Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Two Collections of Essays, and Another Book, Now Available on TheBookPatch

Ninety of the 400+ articles appearing on the Aquarian Agrarian blog
have been compiled into two books.

Please follow the links to order!

Libertarian Conspiracy Theories: 45 Essays on the Libertarian Right

Soft Communism for 90's Kids: 45 Essays on the Libertarian Left

Newly added

Time Money Moon Value: Financial Advice for Shamans
($10 for the book, + $2 for shipping)

     Copies of Time Money Moon Value
can be purchased directly from me for $12 ($10 plus shipping).
Please email me at jwkopsick@gmail.com to request your copy!
Ten copies are still available.

To read Time Money Moon Value
without purchasing (and to get five extra articles),
follow the links in the page below to read the articles it contains
(as well as five follow-up articles on similar topics):

Edited and expanded on December 19th and 20th, 2018, and February 27th, 2019

Updated on August 3rd, 2021

Friday, May 5, 2017

Revised Position on Discrimination and Interstate Commerce

      Private businesses should be free to do whatever they want on their own property, free to refuse service and job offers to anyone they please, and free to charge any price they want for the goods and services they provide.
      ...As long as they aren't involved in interstate commerce, and their state says it's okay; and as long as they don't receive any taxpayer funding (to support subsidies, small business loans, intellectual property protections, trade promotions, corporate liability limitations, bailouts, police and military protections, professional licensing considerations favorable to already existing businesses, and other privileges granted by the public).
      We can only have full private property rights, and a real free market (with easy entry into competition and trade) when businesses give up all of these artificial privileges and protections (which are funded, in part, through the extortion of taxpayers' earnings)
      Until companies are willing to give up all of these privileges and protections, we should regard at least 99% of these businesses as our property; that is, public property. Until they give up their mercantilist protections – constitutional though they may be – they should do whatever we tell them to do.
      Since we, the public, fund the Secretary of States' offices that grant these companies their charters, and their corporate status (with the limited liability protections which come with that) in the first place, these businesses should hire and serve whomever we tell them to hire and serve. If they want exemptions, the public has every right to condition the terms of those contracts.
      If the public tells its property – the businesses – to give away the goods they sell, they should comply. At the very least, they should refrain from getting in the way of people who are attempting to obtain, access, or use these goods themselves.
      Consider this
patria potestas (“I brought you into this world, I can take you out”) applied to the relationship between government and enterprise. We the People created the government, so it is our right to alter or abolish it if and when it ceases to serve the purpose for which we created it. Moreover, it is our duty to abolish government that becomes destructive of these ends.
      Likewise, We the People created the government, which in turn created the businesses (through charters). Therefore, it is the right of the people – through their property, the government – to revoke companies' privileges (if and when they abuse those privileges). When companies form business alliances - which impersonate government Departments of Commerce - to steal from taxpayers to subsidize them and bail them out, it is the people's
duty to revoke their charters, or even to abolish the Secretary of States' offices, so that no new corporations (and no new corporate privileges) can be created.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

One Hundred Six Articles About Arrest and Abusive Treatment of Students

   At least 90% of these articles (of the original list of 100) were published about incidents in the U.S. that occurred between 2009 and 2017. Most victims were under 18 years old. Only a few articles refer to high school seniors aged 18, or incidents in Canada and the United Kingdom.

1. 'I Don't Like to Be Touched': Video shows 10-year-old autistic boy getting arrested at school

2. 'I'm Pregnant!': Teen mother screams in agony as NYPD officers shock her with Taser in the Bronx

3. 'It's Kidnapping': Hospital Takes Custody of Teen Because Her Parents Were 'Too Active in Pursuing'Her Care

4. 'Over 12,000 school kids were arrested in Florida. It makes Florida the nation's leader in that area,' says Dream Defenders

5. 10-year-old suspended over finger gun

6. 10th Circuit Oks School Arrest & Strip Search

7. 16-year-old hit with taser outside Long Island high school

9. 19 Crazy Things That School Children Are Being Arrested for in America

10. 2-year-old taken away from parents because they used marijuana, killed by foster mother

12. 34 New Jersey high school students arrested during post-prom party

14. 6-Year-Old Suspended For Pointing Fingers In The Shape Of A Gun

17. Boy, 3, died after police handcuff and taser his stepfather to STOP him from running into burning home to save his child

