Thursday, June 29, 2023

To Be a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse is to Be Subjected to Constant Gaslighting and Distraction

     The conspiracy of silence - regarding child abuse - works around-the-clock to concoct myriad new ailments, each year, in order to distract from children's needs to be kept safe from their abusers.
     Each of these ailments, real or imagined, is used - one after another - to keep victims of abuse "in their place" and silent. This is done by suggesting that all of the abuse survivor's problems are caused either by themselves, or by a single ailment (which is, conveniently, never child abuse).

     Here is a fictional dialogue that I wrote - partially based on real experiences, and partially based on my research into psychiatric methods which arose during the 1980s and 1990s - which should help explain what it is like to have been subjected to sexual abuse as a child, and to not be believed.
     This article explains how my "thinking" I was abused, has caused my family and therapists to suggest that I have ailment after ailment, almost as if they were intentionally trying to distract from the initial underlying trauma.
     [Note: I have not been accused of having Reactive Attachment Disorder or pathological demand avoidance. These were included solely in order to cover the range of ailments to which people's memories of abuse have been falsely attributed (or blamed). My mother and third therapist did suggest that I have a brain tumor.]

     "Why are you hiding in the closet?"

     I'm hiding from my father because he sexually abused me. I don't feel safe coming out. Could we talk about this?

     "Why are you irrationally afraid of your father? You're not forming healthy bonds with your caretakers. I think you have Reactive Attachment Disorder."

     No, I don't. I'm afraid of my father because he sexually abused me. And Reactive Attachment Disorder is a fake disease. The recommended treatment (usually for children previously victimized by their caretakers) was more forcible touching.
     [Note: You can learn more about this by researching Dr. Neil Feinberg; the Attachment Center at Evergreen, Colorado; and the "death" (murder) of Candace Newmaker during "Rebirth Therapy".,,509588,00.html]

     "Are you hiding in the closet because you're gay?"

     I'm not gay. I was forced to have gay sex. There is a difference. You aren't listening to me. Someone hurt me. Will you protect me?

     "Maybe you're transgender. Have you thought about that?"

     Nope, the reason I seem effeminate is because my abuser worked for years to make sure that I was as submissive as possible.
     [Note: The part of the medical establishment which has been overtaken by incorrect gender ideology has been telling autistic teenage girls that they can become men. You can learn more about that by clicking on the following link:]

     "Have you considered that you might be depressed?"

     Have you considered that my depression might be rational, and caused by the abuse that occurred?

     "What if you're mistaken? What if the abuse was an accident?"

     It wasn't. I was sexually abused on purpose. Forcible touching - occurring repeatedly, and for that long a time frame, and with that amount of pressure - could not have been unintentional. I was subjected to a malicious, criminal act, intentionally.

     "That's so vindictive. I think you have a problem forgiving people."

     I think that forgiving abusers too much results in more abuse taking place. Also, there's a rapist on the loose. Could we talk about that for a second?

     "Wow, you just can't let this go. It's like you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."

     It's not obsessive to want all rapists to go to jail.

     "You're clearly not recovered from this. Get therapy. You need therapy."

     No, I need my rapist to be imprisoned. And I already went through three therapists. I literally already did what you're asking me to do. The most healing thing that could happen is if my rapist went to prison.

     "You seem dead-set on your alleged abuser going to prison. Would you accept financial compensation, resulting from a settlement in a civil trial?"

     No. I am not a whore who hasn't been paid yet. I am a rape and incest survivor. No amount of money can fix what happened to me. If I seek monetary damages, then I will only be accused of being a greedy, money-hungry liar, who is making false accusations and is only after his abuser's money. Please jail my rapist so he's not out walking the streets, a danger to children; that will help me heal in a way that money simply cannot.

     "If you won't go to therapy, or pursue a monetary settlement - like I advise you to - then you clearly have problems doing what you're told. You might have Oppositional Defiant Disorder."

     Nope, I was sexually abused. And my first therapist told me that I don't have O.D.D.. Also, if I wanted to enslave someone, or kill someone, or corral people onto a train in order to commit genocide, then I would tell people that my victims have Oppositional Defiant Disorder. That would be the easiest way to convince people that the victims' disobedience results from mental deficiencies that can only be dealt with through physical removal from society. The notion that Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a real thing, rests on the false assumption that all resistance, shown by children, is born out of "vindictiveness" and "hostility" that is unfounded and which has no cause. All children suspected of having O.D.D. should be asked if they feel abused or neglected by their parents, and it should be determined whether the alleged abuse or neglect actually took place. If it did, then criminal charges should be filed against the parents. I do not have O.D.D.. Nobody has O.D.D.. Obedience is not, in itself, a virtue; and refusal to obey does not indicate mental illness.

     "You won't do as you're told. Seriously, what if you have pathological demand avoidance?"

     What if I don't like to be told what to do, because consent matters to me a lot, because I was sexually abused? This condition is also known as "pervasive drive for autonomy" and "Rational demand avoidance". Avoiding unreasonable demands - like that I allow my father to abuse me, and continue to control my life decades later - is not pathological; it is rational. Knowing that I'm allowed to say "no" to something - even if it's something that I'm expected to do - makes me feel safe, and tells me that my needs and boundaries are being respected. Saying "no" also helps me buy time before having to make a final decision; time which I use to obtain more information about what I'm being asked to do, so that I can make an educated decision about whether I will be able to do it completely and do it well.

