Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Partial List of Candidates Running for President in 2020

(?) = expressed interest, and/or formed an exploratory committee, but has not yet formally declared

Republican Party

1. de la Fuente, Roque "Rocky" (now running as the Reform Party candidate)
2. Hogan, Larry (seemed likely, but not running)
3. Istvan, Zoltan
4. Kasich, John (dropped out)
5. Sanford, Mark (dropped out)
6. Trump, Donald J. (incumbent)
7. Walsh, William Joseph "Joe" (dropped out)
8. Weld, William R. ("Bill") (dropped out)

Democratic Party

1. Abrams, Stacey (seemed likely, but not running)
2. Arth, Michael E. (probably ineligible; born in the United Kingdom)
3. Bennet, Michael (dropped out)
4. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. ("Joe")
5. Bloomberg, Michael (dropped out)
6. Booker, Cory (dropped out)
7. Boyd, Mosie
8. Braun, Harry
9. Brown, Sherrod (dropped out)
10. Bullock, Steve (dropped out)
11. Buttigieg, Pete (dropped out)
12. Castro, Julian (dropped out)
13. deBlasio, Bill (dropped out)
14. Delaney, John (dropped out)
15. Gabbard, Tulsi (dropped out)
16. Gillibrand, Kristen (dropped out)
17. Gleib, Ben
18. Gravel, Michael ("Mike") (dropped out)
19. Greenstein, Mark Stewart
19. Harris, Kamala (dropped out)
20. Hickenlooper, John (dropped out)
21. Horowitz, Ami (dropped out)
22. Inslee, Jay (dropped out)
23. Klobuchar, Amy (dropped out)
24. Messam, Wayne (dropped out)
25. Moulton, Seth (dropped out)
26. Nwadike, Ken, Jr.
27. o'Rourke, Robert Francis ("Beto") (dropped out)
28. Ojeda, Richard, Jr. (dropped out)
29. Patrick, Deval (dropped out)
30. Ryan, Tim (dropped out)
31. Sanders, Bernard ("Bernie") (dropped out)
32. Sestak, Joe (dropped out)
34. Steyer, Tom (dropped out)
35. Swalwell, Eric (dropped out)
36. Warren, Elizabeth (dropped out)
37. Wells, Robby (dropped out)
38. Williamson, Marianne (dropped out)
39. Yang, Andrew (dropped out)

Libertarian Party

1. Abramson, Max (withdrew)
2. Amash, Justin
3. Ardeleanu, Sorinne
4. Armstrong, Kenneth "Ken"
5. Ashby, Stephan Blake
6. Avouris, Aaron
7. Behrman, Daniel ("Dan")
8. Benedix, Daniel
9. Berry, Joey
10. Blevins, Kenneth
11. Brown, Keith
12. Campbell, Joseph Charles
13. Chafee, Lincoln (withdrew)
14. Christmann, Daniel
15. Cook, M. E. Sergeant, Sr.
16. Davenport, Daniel
17. DePriest, Kyler
18. Dryke, Benjamin T. (declined to run)
19. Dunham, Keenan Wallace
20. Ellison, Brian
21. Faas, Souraya
22. Faucett, Peyton
23. Gerhardt, Erik Chase
24. Gray, James P.
25. Gray, Phil
26. Greer, Evret
27. Hale, Dakota
28. Hartliep, Bradley Scott
29. Hill, Jedidiah "Jedi"
30. Hornberger, Jacob  (came in 2nd place)
31. Horst, Heather
32. Hurst, William Joseph
33. Jackson, Ryan
34. Jones, Cameron
35. Jefferson, Cedric
36. Jefferson, Dakinya
37. Jefferson, Demondria
38. Jorgenson, Jo (won nomination)
39. Kokesh, Adam
40. Ince, Cecil Anthony Southwest
41. Layton, Nyle Benjamin "Ben"
42. Lea, Brandin
43. Leder, Benjamin G. ("Ben")
44. Lee, Kip
45. Lee, Seymour Art
46. Lowe, Donald Eugene
47. Lynch, Lorraine
48. Maldonado, Joseph Allen
49. McAfee, John David (was rumored, seeking vice presidential nomination instead)
50. McCutcheon, Shaun
51. Monds, John
52. Morris, Rickey
53. Peach, Jason Daniel
54. Perry, Darryl
55. Peterson, Austin
56. Phillips, John R.
57. Reid, Derrick Michael
58. Richey, Steven Allen "Steve"
59. Robb, Samuel Joseph
60. Ruff, Kimberly Margaret ("Kim") (withdrew)
61. Salas, Sandra
62. Seder, Sam (possible)
63. Sibillo, Jason Michael
64. Smith, Rhett Rosenquest
65. Spivey, Mark Douglas
66. Sportsinterviews, Leonard
67. Stefan, Christopher
68. Supreme, Vermin (came in 3rd place, now running as write-in independent)
69. Vanacore, Louis
70. Vohra, Arvin
71. Weaver, Christopher Francis
72. Whipple, Krista Marie
73. White, Justin
74. Whitney, Mark Ellerton
75. Wilkerson, Terry
76. Williams, Andy
77. Wysinger, Demetra

Sources for this information include:

Learn more about many of the above candidates at the following link:

Green Party

1. Augustson, Alan
2. Desuasido, Ivan-Jan
3. Hawkins, Howie (won nomination; has also received the nomination of the Socialist Workers' Party and several other parties)
4. Hunter, Dario (came in 2nd place, now running as an independent)
5. Kreml, Bill
6. Lambert, Dennis
7. Manley, Elijah
8. Mesplay, Kent
9. Milnes, Robert
10. Moyowasifza-Curry, Sedinam (now running as Mark Charles's running mate)
11. Nichols, Curt
12. Ogle, James
13. Rolde, David
14. Schiakman, Ian
15. Ventura, Jesse (received several delegates, now running as a write-in independent)

Constitution Party
1. Blankenship, Don (nominated)
2. Bradley, Scott
3. Castle, Darrell
4. Copeland, Scott
5. Kraut, Charles

American Free Soil Party (may have disbanded, nominee unknown)
1. Ramos, Enrique
2. Seaman, Adam

American Solidarity Party
1. Carroll, Brian T. (won nomination)
2. Perkins, Joshua
3. Schriner, Joe (now running as an independent)

Other Parties
1. Collins, Phil (Prohibition Party)
2. de la Fuente, Roque (Reform Party)
3. Hammons, Bill (Unity Party)
4. LaRiva, Gloria (Party for Socialism and Liberation, Peace and Freedom Party, Liberty Union Party)
5. Myers, J.R. (Life and Liberty Party)
6. Segal, Jerome (Bread and Roses Party)
7. West, Kanye (Birthday Party)
8. Zion, Ben (Transhumanist Party)

Independent Candidates

1. Amash, Justin (ran as an independent, then as a Libertarian, then dropped out)
2. Charles, Mark
3. Cuban, Mark (said no in an interview, but did not rule it out)
4. Kroell, Ronnie
5. Marks, Christopher "Chris"
6. Pierce, Brock
7. Simmons, Jade
8. Supreme, Vermin (came in 3rd for the Libertarian Party nomination, now running as a write-in independent candidate)

Click on the following links to see more candidates for the 2020 presidential election,
including the full list of nearly 700 people who have formally filed to run for president:




Originally Published on April 16th, 2019
Expanded on April 18th and 29th; June 24th;
July 3rd and 22nd; August 26th; September 21st;
 November 8th, 13th, 14th, and 19th; December 3rd, 2019;
January 28th; March 5th and 16th;
April 9th, 13th, and 15th; May 5th, and July 31st, 2020

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