Thursday, August 25, 2016

Response to the Illinois Center Right Coalition's U.S. Congressional Candidate Survey

Written on August 25th, 2016


Section I: Basic Stances

Question #1:
     No Tax Increase: I believe the current tax burden on Americans is high. Therefore, I will vote against any increase of the national income tax, and various "fees" on American citizens.

Answer #1:
     Yes. I will vote against any increase of the national personal income tax, unless the income tax were to be properly authorized, and income taxation were to be reformed. I will vote to significantly decrease spending, and if I support raising any new revenues, they will not derive from increases in income taxation.

Question #2:
Spending Issues

Question #2A:
     Spending Restraint: I will work and vote for a freeze of total discretionary spending for the first two fiscal years beginning after the 2016 general election. I will not vote for any budgetary gimmicks (such as claiming non-emergency spending as emergency spending) and will not vote to waive budgetary rules restraining taxes and spending.

Answer #2A:
     Yes. I will support these measures, advocate curbing spending in fiscal-cliff  as well as ordinary scenarios, and work to move more programs and spending into the discretionary and non-emergency categories.

Question #2B:
     Spending Cuts: I agree that the federal government should deal with budget shortfalls through spending cuts and increased efficiency, rather than increasing taxes, bonds, or tariffs.

Answer #2B:
     Yes. Waste, fraud, and abuse should be eliminated; and so should redundancy, pork barrel spending, regional subsidies, support for states, and unconstitutional federal programs and departments. I will support increasing efficiency and eliminate bureaucracy in order to cut taxes while initially eliminating as few services as necessary. I will support requiring $7 of cuts for every new dollar of tax revenue raised. I will not support increasing tariffs.

Question #3:
     Pro-Growth Tax Relief: I will work for these types of pro-growth tax relief:
- Complete elimination of the marriage tax penalty
- Further across-the-board reduction of income tax rates
- Further capital gains relief
- Repeal personal alternative minimum tax
- Repeal corporate alternative minimum tax
- Repeal of the death tax

Answer #3:

     Yes to all six. Additionally, I would vote to eliminate the capital gains tax.

Question #4:
     Internet Taxation: I oppose Internet taxation. I will work and vote for a permanent ban on all types of taxes targeted to the Internet or Internet access.

Answer #4:
     Yes. I oppose taxation of the internet at the federal level, including the taxation of sales conducted over the internet. I would urge states not to tax internet sales. I would not interfere with internet providers charging websites to be accessed at faster rates.



Question #5:
     Education Funding: Some politicians say they want to put education first no matter what. Others say they want to keep their pledge to cut government spending no matter what. If a law stated that all proceeds were guaranteed to be dedicated to education, I would support a tax increase.

Answer #5:
     No. I would not support increasing, nor continuing, the funding of education at the federal level. I would vote to abolish the Department of Education.

Question #6:
     School Choice: I support school choice for students, and will support and vote for legislation giving a student in a failing school the ability to use taxpayer-supported vouchers to attend private, parochial, or alternative public schools.

Answer #6:
     Yes. I would not support federal involvement in education, nor in any education programs; but I support school choice for students, and would urge states to experiment with such voucher programs. I would also urge states to make public school classroom attendance voluntary.

Question #7:
     Private Property Rights:
I understand that the U. S. Supreme Court in Kelo v. City of New London made clear that states have the right and ability to defend the private property rights of their citizens by enacting laws that place restrictions on the exercising of takings power. I will support and vote for legislation that clearly enacts a policy imposing a more strict “public use” requirement than that imposed under the holding in Kelo. I further agree that the government’s interest in acquiring private property in order to make that property available to another private entity is subservient to the property rights held by the current properly owner.

Answer #7:
     Yes. Fifth Amendment takings of private property must strictly satisfy public use, compensate the owner fairly, and occur upon consent of the owner.



Question #8:
     Tort Reform:
I believe that our society has deviated too far into abuse and fraud from the excesses of allowing people to sue on demand for frivolous causes. I would support enacting a national law for tort reform that stipulates that punitive damages can only be awarded if compensatory damages are awarded (and if proven that there was malicious intent to injure the claimant) and allow courts to restrict fees prosecuting.
Answer #8:

     No. I would not support a national law for tort reform. I am concerned that tort reform could limit the rights of juries, interfere with the right to sue, and discourage some non-frivolous lawsuits. However, I would not interfere with states' rights to consider such legislation.

Question #9:

     Right to Bear Arms: I believe that the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies to the rights of individuals to keep and bear arms. I will oppose any effort to restrict law-abiding citizens from owning and using firearms for personal use and self-defense.

Answer #9:
     Yes. I believe the 2nd Amendment exists to support the right to hunt, and also to defend oneself against criminals, foreign invaders, and tyrannical government. I support strengthening the 2nd Amendment to protect the right of conscientious objection to military service. I will vote to oppose all federal gun control legislation, and I support prohibiting states from interfering in the openness of interstate trade and commerce in weapons. I will oppose any legislation that limits the gun right, as well as the travel rights, of law-abiding citizens.

Question #10:
     Rights of the Unborn: I believe that every innocent human life is sacred, from the moment of conception to the time of natural death.


Question #10A:
     As such, I would support reasonable, just laws on abortion like parental consent, waiting periods, and a ban on partial birth abortion.

Answer #10A:
     No. I would encourage states to adopt legislation banning partial birth abortions, and I support getting the federal government out of the issue of abortion. However, I do not support parental consent requirements (because it interferes with doctor-patient confidentiality), nor waiting periods (because they sometimes delay abortions until past points of development delineated by states as cut-off points for abortion).

Question #10B:
     I would also work to recognize the right to life by seeking to confirm pro-life judges who will not legislate from the bench, and supporting a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Answer #10B:

     Yes. I support overturning Roe v. Wade on constitutional grounds, not moral grounds; but I will vote to stop funding Planned Parenthood, and support judges who will leave abortion up to the states, pending a constitutional amendment saying otherwise.



Question #11:
     Marriage: I believe traditional marriage consists of a time-honored tradition of a union between one man and one woman. I support the Defense of Marriage Act, and oppose any federal laws to change the traditional definition of marriage.

