they’ll be direct with you. Don’t say the opposite of what you mean, and other people won’t say the opposite of what they mean. If you need to practice taking what people say at face-value, then do that.

     Finally, a person who volunteers, must volunteer of their own free will.
     The "vol" in "voluntary" is the same root word that we find in "volition", which means "willingness". A person can only volunteer himself. To "volunteer somebody else" is not purely voluntary on the other person's part, unless they agreed to potentially be volunteered by someone else beforehand.
     And finally, there is nothing voluntary about demanding that somebody volunteer. Someone who tells a group of people "We need a volunteer, and if there are no volunteers, then a volunteer will be chosen at random", is not using the word "volunteer" correctly. There is nothing voluntary about pressuring people to volunteer after everybody present has already indicated, through their silence, that they do not intend to volunteer.

            If you can remember even just one of the pieces of advice in this article, then your difficulties communicating clearly, and respecting other people's boundaries, should start improving soon.
     Good luck on your journey! Welcome to the world of "no"!

This has been a semi-satirical piece.

Written on May 23rd and 24th, 2021
Published on May 23rd, 2021
Edited and Expanded on May 24th, 2021

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...