     "Think about it. You avoid demands. You're antisocial. You don't like to be touched... You're probably autistic."

     Nope; I don't like being touched without my permission, because I was sexually abused. Even people who weren't sexually abused, don't like being touched without their permission.

     "You don't want the T.S.A. to touch you, you have a problem with authority..."

     No, I just don't like being touched on the genitals, against my will, by an ugly fat government employee, and I think it's weird that you seem to like it.

     "You might be autistic, too, though. Or you might have Asperger's Syndrome."

     Yeah, well if I do have autism or Asperger's, then all my other problems (including the sexual abuse I suffered) will be blamed on autism. I'd rather focus on putting my rapist in jail, instead of getting distracted by superficial problems which resulted from the initial abuse.

     "Why would I blame all your other problems on autism?"

     For the same reason that you blamed the fact that I believe I was sexually abused (and want to do something about it) on homosexuality, transgenderism, depression, irrational fear, O.D.D., P.D.A., O.C.D., hallucinations, problems with authority, and autism; instead of blaming the person who committed the abusive acts.

     "What if you hallucinated the abuse? What if you need to be put on antipsychotics?"

     What if most antipsychotics are neuro-tranquilizing sedatives, and you're trying to damage my nervous system, in order to make it more difficult for me to remember or talk about the abuse? What if people have suffered loss of ability to speak after using the same kind of atypical antipsychotics that I was prescribed (but refused to take)? You are trying to drug me and sedate me.

     "Seriously, you could have False Memory Syndrome."

     The term False Memory Syndrome was coined by Peter Freyd, in order to damage the credibility of his daughter, who accused him of sexual abuse. The term "false memories" is literally a cover-up for child molestation, which was invented by a child rapist.

     "Everybody knows that your claims are not credible, because you have struggled with mental illness, drug addiction, and homelessness."

     Do sexual abuse victims not struggle with those things? I got addicted to drugs in an attempt to relieve the anxiety that my abuse caused; I know that drug use is a maladaptive coping mechanism and no longer use hard drugs. Mental illness is not proof that I lack credibility; rather, the fact that I experienced mental illness was a direct result of being physically, sexually, and emotionally abused, and then manipulated and gaslighted about that abuse in an attempt to make me forget. Almost everyone who was abused by a parent (and manages to get away) ends up running away from home - or moving far away from where they were born - in an attempt to avoid the abuser.

     "You're calling yourself a victim. Clearly you have a victim mentality."

     But I am the victim of a crime. I am a victim, for the purposes of my case against my father. Admitting that I was victimized does not mean that I have a victim mindset or mentality. It would be irrational to deny that I am a victim (of my father's crimes). Therapist Teal Swan says, "A person doesn't develop a victim mentality unless they've actually been victimized."

     "You are clearly angry at your father. Why can't you admit that you may have aggravated his actions in your own mind? He was just a very strict father."

     It is perfectly normal and rational to be angry at someone who raped you. Being an extremely strict parent - just like being a very touchy-feely parent - can cover-up for some really sick behaviors. My mind has not exaggerated, nor aggravated, my father's actions; he was 38 and 39 years old when he committed most of his crimes, against myself, at age eight and then nine. The only facts that could be blamed for "distorting" my memory of the events, are the facts that I was much smaller then, and that I am big and strong enough to fend-off similar attacks if they were to happen today.

     "What if you have a brain tumor that is pushing up against part of your brain, making you believe you were abused?"

     ...And you would rather run the risk of exposing me to radiation poisoning, searching for that brain tumor? You intend to give me cancer under the guise of searching for a cancer?

     "But how do you know that what I'm suggesting, isn't what really happened?

     Because you're making these things up off the top of your head. And because, if you thought that one of those things really is what happened, then you'd be focusing on that one thing consistently, instead of pointing to a dozen other excuses and jumping from one bogus theory to the next.

     What are you going to suggest next? That I was abducted by an alien rather than a human being? Are you going to tell me that aliens subjected me to anal probing, and that that's why I "think" I was sexually abused?
     Now... I repeat... There's a child molester on the loose. Can we focus on putting him in prison?

     [Note: You can learn more about my views on the similarities between alien abduction and child abduction, by reading my February 2021 article "Opinion: Israelis Probably Lying About Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials", available at the link below:

     You can learn more about gaslighting and medical gaslighting by visiting the following link:,that%20they%20are%20not%20sick.]

     Visit the link below in order to see an Australian political cartoon about misdiagnosis:


Written and published on June 29th, 2023.
Edited and expanded on June 29th, July 25th, and July 27th, 2023.

Images created in mid-June 2023.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

A Typology of Gender Identities: How Gender Roles, Genetic Sex, Gendered Dress, and Sexual Transition Intersect

 Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Author’s Note
III. Notes on Understanding Terms
IV. One Non-Queer Category, and Thirteen Categories of Queer Dispositions


I. Introduction

     In recent years, there has been a lot of talk in America about "transgenderism" and "gender ideology". Many terms, related to gender and sex - which seem new to the average American - have entered the common American English lexicon lately.
     You might have read that “there are 71 new genders all of a sudden, because of Facebook”. Years ago, Facebook added gender identity labels to its personal descriptions, including terms like “asexual” and “demisexual”.