Answer #11:
     No. I oppose the Defense of Marriage Act, although I oppose federal laws changing the definition of marriage because I believe the federal government should not be involved in marriage whatsoever. I would urge the states to respect the rights of any adult partners to create a private or interpersonal marriage contract, but I would not interfere with the rights of states to govern marriage as they see fit.

Question #12:
     Term Limits: I support reasonable and just term limit laws for all major elected offices in the federal government, including Congressmen and Senators, and would vote to enact such limits.


Answer #12:
     Yes. I would support limiting U.S. Representatives to four consecutive terms, U.S. Senators to two consecutive terms, and Supreme Court justices to twenty-year terms.

Section II: Essay Questions

Question #1:
     Do you agree with the positions of the I.C.R.C. as found on the Platform? If not, please provide specifics, and affirmatively state where you disagree and why.


Answer #1:
     I agree completely with the sections "Pro-Freedom", "Pro-Constitution", "Pro-Opportunity", "Pro- School Choice", "Pro-Taxpayer", "Pro- Second Amendment", "Pro-Culture", and "Pro-America".

     On the "Pro-Faith" section, I support a secular republic with freedom of worship; so I believe religion has a proper role in the public square, but I would oppose the federal government establishing religion. On the "Pro-Family" section, I agree, and I hope that states respect same-sex couples' freedoms to marry and adopt as well as heterosexuals. On the "Pro-Life" section, I believe that life is sacred and that it begins at conception; however, I believe that legal rights begin upon live birth.

     On the "Pro-Capitalism" section, I support free enterprise, private property, and competition; however, I support the notion "cost the limit of price" more than I support the profit motive.

     On the "Pro-Environment" section, I support the notion that the free market is better than the government at taking care of the environment; however, I would urge communities to set up local trusts for land and water, to compete alongside free enterprise to provide better environmental solutions.

     On the "Pro-Citizenship" section, I agree, while noting that we should welcome undocumented immigrants whom are non-violent, those who arrived without their own knowledge or consent, and those who do not have contempt for American laws.



Question #2:
     What kind of things would you like to see the U.S. Congress enact? Please list your top three policy priorities should you be elected, and why you wish to focus on them.

Answer #2:

     I would like to see Congress enact budget controls and term limits, and curtail business privileges.
     First, I would like to see Congress enact more Cut, Cap, and Balance -type legislation, enact zero-based budgeting, and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. I would oppose Cut, Cap, and Balance -type legislation if and when it does not go far enough in cuts. I would support requiring at least $7 in spending cuts to each new dollar in revenues raised. I hope to help reduce the federal budget to between 10% and 12.5% of the G.D.P. as soon as possible.

     Second, I would help pass a constitutional amendment limiting U.S. Representatives to four consecutive terms, and limiting U.S Senators to two consecutive terms (each with no limitation on the total number of terms), as well as legislation limiting Supreme Court justices to twenty year terms. Refraining from imposing limitations on total numbers of terms will help prevent experienced legislators from leaving office too often; and shortening terms will help reduce spending on pay for legislators, and decrease the attention and time that elections take up.

     Third, I would help pass legislation to curtail the artificial privileges of businesses. I would vote to support abolishing the Departments of Commerce and Energy, thus diminishing the lobbying power of the energy sector and big business. I would vote to limit intellectual property protections and trade promotions. I would vote to repeal subsidies, and oppose bailouts. I would urge states to abolish their Secretary of States' offices in order to stop the chartering / creation of - and extension of limited liability to - new corporations.

Question #3:
     What kind of issues would you like to focus on in the House? If elected, what three legislative committees will you ask to serve? Why?


Answer #3:
     I would serve on the Judiciary Committee (due to my desires to return to obedience of the Constitution, and to reform the justice system); the House Committee on Education and the Workforce (due to my interest in reforming federal labor law); and either the House Ways and Means Committee, or the Committee on Foreign Affairs (due to my desires to reform taxation policy, and to help shape foreign policy).





I understand that my answers to this survey will be published. My answers are a firm and unconditional commitment to the people of Illinois, and to the people of the United States.


Candidate Name: Joseph William Kopsick

Candidate Signature: Joseph W. Kopsick


Address: 132 Welwyn St., Lake Bluff, IL 60044-1150

Phone: 608-417-9395 (personal cell phone)



Websites: (blog); (2012 campaign site)

Candidate for U.S. Congress (U.S. House of Representatives)

Party: New Party / Absurdist Party


District: Illinois's 10th U.S. congressional district

Date: Survey completed August 25th, 2016; election to be held November 8th, 2016


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Speech to the Illinois Center Right Coalition (I.C.R.C.) on August 20th, 2016

Written on August 19th and 20th, 2016
Delivered in person on August 20th, 2016
Edited on October 5th and 15th, 2016

Some content originally appeared in
“Address to the Illinois Center-Right Coalition (I.C.R.C.) on June 25th, 2016”

written on June 24th and 25th, 2016
and edited on July 19th, and August 8th, 22nd and 23rd, 2016

