Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Which Members of the Trump, Pritzker, and Rothschild Families Appear in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book?

      The following images were taken from the 95-page version of Jeffrey Epstein's personal book of contacts (dubbed his "Black Book"), a document that was dated 2004-2005.

     Link to the redacted version of the Epstein black book, on DocumentCloud.org:



     That document became publicly accessible after Epstein allegedly lost it on the street in New York City in 1997.

     [Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-other-little-black-book-2021-6]

     [Author's Note: The source above contains a searchable database of the entries in a 92-page version of the black book, but the full article database search feature are only available with a subscription to BusinessInsider.com. There are websites - such as www.printfriendly.com - that allow users to copy and paste links, to read full articles without subscriptions, but that method does not allow access to the searchable database. Please e-mail me at jwkopsick@gmail.com if you would like me to e-mail you the file.]



     Below you will see pages 50, 53, and 59 of the 95-page black book PDF. On those pages, several members of the Trump family, the Pritzker family (who own the Hyatt chain of hotels), and the influential Jewish banking dynasty the de Rothschilds, are found:

p. 50

p. 53

p. 59

Click on images, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Here is a list of all the members of the Pritzker family whom are listed in Epstein's black book:


     - Pritzker, Nick

     - Pritzker, Thomas

     Here is a list of all the members of the Rothschild family whom are listed in Epstein's black book:


     - Rothschild, Edouard de

     - Rothschild, Evelyn de

     Here is a list of all the members of the Trump family whom are listed in Epstein's black book:

      - Trump, Blaine & Robert

     - Trump, Ivana

     - Trump, Ivanka




    Note: Donald Trump does not appear in the Epstein black book; nor do Bill and Hillary Clinton. However, Bill Clinton’s name appears in the flight logs of the Lolita Express 26 times. It is not clear whether Trump’s name appears in the Epstein flight logs.




Written and published on August 29th, 2023.

Edited on August 30th and December 11th, 2023.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Is Paul Dead?: Four People Who Looked Enough Like Paul McCartney to Have Replaced Him


Click on image, and open in new tab and/or window,
and/or download, in order to see in full resolution

Image created and published on August 21st, 2023.

Based on research conducted in September 2021.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Which Members of the Kennedy-Shriver-Radziwill-Cuomo Family Appear in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book?

1. Kennedys in the Epstein Black Book

      The following images were taken from the 95-page version of Jeffrey Epstein's personal book of contacts (dubbed his "Black Book"), a document that was dated 2004-2005.

     Link to the redacted version of the Epstein black book, on DocumentCloud.org:

     That document became publicly accessible after Epstein allegedly lost it on the street in New York City in 1997.
     [Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-other-little-black-book-2021-6]
     [Author's Note: The source above contains a searchable database of the entries in a 92-page version of the black book, but the full article database search feature are only available with a subscription to BusinessInsider.com. There are websites - such as www.printfriendly.com - that allow users to copy and paste links, to read full articles without subscriptions, but that method does not allow access to the searchable database. Please e-mail me at jwkopsick@gmail.com if you would like me to e-mail you the file.]

     Below you will see pages 35, 51, and 54 of the 95-page black book PDF. On those pages, several members of the extended Kennedy family - including members of the Shriver and Radziwill branches of the family - are found:


p. 35

p. 51

p. 54

Click on images, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Here is a list of all the members of the Kennedy, Shriver, Radziwill, and Cuomo families whom are listed in Epstein's black book [note: all names transcribed directly from source text, with typographical errors included]:

     - Kennedy, Bobby (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.; son of John F. Kennedy’s brother Robert F. Kennedy; listed under "Bobby & Mary")

     - Kennedy, Mary (presumably Mary Richardson Kennedy)

     - Kennedy, Senator Edward (U.S. Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, known as “Ted / Teddy”)

     - Kennedy Jr, Ted (Edward Moore Kennedy Jr., son of Teddy Kennedy)

     - Kennedy, Ethel (widow of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

     - Kennedy, Jo (possibly Joseph Patrick Kennedy III, born in 1980)