     There’s just one problem: Asexuality and demisexuality are not “genders”; they’re sexual identities. Asexuality might not even be a sexual identity at all, but a lack of sexual identity. And "asexuality" might not even be the best term for lack of sexual attraction, because the term "asexual" is typically used to describe a form of reproduction that occurs without the physical act of sex.
     The problem here seems to be an imprecision of language.

     Seventy-one genders aside, let’s just focus on the four big ones: “intersex”, “transsexual”, “transgender”, and “transvestite”.
     Because these terms are so similar (and overlap), it is necessary to define them, and necessary to distinguish them as much as possible. We can also see how they overlap.

     If we assign each of these four terms to a circle, it becomes possible to create an extended Venn Diagram – that is, an Euler Diagram (pronounced “OY-ler”) – that allows us to map the intersecting dispositions and alignments associated with genetic sex, gender roles, dress, and sex transition.

II. Author’s Note

     I have written this in the hopes of:
     1) Simplifying all of this “71 genders” stuff, so that we can know what we’re talking about when we use certain words;
     2) Figuring out which categories of people could possibly exist, according to the various ways to combine those four gender- and sex- related alignments or dimensions (that is; dress, gender roles, sexual transition, and genetic sex); and
     3) Communicating what I learned in my “human sexuality” sociology course at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in the early 2000s (or, more importantly, communicating those portions of the curriculum that I think are actually true, and are not just concoctions of insane gender ideologues who tried to pass themselves off as sex researchers and surgeons).
     I was taught that intersex people exist (which I dispute, but not completely); and that transsexuals, transgender people, and transvestites are different but also overlap (which I believe is true).


III. Notes on Understanding Terms

     Before proceeding to the Euler Diagram, some additional clarification is needed, regarding what I mean when I use these terms:

     1a. The fact that the term “transvestite” is not used today as often as is the term “drag” or the term “transgender”, does not mean that transvestitism is “not a thing”, nor does it mean that “transvestite” is no longer a valid term. It is an acceptable word, which should upset nobody, because “transvestite” literally means “cross-dresser”.

     1b. “Transvestite” is not a slur; while “tranny” is a slur. I avoid using the term “tranny” below, due to its being considered upsetting. I have also avoided using that word because it is too general a term to be useful for classifying (what I call) “queer dispositions”. That’s because “tranny” could refer to transgender people, transsexual people, transvestites, or all of the above. The term has no academic value aside from its etymological value.

     1b. Below, all references to “cross-dressing”, and “drag” refer to the act of dressing up in clothing which is typical of the sex not assigned to you at birth; while “transvestitism” refers to interest in doing so. A “transvestite” is someone who cross-dresses. “Drag” can be engaged in by not only men (“drag queens”), but also women “drag kings”.

     2. Below, “gender” and “sex” are not used interchangeably.

     2a. By “gender”, I refer to the masculine and feminine gender dispositions. These dispositions reflect the set of customs, expectations, and social roles which are based on the sex that someone was assigned at birth. This gender typification is made in accordance with the external physical appearance of the baby’s genitalia.

     2b. By “sex”, I refer to whether someone’s 23rd pair of chromosomes (i.e., their sex chromosomes, or gametes) are XX or XY. There are alternative arrangements of sex chromosomes, but they are rare. Most people born with ambiguous genitalia can be described as “mostly male” or “mostly female” in external genital appearance, and this almost always aligns with the appearance that their sex chromosomes would dictate.

     2c. There is a condition called “de la Chappelle Syndrome”, in which a person assigned male at birth (because that individual has a penis) might discover, later in life, that they are actually an XX female who has an internal female reproductive system but has an abnormally large clitoris that appeared (to the delivering doctors) to be the penis of a male.
     One such individual discovered this fact about herself when she (back when she still believed she was a man) failed to impregnate her wife. It is due to this condition (which is caused by a gene called the SRY gene) that it becomes necessary to specify that someone was “assigned male” or “assigned female” (as opposed to simply “being” male or female).
     That is why use of the term “assigned at birth”, and believe that is valid, rather than a mere concoction of gender ideologues (which some people suspect). I could be an XX female with an abnormally large clitoris, and if you were assigned male at birth, then you could be an XX female too (especially if you have a micropenis).
     This is the only manner, of which I'm aware, in which a person could rightfully be described as neither obviously male nor obviously female upon physical inspection. But that does not mean that these "XX males" who have the SRY gene, are "not females"; they are females who have been living with males. Once that person discovers the condition, the person is presented with the choice as to whether to continue living "as a man" or "as a woman". We can only infer, from the XX sex chromosomes, that the person is female. And either way, any such person who does not identify as completely masculine or completely feminine, need not seek bottom surgery to "fix" anything about themselves. Many, many people - including people who don't identify as transgender at all - feel that traditional gender norms are constricting to them.
     If any of my readers are aware of any human being - who doesn't have Down's Syndrome or de la Chappelle Syndrome - who has something other than XX or XY sex chromosomes, who can be said to be, definitively, neither male nor female on the genetic level, please e-mail evidence about this condition to me at
     I believe that people who are questioning their gender need genetic testing way before they need hormones and surgery; before they decide to transition, they might as well seize the opportunity to find out whether they are impotent, and whether they have different sex chromosomes from the ones they thought they had. Wouldn’t you want to know that?

