Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Yelp Review for My Father's Law Office

     The following was written as a review, on Yelp.com, for my father's law office, the Law Offices of Richard S. Kopsick, P.C. (based in Waukegan, Illinois). It was written as a warning for those who are considering becoming his clients.

      Richard Kopsick is my father. When I was 28 years old I recovered memories of him molesting me at age 8 and 9. This year I found out that in 1993 my father defended a child molester named Kenneth Hasty.

     My father emotionally and psychologically tortured me every week of my life; by screaming at me, mocking me for seeming affectionate and emotional, making gay jokes about me, and refusing to talk to me when I needed his help most, until I was a drug addicted homeless person. Richard Kopsick would rather make me - his own first born son - into a silent homeless drug addict, and try to put me on sedatives and send him to a mental institution, than admit what he did to me.

     He would rather see me kill myself than admit that he committed at least 3 aggravated counts of criminal sexual abuse, punishable by up to 6 years in prison each. He subjected me to overwhelming tickling, including tickling on the genitalia, and told me we were just playing.

     Richard Kopsick is an alcoholic who drinks and drives and tailgates and speeds, uses the fact that he's a lawyer to get away with it, and lets minors drink in his presence.

     He tried to put me on a sedative "antipsychotic" before I had been diagnosed with anything and without anyone telling me what the drug would do to me. I could have become paralyzed or mute or unable to remember the abuse he inflicted on me as a child. I knew this man had no morals when I was 8 years old, when he told me it wasn't unethical to defend someone you know is guilty.

     Richard Kopsick is a narcissist who pretends he is friendly and affable, it is all an act. This is a facade he puts on because he can't admit who he really is. He hates children and he hates seeing joy in the faces of people he should love. Richard Kopsick is a severely disturbed individual.

     He has destroyed the cohesion of the family he built with my mother, after my mother's side of the family was already affected by the tragedy of childhood sexual abuse.

     My father inflicted horrible emotional, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse on me, and did it privately and subtly enough to get away with it but also openly enough to desensitize his wife and his other son to my abuse.

     His former partner Scott Gibson also pinched kids' asses at his pool parties, he [Gibson] and his ex-wife are severe alcoholics, and Gibson used to do heroin in the 70s. Richard Kopsick exposed me to this child molester and nobody stopped his ass grabbing.

     Richard Kopsick helped me find attorneys to defend me on some nonviolent marijuana possession charges, but never admitted that anti[-]pot laws can be challenged in court through jury nullification, and never admitted to anyone that [I] started smoking pot to fix the dissociative and antisocial states that [he] put me in as a child.

     Would rate zero stars if I could.

Written and Posted to Yelp on March 15th, 2021

Published to This Blog on March 16th, 2021

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