     - Kennedy Cuomo, Kerry (former wife of Andrew Cuomo, listed under “Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry")

     - Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew (former Governor of New York, son of Mario Cuomo; listed under “Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry")

     - Radziwill, Carole (widow of Anthony Radziwill; journalist, appeared on “Real Housewives”)

     - Shriver, Maria (daughter of John F. Kennedy’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, former wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger)

     - Shriver, Bobby (son of Maria Shriver)

2. Kennedys in the Epstein Flight Logs

     Below, you will see an image I assembled, based on page 26 of the 118-page Epstein flight logs document, which was released in United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell. This document shows that "Bobby Kennedy" (presumably Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the only adult named "Bobby Kennedy" in politics at that time) - and "Bobby Kennedy III" (presumably R.F.K. Jr.'s son) - flew on Epstein's plane "the Lolita Express" on February 17th and 28th, 1994.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Below you will see the original, unaltered Page 26 of that 118-page document.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or new window,
and download if necessary, to see in full resolution.

     Page 1 of that document labels the document as "Government Exhibit 662 -RR" / "S2 20 Cr. 330 (AJN)".
     That document is publicly visible at the following address:     

Written and published on August 19th, 2023.

Originally published under the title
"Which Members of the Kennedy-Shriver-Radziwill Family
Appear in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book?".

Title changed on August 25th, 2023.

Edited and expanded on August 30th, 2023.

Contains an image previously published in my August 3rd, 2023 article
"Eleven Things Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Got Wrong About the Israeli-Arab Conflict
in His Interview with Jimmy Dore".

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Eleven Things That Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Got Wrong About the Israeli-Arab Conflict, in His Interview with Jimmy Dore

     On Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show, hosted by comedian-turned-podcaster Jimmy Dore.
     In that interview, Kennedy defended his so-called "unconditional" support of the State of Israel, while making a few minor concessions regarding the crimes committed by the Israelis.
     Kennedy made several inaccurate and/or incomplete statements during that interview.

     During the interview, Dore confessed that he was "not the smartest person" to "push back against" what Kennedy was saying. But Dore invited Kennedy to debate Max Blumenthal (a journalist of Jewish heritage whose father served in the Clinton Administration) on the topic of the Israeli-Arab and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
     Since the mainstream media are currently smearing Kennedy as an anti-Semite (over his comments about Covid-19 and Anne Frank), it seems unlikely that the debate between Kennedy and Blumenthal will ever happen.
     That's why I would like to take this opportunity to clear-up a few of the things Kennedy said that were inaccurate.

     You can watch the Israel-Palestine segment, from that interview, at the following address:

     1. Although the Jews were obviously aligned against the Nazis, it's unfair of R.F.K. to conclude that the Jews were "on the side of the Allies" completely. That’s because, in 1947-48, during the War of Independence, the Jews kicked the British and Palestinians off Israeli land, at the same time.


     2. While R.F.K. was correct that the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine would have given the Arabs four-fifths of the land, most of that land was desert. That plan was not unfair to the Jews; that deal offered Jews plenty of good land.


     3. R.F.K. said the Arabs kicked Jews out (which is true), but also that the Jews didn’t kick all the Arabs out. The reason Israel didn't kick the Arabs out, in 1947-48, is because there were (and still are) so many Arabs there, that they couldn't possibly kick them all out. The Israelis did, however, make significant efforts to kick them out, including forcing 700,000 Arabs out in 1947-48, including “driving them into the sea” and onto boats, in an event known to Arabs as the nakba (“catastrophe”). The phrase “driving them into the sea” is now used against Arabs, to stoke fears that they will destroy Israeli civilization.


     4. R.F.K. rightfully says "Palestinian children are taught that it's okay to kill Jews". That’s true, but R.F.K. failed to mention that: 1) Palestinians have been under siege for nearly four generations, so they don’t need to be taught racist attitudes in order to find out who is responsible for bombing and imprisoning them; and 2) plenty of Israeli children are taught that it's okay to kill Arabs. Abby Martin can confirm just how many Israelis think it’s not only fine to kill Arabs, and many even seem to think that it is a laughing matter.


