Wednesday, November 13, 2019

2020 Democratic Primary Predictions

     The most difficult states to predict are now, and will likely remain, California, New York, New Hampshire, and Iowa.

     I predict that California and New York will be close contests between Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, Iowa will be a close contest between Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg, and New Hampshire will be a three-way contest between Biden, Warren, and Sanders.

     If I had to guess, I suspect that Biden will take California and New York. It would be difficult to guess which state will be a closer call, but I believe that if Warren is more likely to take California than New York. I also suspect that Warren will beat Pete Buttigieg in Iowa. New Hampshire is virtually impossible to predict at this point, but if I had to choose, I think it's likely that either Biden or Warren will beat Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire (probably Biden, a little more likely than Warren).

     The map below depicts my predictions for the primary, if forced to choose who I think will win in all states (including states which I believe will be toss-up states).

     This makes the 2020 primary an almost certain win for Joe Biden. Even if Elizabeth Warren manages to take all four toss-up states, she will still trail Biden by about a thousand delegates (unless she somehow manages to pick up at least eight or ten states which I expect Biden to win).

     Please visit the following link to learn about how delegates will be allocated in the 2020 Democratic primaries:

Written, and maps created, on November 13th, 2019
Published on November 13th, 2019

Map created on
Predictions based on November 2019 Democratic primary polling,
especially those compiled by

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