Saturday, October 12, 2019

Forty-Eight American Political Figures with Ties to Ukraine

Table of Contents

1. Adams, David
2. Archer, Devon
3. Biden, Hunter R.
4. Biden, Joseph R. “Joe” Jr.
5. Black, Joseph Cofer
6. Bolton, John

7. Carey, Laura
8. Chalupa, Alexandra
9. Clinton, Hillary Rodham
10. Clinton, William Jefferson “Bill”
11. Davis, Richard H. “Rick”

12. Freedman, Matthew C.
13. Gates, Richard “Rick”
14. Gucciardo, Charles
15. Giuliani, Rudolph “Rudy”
16. Giustra, Frank
17. Heinz, Christopher
18. Kent, George P.
19. Kerry, John
20. Kerry, Teresa Heinz
21. Leiter, David J.
22. Luzzatto, Tamera Stanton
23. Manafort, Paul J.
24. Mulvaney, John Michael "Mick"
25. Nuland, Victoria C.
26. Nunes, Devin
27. Obama, Barack Hussein
28. Pelosi, Alexandra
29. Pelosi, Nancy
30. Pelosi, Paul Jr.
31. Pelosi, Paul Sr.
32. Pence, Michael “Mike”

33. Podesta, John
34. Podesta, Tony
35. Pyatt, Geoffrey
36. Romney, Willard Mitt
37. Romney, Tagg
38. Schiff, Adam
39. Sondland, Gordon D.
40. Taylor, William Brockenbrough "Bill" Jr.

41. Trump, Donald J.
42. Vindman, Alexander
43. Volker, Kurt
44. Waters, Maxine
45. Weber, Vin

46. Williams, Jennifer
47. Yovanovitch, Marie
48. Zeldin, Lee


     The preceding list, and the text which follows, enumerate forty-eight Americans - in legislative politics, diplomacy, law, business, and the military - who likely have ties to Ukrainian business interests (usually the energy market) and/or corruption in Ukrainian politics and/or military affairs. 
     These include persons who testified, and have stated willingness to testify, at the impeachment inquiry hearings regarding President Trump's possible collusion with Russia and/or Ukraine. Not all persons mentioned below have investments in Ukraine; but they are still worth mentioning for other reasons. For example, Alexander Vindman and Alexandra Chalupa don't have any known investments in Ukraine, but they are Ukrainian-American.
     The purpose of this article is to explain what ties - if any, and however distant - these politicians, government officials (and political campaign and party officials), businessmen, etc., have to Ukraine (or might have).

     [Note: Of anyone listed herein, John Bolton is perhaps the only one who should have been omitted. That is, outside of the individuals who are listed here due to their ties to the Uranium One scandal. But only provided that the deal to sell Uranium One to Russian company Rosakom had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton or Tony Podesta.]

1. Adams, David

     American diplomat. Former chief adviser to Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Principal at the Podesta Group (ired by the Podesta Group after being Hillary Clinton's chief adviser). Adams's link to Ukraine is indirect; Adams met with Clinton to discuss the Uranium One deal, which may have been done in order to help Russia acquire leverage in the energy market (leverage which could be used against Ukraine).

2. Archer, Devon

American businessman, and partner of Christopher Heinz (John Kerry's stepson) at Rosemont Seneca Partners. Sat on board of Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings Ltd. (the largest energy company in Ukraine).

3. Biden, Hunter R.

American businessman and son of Democratic former vice president Joe Biden. Sat on the board of Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings Ltd., earned $50,000 per month (or perhaps $83,333 per month, which has also been reported).

Hunter Biden's father Joe Biden was caught on film bragging about how he got Ukrainian top prosecutor Viktor Shokin to refrain from continuing investigation of Burisma while Hunter served on its board. Although threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine was part of official federal government policy at the time, Joe Biden took advantage of the legality of withholding that aid (a billion dollars in loan guarantees) in order to bring about Shokin's firing (summarizing what he said as “you're not getting the billion dollars... I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money”). Joe Biden said he did this after Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk committed to take action against state prosecutor Shokin (who was investigating $3 billion going into Hunter Biden's firm Burisma), but failed to do so, and then Biden told them that President Obama authorized Biden to make that deal.

