A BLOG ABOUT INDEPENDENT POLITICS, POLITICAL ETHICS, ECONOMICS, AND ANARCHISM. Political theory, U.S. politics & election statistics, the political spectrum, constitutional law & civil liberties, civil rights & interstate commerce, taxation & monetary policy, health care & insurance law, labor law & unions, unemployment & wages, homelessness, international relations, religion, technology; alternatives to the state
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Categories of Goods: Rivalry and Excludability
Image created in June 2014.
Comments written in August 2014.
Edited in December 2014.
In order to ensure the widest
possible distribution of the basic elements of nature and of life to
all, we must revive the Commons. We must ensure common, shared, and
fair and equal access to the basic elements of nature (land, water,
and air) and the creatures and environmental processes which fuel and
are fueled by them (wild game, fishing, irrigation, agriculture and
pastures, forestry and timber, and mineral resources). The Commons
and the people must not exclude anyone from accessing these
resources, and the Commons should be free to punish those who attempt
to exclude others from them.
In order to ensure the widest
possible distribution of personally possessed tradeable goods, we
must perfect the Private Sector. We must perfect and complete the
Private system of market-oriented distribution, in order to leave
markets for finished capital goods which are possessed personally
(food, clothing, cars, gasoline, newspapers, and electronics). We
must ensure that these goods are treated as personal possessions, and
never re-appropriated or confiscated on the false premise that they are private
property in the means of production.
In order to ensure the widest
possible distribution of goods obtained by groups through compensated
access, we must perfect the Club Sector. We must ensure that pay
websites exist alongside the open internet, and that pay-per-view
cable and satellite television exist alongside broadcast networks.
Cinemas are to be treated as club goods. Social services and parks
are to be treated as Club goods, rather than Public goods. Clubs must
be free to set reasonable membership and use fees, and free to
exclude and penalize attempts to free-ride.
In order to ensure the widest
possible distribution of goods obtained by groups, we must perfect
and purify the Public Sector. We must ensure that the open-access,
peer-to-peer internet does not become subsumed by for-pay websites,
and likewise that pay-per-view television does not take over all
television broadcasting. Radio, broadcast television, and the open
internet should be regulated in an open and transparent manner - by a
government of, by, and for the people. - and provided voluntarily
through charitable giving and labor. The same goes for national
defense, and operation of lighthouses and street lights. The Public
Sector must not attempt to exclude anyone from accessing these
resources, and remain free to punish anyone who attempts to exclude
others from them.
Thanks to Peter Bjorn Hansen for his assistance.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
On Reviving the International Brotherhood Welfare Association
The International Brotherhood Welfare Association (I.B.W.A.) was a mutual aid society for traveling workers (commonly referred to as “hoboes”) which existed from 1905 to the early- to mid- 1920s.
was less radical and less numerous than the Industrial Workers of the
World (I.W.W.; the Wobblies), the largest union in America before the
rise of the American Federation of Labor (later the A.F.L.-C.I.O.). Although the I.B.W.A. was supportive of the I.W.W., they remained
separate, and the I.B.W.A. survived multiple failed attempts by the
I.W.W. to take it over.
1907, founder James Eads How, the “Millionaire Hobo”, told the
New York Times that he wanted to make hoboes “not only better
citizens, but better 'hoboes', and I want the public to appreciate
what the 'beat' is, what his rights are, and how he should be looked
in the Midwest United States, the I.B.W.A. had a presence in about
twenty cities. I.B.W.A. centers, called “hobo colleges”, were
meeting places that offered hot meals, shelter, and education. These centers "graduated" hoboes.
covered at these “colleges” ranged from philosophy to literature
to religion, with lectures given by street orators and academics
alike; as well as social science, industrial law, vagrancy laws,
public speaking, job searching, the eight-hour work-day, pensions,
unemployment, and disease awareness.
to sociologist Nels Anderson, the goals of the I.B.W.A. were to
“bring together the unorganized workers … co-operate with persons
and organizations who desire to better social conditions … utilize
unused land and machinery in order to provide work for the unemployed
… furnish medical, legal, and other aid to its members … organize
the unorganized and assist them in obtaining work at remunerative
wages and transportation when required … educate the public mind to
the right of collective ownership in production and distribution …
[and] bring about the scientific, industrial, intellectual, moral and
spiritual development of the masses”.
the interest of raising awareness of (and promoting solutions to)
homelessness – and in the interest of ameliorating the problems of
temporary homelessness, unemployment, income disparity, lack of
education, lack of marketable skills, and lack of knowledge about
legal rights on the job site – I would urge Portland
Rescue Mission, Transition Projects Inc., Right 2 Dream Too, and
other homeless charities to look into continuing to expand the
variety of the services which they provide, or at least to consult
with other local homeless charities which could be better equipped to
provide the space necessary to hold large events.
homeless people gathered under one roof – not just to eat, sleep,
find housing and work opportunities, and to receive religious
ministry (as they do at the Portland Rescue Mission), and not only to
do laundry and to get lockers and IDs (as they do at Transition
Projects, Inc.) – but in order to do all
of the above,
in addition to learning
about how to survive in Portland, the local job scene, and local
social services.
Imagine professors of labor law, representatives from
unions such as the I.W.W. and the S.E.I.U. (Service Employees
International Union), labor rights advocacy organizations such as Portland Solidarity Network and local affiliates of O.S.H.A. (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and staffing and consulting agencies and
members of green and sustainable business alliances, teaching homeless people about
workers' rights and how to get jobs in the area, and teaching them
marketable skills. Imagine professors of philosophy, literature,
theology, and law at Portland State University or Portland Community
College teaching homeless people such advanced knowledge.