            Good afternoon and thank you for having me. My name is Joe Kopsick, I live in Lake Bluff, and I’m running for the U.S. House of Representatives’ seat from Illinois’s 10th District. My candidacy has been endorsed by Timothy Goodcase, David Earl Williams, Dan Rutherford, Mike Psak, Charles Allan January, Phil Collins, and William Leubscher; and vetted by the Illinois LiberTEA organization.           
            My district is Illinois’s 10th, which is most of Lake County and parts of Cook County. There, incumbent Republican Bob Dold is being challenged by former congressman Democrat Brad Schneider. I am a write-in candidate, and I am the only other candidate in the race besides Dold and Schneider.        
            I entered the race in November because I felt that the candidates were not ideologically diverse enough, that neither candidate was ideologically consistent, and that their records didn’t sufficiently support constitutional limitations on the powers of the federal government. In my opinion, both candidates supported growth of the size, scope, and cost of government; and supported continued and increased federal involvement in issues that rightfully belong to the states and to the people. For example, b
oth of my opponents support domestic surveillance, gun control, foreign aid, sanctions, keeping Obamacare in place, and federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
As for me, the major themes of my candidacy are: liberty and limited government; non-interventionism in foreign policy; personal freedom and individual rights; due process, and security through privacy; balanced budgets and fiscal solvency; free movement of labor and capital; and the notion that government should be funded through penalties on waste, rather than through taxation of labor, sales, and investment that has the effect of discouraging those types of productive behavior.
            If elected, I would vote to eliminate and/or restructure between four and seven unconstitutional executive departments; decrease spending by between $1.25 and $1.75 trillion, fire dozens of executive “czars”; and devolve the issues of health, education, retirement savings, and the social safety net back to the states. 
           I would help reduce the size of the federal workforce by voting to abolish the Departments of Commerce, Energy, Education, Interior, and Housing and Urban Development; and I would additionally support either abolishing the Department of Homeland Security, or restructuring segments of it under the Departments of Justice and Defense.
            On spending, I would vote to support a Cut, Cap, and Balance plan that requires at least a 7-to-1 ratio of spending cuts to revenue increases; and I would also support a Balanced Budget Amendment. I would additionally support decreasing taxes across the board; while making all tax rates flat, while keeping tax cuts in place; and eliminating loopholes, tax credits, and differential taxation.
           In the short term, would vote to support a reduction of the individual income tax rates to between 12.5% and 20%. I would support the abolition of the personal income tax, and repealing the 16th Amendment, unless the Negative Income Tax were to be passed. On taxes in general, I would favor transitioning to a Georgist Single Tax on the abuse, misuse, and blight of landed property, which would involve paying fees to communities and community land and water trusts in exchange for the privilege to extract natural resources. However, I would only be in the position of urging states to experiment with this, being a candidate for federal office.
     I support real free trade, and the free movement of capital and labor, as opposed to "smart trade" or "managed trade". I believe free trade can be fair trade; I believe that tariffs only contribute to human rights abuses and labor abuses of foreign workers, in order to increase profits by avoiding the price of the tariffs. I favor real free trade, and I don't think treaties are necessary to do that. I worry that too much intellectual property protections [in trade agreements] reverses what abolishing tariffs aims to do, which is decrease prices.

     I would vote to audit the Federal Reserve, and make sure that the value of the dollar is stable and increasing, so that the dollar has enough purchasing power to buy what people need. I would do all of this in order to avoid raising the minimum wage; I would not vote to support raising the minimum wage. I would vote to cut corporate welfare before considering reducing the social safety net; I think corporate welfare only makes that [the social safety net] seem necessary.
     I want to work with people on the left who recognize that it is federal law that creates free-riders in workplaces, but have a problem with Right to Work. I would support the right of states to pass Right to Work laws, but I would discourage it, because it interferes with the rights of unions and businesses to [become parties to] contract. I think the way to solve that is to urge states to require employers to tell prospective employees that they will be required to join a union as a condition of being hired.
     I would vote to devolve education to the states, and abolish the Department of Education. I would make sure that No Fly No Buy lists take transparency and due process
into account

Monday, August 8, 2016

Positions on 45 Issues for My 2016 U.S. House Campaign (Extended)

Written on July 30th and 31st, and August 7th and 8th, 2016

Edited on August 9th, 12th, 17th, 24th through 28th, and 30th,
September 11th through 14th, and November 30th, 2016

Table of Contents








37. JOBS



The chief roles of the federal government are to maintain a military and a treasury, establish a policy for the naturalization of immigrants, punish treason and piracy, run a Post Office, and little else; other powers are rightfully delegated to the states and to the people. Being that just governments derive their legitimate powers from the consent of the governed, governments should not do anything that it prohibits ordinary civilians from doing themselves. A just government should recognize natural rights and protect civil liberties; provide fair trials; punish the initiation of violence, aggression, and coercion; and protect individuals from theft, fraud, and involuntary servitude. The most important function of government is to serve as an establishment of mutual political and financial trust between citizens and public servants. More law should be made through judicial precedent and interpersonal contract, than by legislators, through statutes and ordinances.

The United States of America is – and should function as – a constitutional republic, featuring representative democracy and dual federalism; with separation of powers across branches and jurisdictional levels. Restore to the states their sovereignty within their duly delegated spheres of influence; by respecting the 10th Amendment, and refraining from interfering in state nullification and interposition. Powers not delegated to the federal government should be wielded as close to the people as possible, both geographically and in terms of personal choice. This goes save for constitutional amendments saying otherwise; not acts of Congress augmenting presidential reorganizational authority, nor improper delegations of congressional powers to executive and foreign agencies. Abolish between four and seven executive departments – as well as several dozen “czar” offices – in order to scale back federal activities to within the strictures of the seventeen powers enumerated in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution. Revoke the powers of
Congress to transfer powers to the executive, and to independent or private organizations.

Support cutting the Department of Justice by as much as 65%. Advocate for the nomination and approval of federal judges who support original intent, plain meaning, and strict construction. Urge states to pass constitutional amendments requiring judges to fully inform juries of their rights, including the right to nullify the prosecution. Protect defendants’ rights to defend themselves in court. Urge states to ensure that the judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney do not all represent the state; and protect defendants’ rights to compel judges to submit their oaths of offices – and prosecutors to submit their anti-corruption pledges – into the court record. Reform the voir dire process to minimize baseless dismissal of potential jurors. Urge the Senate to vote on Supreme Court appointments in election years, and limit Supreme Court justices' terms to 20 years. Break up the 13th Federal District Court.

Restore due process; the accused are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers. Require warrants and reasonable articulable suspicion – not general warrants – for arrests. Fight forfeiture of civil assets, and takings of liberty, that unlawfully precede trial and punishment. Fight the detention of people not posing immediate public danger, and repeal laws against victimless crimes and vices. Strengthen Miranda rights, and require federal law enforcement officials to be equipped with body cameras that cannot be disabled while on patrol. Overturn Warren v. D.C. in order to formally require the police to protect and serve the public. Repeal mandatory minimum sentencing laws, and abolish the federal death penalty. Increase penalties for prison guards who fail to report attacks upon inmates. Reduce the federal prison population by promoting presidential and gubernatorial pardons, and sentence commutations, for non-violent offenders. End solitary confinement for juveniles. Repeal the 1033 Program of the 1997 N.D.A.A. in order to de-militarize local police departments and get tanks off American streets. Create civilian review boards for police.