     3. The use of the term “queer”, below, is not intended as a slur. The “Q” in L.G.B.T.Q. stands for “queer”. Many gay, trans, and gender-questioning people use it to describe themselves. It is only an “offensive word” when it is used in an intentionally offensive or upsetting manner. Homosexuals and non-binary people often use the term “queer” to refer to any and all sexual interests and orientations outside of “cis-heterosexuality” (i.e., outside of heterosexuals who are “cisgender”; identifying with the sex they were assigned at birth).

     4a. Categories of sexual orientation and attraction (that is, heterosexuality and homosexuality) are not depicted in the diagram below. This was not done for the purposes of excluding homosexuals, but in the interest of establishing a system of classification of queer dispositions and interests which go beyond the familiar categories relating to genetic sex (i.e., male and female) and sexual attraction (i.e., opposite-sex or same-sex attraction).

     4b. I do not believe that whether someone is heterosexual or homosexual is necessarily a direct function or result of that person’s genetic sex. I believe that the fact that consenting adults choose their sexual partners freely, voluntarily, and on an individual basis – and that experimentation sometimes occurs - means that genetic sex and sexual orientation are independent of one another (regardless of the fact that the majority of humans identify as heterosexual).  

     5. By “transsexual”, I refer to a person who undertakes efforts to physically reconstruct their body (and, most importantly, their genitals) in order to more closely resemble the sex that they were not assigned at birth. My mere use of the term “transsexual” should not be construed to imply that I believe it is possible to fully transition from female to male or vice-versa, in terms of one’s genetics, sex chromosomes, and gametes. I do not believe that transitioning sexes is actually possible, and I believe that it is very dangerous to lead children to assume (through lies of omission) that it is possible to change your sex in the most basic and important way (i.e., genetic sex / sex chromosomes / gametes). Therefore, all references to “transsexual”, herein, refer to people who decide or resolve to attempt to transition their sex.

IV. One Non-Queer Category, and Thirteen Categories of Queer Dispositions

     The first of fourteen categories consists of people whom were born with unambiguous genitalia, and whom have never cross-dressed, and whom have never questioned or contested the sex (male or female) or gender (masculine or feminine) that they were assigned at birth.
     Such a person could be termed “cisgender-cisvestite” because they identify with what they were assigned at birth (cisgender, the opposite of transgender), and they dress in accordance with the norms associated with the gender disposition (masculine or feminine) associated with their assigned sex (male or female).

#1. The Non-Queer Category

#1. Cisgender-Cisvestites:

     People born with unambiguous genitalia, who don’t wear the make-up or dress of the opposite gender, and who don’t get hormones or surgery. This is the only category of people who do not engage in either questioning or experimentation regarding dress, gender roles, genetic sex assigned at birth, or transition of sex.
     [Note: This category includes heterosexual cisgender people, homosexual cisgender people, and bisexual cisgender people alike.]

#2 - #5. The Four Basic Queer Dispositions / Singly-Occurring Queer Dispositions

     [Reminder: None of these categories specifies sex (male or female) or sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual.]

#2. Transsexuals:                 
     People who decide to surgically modify their bodies – especially and most importantly through genital / bottom surgery - in an attempt to transition across sexes (from the one they were assigned at birth, to the other).

#3. Intersex Individuals:

     People who were born with ambiguous genitalia (that is, people whose sex is unclear because it cannot be easily deduced from the person’s mere external physical genital appearance).
     [Note: This includes babies born with de la Chappelle’s syndrome who might not discover their condition until they are adults.]

#4. Transvestites / Cross-Dressers:

     People who wear the make-up, hair styles, and/or clothing typically associated with the masculine or feminine gender role which does not match up with the gender they were assigned based on their apparent genital sex.
     [Note: People who cross-dress may or may not actually identify on the inside as the gender that they are modeling on the outside; people who do are called transgendered individuals. See Disposition #5 and Disposition #13 for more information.]

#5. Transgendered Individuals:

     People who wear the make-up, hair styles, and/or clothing (usually all of the above) typically associated with the masculine or feminine gender role which does not match up with the gender they were assigned based on their apparent genital sex.
     [Note: People who dress up, but don’t identify as the gender they’re modeling, and have no intention of transitioning, are not included in the category of Transgendered Individuals.]

#6 - #9. The Four Doubly-Co-Occurring Queer Dispositions

     [Reminder: None of these categories specifies sex (male or female) or sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual.]

#6. Intersex Transsexuals:                         
People who were born with ambiguous genitalia, who attempt sexual transition at any point in their lives.
     [Note: Includes people who get genital surgery / bottom surgery because they were born with ambiguous genitalia, and wish to live as either male or female.]