4. Biden, Joseph R. “Joe” Jr.

Democratic former U.S. Senator from Delaware, and former Vice President under the Obama Administration (2009-2017). Advised new Ukrainian leaders about anti-corruption while vice-president under Obama. Caught on film bragging about how he got Ukrainian top prosecutor Viktor Shokin to refrain from continuing investigation of Burisma while his son Hunter Biden served on its board. Although threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine was part of official federal government policy at the time, Biden took advantage of the legality of withholding that aid (a billion dollars in loan guarantees) in order to bring about Shokin's firing (summarizing what he said as “you're not getting the billion dollars... I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money”). Joe Biden said he did this after Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk committed to take action against state prosecutor Shokin (who was investigating $3 billion going into Hunter Biden's firm Burisma), but failed to do so, and then Biden told them that President Obama authorized Biden to make that deal.

5. Black, Joseph Cofer

Joined board of Burisma in 2017 (three years after Hunter Biden joined the board and Christopher Heinz left). Former foreign policy adviser to Mitt Romney and former C.I.A. official.

6. Bolton, John

     American political consultant, political commentator, diplomat, national security advisor, and attorney. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (under George W. Bush, 2005-06) and former U.S. National Security Advisor to Donald Trump (April 2018 to September 2019).
     Expressed an intent to testify that he opposed what the Trump Administration was doing in regard to Ukraine from the start, and that he felt the administration was deliberately investigating a political rival. However, also missed an impeachment deposition.

7. Carey, Laura

American congressional staffer (whose staffer she is, however, is not clear, and neither is Carey's relationship to Lee Zeldin). Laura Carey wrote an email to Republican New York Congresswoman Lee Zeldin about how Carey wanted to
“discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions” with Zeldin. Zeldin spoke to Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch after that.

8. Chalupa, Alexandra

Ukrainian-American woman who worked as a contractor for the Democratic National Committee, exposed Paul Manafort's work for Ukraine, and met with officials at the Ukrainian Embassy to attempt to find ties between Trump, Manafort, and Russia.

9. Clinton, Hillary Rodham

Obama's Secretary of State (2009-2013), 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, and wife of former president Bill Clinton (1993-2001). Received help from Ukrainian government officials as early as 2013, and later received help from them to undermine Trump and question his fitness for office.
Additionally, associate of Frank Giustra since 2005. Giustra built and sold UrAsia energy company to Canada-based Uranium One. Uranium One then sold UrAsia to Russian energy company Rosakom. Indirect link to Ukraine because the sale of UrAsia may have been done in close talks with Hillary Clinton, and/or may have been done in order to help Russia acquire leverage over Ukraine in the energy market.

10. Clinton, William Jefferson “Bill”

Former president, husband of Hillary Clinton, and associate of Frank Giustra.

11. Davis, Richard H. “Rick”

Former campaign manager for John McCain, political consultant. Business partner of Paul Manafort while their company Davis Manafort (later Davis, Manafort, and Freedman), which was paid to consult for arguably “pro-Russian” Ukrainian political party the Party of Regions. Burisma co-founder Mykola Zlochevsky served as the Ecology and Natural Resources Minister under Viktor Yanukovych's Party of Regions government.

12. Freedman, Matthew C.

Former partner of Paul Manafort and Rick Davis at political consulting company Davis, Manafort, and Freedman. The company consulted for arguably “pro-Russian” Ukrainian political party the Party of Regions.

13. Gates, Richard “Rick”

Former deputy campaign chairman for Donald Trump. Claimed to have told lobbyists hired by Paul Manafort that the think tank the lobbyists were representing – the European Center for a Modern Ukraine – was a front for Ukraine's government (i.e., the Party of Regions government under Yanukovych and Zlochevsky).

14. Gucciardo, Charles

Trump donor and pro-Trump attorney. Made half million dollar payment to Rudy Giuliani on behalf of Giuliani associate and Ukrainian-American broker Lev Parnas.

15. Giuliani, Rudolph “Rudy”

Served as Trump's lawyer, while allegedly taking the lead in initiating Trump's efforts to push Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky into investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden in July 2019. Possibly under investigation for those activities. Reportedly consulted with Paul Manafort, while Manafort was in prison, over matters related to Ukraine. Also, Giuliani reportedly met former Ukrainian state prosecutor Viktor Shokin, and tried to get Shokin a pass to come visit the United States. Shokin opened an investigation into Burisma, but did not complete it.