Support the Ninth Amendment by curbing the powers of governments to pass statutes that turn liberties into privileges, which require the payment of fees in exchange for permits and licenses. Such laws have served to oppress racial and other minorities in the past; they interfere with our natural freedoms to travel, keep and bear arms, be secure in our papers and effects, buy and sell, practice our occupations, enter into marriage contracts, consume alcohol and tobacco, and other activities.

Firearms are for hunting, and for protecting against violent criminals, foreign invasions, and tyrannical governments. Repeal all federal gun control laws, and discourage states from passing ammunition limits, lock and storage regulations, and single-user fingerprint-scanner requirements. Keep interstate commerce in arms free; and do not criminalize the purchase, nor the ownership, of automatic and semi-automatic weapons. Urge states to become shall-issue states that allow both open and concealed carry. Restore the Second Amendment to its original intent of protecting the right of conscientious objection to military conscription (the draft). Before considering “No Fly No Buy” -type legislation, restore due process to No-Fly lists and terror watch lists. Hold gun criminals responsible for their actions, but do not encroach upon the right to sue by giving prosecutorial immunity to manufacturers nor sellers. Do not attempt to track guns through “gunwalking” tactics.

Abolish the D.E.A., repeal unconstitutional federal laws against drugs, and stop prosecuting non-violent federal drug crimes. Devolve drug enforcement to the states, urging them to legalize growing and trading marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Urge states to avoid taxing marijuana, or requiring medical licenses or prescriptions for purchase. Remove marijuana and its byproducts from the Class I narcotic schedule, allow testing on medical effects of modern marijuana strains, and urge states to allow medical marijuana prescriptions for neurodegenerative diseases. Urge states to lower the alcohol purchase age to 18, and caution states against increasing the tobacco purchase age. Reduce opioid abuse – and deaths therefrom – by: (1) ending all taxpayer supports for the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries, (2) ending assistance of opium production abroad, (3) allowing drug abusers to have their drugs tested for toxicity, (4) legalizing trade and ownership of needles and syringes, and (5) increasing access to drugs that prevent and treat overdoses.

Don’t pass a temporary ban on immigration from majority-Muslim countries. Support freedom of travel and free movement of labor; instead of building dividing walls and fences, or supporting mass deportation or night raids that would be humanitarian catastrophes. Retain the federal government’s authority to establish a uniform rule of naturalization. Minimally vet legal immigrants and refugees. Granting legal status to non-violent undocumented immigrants is not unfair to legal immigrants; for legal and undocumented immigrants alike, provide paths to legal work, lawful permanent residency, and citizenship; by making it easier to obtain green cards, and by increasing the number of temporary work visas for working immigrants, especially high-skilled workers. If undocumented immigrants abuse welfare, it is only because aiding and hiring them have been made crimes. Urge states to decriminalize harboring and assisting illegal immigrants and refugees, allowing states, the private sector, and charity and religious organizations, to provide them housing and education. Welfare should not be contingent upon paying taxes and paying into Social Security; the federal government shouldn’t be involved in income taxation, retirement, nor welfare, so allow immigrant and native-born workers alike to opt-out of Social Security. Allow immigrants residing in the U.S. to vote; as long as they aren’t eligible to vote in other countries, and are not violent felons. Do not allow officers to detain and deport undocumented immigrants for petty and non-violent crimes. Support congressional deferred action for childhood arrivals and their parents; not executive orders effecting the same. Don’t make English the official language. Don't require immigrants to learn English – nor to serve in the military – as a condition of citizenship. Do not establish a national I.D.; and do not effectively require businesses to police immigration, through confirming citizenship through e-Verify -type programs, as a condition of hiring.

Practice free trade with all nations, in order to avoid the detriments of sanctions, embargoes on energy and foods, and cold wars. Support cutting the budget of the Department of State by at least 90%. In order to establish freedom, sovereignty, and independence for the U.S.; withdraw from N.A.T.O. before it expands further; remove the United Nations headquarters from the U.S., and scale back involvement in the United Nations (possibly continuing involvement in U.N.I.C.E.F. and / or U.N.E.S.C.O.). Restore our reputation abroad by ceasing to spy on our allies, and restore our credibility in the eyes of foreign ministers by ending domestic surveillance and other human rights abuses. Allow the District of Columbia to have full voting rights in the House and representation in the Senate, and give congressional representation to the overseas territories. Allow states to secede, and allow individuals to renounce their federal citizenship. Allow states to display Confederate flags on public property. Don’t ban the sale, ownership, nor display of any flag; and do not pass laws against flag burning. Encourage states to properly ratify a new Titles of Nobility Amendment, revoking from Congress the powers to bestow and recognize aristocratic peerages, titles, and emoluments.

End intervention in foreign civil wars and elections; require congressional declaration of war – or Letters of Marque and Reprisal – as a condition for intervention without permission. Require Congress – not international organizations – to determine whether to initiate a military action; and amend the War Powers Resolution to limit the powers of the president to do so.
     On Russia: (1) stop arming militants in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea; (2) reduce U.S. military presence in the Baltic states, (3) abandon the Missile Defense Agency / Star Wars program; (4)
cease allowing Western European countries to retain custody of American nuclear weapons; and (5) continue nuclear arsenal and other arms reduction negotiation treaties, including S.T.A.R.T.; but (6) do not take retaliatory nuclear weapons deployment off the table.     To diminish detrimental effects of Chinese currency manipulation and American land purchase: (1) stabilize the dollar, (2) balance the budget, and (4) spread communal land ownership while fighting unlawful eminent domain takings. Be wary of spying by Chinese agents and agencies. Engage with China to calm hostilities between North and South Korea.

