Sunday, December 6, 2015

On Restoring American Sovereignty by Withdrawing from the United Nations

Originally Written on January 13th, 2011
As “Continued U.S. Membership in the United Nations
vs. the Restoration of American Sovereignty”

Edited on December 6th, 2015

I support ongoing attempts [rather, efforts] by Texas Representative Ron Paul[,] and an unfortunately infinitesimal enumeration of his Republican colleagues in the House[,] to pen and pass an American Sovereignty Restoration Act, the most recent iteration of which was House Resolution 1146, proposed during the 111th Congress.
The legislation was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs (formerly known as the Committee on International Relations) on February 24th, 2009, but failed to receive significant support, and died in committee. It has also been referred to the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights. Similar legislation authored by Representative Paul once garnered eighteen co-sponsors, and at a 2007 event in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Representative Paul was applauded for voicing his support of withdrawal from the United Nations.
The specific language contained in the most recent iteration of the bill would repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Act of 1946; the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act of 1947; and the United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973.
The legislation would effectively end U.S. membership in the U.N.. It would also direct the [p]resident to terminate U.S. participation in the U.N. and its affiliated agencies, commissions, and bodies; mandate that the U.N. cease to occupy and use all U.S. Government property and facilities; require closure of the U.S. Mission to the U.N.; repeal U.S. participation in the World Health Organization; and bar U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command.
Additionally, the act would prohibit the authorization of funds for U.S. contribution to the United Nations and / or its military operations, and the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation.
The U.N. Participation Act was ratified and signed without [c]onstitutional authority because U.S. government officials only have authority to sign treaties between sovereign and independent nations, and not to subordinate the American people to the U.N. Charter, which is not a treaty but an illegitimate constitution.
The U.N. Security Council has been utilized by past presidents to bypass congressional authority in order to deploy U.S. Armed Forces. Free speech and the right to bear arms are constitutionally protected freedoms which may be obliterated by encroachment by the United Nations. Also, the imposition of global standards of economic and social justice by international agencies and tribunals is undesirable. The United States funds an entire fifth of the U.N.’s budget, and recently, an attempt was made to halve U.S. monetary contribution to that body.
As of 2006, 26% of the American public favored withdrawal from the U.N., and only 31% of Americans had a favorable opinion of that body. Withdrawal has more Republican support, especially by independent Republicans, than Democratic support.

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