16. Giustra, Frank

Built and sold UrAsia energy company to Canada-based Uranium One. Uranium One then sold UrAsia to Russian energy company Rosakom. Indirect link to Ukraine because the sale of UrAsia may have been done in close talks with Hillary Clinton, and/or may have been done in order to help Russia acquire leverage over Ukraine in the energy market.

17. Heinz, Christopher

Son of Teresa Heinz Kerry and stepson of former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry. Board member of Burisma. Supposedly cut ties with Hunter Biden over a 2014 deal, concerning Burisma, which took place between Hunter Biden and Ukrainian “oligarchs”. Partner of Devon Archer (another Burisma board member, and American businessman) at Rosemont Seneca Partners.

18. Kent, George P.

Senior State Department expert on Ukraine under Donald Trump (specific title: Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs) since September 2018. Testified, alongside Bill Taylor, that there was clear
quid pro quo on the July 25th, 2019 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Kent also testified that the Trump Administration undermined the rule of law and deliberately pushed Kent himself out of Ukraine policy.

19. Kerry, John

Obama's Secretary of State (2013-2017). Stepfather of Christopher Heinz, who served on the board of Burisma. Christopher Heinz supposedly cut ties with Hunter Biden over a 2014 deal, concerning Burisma, which took place between Hunter Biden and Ukrainian “oligarchs”.

20. Kerry, Teresa Heinz

Mother of Christopher Heinz, who served on the board of Burisma. Christopher Heinz supposedly cut ties with Hunter Biden over a 2014 deal, concerning Burisma, which took place between Hunter Biden and Ukrainian “oligarchs”.

21. Leiter, David J.

American Democratic political consultant, and former adviser for John Kerry. Former lobbyist for Burisma (hired on May 20th, 2014, a week after it was announced that Hunter Biden would join the board). Husband of Hillary Clinton aide Tamera Stanton Luzzatto, who emailed John Podesta about her granddaughters being in a heated pool for “entertainment”, on October 8th, 2015 (the same John Podesta whose consulting firm, the Podesta Group, did lobbying work for Paul Manafort's European Center for a Modern Ukraine, two to three years prior).

22. Luzzatto, Tamera Stanton

American Democratic political adviser, and former chief aide to Hillary Clinton. Wife of Burisma lobbyist David J. Leiter. Emailed John Podesta about her granddaughters being in a heated pool for “entertainment”, on October 8th, 2015. Managed Evie's Crib blog (and may have used it to let strangers pay to see her abuse her children).

23. Manafort, Paul J.

American political consultant and former campaign manager for Donald Trump (June to August 2016). Associate of Rick Davis and Matthew C. Freedman at political consulting firm Manafort, Davis, and Freedman, which did consulting work for arguably “pro-Russian” political party the Party of Regions (whose president Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia when the civil uprising occurred in Ukraine in 2014, and whose ecology minister Mykola Zlochevsky co-founded Burisma). Along with co-founder Rick Gates, Paul Manafort founded the (arguably pro- Party of Regions) think tank, the European Center for a Modern Ukraine (which gave the Podesta Group $900,000 for lobbying work in 2011-12). Manafort functioned as an agent of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, and Ukrainian political parties Party of Regions and Opposition Bloc. Claimed to have worked to “Westernize” the Party of Regions (in exchange for $12.7 million in undisclosed payments).

24. Mulvaney, John Michael "Mick"

White House Chief of Staff, and Director of the Office of Management and Budget, for the Trump Administration. Said there was no “quid pro quo” between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during their July 25th, 2019 phone call, but then reversed his position (Gordon Sondland reversed his position as well), saying "get over it".

25. Nuland, Victoria C.

American diplomat. Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, with the rank of Career Ambassador in the United States Foreign Service, at the U.S. Department of State (under the Obama Administration). Appointed by Hillary Clinton. Spoke to U.N. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, in a leaked February 2014 phone call, about how the U.S. should disregard the opinion of the European Union and decide who leads Ukraine after the 2014 civil uprising.

26. Nunes, Devin

American congressman and Republican from California. Former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and former member of Donald Trump's transition team. Rudy Giuliani's associate, Ukrainian-American Lev Parnas, claimed that former Ukrainian state prosecutor Viktor Shokin told Parnas that Shokin had met with Nunes in Vienna, Austria, in December 2018 (a claim which Nunes denies). Shokin had previously opened an investigation into Burisma, but did not complete it.