     5. R.F.K. rightfully criticized the killing of individual Jewish people by Palestinians. But he neglected to mention that a reason why Palestinians kill individual Jews, instead of bombing Israeli military targets (to comport with the rules of war), is because choosing Israeli military targets would be insane, due to the totally disparate levels of military technology and capability possessed by the two sides. Taking out an Israeli military base would get Arabs carpet-bombed. It would be a self-genocide mission.


     6. R.F.K. said that it is wrong to bomb non-military targets, but he also admitted that Israel has a policy that they will dig under sites being used as Palestinian militant positions. The reason why Palestinians take refuge in schools, mosques, and hospitals, is not because they are trying to make their children and sick people into human shields. It is because they are praying that the Israelis will not be so inhumane as to resort to bombing them even in their schools, mosques, and hospitals. A person only looks like a human shield if you're already willing to shoot at him. It is regrettable that the Arabs keep munitions in these places, but that is what is necessary for their self-defense, because the Israelis are willing to bomb any and all locations which could ever potentially be used for “military purposes” (i.e., self-defense).


     7. R.F.K. claimed that “Gaza isn't occupied; it's under self-rule". That is not true. In 2006, Hamas won elections in Gaza, after being encouraged by the Israelis to run in Palestinian Authority elections. Then the Israelis prevented those Hamas members from taking their oaths of office and their seats, and now considers Hamas a terrorist organization. That is not what self-rule looks like. Also, Gaza is surrounded by a fortified perimeter with razor-wire-topped fences and guard towers. Snipers with the I.D.F. (Israeli Defense Forces) will often shoot at children who come "too close" to those perimeter fences. And Gaza is not allowed sea access, because it’s under blockade. And it’s rarely allowed access to Egypt over land. So it is pretty much an isolated country, like North Korea. No country can be sovereign or self-sufficient which has practically no contact with the outside world. The fact that Israeli troops are not patrolling Gazan streets, does not make the Gaza Strip any less "occupied".


     8. When asked about the Gaza Strip, R.F.K. said "Why doesn't Jordan open itself up to the Palestinians?". Jordan is not connected to Gaza. Jordan opening itself up, would only help the people in the West Bank; it would not help anybody in Gaza.


     9. R.F.K. argued that Arabs can visit the Temple Mount, but Jews are not allowed to, therefore Arabs have more rights. That is not true, because: 1) The Jordanian Islamic Waqf owns that site, and it's allowed to set the rules; 2) Jews obey those rules because there are Arab as well as Judaic rules in place which are designed to protect the holiest sites from being trod on by the wrong people at the wrong times; and 3) a group of radical rabbis (associated with Machon Ha’Mikdash and the Temple Mount Faithful movement) ascended the Temple Mount illegally in the early 90s.


     10. R.F.K. seems to be trying to imply - without saying it directly - that the Arabs do not recognize the right of Jews to exist. But the Arab nations only reject the rights of Jews to exist as a state. Israel as a people (i.e., the Jewish people) has a right to exist. But Israel as a state (i.e., the Zionist imperialist Israeli statist government) does not have an inherent right to exist. Nations only have a right to exist if they do not start too many wars with their neighbors. Israel started all but like two of the wars they've been involved in. States do not have the right to exist. They are based on legitimized violence, and monopoly. If "the Arabs won't negotiate", then it’s because they are being forced to accept Israeli statehood, so no real free negotiation is possible, because one of the terms is non-negotiable. It wouldn’t be a huge challenge to get the Arabs to recognize the rights of Jews as a religion, a people, and a nation, because the Jews are those things, and they will always be those things. But there’s no need to intimidate the Arabs into endorsing a form of imperialist statehood that implicitly claims all the world’s Jews as its potential members, even if they have never visited the land. Jews believe they are protected by G-d, not by a king or a military. There is no need for a “Jewish state”, and various rabbis - such as Yoel and Moshe Teitelbaum, Yaakov Shapiro, Yisroel Dovid Weiss, and Elnahan Beck - have argued that the idea of Jewish sovereignty, without properly ordained rabbinic courts (Sanhedrin), is antithetical to Jewish teachings (specifically, the story of King Saul in the Book of Solomon). According to traditional “ultra-Orthodox” Jews, the Temple Mount is not supposed to be completely open to all Jews, until all people miraculously attain complete knowledge of G-d and His word, and join together in worship of YHWH. Secular liberal Jews who oppose Israeli apartheid do not make this argument, but it is true.