Abandon regime change and nation building. Cut between $115 and $230 billion from the total military budget. Aim to cut at least 20% of the annual military budget, but consider cutting up to 40% in the event that major cuts cannot be made to other departments. Reduce the military to its pre- Iraq War size and its year 2000 budget, and draw down the sizes of the Navy and Air Force fleets. Cut 20% of domestic military bases; dismantle between 700 and 900 overseas military bases; remove troops from some 150 countries; and end all military activities more than 100 miles away from U.S. shores. Stay out of civil wars and foreign elections unless asked for help and receiving congressional authorization. Withdraw troops and bases from Germany; and stop defending Japan and South Korea – and more than 60 other countries – or else require compensation in exchange for doing so. Stop flying planes and drones over foreign countries without their permission and without a congressional declaration of war, and end all foreign aid. Decrease spending on weapons research and development, rather than cutting the pay or benefits of active-duty or non-combat officers alike. Allow women to serve in combat roles, and allow gays to serve openly; but abolish draft registration and conscription for men and women alike. Shorten military service contracts; and remove legal immunities for the military – and curtailments of freedom of political speech for troops – from them. Do not abolish the Army Corps of Engineers, nor the Corporation for National and Community Service; unless other budget cuts can be made; and never require mandatory civil emergency preparedness “training” (compulsory service).

     As soon as possible, withdraw troops and bases from Iraq and Afghanistan; and do not take timetables off the table. Support the three-state Iraq partition plan, but only if the Iraqis agree. Do not commit ground troops to Syria in order to defeat I.S.I.S., do not help enforce a No-Fly Zone in Syria against Russia nor Turkey; and do not join an international partnership to either defeat I.S.I.S. or oust Assad. Do not declare war on I.S.I.S.; this only legitimizes them as a nation-state. Work with the intelligence community to study and re-evaluate what we know about I.S.I.S. before deciding how to act. Do not arm Syrian nor Kurdish militants. Withdraw from Kuwait and Djibouti. Require the Senate – not the president – to re-negotiate the Iran deal, such that the U.S. is not obligated to protect Iran’s nuclear program. De-classify the 9/11 Commission Report’s 28 Pages, and support a new investigation into 9/11, as long as it can be done affordably.
     On Israel and Palestine: End all foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, and Palestinian authorities alike. Work with human rights groups to continue the peace process in Israel and Palestine, but do not encourage Palestinians to seek statehood nor U.N. membership. Urge the State of Israel to publicly admit to its possession of nuclear weapons; sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; end its draft; dismantle the wall; and either return to 1967 borders, establish a community based government, and / or make Jerusalem an international city.

End indefinite detention without trial, and release detainees once acquitted. Protect all suspects’ rights to fair trials, regardless of citizenship or enemy combatant status, but give military trials to non-citizen accused enemy combatants. End the use of torturous “enhanced” interrogation. Close the prison facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Repeal the U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, and abolish the National Intelligence Program. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security, placing the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and the N.S.A. under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and / or the Department of Justice. Abolish the collection of phone and internet metadata by the National Security Agency, and amend F.I.S.A. so as to better protect 4th Amendment freedom from unreasonable searches. Do not award congressional recording equipment provision contracts to foreign agencies. Do not require communications companies to open suspected terrorists' cell phones nor internet records.

Reduce spending slightly and gradually as bureaucracy is eliminated and the department is streamlined. At the Veterans Health Administration, improve wait times for doctor visits, achieve lower prices on medications, and increase the availability of specialized medical services. Allow veterans to explore private-sector health care options. Improve the delivery of disability assistance, pensions, housing, education, and job training services to veterans. Fight for the rights of veterans to keep and bear arms.

Continue funding N.A.S.A. at current levels, and consider increasing funding; unless other major budget cuts cannot be made. Allow the private sector to compete in advanced flight and space travel and exploration. Work to prevent the militarization of space.


In the short term, cut the budget of the E.P.A. by 30%; in the long term, abolish it and devolve environmental protection to the states. As an alternative to abolishing the E.P.A.; with the consent of Congress, replace the E.P.A. and the I.R.S. with an agency combining the functions of environmental protection and taxation; urging states, localities, and voluntary associations, to experiment with natural resource backed currencies, and natural resource backed citizens’ dividends. Replace most current tax revenue sources with carbon taxes; and taxes on pollution, land neglect, unsustainable development, and undeveloped land value. Do not participate in U.N. Agenda 21, and repeal the Clean Air Act; allow states to govern sustainable development, air cleanliness, and emissions standards. Urge the states to take steps towards achieving zero non-offset carbon emissions by 2030; and to become signatories to the Kyoto Protocol as free, sovereign, and independent nations.

Shrink or abolish the Department of the Interior, and disarm the Bureau of Land Management. Restore any supposed Interior Department authorities to create treaties with, and / or govern conduct with or of - Native American tribes, to the U.S. Senate. Urge the Senate to honor treaties with native tribes, and advocate for the repeal of laws requiring that Native Americans carry blood quantum identification cards. Hand most federal lands over to states and tribes, and allow tribes to become sovereign and self-administering (establishing international relations through the State Department). As long as the federal government administers the National Park Service, oppose attempts to restrict access thereto in order to strong-arm Congress into accepting debt ceiling increases. Oppose the abuse of the Eminent Domain clause; both to excuse takings of property for private uses, and takings that lack fair market value compensation. Fight non-consensual takings; or else set up a citizens’ or residents’ dividend that compensates people for the deprivation of their natural right to inherit property, and to own it in full allodial title. Urge states to experiment with legalizing land ownership in full allodial title, increasing the privacy of landed property, perhaps emulating Alaska or Texas. Repeal the Clean Water Act, devolving the responsibility to ensure water cleanliness to the states. Instead of privatizing water rights, urge local governments to consider establishing community land and water trusts. Urge states to decriminalize the personal collection of rainwater.

Abolish the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Eliminate taxpayer subsidies, and other supports, for unsuccessful energy technologies and energy monopolies alike. Return federal lands to the states; do not interfere with states’ regulation of natural resource extraction thereon, but urge communities to establish residents’ dividends backed by natural resources. Do not prohibit drilling for new oil; instead, urge states and communities to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in natural gas exploration, to achieve zero non-offset carbon emissions by 2030, and require oil companies to pay states or communities in exchange for any pollution or damage to common resources.