#7. Intersex Transvestites / Intersex Cross-Dressers:
     People born with ambiguous genitalia who dress in clothing associated with the gender (masculine or feminine) that they were not assigned at (or shortly after) birth.
     [Note: Such a person may or may not identify as transgender (see Disposition #12 for more information).]

#8. Transgendered Transvestites / Transgender Cross-Dressers              

     People who cross-dress because they identify with the set of gender roles and appearances (masculine or feminine) associated with the sex (male or female) that they were not assigned at birth.
     [Note: Intersex people, and people who have already had bottom surgery, are not included in the category of Transgendered Transvestites.]

#9. Transgendered Transsexuals                                      

     People who identify with the set of gender roles and appearances (masculine or feminine) associated with the sex (male or female) that they were not assigned at birth, and who – on that basis – undertake efforts to change their physical (and, most importantly, genital) appearance, to something more closely matching the physical characteristics associated with the sex that they were not assigned at birth.
     [Note: This category does not include intersex people, nor people who cross-dress but have no intention to transition their sex.]

#10 - #13. The Four Triply-Co-Occurring Queer Dispositions

     [Reminder: None of these categories specifies sex (male or female) or sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual.]

#10. “Intersex, Transgender, and Transsexual; But Not Transvestite” Individuals

     People born with ambiguous genitalia, who identify with the sex that they were not assigned at birth, and so, seek to transition their physical (and especially genital) appearance to reflect that identification.

#11. “Intersex, Transsexual, and Transvestite; But Not Transgender” Individuals:

     People born with ambiguous genitalia, who cross-dress, and want to transition their sex; but whom do not feel that they have been assigned the wrong gender role.
     [Note: It’s possible that this category of people does not actually exist. The fact that the Intersex-Transsexual-Transvestite category can be conceived of, does not constitute proof that individual examples of it actually exist. Such a person would have to want to seek surgical sex transition even though they do not feel that they have been assigned the wrong gender role. As a reminder, such a person would also have to have been born with ambiguous genitalia. I would be surprised if even one such person has ever existed. I say this out of pure speculation, however; I do not wish any harm towards such a person, if they do exist.]

#12. “Intersex, Transvestite, and Transgender; But Not Transsexual” Individuals:

     People born with ambiguous genitalia, who wear make-up and hair and dress characteristic of the gender they were not assigned at birth, but whom do not make any attempt to radically alter their primary and/or secondary sex characteristics in order to transition their sex.

#13. “Transvestite, Transgender, and Transsexual; But Not Intersex” Individuals:

     People who don’t identify with the gender roles or genetic sex that they were assigned at birth; and so, wear make-up, hair, and dress customarily associated with the gender they weren’t assigned; and whom also change their physical appearance and undertake efforts to transition their sex.  


#14. The Quadruply-Co-Occurring Queer Disposition

     #14. Intersex-Transvestite-Transgender-Transsexuals

     People born with ambiguous genitalia, who wear make-up and hair and dress characteristic of the gender they were not assigned at birth, and make attempts to radically alter their primary and/or secondary sex characteristics in order to transition their sex.
     [Note: Again, anybody in categories #1 through #14 could be men, women, gay, straight, or bisexual. None of these categories specify sex or sexual orientation.]

     See the image below for a visualization of how (and "where") these gender and sexual dispositions intersect.

Click on the image above,
and open in new tab &/or new window
(or download, save, and open)
in order to view in full resolution.

Written and published on June 17th, 2023.
Edited and expanded on June 18th, 2023.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Kash Jackson Sentenced to Four Years in Prison: The State is Trying to Take Your Children Away So it Can Sexually Abuse Them

Table of Contents

     I. Introduction: Former Gubernatorial Candidate Imprisoned After Admitting to Threatening Judges

     II. Jackson Provoked into Issuing Threats After Bitter Custody Dispute

     III. Jackson Demonized as Deadbeat Dad; and Shaken Down for Money by Attorney Sally Lichter, Tied to Numerous Attorneys Suspected of Child Abuse and/or Defending Accused Child Molesters in Court

     IV. Pedophile Defender Got Jackson's Ex-Wife to Make Him Her Attorney; Parental Alienator Got Jackson to Make Him His Attorney

     V. Kash Threatened Judge Joseph Salvi, Who Helped Stop Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against Teacher David Miller from Going Forward

     VI. Kash Jackson's Ex-Wife is Raising Her Kids in Lake County, Illinois, Where Child Sexual Abuse Survivors Go to Die

     VII. Kash Jackson is an American Hero

     VIII. Demonization of Fathers Leads to Exposure of Children to Sex and Genital Mutilation

     IX. The Police Aren't Obligated to Protect Abused Children

     X. Parental Alienation is Torture

     XI: Conclusion: Lake County Family Law Court System Deliberately Ganged Up on Kash Jackson in Order to Sabotage His Mental Health and Destroy His Reputation

    XII: Update






     I. Introduction: Former Gubernatorial Candidate Imprisoned After Admitting to Threatening Judges


     On April 6th, 2023, Kash Jackson was sentenced to four years in prison, as part of a plea agreement.



     He was sentenced after pleading guilty to Threatening a Public Official. He threatened two judges during a phone call he made in 2021.