Imagine Food Not Bombs coordinating with local food
banks to help homeless people find donated food around the city more
easily. Imagine an issue of Street Roots that contains a map and time
schedule of free meals, that anyone can go to simply by looking up
the day of the week and the time.
imagine putting the able-bodied homeless and unemployed back to work
restoring and beautifying the urban environment, by coordinating activity
between landscaping companies, staffing agencies, homeless charities,
green and sustainable business alliances, community land trusts, community gardening
groups, college urban farming apprenticeship programs, the Master Recycler Program, and groups for the elderly and veterans (such as retirement communities; fraternal orders and lodges; and local affiliates of A.A.R.P., the Veterans' Administration, and Veterans for Peace).
revived mutual aid society like the one I am proposing should promote
the idea of a “hobo” as a traveling worker,
and remind people that all working
people travel; hence the need for services like The Portland Loo
downtown, accessible to all people,
regardless of whether they're experiencing homelessness.
is essential to get people to realize that homelessness can happen to
them. Anyone can become homeless overnight, and from a distance it is
difficult to even tell the difference between the working poor and
the non-working poor. It is time for
charity organizations in Portland to set the national standard for
helping the poor; reviving the I.B.W.A., and improving coordination
across agencies that provide different types of services to the
homeless and poor.
The various homeless charities in Portland should give
homeless people the same opportunities that people in prison have:
the opportunity to learn marketable job skills, and even to earn a
degree. Billboards around the city urging an end to “petlessness”
and “plant homelessness” only contribute to distraction from (and
commercialization of) the homelessness issue, and to the public
perception of the homeless as animals and non-native invasive
species (which is apparent in the way pets and plants are advertised around the city).
For more information, please visit the following link and go to Section VI.:
See also the following links on the history of the I.B.W.A.:
Video about history of Reitman, How, I.B.W.A., hobo colleges, College of Complexes:
Ben Reitman:
James Eads How, "the millionaire hobo":
College of Complexes founder Slim Brundage:
For more information, please visit the following link and go to Section VI.:
See also the following links on the history of the I.B.W.A.:
Video about history of Reitman, How, I.B.W.A., hobo colleges, College of Complexes:
Ben Reitman:
James Eads How, "the millionaire hobo":
College of Complexes founder Slim Brundage:
Written and Published on June 10th, 2014
Links Added on June 11th, 2019
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Minimum Wage Recommendations for Each State
Statistics estimated, estimates based on
statistics from the H.U.D. and the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(number of minimum wage hours worked per week
necessary to afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment
and spending 30% of monthly income on rent)
More information available here:
The Political Spectrum of Symbols: The Piano Model
1-A. Monarchism
1-B. Christian Communism
1-C. ?
1-D. Hitlerist National Socialism
1-E. ?
1-F. Progressive Corporat(iv)ism
1-G. American National Socialism
1-H. U.S. Tea Party Caucus
1-J. U.S. Constitution Party
2-A. Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism
2-B. National Communism
2-C. ?
2-D. Mussolinian Fascism
2-E. ?
2-F. (T.) Rooseveltian Bull Moose Progressivism
2-G. U.S. Republican Party
2-H. U.S. Libertarian Conservatism
2-J. American Freedom Party (formerly American Third Position Party)
3-A. Marxism-Leninism
3-B. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
3-C. Strasserist National Socialism (and Black Front)
3-D. Authoritarian Social Democracy
3-E. ?
3-F. U.S. Democratic Party
3-G. U.S. Reform Party
3-H. Voluntaryism
3-J. ?
4-A. Communist Party U.S.A.
4-B. Socialism
4-C. Nationalist Social Democracy
4-D. Social Democracy
4-E. Libertarian Social Democracy
4-F. ?
4-G. U.S. Democratic Freedom Caucus
4-H. Rothbardianism (and Thick Libertarianism)
4-J. Objectivism (Ayn Rand)
5-A. Trotskyism (and Fourth International)
5-B. (International) Socialist Party
5-C. ?
5-D. Market Socialism
5-E. Center
5-F. U.K. Liberal Democrats
5-G. U.S. Justice Party
5-H. U.S. Libertarian Party
5-J. Minarchist Libertarianism (Jan Helfeld)
6-A. (International) Communist Party
6-B. U.S. Socialist Equality Party
6-C. U.S. Freedom Socialist Party
6-D. ?
6-E. U.S. Green Party
6-F. ?
6-G. U.S. Green Tea Coalition
6-H. Free State Project (New Hampshire, U.S.)
6-J. Emer de Vattel (Social-Contractarian Nationalist Voluntaryism)
7-A. Makhnovism (National-Autonomist Anarcho-Communism)
7-B. U.S. Socialist Party
7-C. Bakuninism
7-D. Minarchist Mutualism (Anarchist Federation)
7-E. U.S. Peace and Freedom Party
7-F. U.S.A. Parliament
7-G. (International) Pirate Party
7-H. Voluntaryism (Lysander Spooner)
7-J. Right-Libertarianism (Walter Block)
8-A. Anarchist Communism
8-B. Minarchist Syndicalism (I.W.W.)
8-C. Voluntary Collectivism (Kropotkin)
8-D. Federative (Proudhonian) Mutualism
8-E. Georgism, Geolibertarianism
8-F. ?
8-G. Left-Wing Libertarianism (Kevin Carson)
8-H. Market Anarchism
8-J. Panarchism
9-A. Collectivist Anarchism
9-B. Anarcho-Syndicalism
9-C. Mutualist Anarcho-Syndicalism
9-D. Confederative Mutualist Anarchism
9-E. Green Anarchism, Geo-Anarchism
9-F. Direct Democracy
9-G. Egoist Unionism (Max Stirner)
9-H. Agorism
9-J. National-Anarchism
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