     11. R.F.K. said “Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians everything they wanted." That is not true because the Palestinians wanted Israel to stop being a state, and Barak did not offer the Palestinians this option. By the way, this is the same Ehud Barak who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. And R.F.K. allegedly flew on the Lolita Express on February 17th and 27th, 1994.

Click on image, and open in new tab and/or window,
and/or download if necessary, to see in full resolution

     [Post-Script / Author's Note:

     To see a video of Max Blumenthal debunking of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s talking points, on The Jimmy Dore Show, click on the link below:

     To read my commentary regarding several potential solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict, click on the link below, to read my August 2020 article "Why I Support Autonomy, But Not Statehood, for Palestinians":

Written and published on August 3rd, 2023.

Post-Script / Author's Note written and added on August 7th, 2023.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Speech to Public Officials in Lake Forest, Illinois, Regarding Child-Molesting Teachers and Other Corrupt Professionals in Lake County

            Thank you, Mr. Mayor,… esteemed members of the City Council.

            My name is Joseph Kopsick. I currently live in Waukegan, but for most of the first eighteen years of my life, I lived in Lake Bluff. I attended Lake Forest High School, graduating in 2005.

            My father is an attorney, a former member of the District 65 school board (in the 1990s), and served as president of the Lake County Bar Association for one year in the 2000s. In 1993, he defended a child molester in court for attempted rape of a 19-year-old. And in 1995 and 1996 – when I was eight and nine – my father molested and raped me multiple times.
            My father has a friend – an attorney based in Lake Forest – who grabbed my behind, and the behinds of other children, at his pool parties in the 1990s. He did this openly, while talking loudly about what he was doing – in full view of the other adults present – who did nothing about it, besides laugh, and continue drinking.

            But that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

            I rise, this evening, to bring your attention to a problem in this community which has gone unresolved for some time now. That problem is Dave Miller.
            You might have heard - within the last three years - that former L.F.H.S. theater director David Miller, was accused of sending inappropriate text messages to several teenage boys.
            Now, some of you might be thinking, “A child-molesting teacher? In my town? That can’t be; or else I would have heard something about it.” And why is that? Because you’ve heard of everything that has ever happened? Or because people enjoy talking about bad news?
            This is the “culture of silence” that allows child abuse to happen undetected and without consequences. If a problem is not pleasant to talk about, then we ignore it. And it festers.

            That’s why it should be no surprise to you, to discover that David Miller has been abusing teenage boys on and off since 1976. He has been allowed to sexually humiliate this community’s children for forty-seven years – more than two generations – without a single trial, and (evidently) without a single criminal charge, an arrest, or even one moment in jail.
            Not only did Miller admit that the texts he sent were inappropriate, but several boys were intimidated into saying that they were not; by an L.F.H.S. official whom I’d be glad to name (Jay Hoffmann).
            In 2019, Judge Joseph Salvi prevented those boys’ lawsuit from going forward, correctly applying Illinois’s Statute of Limitations on reporting child abuse after a certain amount of time (a statute which, of course, does not apply to litigants whom already got trials and lost them).

