Monday, March 18, 2013

Market Anarchy "Without Adjectives"

Market Anarchy Without Adjectives is a strain of radical anti-Statist anarchism, panarchism, and market anarchism. M.A.W.A. is also a strain of Anarchism Without Adjectives in that it promotes co-existence of different anarchist schools [collectivist, communalist, syndicalist, cooperativist, mutualist, geoist, left-libertarian, individualist, market-oriented, etc.].

M.A.W.A. is informed by anarcho-syndicalist Rudolf Rocker's understanding of the various anarchist schools of thought as "only different methods of economy". M.A.W.A. contends that each of these economic formulations of anarchism is a model for the organization not only of political institutions / associations, but also communities, and enterprises / firms.

M.A.W.A. asserts that adherents of these schools of thought, should form personal and property protection (and defense, and other) agencies, and perfectly compete (and engage in "co-opetition") in freed, fair, and complete markets for governance, in order to provide better services to consumers of defense (etc.), and to diminish the power of monopolies (especially in defense and property protection).

M.A.W.A. endorses the left-Rothbardian idea of "markets, not capitalism" (Gary Chartier and Charles W. Johnson), and the notion that the various economic strains of anarchism should compete in a "market for liberty" (Linda and Morris Tannehill). M.A.W.A. promotes the idea that all resources be allocated to the public by freely, fairly, and amicably competing agorists, freelancers, entrepreneurs, mutuals, co-operatives, communes, anti-establishment unions, syndicates, and egalitarian labor-managed firms.

M.A.W.A. is informed by adjectiveless and insurrectionary anarchist Errico Malatesta's having said "Imposed communism would be... tyranny... And free and voluntary communism is ironical if one [lacks] the right... to live in a different regime... collectivist, mutualist, individualist... as one wishes, always on condition that there is no oppression or exploitation of others".

M.A.W.A. supports Distributist G.K. Chesterton's idea that "too much capitalism" indicates that not enough market participants are "capitalists", and recommends that anarchists use non-State-assisted tactics to out-compete the State to provide the people with capital, access to the means of production, and the means of subsistence, as well as to re-appropriate expropriated wealth and authority from the State.

M.A.W.A. supports individual consumer choice, perfected competition and freed and completed markets, and free fair trade. Although M.A.W.A. is in favor of markets, it does not oppose or exclude anarchists or radicals of the left. The contributions of Otto Bauer, Rudolf Rocker, Errico Malatesta, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, and others, are indispensable to M.A.W.A.'s politicoeconomic theory.

M.A.W.A. endorses counter-economics, direct action, mutual aid, and Gary Chartier's market-oriented approach to redistribution (elimination of privilege, freeing the market, acts of solidarity, radical rectification of State theft, and radical homesteading).

M.A.W.A. supports market-oriented redistribution that takes into account the history of past aggression against people from any and all demographic backgrounds, especially aggression by governments that displace nations of people from their native lands.

Panarchists are against nation-States, but not against nationalism as a social concept. M.A.W.A. endorses the notion that there should be redistribution which is neither solely nor chiefly based on race, ethnicity, or nation of origin; nor on the "nations" of people of different creeds, genders, sexual orientations, educations, skill-levels, and abilities.

Panarchists reject the three characteristics of Statism identified (but not enumerated) by Max Weber: territorial integrity, monopoly (and oligopoly), and the legitimacy of violence. They instead promote polyopoly (openness and diversity in competition), open "borders", and non-initiation of unauthorized intervention into people's disputes and affairs. M.A.W.A. asserts that a negation of the State as Weber sees it, would be compatible with the “National Personal Autonomy” of Austromarxist Otto Bauer, who said “the personal principle wants to organize persons not in territorial bodies, but in simple associations.”

M.A.W.A. opposes Tripartism (a fusion of Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Corporatism, in which States, businesses, and labor organizations jointly intervene in the economy); it opposes the collusion of exploitative capitalism with overly-conciliatory establishmentarian labor unions and government, to provide a "level playing field for capital and labor" through imposing coercive taxation on consumers whom would otherwise choose who protects them and arbitrates their disputes from among various providers

M.A.W.A. is open to synthesis-anarchist thought, as well as the full expression of each individual school of thought in voluntary anarchist experiments.

Anarchy Without Adjectives flag symbol designed by Joe Kopsick,
circular versions designed by Crizzle of Crizzle's Buttons, based on Joe Kopsick's design

For more entries on enterprise, business, business alliance, and markets, please visit:

For more entries on theory of government, please visit:

Written and Published in March 2013,
Edited in November 2014

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