     Jackson is best known as the 2018 gubernatorial nominee of the Libertarian Party of Illinois. He is also an activist, most notably on the topic of parents’ rights, supporting 50-50 joint custody as the default for custody agreements made in family law courts.


     Judge Michael Reidy delivered the sentence.


     Although the average person might be quick to judge Kash for his crime, we should not judge too quickly, because his full story has never been told. That is, until now.





     II. Jackson Provoked into Issuing Threats After Bitter Custody Dispute

     Jackson, born Benjamin Adam Winderweedle in Louisiana in 1978, did not threaten judges because he felt like it.

     Kash Jackson was provoked and incited into threatening the judges who denied him joint custody of his children, by the judges themselves; and by the attorneys who betrayed Kash, gouged him for money, and took advantage of his children's need for stability.


     Kash Jackson lost joint custody of his children as the result of an obviously political persecution, which was intended to stop Jackson's gubernatorial campaign, interfere with his freedom of speech, silence him about the state’s abuse of family courts to alienate children from their parents, and to enable greedy attorneys who want to gouge parents for money.

     This state of affairs - this unnecessary disruption of the lives of families dealing with divorce - has been allowed by Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, a federal law which obligates (and also pays) the states to force parents obligated to provide their ex-spouses and children with monetary support.

     And this political persecution against Kash - which eventually (as anyone could have predicted) became a prosecution designed to land him in prison - was evidently spearheaded by Judge Joseph Salvi's brother Al, whom is also a judge.


     Jackson became party to that custody dispute after his ex-wife made false allegations that Jackson had stalked her over social media and harassed her. She also made unsubstantiated allegations surrounding a time when Kash punished his son. That punishment did not involve the use of force, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, nor starvation; and Kash has never been accused of striking any of his three children.





     III. Jackson Demonized as Deadbeat Dad; and Shaken Down for Money by Attorney Sally Lichter, Tied to Numerous Attorneys Suspected of Child Abuse and/or Defending Accused Child Molesters in Court

     Democratic Party -backed media (including Jordan Klepper, formerly of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) framed Kash as a “deadbeat dad” for comedic value, and demonized him as such. But, far from being a deadbeat dad, Kash was, in fact, fighting to expose the fact that Illinois parents are subject to paying 20% more alimony than the average state in the nation. Some states charge even higher.


     Guardian Ad Litem Sally Lichter, who represented two of Kash's children in the custody dispute, gouged Kash - to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars - to talk to his children on the phone just twice.

     Lichter charged Kash thousands of dollars that she knew he didn't have, and knew would be better spent on alimony. On July 27th, 2021, Lichter admitted in court that she had never even bothered to find out whether Kash punished his son in the manner in which his wife claims (which were, at that time - prior to his threats against judges - the most serious charges that had ever been levied against Kash).


     Lichter is friends with another G.A.L., named Joe McKeown. They are friends on Facebook, and have probably met in person as well.

     Joe McKeown once used a picture of "Family Guy" pedophile "Herbert the Pervert" - gazing lovingly at a poster of the Jonas Brothers - as his Facebook profile pic. McKeown once "liked" a local chapter of the Masons on social media.


     McKeown works in the law offices of Richard S. Kopsick, my father. In 2019, I accused my father of molesting me at the ages of eight and nine (in 1995 and 1996). I later recovered memories of anal abuse.
     In the early 1990s, Richard S. Kopsick defended a man named Kenneth Hasty, for attempting to rape a 19-year-old. Hasty (of Waukegan, Illinois) had previously attempted to rape a 15-year-old. Despite Hasty's second offense, Richard Kopsick claimed that Hasty had reformed his sexual behavior.


     Richard Kopsick formerly shared office space with Scott Gibson, who groped children’s buttocks at his pool parties in the 1990s (and loudly bragged about it in full view of other parents). Gibson works in Waukegan, and lived in Lake Forest when these incidents occurred.
     Richard Kopsick currently shares space with Doug Zeit (who defends accused child molesters, according to my mother Linda Cervetti. Cervetti admitted to knowing that Jonathan Dick was accused of child sexual abuse, and not telling me about it until twenty years later. Cervetti continues serving as her ex-husband Richard Kopsick's legal secretary, despite her apparently believing my accusations against his father (according to Special Victim Unit prosecutor Victor o'Block).

     Victor o'Block declined to file charges against Richard Kopsick for sexual abuse in 2020, despite his admission that his ex-wife and youngest son believe the accusations against Richard, and despite my insistence that I have an audible injury to my left rib which was caused by my father the last time he tried to abuse me (in the year 2000).
     Kopsick is an accused child rapist, who is defending accused child rapists. He currently lives in the Knollwood neighborhood of western Lake Bluff, Illinois, and works in downtown Waukegan.


     During the short time I spent as a secretary for my father, I personally observed Joe McKeown’s frequent absences from, and his frequent taking of showers in, his basement office. This made me suspect that McKeown had been masturbating at his desk. It’s likely that McKeown (the son of retired attorney Dennis McKeown) is both a pedophile and a Mason.