            But the story doesn’t end there.
            That’s because, in 2020 – thanks to a new law signed by Governor J.B. Pritzker – those statutory limitations were curtailed. The effects of that new law – House Bill 2135 – included a provision that the Statute of Limitations on reporting criminal sexual assault does not begin running during a period when the victim is subject to intimidation.
            Now, Governor Pritzker can pat himself on the back all he wants; for testing a few of those rape kits that had built-up in police evidence lockers, and for partially repealing that Statute of Limitations. But the odds that he would ever sign a complete repeal of those statutes, are probably very low. That’s because his cousin, Tom Pritzker… was friends with Jeffrey Epstein. (Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Business).

            To the public officials in the audience: How many of you knew that there is no longer any limitation on bringing abuse lawsuits, for victims who were intimidated? Raise your hands.
            To the educators in the audience: How many of you knew that?
            Well, how are children supposed to learn that, if you didn’t know that?
            Now, you might say, “That’s too difficult or controversial a subject for our children to learn.” To which I say, “No, it’s not. Not for the juniors and seniors who are studying pre-law at L.F.H.S.. Not if you want your kids to be able to defend themselves against child molesters legally as well as physically.”

            And besides, Dave Miller is not the only teacher in this community who has been accused of attempting to molest children.
            There’s Cynthia Martin, an L.F.H.S. coach and driving instructor who abused girls in the 1980s. She employed the same methods that Miller did; seeking-out students who were vulnerable because they had lost friends or family members, and then plying them with alcohol and marijuana, and gradually introducing physical touch. Martin’s case was decided in February 2022, but information on it is difficult to find. It’s not clear that she was ever punished.
            Next, there’s Lake Bluff Junior High math teacher and soccer coach Charles Ritz III. He abused kids in the 1970s and 1980s, claiming at least five male victims, who alleged that school officials helped cover-up for Ritz, in the same way that school officials did for Dave Miller. In 2017, Ritz pled guilty. He received no jail time, and just two years’ probation. That junior high later changed its name to Lake Bluff Middle School.
            There’s also Diane M. Ross, a mother from Lake Bluff who taught English literature at Lake Forest College. She submitted to arrest in 2000 after police determined that she had shared images of child abuse on an online web forum. She pled guilty to solicitation of child pornography, but the charges of disseminating child pornography were dropped. She received no jail time… two years of probation… - are you noticing a pattern? - … and community service.
            So that’s four teachers – in just two adjacent towns – who were discovered to be pedophiles, within a span of thirty years.
            But that’s not all.

            Jonathan Dick, the owner of Sweet’s ice cream shop in downtown Lake Forest, was accused of molestation and rape by his own nephew, back in the early 2000s. Now, if that’s not true, then why is there an entire book about it?
            The victim’s mother – Jonathan Dick’s sister-in-law – became a psychologist, published a book written by herself and her son, and then fled the state, due to fear and frustration over never getting a trial. She’s worried that Jonathan Dick has a lawyer on retainer, for in case he ever gets accused of molesting a child again.

            Mr. Mayor, these crimes – and this culture of silence – cannot stand. Child rapists don’t deserve fines and community service and probation; they deserve to be in prison; for a long, long time.
            You all might be saying to yourselves, “Well, I had nothing to do with this.” … That’s the problem.
            If you haven’t heard about these crimes by now, then you are incompetent, because you at least heard about Dave Miller, and you decided not to look into whether any other teachers were hurting kids.
            And if you did know about these crimes, then you are complicit in those crimes, because you said and did nothing, when you should have, at least, spoken up.

            Ladies and gentlemen, I have a list, in my possession, of over one hundred professionals, in this county, who have either molested children, made awkward advances against children, covered-up for child-molesting teachers, stood in the way of children attempting to bring charges against their abusers, or may be using their profession as a way to get near vulnerable children.

            And I’m sure that all of you would like to do something about this. But there’s only one way to be sure.
            That is why - as a precautionary measure – I have placed each and every one of your nine names, onto that list… temporarily… as pedophile enablers…. because you knew about some of these crimes, and yet you did and said nothing.