27. Obama, Barack Hussein

Former U.S. president, 2009 to 2017. Chose “White House points person on Ukraine” Joe Biden as his running mate. Chose Hillary Clinton (whose ties to Ukraine are through Tony Podesta and Uranium One) as his first Secretary of State (2009-2013). Chose as his second Secretary of State, John Kerry, whose stepson Christopher Heinz served on the board of Burisma (leaving in 2014).

Joe Biden said in February 2018 that Obama authorized Biden to take advantage of the opportunity to use legally authorized threats to withhold a billion dollars of loan guarantees from the Ukraine, unless state prosecutor Viktor Shokin (who had begun an investigation into $3 billion going into Hunter Biden's firm Burisma) could be fired.

28. Pelosi, Alexandra

American Democratic writer, journalist, and documentary filmmaker. Daughter of Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Paul Pelosi Sr.. Sister of Paul Pelosi, Jr.. Tie to Ukraine is through brother Paul Pelosi, Jr..

29. Pelosi, Nancy

Democratic Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Mother of Paul Pelosi, Jr.. Tie to Ukraine is through son Paul Pelosi, Jr..

30. Pelosi, Paul Jr.

Son of Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Paul Pelosi, Jr. has been accused by various media outlets of having ties to corruption in the Ukrainian energy market. According to public records, Paul Pelosi, Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 as part of an American business initiative. Pelosi Jr. was a board member of Viscoil. He is also an Executive for NRG Lab and Research, which has stated interests in environmental protection. Viscoil, according to various reports, is based either in California, or Ukraine. Viscoil and NRG Lab have each been reported to possibly be based in Singapore. Either or both of the companies may have changed headquarters at some point. Paul Pelosi Jr. has denied that his business with Viscoil had anything to do with Ukraine. Pelosi's ties to Ukraine apparently stem from allegations about the hiring of a Ukrainian singer to promote the Viscoil company.

31. Pelosi, Paul Sr.

Husband of Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Father of Paul Pelosi, Jr. and Alexandra Pelosi. Tie to Ukraine is through son Paul Pelosi, Jr..

32. Pence, Michael “Mike”

Republican Vice President of the United States (since 2017). Was reportedly present for the July 25th, 2019 phone call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, but it was actually one of Pence's aides, Jennifer Williams.

33. Podesta, John

American Democratic political consultant. Former Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, and former chief adviser and campaign manager for Hillary Clinton. Co-founder (with brother Tony Podesta) of the political consulting firm Podesta Group, Inc. (John Podesta has since left the company, however). Podesta Group provided $900,000 of political lobbying work for the European Center for a Modern Ukraine (which was co-founded by Paul Manafort) in 2011-12.

34. Podesta, Tony

American Democratic political consultant. Co-founder (with brother John Podesta) of the political consulting firm Podesta Group, Inc. (John Podesta has since left the company, however). Podesta Group provided $900,000 of political lobbying work for the European Center for a Modern Ukraine (which was co-founded by Paul Manafort) in 2011-12.

35. Pyatt, Geoffrey

Former United Nations Ambassador to Ukraine (appointed by Barack Obama). Spoke to Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, in a leaked February 2014 phone call, about how the U.S. should disregard the opinion of the European Union and decide who leads Ukraine after the 2014 civil uprising.

36. Romney, Willard Mitt

Republican U.S. Senator from Utah, and 2012 Republican presidential nominee. Hired former C.I.A. officer Cofer Black (who joined Burisma in 2017) as his campaign manager. One of Romney's sons has been accused of being on the board of a Ukrainian energy company (although which one of his five sons is not clear; perhaps Tagg because he is the only Romney son with political work in his resume and he served as a surrogate for his father during his presidential campaign).

37. Romney, Tagg

American businessman. One of Romney's sons has been accused of being on the board of a Ukrainian energy company (although which one of his five sons is not clear; perhaps Tagg because he is the only Romney son with political work in his resume and he served as a surrogate for his father during his presidential campaign).

38. Schiff, Adam

     Democratic U.S. Representative from California (since 2013), and one of the lead investigators in the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump, as part of his position as chair of the House Intelligence Committee. That inquiry has featured investigation into Trump's dealings with Ukraine as well as Russia.
     Schiff has been accused of associating with alleged “Ukrainian arms dealer” Igor Pasternak. Pasternak is, in fact, Kazahstan-born, and an American citizen; he is an entrepreneur and an engineer. His company, U.S.-based Worldwide Aeros Corp, manufactures airships. Pasternak has been mistakenly labeled as a “Ukrainian arms dealer”, but “Kazakh-American arms dealer” would perhaps be appropriate. Also, Pasternak's company has (according to “provided military hardware to Ukrainian military troops who were fighting Russian forces in Donbas”. Additionally, Adam Schiff 
has associated with Pasternak; Pasternak hosted a fundraiser for Schiff in 2013.