     IV. Pedophile Defender Got Jackson's Ex-Wife to Make Him Her Attorney; Parental Alienator Got Jackson to Make Him His Attorney


     Kash's ex-wife's attorney, in the custody dispute, was Raymond Allen Boldt. In 1996, Boldt defended a pastor named Jeffrey B. Hannah for statutory rape of several teenage girls. Hannah was sentenced to nine years in prison, after Boldt described him as "psychologically immature" but not a sexual predator.


     One of the first attorneys Kash hired was David del Re. Mundelein father Sam Gorg claims that David del Re helped Gorg’s ex-wife alienate his children from him. Gorg also claims that Sol Rappaport, a Lake County psychiatrist, assisted del Re in that process.
     Sol Rappaport recommended Dr. Michael Feld to Richard Kopsick (for his son), at a time when Kopsick knew that his son had recovered memories of being molested, and was trying to make his family believe that my behavior at the time was the result of mental illness rather than the result of beginning to recover memories of being molested. Kopsick did this in order to discredit my claims.

     Feld prescribed me Abilify, but I never took it; in part because Feld never diagnosed me with any mental illness, and he never told me the name of the medication. I later discovered that Abilify had been the subject of the 14th most costly pharmaceutical lawsuit in U.S. history; and that it causes dissociation, mania, depression, and restlessness, while it was originally intended to get rid of those problems.
     After five visits with Dr. Michael Feld, I stopped going. Shortly thereafter, my aunt told me that Dr. Feld had been accused of having a sexual affair with one of his patients. If this accusation is true, then Feld violated Section 85d of Illinois Administrative Code, Title 68, Section 1283.100, in doing so. It would also mean that Feld is not informing his patients of the accusations against him, when some of his patients (including myself) include sexual abuse survivors.

     I reported Michael Feld and Sol Rappaport to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in April 2021. I received an acknowledgment of receipt of my complaint, but I received no formal response.




     V. Kash Threatened Judge Joseph Salvi, Who Helped Stop Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against Teacher David Miller from Going Forward


     One of the judges whom Kash threatened was Judge Joseph Salvi.

     In 2019, Joseph Salvi (along with justices Robert D. McLaren, Donald C. Hudson, and Mary S. Schostok) prevented a sexual abuse lawsuit from proceeding against Lake Forest High School theater director David Miller, applying Illinois’s statute of limitations on reporting such abuse.

     That statute was repealed in 2020, giving child sexual abuse accusers until the age of 40 to come forward, or unlimited if they were threatened. Justice Hudson died in April 2023.


     This year - 2023 - David Miller celebrates 47 years of grooming underage boys for sex, without legal consequences. He has abused at least five boys, and perhaps even as many as ten or more (judging by the list of plaintiffs who have been willing to come forward against him).

     At least five other L.F.H.S. teachers or officials helped cover-up Miller's abuses, as well as at least one Lake Forest police officer, and at least one therapist. The set of five or more L.F.H.S. teachers and officials includes former L.F.H.S. Principal Jay Hoffmann (who intimidated boys into saying that the texts they received from Miller weren't inappropriate, which is odd, given that Miller admitted they were inappropriate), and Hoffmann's boss, former District 115 Superintendent Harry Griffith. One of the boys confronted by Hoffmann was apparently not even one of the boys who had accused Miller, according to the 52-page investigation of the district's handling of the accusations against Miller, which was written by attorney Rebecca Veidlinger.


     Attorneys Veidlinger and Howard Kallem tried to have it both ways, by concluding, in that report, that the school could have done more, but also responded adequately.

     I worked in the technical crew for many of Lake Forest High School's plays between 2001 and 2005. Miller was there all the time. We knew that he had a beer gut and an anger problem, but nobody ever told us that he was any sort of sexual threat, or even that he had done or said anything creepy. Curiously, Miller appeared in only two of the four yearbooks issued by L.F.H.S. between 2001 and 2005.


     At least three other teachers, besides Miller, have been accused of sexual impropriety towards children, in the same area as Miller (i.e., Lake Forest and Lake Bluff), in the last fifty years; math teacher Charles "Chuck" Ritz III at Lake Bluff Middle School, English teacher Diane M. Ross at Lake Forest College, and driving instructor and coach Cynthia "Cindy" Martin at Lake Forest High School.


     It's unclear what legal consequences befell Cindy Martin, who groomed girls in the 1980s, but it's clear that Martin, like Miller, targeted children who had lost friends or family members, and groomed them with marijuana, alcohol, hugging, and massages, before engaging in sexual advances.


     Diane Ross (who posed as a teenage girl, using the screen name "Snowy Violet" and sent child pornography) was arrested in 2000, and posted a $20,000 bond. Lake Bluff residents were shocked to see her standing in the public square, enjoying the music of a local band, in full view of everyone, shortly after she was released. At this time, Ross had children who attended Lake Bluff Middle School. I am not aware of any attempts, by that school's principal at the time (Kathleen o'Hara, now the Mayor of Lake Bluff) to make an official statement to local parents about the accusations against Ross.


     Charles Ritz (who abused John Bollman in 1978, and others between 1975 and 1985) pled guilty to public indecency in 2017, after a 1985 party in Waukegan in which he provided minors with alcohol and marijuana and encouraged them to engage in mutual masturbation.