            The only way to get your names off of that list will be for each of you to… personally, and individually… do something that will lead to arrests, or charges being filed, against the people I have named.
            Don’t worry about what’s legally possible right now; don’t worry about Double Jeopardy, or ex post facto laws. The laws can be changed. We don’t need the law on our side to fight back against child abuse; all we have to do is provide an open forum through which abuse claimants can network with each other, free from censorship. That way, we can compare notes, and figure out which victims of these five people are still eligible to file charges.

            I made a promise, to a mother in this town, that I would attend these city council meetings every month until something is done about this problem. So that's what I'll do.
            If you continue to allow me to speak, at these forums, then I’ll tell you which of this county’s military bases was the scene of a gang-rape of a 12- or 13-year-old girl, back in 2005. I’ll tell you which former L.F.H.S. teacher covertly hit on a student while committing academic dishonesty. I’ll tell you which professional football player had a sexual relationship with an L.F.H.S. student while she was possibly underage.
            And just to prove to you that I’m not bluffing… those names are Great Lakes Naval Station, Laura Flangel, and Dan Roethlisberger.
            But if you don’t allow me to speak, then anyone and everyone who attempts to prevent me from speaking, at these forums, will be added to that list, as an enabler of child sexual abuse. And then, there won’t be one pair of hands, one square inch of sidewalk, or one gutter, in this town, that won’t be clogged with copies of that list, complete with photographs and addresses.
            If you nine elected officials continue to refuse to do anything which will lead to the imprisonment of David Miller, Cynthia Martin, Charles Ritz, Diane Ross, and Jonathan Dick, then every sin of this community – no matter how minor  will be exposed, until there isn’t a single adult in this county who doesn’t know either a racist police officer, or someone who’s been accused of attempting to molest or traffic a child.

            Since the majority of you have been derelict in your duty to educate your children about the specifics of these dangers, I will not rest until every child in this town can name these five people by heart.
            I do not make empty promises. You are looking at someone who has nothing to lose.

            You have twenty-eight days to do something about this. If no arrests are made by September 4th – the day before the next city council meeting - then the nine of you will no longer be welcome in this town.
            The clock is ticking. Good day, gentlemen.

            [First Author's Note:

            This speech was originally intended to be delivered at the August 7th, 2023 meeting of the Lake Forest City Council.
            I decided not to deliver this speech at that meeting, because: 1) this speech would take about ten minutes to deliver, while the Council stipulates a three-minute speaking limit (as does the District 115 Board of Education for its meetings); and 2) when I called the office of the Lake Forest City Council, the operator informed me that the city council "doesn't have control over the schools", and instructed me to call the District 115 Board of Education.
            I consider that statement to have been an attempt to deflect responsibility away from the people who run Lake Forest (i.e., the mayor and the eight city council members). In my opinion, this is unacceptable, because there are accused child molesters in Lake Forest whom have nothing to do with the schools (most notably, Jonathan Dick), and are therefore not under the so-called "control" of the District 115 Board of Education.
            Therefore, Lake Forest Mayor Stanford R. "Randy" Tack, the eight current members of the Lake Forest City Council, the woman who answers the phones at the office of the Lake Forest City Council, and the seven current members of the District 115 Board of Education, will all be added to my list of corrupt officials and people who turned blind eyes toward child abuse, until further notice.]

     [Second Author's Note:

     If you would like to watch the speech I delivered to the District 115 Board of Education on August 8th, 2023, please click the link below:

Main body of text written on August 1st, 2023.
Edited and expanded on August 7th through 9th, 2023.

First Author's Note written and added on August 7th, 2023.
Second Author's Note written and added on August 9th, 2023.

Originally published on August 1st, 2023 under the title
"Speech to the Lake Forest City Council on Child-Molesting Teachers (August 7th, 2023)"

Handed-out to Lake Forest residents in print form, but not delivered verbally,
at the August 7th, 2023 meeting of the City Council of Lake Forest, Illinois.

Also handed-out in print form,
and delivered, in part, verbally (in a form modified to suit the circumstances),
at the August 8th, 2023 meeting of the District 115 School Board.

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...