In the short term, cut F.D.A. spending by 40%, and cut the budget of the U.S.D.A. by between 15 and 20%. Make no cuts to agricultural subsidies, federal involvement in S.N.A.P. / Food Stamps., nor the Child Nutrition Program; unless other major budget cuts are not made. Urge states to consider expanding access to food assistance, and / or assistance to farmers. Consider block-granting Food Stamps and the Child Nutrition Program to states. While federal intervention may be appropriate when it increases consumer information, federal oversight can be replaced by consumer demand, and the moral hazard resulting from such oversight may cause consumers to be misled by G.M.O. labeling and F.D.A. approvals. Advocate for voluntary food labeling that attends to consumer demand for accuracy and detail. Reform the purviews of food inspections so as not to inconvenience home bakers, lemonade stands, and farm-to-fork meal patrons.


In the short term, cap the growth of Medicare, and cut as much as 10% of the budget of the Department of Health and Human Services. Repeal Obamacare and the individual insurance mandate. Repeal employer insurance tax credits / breaks, and amend H.I.P.A.A. so as to legalize interstate insurance purchase. Continue federal involvement in health only for federal employees, military, veterans, and first responders to the Pentagon on 9/11; otherwise devolving health care to the states (including the Children’s Health Insurance Program), and considering block-grants. Abolish the H.H.S. if and when an act of Congress would allow it. Urge states to consider expanding medical savings plans, and / or making health costs tax-deductible. Achieve universal care through making doctors’ oaths legally binding, not through state single-payer plans. Don’t tax hospitals, nor hospital workers' income, nor medical device sales nor profits. Oppose tort reform to avoid disempowering juries. Urge states not to mandate vaccinations, and do not mandate vaccinations at the federal level. Get out of the World Health Organization.

Oppose congressional involvement in abortion; don’t ban abortion at the federal level, but cut all federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Life and humanity begin at conception, but legal rights and legal personhood begin at live birth. Do not extend 14th Amendment personhood to fetuses; but urge states to adopt legislation similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, and the Partial-Birth Abortion Act of 2003. Do not overturn the Gonzalez cases, and revoke medical licenses of doctors who perform infanticidal partial-birth “abortions”. Reduce abortions by increasing education, and availability of contraceptives; oppose any state attempts to prohibit sale of contraceptive devices in stores. Urge states not to require counseling; waiting periods; parental consent; nor costly, medically unnecessary fetal sonograms as conditions of getting abortions. On stem cell research and fetal tissue sale; neither criminalize them, nor fund them at the federal level. Do not require private enterprises to cover birth control in employee health insurance policies.

Pass a new Equal Rights Amendment – and amend the 14th Amendment to include protections on the basis of biological sex, and gender, and sexual orientation – but limit the scope of agencies and activities to which these protections apply. Ensure transgender restroom accommodation in federal buildings, and on taxpayer-supported and interstate commercial properties. Reduce the risks of violence to sex workers – and of spread of venereal disease – by urging states to decriminalize and / or legalize prostitution.

Make marriage a contractual and / or religious institution, rather than a legal one subject to permits and licensing fees. Ensure gender pay parity and paid family leave for federal employees, and protect visitation and bereavement rights of federal workers in homosexual unions. Allow states to decide whether to recognize and validate marriages, but urge states to regard such unions as already existing contracts that should not be impaired. Urge states to legalize cohabitation before marriage, and to require shorter durations of cohabitation before recognizing common-law marriages. Do not interfere with the rights of churches to refuse to transfer care of children to adoptive homosexual couples.

Don’t establish religion at the federal level, but don’t interfere with the states’ rights to establish a religion, nor their rights to place religious references and displays on public property. Protect all faiths’ rights to worship in peace, and protect the rights of those with no religion. Urge states to repeal laws against atheists running for public office, and remove references to religion from national currency. Support cultural pluralism, rather than assimilation or multiculturalism; do not interfere with voluntary submission to Jewish rabbinic law nor Shari’a law. Do not ban burqas, nor hijabs, nor any other clothing worn for religious reasons. Repeal the Johnson Law limiting political speech by pastors, and stop levying taxes on churches not based on land value. Protect the right of religious objection to the service of patrons in intrastate non-taxpayer-supported enterprises, and to the draft. Protect the right of religious enterprises and organizations to be exempt from requirements to provide contraception or abortion – or health insurance covering them – and exempt from performing gay marriages.

Abolish segregation, discrimination, and affirmative action and quotas by federal public-sector agencies and organizations supported by federal taxpayers. If supporting welfare, support racial neutrality; but consider reparations programs once the federal budget is under control. Support open access to enterprise by keeping public accommodations open to the public (including the disabled); but only if they are taxpayer-supported, and / or directly involved in interstate commerce. Amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equality Act to protect freedom from association in non-taxpayer-supported intrastate enterprises, and on private residential property. Do not interfere the right to refuse to serve patrons based on religious objections (if the enterprise is intrastate and / or non-taxpayer supported). Do not interfere with exclusion of patrons for engaging in threatening or violent behavior.

Social welfare would not be necessary if not for corporate welfare. Advocate for reform of - and cuts to - the social safety net, but prioritize completely eliminating aid and privileges for businesses before considering curtailing social welfare benefits. Once the social safety net is obsolete, support an act of Congress to get the federal government out of welfare, including S.N.A.P. and T.A.N.F.. Urge states to explore providing aid to low-income residents without requiring work, job training, or drug tests. Eliminate the poverty trap, and provide a smooth transition from welfare to work. If citizens’ dividend programs become popular, pass a constitutional amendment formally authorizing personal income taxation; and then extend the Earned Income Tax Credit, and / or pass a Negative Income Tax.

Abolish the Department of Education; and devolve education to the states, school lunch programs included. Urge public school boards to allow the teaching of the evolution vs. intelligent design controversy, and to allow voluntary prayer. Discourage states from adopting Common Core, but allow states to adopt it, and to voluntarily implement national education standards. Urge public schools to teach auto shop and wood shop, and other trades, asking students to sign waivers protecting the school from potential personal injury lawsuits. Urge states to explore voucher programs, distance learning, and online education; and to expand access to community colleges. Urge states to refrain from requiring public school attendance, and to keep home-schooling legal and free. Get the federal government out of student loans, and abolish Sallie Mae. Devolve student aid and debt to the states, and urge states to forgive debt and offer education tuition-free.