20. Charlton Library Sends Police to Collect Overdue Books from-5 Year-Old

22. Common Core math experts say teachers need to stop using shortcuts and math 'tricks'

23. Dad arrested trying to pick up kids at school

25. Family Crushed After Autistic Teen is Tasered by Burbank Police

27. Family of teenage girl tasered in groin by Pennsylvania cop in 2011 settles for $100,000

28. Florida is officially nuts: 13-year-old arrested for farting

34. Girl's arrest for doodling raises concerns about zero tolerance

35. Girl, 10, Arrested for Using Knife to Cut Food at School

36. Here's Why a Zero-Tolerance Policy in Our Schools is a Terrible Idea

37. How Kentucky's child-protective agency abandoned an 8-year-old girl in hell

38. How kicking a trash can became criminal for a 6th grader

40. How Zero Tolerance Policies Hurt Kids

41. In Texas schools, response to misbehavior is questioned

44. Judge upholds suspension of the Pop-Tart Gun Kid

45. Kids Create Salt Black Markets in Cafeterias Due to Michelle Obama's Lunch Rules

46. Kids Suffer Panic Attacks After New York School Locks Them In Padded Cell To 'Calm Down'

48. Landry Thompson, 13, Taken Into Custody After Dozing Off In Dance Instructor's Car

49. Lawsuit: 12-Year-Old American School for the Deaf Student Tasered by West Hartford Police

50. Let's put a stop to school lunch shaming in Texas

51. Louisiana elementary teachers arrested for allegedly bullying, pushing student

53. Michelle Malkin has the facts about Common Core every parent in America needs to know

55. Mom of boy Tasered in high school cafeteria files lawsuit (documents)

57. Mother and Daughter Arrested for 'Dangerous Drug' Ibuprofen

59. No charges for officer who body slammed female student

65. Police Handcuff, Charge 6-Year-Old Girl for Misbehaving

66. Police tase, shoot and kill 90-pound schizophrenic teen

67. Police Taser boy with broken back 19 times

68. Report: Florida Schools Scanned Children's Eyes Without Permission

69. San Antonio schools' test of student ID 'locator' chips faces religious suit

70. School Force Feeds Garbage to Kid With Healthy Lunch, Parents Fined

71. School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her for Dropping Cake

72. South Carolina high school student faces jail time over paper airplane incident

76. Student suspended for “revealing” prom dress; mom says it's because she's plus sized”

77. Student Suspended For Butter Knife She Brought to Middle School in Packed Lunch

78. Tampa teacher spit on student's face, slammed boy's head onto desk

79. Taser used on 8th grade student who was disruptive, assaulted officer

80. Taunton second-grader sent home over drawing of Jesus

81. Teen Girls Sent Home From High School For 'Distracting' Boys With Their Visible Bra Straps

82. Texas boy crying after being locked in 'focus room' for 90 MINUTES

84. Texas Police Officers Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand Because They Didn't Have a Permit

85. Texas school clashes with parents over bizarre anti-pedestrian pickup policy

86. Tennessee judge who vetoed Messiah as baby's name is fired

88. Texas Student Gets $637 Fine for Swearing

89. The Common Core is today's New Math – which is actually a good thing

91. There's Only One Country That Hasn't Ratified the Convention on Children's Rights: US

93. Three black students arrested while waiting for school bus in Rochester

94. TSA agent seizes gun from sock monkey in St. Louis before flight

95. Two Sisters Seized by Phoenix Hospital, Mother Ordered Not to Talk – Another Medical

96. Video Shows Texas Police Talking a 14-Year-Old Student With a Chokehold

97. VIDEO: Students react to Ed Schultz sandbag “slave labor” comment

98. Was a Canadian Student Punished by His School After Stopping a Knife-Wielding Classmate?

100. Why Colorado may require teens who were caught sexting to register as sex offenders

101. "Police: Preschoolers Forced To Stand Naked In A Closet As Punishment"

102. "13-Year-Old Has Leg Amputated After Teacher Allegedly Slams Him to the Ground"

103. "On the first day of school, man put an electrified fence near bus stop to keep kids away"


104. "Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team"


105. "5th grader sent to principal after telling peers to stop giving Nazi salute in school"


106. "Court to hear case of teen strip-searched for ibuprofen"

Compiled in Early 2017

Originally Published on May 4th, 2017,
under the title "100 Articles About Arrest and Abusive Treatment of Students"

Expanded (articles 101-106 added) between March 26th, 2019 and March 7th, 2020

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...