Friday, September 4, 2020

Political Theory Definition of "Ego Dik" and "Ego Dikism"

     1: A strain of radical socio-political philosophy which was developed in the late 2010s by self-proclaimed "EGO DIK" Lucas Lin of Montrèal, Quebèc, Canada.

     EGO DIKISM is a strain of individualist anarchism, or individualistic communism, which combines the tradition of "Marxism-Stirnerism” with what Lin calls “Reichism” and sadism (the doctrine of the Marquis de Sade). “Marxism-Stirnerism” refers to the developments of Marxism by 19th-century German theorist Max Stirner, who advocated for a “union of egoists”; basically, for the need of groups and collectives to respect individual rights and individual property.

Two quotes that help explain "Marxism-Stirnerism"

     Lin's EGO DIKISM seeks to develop Marxism-Stirnerism with ideas that were contributed to Marxist and socialist thought by 20th-century political psychologist and experimental biologist Wilhelm Reich. EGO DIKISM also develops Marxism-Stirnerism by adding input the Marquis de Sade, and ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes. Blending the ideas of Stirner, de Sade, and Diogenes, makes EGO DIKISM firmly based on the deliberate and open rejection and flouting of conventional social mores.
     Aside from being an arguably “anti-social” philosophy, EGO DIKISM is a libertinistic philosophy which blends most aspects of post-Marxism and the post-Left. It embraces individualistic strains within Marxism which are critical of certain aspects of collectivism, as a guiding philosophy on economics and group dynamics. It also embraces a social viewpoint that espouses total moral nihilism, and even deliberate degeneracy in the social sphere. Namely, promoting harm and destruction for their own sake; and also promoting “genocide”, or else the destruction of the whole human race altogether.
     EGO DIKISM's embrace of Marxist communism, Stirnerite egoism, and the post-Left, means that it could be described as an “Alt-Left” (alternative-Left, or “radical-” or “extremist-Left”) political philosophy. However, its embrace of individualism, its rejection of social mores, and its promotion of genocide, means that it could also be described as an “Alt-Right” philosophy.
     But despite being labeled “Alt-Right”, EGO DIKS are not racist, nor Nazi, nor anti-Semitic. They believe in “banana supremacy”; this refers to people who are "yellow on the outside, but white on the inside". Specifically, it refers to the "racial" supremacy of Asian people who act like white people, such as EGO DIKISM's originator, Mr. Lin. Thus, EGO DIKISM would be more appropriately described as being in Alt-Right / Alt-Left crossover territory, the possible existence of which terrifies EGO DIKISM's greatest archenemies, "normies" (normal people).
     Dik” is a sensational spelling of the word “dick”, a slang term meaning penis. The use of the word “dik” refers to the assertiveness of the Ego Dik (the Ego Dikist individual), and to his unashamed self-interest. “Dik” could also refer to a “dick” in the sense of a private investigator, when used to describe someone working in an investigatory capacity; or as a security, police, or military officer.

     An example of the term “ego dik”, used in a sentence:

     “People thought I told that kid to get into my unmarked van, and then drugged and LEGALLY RAPED(TM) him for his failure to do so, because I'm a KIDNAPPER, but I actually did it because I'm a BADASS EGO DIK POLICE OFFICER! HAILS! \m/”

An E(GO D)IK security guard.


EGO DIKIST flag, designed by Joe Kopsick in 2016.

Click on the image, and/or open it in a new tab or window, to enlarge it and see it in full detail.

Illustration created in January 2016

Definition written in 2017 or 2018,
and edited and expanded on September 4th, 2020

This article originally published on September 4th, 2020

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