Devolve the issue of housing to the states. Abolish the Department of Housing and Urban Development, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.). End government sponsorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Stop giving tax credits to live in areas prone to natural disasters. Urge states to reform homesteading laws; lowering the required duration of occupancy, and allowing cooperative access to property.

Oppose any future bailouts of the auto industry. Stop protecting fuel-inefficient domestic car production; urge auto makers to improve fuel efficiency. Devolve and transition the ownership and administration of abandoned federal transportation infrastructure assets (outside of the District of Columbia) to states and localities - preferably to community to land trusts - in order to establish and execute the best public use. Oppose Cash for Clunkers -type programs, but allow states to pass their own fuel efficiency and emissions standards. In order to avoid taxing non-driving members of the public for the construction of roads and other transportation infrastructure, encourage states to explore (1) funding more construction of roads through tolls and electronic toll payment systems, and / or (2) requiring private businesses to fund the construction of roads near them.

In the short term, don’t means-test Social Security, nor tighten eligibility standards for disability. Consider block-granting the program to the states; but as long as Social Security is under federal control, curb its growth, cut waste and fraud, and allow young workers to opt-out. Gradually raise the retirement age, but only if none of the aforementioned proposals can be achieved. Urge states to explore non-profit-sector retirement savings account options.


Oppose prior restraint of the press, as well as of speech and action. Oppose federal hate speech bans, and the confinement of free speech to “Free Speech Zones”; do not punish speech unless it causes clear and present danger, with specific and credible threat of harm. Oppose censorship in the media. Protect the rights of journalists to keep their sources confidential, and defend bloggers’ free speech rights against attempts to turn journalism into a profession that requires official credentials. Decriminalize protesting on public property, augment the power of civilians to petition their government for redress of grievances, and open national records to public viewing. Promote granting immunity and issuing presidential pardons to whistle-blowers. Oppose internet kill switches, and general warrants for phone and internet records. Overturn Net Neutrality regulations that classify the internet as a public utility; and don’t prohibit internet providers from offering sped-up access to websites that pay higher rates.

oney in politics, corporate personhood for political action committees, and unlimited campaign donations as free speech, are only symptoms of the main problem: government having so much authority to interfere in our lives, outside its constitutionally limited boundaries. To overturn Citizens United – and / or to limit the powers of political action committees and super PACs – would be unnecessary. Campaign donations are irrelevant if government largess is limited. Urge candidates to refrain from accepting more than $2,200 per election cycle, and urge voters not to donate nor vote for candidates who do. End public funding for elections; but enforce antitrust and anti-collusion laws against the private Commission on Presidential Debates, and revoke its tax-exempt status. Urge all levels of government to allow early voting and same-day registration, adopt ranked choice voting and algorithmic redistricting, and make “none of the above” an official and binding option on ballots. Caution states about risks of privacy intrusions when states consider adopting automatic voter registration. Urge more states to allow 17-year-olds to vote in primaries if they will turn 18 by election day. Establish voter privity by requiring voters to sign ballots, making voting records public, and requiring elected officials’ oaths of office to be written and signed. Avoid the problem of poll taxes by providing free identification documents wherever voting requires identification. Limit senators to two consecutive terms, and House members to four consecutive terms. Redistrict or prosecute candidates for having permanent residences outside their districts. Allow felons to vote in federal elections.

Reduce the size of the federal workforce by at least 30%, by shrinking and eliminating between four and seven departments. Reduce the number of federal contractors by between 220,000 and 250,000. Repeal the federal minimum wage. If major budget cuts can't be made - and / or unconstitutional departments aren't shrunk or abolished – consider reducing compensation and / or benefits for federal workers in core civilian departments. Reduce the salaries of federal legislators by between 50% and 80% and curtail their pension, insurance, physical protection, and other benefits. Provide health care and insurance, and paid family leave to federal employees, ensuring gender pay parity. Allow federal workers to self-direct their retirement plans. Protect visitation and bereavement rights of federal workers in homosexual unions. Amend the Constitution to allow federal legislators to be charged with felonies.

Increasing the minimum wage only serves to increase unemployment rolls and decrease labor force participation, and increase prices on consumer goods by fueling the cycle of price inflation. Repeal federal minimum wage laws, but do not prohibit states nor localities from passing local minimum wage laws. Make minimum wage increases unnecessary by reducing consumer prices and increasing purchasing power; by (1) decreasing income taxes, (2) decreasing sales taxes and tariffs, (3) stabilizing the currency through enforcing constitutional legal tender laws and fixing the budget deficit to reduce inflation, (4) limiting intellectual property protections, and (5) ceasing to tax charity and ending regulatory interference in mutual aid. Urge businesses and unions to remove limits on wages and raises in contract negotiations.

Scale back the federal role in protecting the rights of workers not employed by the federal government. Devolve most labor issues to states, urging them to protect concerted activity in the workplace, and to consider lowering the vote requirements necessary to prompt negotiation. Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act so as to allow wildcat and sympathy strikes. Repeal the Wagner Act in order to: (1) end the free-rider problem; (2) end compulsory representation of workers by their workplaces’ established union; and (3) help make dual, plural, and minority unionism – and members-only collective bargaining – more common. Urge states to require union-shop and closed-shop workplaces to inform prospective employees that they will be required to join a union. Oppose a national Right to Work amendment, but do not prohibit states from passing Right to Work laws. Remove taxpayer supports for businesses in order to make consumer boycotts effective and possible.

Abolish the Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration. Allow states to govern intrastate manufacturing. Urge the states to halt grants of limited liability to new corporations; either through abolishing their secretary of states’ offices, and / or by revoking the power of the state to issue new business charters. Urge businesses to form independent business alliances, divesting funds and membership from lobbying agencies acting as chambers of commerce. Consider radical privatization, mutualization, and privatization to the third sector as alternatives to privatization, public-private partnerships, and “independent” private organizations. Dismantle artificial privileges for small business and large corporations alike (including subsidies, tax credits, trade promotions, intellectual property protections, etc.). End bailouts, and end government-supervised restructuring that empowers bureaucrats and big consulting firms.

