Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Six Justice Markets of Agorism

 The general goal of Agorist critique of the modern State is to determine the necessary functions of government. The general goal of Agorist theory is to envision how the institutions which perform these functions may be replaced and / or overtaken by competing syndicates of companies / agencies.

      There are six general types of justice markets which exist in organized civic society:
(Note: Konkin identified four)

1) Personal security (defense)
[militias and military under Statism]
2) Detention and arrest
       [police under Statism]
3) Detective and investigative
       [police under Statism]
4) Dispute-resolution (arbitration and adjudication)
       [civil and criminal court systems under Statism]
5) Restitution
       [civil court systems under Statism]
6) Property protection (insurance)
       [insurance agencies under Statism]

The basic idea is to have insurance agencies negotiate with and / or sue one another when insured people wrong one another. The insurance companies would more or less become a type of government in and of themselves.

The premium rates on such insurance would reflect each insurance agency’s past measures of success in providing restitution to victims when their freedom from coercion is violated.

This stands in stark contrast to today's system of international credit and lending, in which the interest rates with which bankers loan money to Statist countries appear to be based on the ability of the governments of each countries to effectively and efficiently wage war against one another, and to violate their inhabitants' freedom from coercion (i.e., by taxing, regulating, and jailing them irresponsibly).

For more entries on justice, crime, and punishment, please visit:

For more entries on enterprise, business, business alliance, and markets, please visit:

For more entries on social services, public planning, and welfare, please visit:

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