Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Events I Predicted (Or Knew About Before Mainstream Media and Most Other People)

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     (added on May 12th, 2021):

Videos proving that I knew about Jeffrey Epstein and Ukrainegate early:

[video has been taken down; will be replaced with a new link soon]

"Demanding Equal Justice: House Candidate Knew About Ukraine Scandals in 2017" (from November 2019)


"I Knew About Jeffrey Epstein in 2011 (and Wanted Him Dead)" (from August 2020):

     #33. On January 31st, 2021, I uploaded a video to TikTok explaining that the next minimum wage increase would only affect a small number of workers; i.e., people who work for the federal government. On April 30th, 2021, it was reported that Joe Biden's administration promised to raise the minimum wage for federal workers.
     You can watch that prediction at the link below, in my May 2021 video "I Predicted Biden's Minimum Wage Letdown Three Months Before it Happened":

     #34. In August 2018, I published a semi-satirical article titled "How to Know God Through Investing in Memes". In that article, I said "invest in memes" and explained the investment value of what I called "meme-based currencies".

     I did not refer specifically to Dogecoin (which I knew about at the time), nor to N.F.T.s (which I didn't know about) in that article.
     [Note: N.F.T.s are non-fungible tokens; essentially units of data on a cryptocurrency blockchain that verify that an asset is unique rather than interchangeable. Some of the most valuable N.F.T.s are meme-like animations created by artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple and Beeple Crap.]
     However, the facts that Dogecoin's value shot up in 2021, and the market for N.F.T.s tripled in 2020, suggests that I was right to advise investment in meme-based currencies.

     You can read my semi-satirical article about the spiritual value of investing in memes, at the link below:


     (added on July 5th, 2021):

     #35. In June 2021, former child actor Drake Bell was arrested for having sexually inappropriate relationships with minors as young as 15 years old. At least as early as January 2021, I knew that Drake Bell had disappeared to Mexico and changed his name. I may also have been aware of sexually explicit texts which Bell had sent to teenage girls, that early in the year (if it was reported on; I can't find any such reports though).
     I did not predict Bell's arrest, but I suspected that he was a pedophile several months before he was arrested.

     #36. I suspected, as early as some time between 2010 and 2011, that the Bronfman family - i.e., Edgar Bronfman Sr., Edgar Bronfman Jr., Clare and Sara Bronfman, and Edgar Jr.'s son Benjamin Brewer of Canada, and of the Seagram's liquor and soda fortune - was involved in some suspicious dealings.
     As someone who drinks alcohol only a few times a year, I have been suspicious of the Bronfmans on the basis of their profiting from the sale of liquor, and its effect on society in terms of contributing to the legal spread of alcoholism and alcohol abuse.
     I have been concerned about the Bronfman family, having known, since 2011, the following facts: 1) that there is an Israeli member of the Knesset named Bronfman (Roman Bronfman); 2) Edgar Jr. is the former C.E.O. of Warner Music Group; and 3) Edgar Jr.'s former daughter-in-law M.I.A. arguably promoted gun violence and robbery in her song "Paper Planes".
     The fact that this family is involved in liquor, entertainment, and politics (however distantly or closely related Roman Bronfman might be to the rest of the family) made me suspicious; however (unfortunately) not suspicious enough to look into what daughters Clare and Sara were doing. They, of course, were the ones who funded Keith Raniere, the founder of the NXIVM (pronounced "nexium") Hollywood sex cult. The Bronfman sisters were involved with that cult from 2002 to 2019. That cult branded women initiates with Raniere's initials without their awareness, and it may have been funding and/or running orphanages in Mexico.
     I did not predict Clare and Sara's arrests; however, I did believe that something was suspicious about the Bronfmans in 2011, eight years before it was reported that the Bronfman sisters had given $150 million to NXIVM.



Original list of events compiled in late 2019 and early 2020

Image created and published on February 19th, 2020

List edited and expanded on February 21st and May 5th, 2020,
and July 5th, 2021

Links added on August 19th, 2020

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