37. JOBS

Increase the availability of jobs by: (1) reforming and loosening occupational licensing standards for lower-skilled jobs, (2) reducing costs and fees for such licenses, (3) encouraging states to implement waiver programs so that high schoolers can acquire somewhat hazardous skills without the school facing threats of lawsuits, and (4) lowering or removing wage minimums. Urge states to expand occupational safety and health protections; and to expand job training and apprenticeship programs, and access to technical schools. Urge states and financial firms to explore zero-interest and zero-collateral business lending.

Prosecute Treasury Department officials and stop bank bailouts. Audit the 2007-08 Wall Street bailouts (and do not rule out prosecution); also audit the restructuring and contracts thereto. Don’t reinstate Glass-Steagall, nor tax Wall Street speculation; instead, insulate the public from the ill effects of risky investment decisions by either abolishing the F.D.I.C., or significantly decreasing limits on the quantity of commercial assets that it can insure. Abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; empower consumers to make decisions about financial products instead of risking moral hazard. Stop securitizing bad loans, and foster a regulatory environment conducive to independent credit rating. Allow citizens to save and invest money in offshore bank accounts; encourage all states to end tax havens by lowering taxes on productive behavior.

Support competition, and the openness and interconnectedness of markets. Engage in free trade with all nations; do not implement sanctions, but do not interfere with boycotts nor divestments. Make boycott- and divestment – and, if necessary, arms embargoes against foreign countries and militias – possible, and options for dealing with the Saudis, Egypt, Cuba, Iran, China, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel, and Palestine. Allow states to govern intrastate manufacturing; but empower the federal government to keep trade regular, open, and free. Do not allow states to tax, nor prohibit, out-of-state products such as alcohol. N.A.F.T.A., C.A.F.T.A., G.A.T.T., and T.P.P. don’t go far enough to support real free trade, and free trade should not need a treaty. Withdraw from the World Trade Organization. Eliminate tariffs instead of trying to punish foreign producers by increasing them; this only excuses increased exploitation of foreign labor in order to offset the costs of the tariffs, making imported goods more expensive for American consumers and businesses in the process. Caution the Senate against transferring too much trade negotiation authority to the executive. Amend the T.P.P.’s Trade Secrets provisions so as to limit intellectual property protections. On Cuba, re-establish diplomatic relations, and maintain trade relations; while advocating for fair elections, more humane labor, and freer trade. Do not require any company to station its headquarters in the U.S., nor to save nor invest in the U.S.. Do not allow businesses nor investors to sue governments for compensation due to loss of possible future profits due to regulations.

Less protection of I.P. means lower consumer prices on medications and other products. Reform patent law to stop protecting mere applications of laws of physics (as opposed to actual discoveries), and shorten the duration of government protection of intellectual property (patents, copyrights, and trademarks). Oppose attempts to pass legislation similar to S.O.P.A., P.I.P.A., C.I.S.P.A., and A.C.T.A.. Stop prosecuting internet file-sharing and music sampling.

Until major tax reform can be undertaken, tax all current sources at the same flat rate. Cut federal income taxes to between 12.5% and 14.5% within several years. If abolishing income taxation proves impractical and / or unpopular – or other tax revenue sources cannot be phased out – then pass an amendment formally authorizing personal income taxation, and either extend the Earned Income Tax Credit, and / or pass a Negative Income Tax. In order to lower consumer prices, reduce and abolish sales taxes, luxury taxes, and import tariffs. Reduce and abolish taxes on investment (capital gains and dividends), and taxes on inheritance (the death tax / estate tax). In the long term, aim to fund government only through $400 billion in user fees; unknown amounts of voluntary contributions; and a full Land Value Tax. A 14% annual Land Value Tax at the federal level would balance the budget, while states would need an average of 0.5%. The “Single Tax” on land includes fees paid to the community for natural resource extraction; and fines on pollution, land neglect, and land value and size.

Avoid debt ceiling increases and credit rating downgrades by getting the debt and deficit under control as soon as possible. Prioritize spending cuts over revenue increases, and efficiency streamlining over cuts to services. Pass a Cut-Cap-and-Balance bill – and / or a Balanced Budget Amendment – or any legislation requiring that the budget be balanced through at least $7 of cuts in spending for every $1 of new revenues raised. Aim to reduce federal spending by between $1.25 and $1.75 trillion, resulting in an annual federal budget of between $2.15 and $2.65 trillion. Adopt zero-base budgeting, and move more programs and spending from mandatory and emergency categories to the discretionary budget. Encourage executive and congressional budget estimates to report major fiscal exposure and unfunded future liabilities when reporting debt. Pay back domestic and foreign debt at equal rates, and increase payments. Eliminate pork barrel spending and regional subsidies, cutting total aid to states by between 30% and 35%. Do not cut the Smithsonian Institute, national monument services, nor White House tours; unless major budget cuts cannot be made.

Audit the private Federal Reserve System, and abolish it by repealing the Federal Reserve Act. Exert congressional control over monetary policy, return to constitutional currency, and make money redeemable in precious metals. Audit the gold reserves at Fort Knox. End Quantitative Easing, fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking; and stop hypocritically accusing other countries of practicing currency manipulation. Promote experimentation in backing money with energy and natural resources. Allow competition in currency; by local currencies, e-currencies, association currencies, and mutuum checks. Withdraw from the International Monetary Fund and end Special Drawing Rights.

Achieve fiscal solvency for the U.S. Postal Service, first by addressing retirement funding. Formally allow competition in letter delivery by repealing the Postal Express statutes. Repeal laws exempting the Postal Service from taxes, regulations, and prosecution. Stop abusing the Post Roads clause to justify such widespread federal involvement in transportation.

Repeal federal anti-gambling laws; allow states to govern gambling. Support union negotiation rights for athletes attending federally funded universities. Urge states not to build stadiums with taxpayer funds. Do not hold any additional congressional hearings on doping in sports. If and when the U.S. hosts the Olympics, take caution not to displace poor and homeless populations; and not to abuse police powers, nor display disproportionate force, nor police brutality, in the course of enforcing the law and administering security at the games. Do not use the Olympics as an excuse to displace the poor, beef up security and surveillance, and allow politicians and private interests to set up profitable land development deals.

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...