39. Sondland, Gordon D.

Ambassador to the European Union under Donald Trump. Said there was “quid pro quo” between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during their July 25
th, 2019 phone call, but then reversed his position (Mick Mulvaney did the same thing). The New York Times reported that Sondland said that he told Ukrainian officials that Ukraine probably wouldn't receive American military aid unless it “publicly committed to the investigations President Trump wanted”.

40. Taylor, William Brockenbrough "Bill" Jr.

     American diplomat, former soldier, and State Department enjoy under Donald Trump. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (2006-2009, appointed by George W. Bush).

     Testified that there was clear quid pro quo during the July 25th, 2019 phone call between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky. Testified alongside diplomat George Kent. Taylor testified that it would have been crazy to make continued aid to Ukraine contingent upon investigation of Hunter Biden and Burisma.

41. Trump, Donald J.

Businessman, and Republican President of the United States since 2017. Made a phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which Trump allegedly threatened to withhold congressionally authorized military aid in exchange for Zelensky getting Ukrainian top prosecutor Viktor Shokin to cease his investigations into Burisma (and potentially into Hunter Biden).
Additionally, Trump hired Paul Manafort as his campaign manager 13 years after Manafort's corruption in Ukraine began.

42. Vindman, Alexander

     Ukrainian-American immigrant, lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, and Iraq War veteran. Director for European Affairs and “top Ukraine expert” for the U.S. National Security Council under Trump. Listened to Trump's July 25th, 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Testified that Trump had undermined national security by asking Zelensky to investigate the Bidens.

     Vindman has been accused of being a “Never Trumper” and a spy, and there have also been conflicting and confusing reports about whether he has been fired or will be fired. To date (as of November 14th, 2019), it appears that he has not yet been fired from the National Security Council. He may be "rotated back to his own department", according to National Security Advisor Robert C. o'Brien.

43. Volker, Kurt

     American diplomat, former U.S. Ambassador to N.A.T.O. (for the last six months of the George W. Bush Administration and the first four months of the Barack Obama Administration). Also, former executive director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership.
     Volker texted what has been described as a “script” to a Ukrainian official, which the Trump Administration allegedly wanted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to use to announce investigation into the Bidens' business affairs in Ukraine (ostensibly in exchange for U.S. military aid in the form of a billion dollars in loan guarantees).

44. Waters, Maxine
     American congresswoman, Democrat from California. One source reported that Adam Schiff, the Pelosi family, and Maxine Waters all have investments in Ukraine; however, the accusation in regard to Waters has not been substantiated, nor has it been well-publicized.

45. Weber, Vin

Received money from Mercury Public Affairs (Company A in Robert Mueller's indictment). Mercury Public Affairs was paid by Paul Manafort's European Center for a Modern Ukraine to provide lobbying work.

46. Williams, Jennifer

     American political aide for Vice President Mike Pence. Was present for the July 25
th, 2019 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (although various media outlets reported instead that the vice president himself was present during that call; he was not). Williams said that the call was diplomatic, not political, and “normal”.
     Former Ambassador to Ukraine (Trump ordered Yovanovitch removed from her post in May 2019). Axios reported that Yovanovitch was warned to “watch her back”, by Ukrainian officials, about how Giuliani wanted to replace her (supposedly because they felt that Yovanovitch was hindering investigations into Biden and his son). Yovanovitch was called to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry into Trump's possibly illegal withholding of aid from Ukraine. Reportedly used her personal email to communicate with congressional staffer Laura Carey.

48. Zeldin, Lee

   Republican U.S. Representative from New York. Received an email from congressional staffer Laura Carey regarding how Carey was hoping to chat with Zeldin to “discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions”. Carey spoke to Yovanovitch after that.

Originally Published on October 12th, 2019

Edited and Expanded on October 13th, 22nd, 25th, and 30th,
and November 7th, 8th, 14th, and 26th, 2019

1 comment:

  1. 3 of them said "Allegedly". The rest are valid.

    Morons should not add shit that is unverified to his list.


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