     Ritz lived, and continued to teach, in California, between 1985 and his 2016 arrest. It's likely that he continued abusing boys during this time as well. Ritz's accusers claim that District 65 (which includes Lake Bluff Middle School) knew that he was abusing children and did nothing.

     Ritz's alleged victims include John Bollman, Jim Moss, and Joey Lombardi.

     Judge Joseph Salvi, one of the two judges threatened by Kash Jackson, was also involved in Cynthia Miller's case.


     Just a mile south of Lake Forest High School - in Market Square - there is an ice cream shop called Sweet's, whose owner Jonathan Dick was accused of rape by his nephew, who said the abuse occurred at age ten. That abuse occurred some time around the year 2000. The victim's mother wrote in her book that she was worried that Dick might have a lawyer on retainer in case he needed legal defense for crimes against additional children.

     In the cases of these five people - Miller, Ritz, Ross, Martin, and Dick - all five pursued victims who were the same sex as the perpetrators.


     Judge Joseph Salvi is, thus, part of the machine that is keeping David Miller (and people like him) free. Is the fact that Judge Joseph Salvi still draws air - and walks around a free man - supposed to make Kash Jackson happy?




     VI. Kash Jackson's Ex-Wife is Raising Her Kids in Lake County, Illinois, Where Child Sexual Abuse Survivors Go to Die


    Don't forget what Dennis Hastert, Anthony Weiner, and Jeffrey Epstein did to American children. Don't ever forget that those scandals were real. Don't forget, either, that Joe Biden pinched a child's nipple live on C-SPAN on January 3rd, 2015. We have video evidence of the sitting president molesting a child.

     Moreover, the entire police force of West Virginia is currently under investigation for sexual exploitation of minors and adults. Don't think for a second that there's a single state in the Union that doesn't have pedophile attorneys, sadistic judges trying to profit off the jailing of teens.

     Here in Illinois, there's even a rumor going around that our police departments' child sex crimes divisions are filled with people who are eager to see the evidence of those crimes and use it for sexual gratification. Evidently, some officers are being assigned to review such evidence, to note and count each specific criminal count; and then reporting to their superiors that the job is traumatizing them. These officers are not being relieved of their duties, nor are they being given adequate psychiatric counseling to help deal with having to look at those images. So they end up quitting, and the only people left are the ones who are there because they enjoy watching people rape children on video.

     We need to ask ourselves whether some G.A.L.s and police officers are choosing their professions solely to get legal custody of children and/or witness records of child abuse for self-gratification.


     The state is trying to take your children away so it can sexually abuse them.

     The fact that Kash Jackson and I have the exact same set of abusers, shows that the same group of people which is trying to take kids away from parents for no good reason, is the same set of people that is defending accused child rapists in court. And in some cases (as in the case of Richard Kopsick and Scott Gibson), these attorneys are child sexual abusers themselves.

     We have enough evidence to conclude that that is the case. We cannot live in denial. Not when people like Ted Gunderson have been warning us about well-known politicians abusing children since as early as the 1990s.

     The threats our children face are clear, and they need the protection of both parents, in order to make it safely to adulthood, without becoming too traumatized or ignored to be able to put their trust in the local authorities and courts.


     Kash's children - and his ex-wife - are not safe. But Kash's children are unsafe, not because of Kash.

     They're unsafe because they're in such close proximity to pedophile defender Raymond Allen Boldt, parental alienator David del Re, friend to pedophiles Sally Lichter, and the child predator attorneys and teachers, racist police officers, and rapist psychiatrist who drug their patients, that are crawling in every corner of Lake County professional society.

     Other people and agencies which have been specifically named by Kash Jackson as having assisted in the alienation of his children include Judge Janelle J. Christensen, Judge Christopher B. Morozin, attorney Nicole F. Slobe, Libertyville-based attorney Ronald L. Bell, Waukegan-based attorney Laura Horner, Bannockburn-based attorney Marc R. Fisher, former Lake County State's Attorney Michael Nerheim, former Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran, and the Office of Child Support Enforcement.

     He also named Libertyville-based attorney Gary Schlesinger, a friend of child-raping attorney Richard S. Kopsick.

     Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran's replacement, John Idleburg, has been a harsh critic of Kash Jackson as well. Lake County State's Attorney Michael Nerheim's replacement, Eric Rinehart, professes to support sexual abuse lawsuits going forward, and allies himself with Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center, but he declined a 2021 offer to appear on David Rych's Reality Radio to discuss sexual abuse in Lake County with Joe Kopsick.

     Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center made no attempt to convince Victor o'Block to file charges against Richard Kopsick after his son accused him of sex offenses in 2019 and then came to Zacharias to seek a therapist.


     Lake County, Illinois's court system - and its ability to respond when children accuse adults of sex crimes - are broken. Any child in this county whom is abused by someone with enough money or power or connections, is liable to "slip through the cracks". The fact that many other counties are like this, doesn't mean it's not a problem.

     Lake Bluff Middle School, Lake Forest High School, and their respective districts, have each been caught covering-up for, and turning blind eyes towards, child molesting teachers in their midst.

     In 2012 and 2013, three teenage boys who attended Lake Forest High School jumped in front of trains for unknown reasons, committing suicide.

     In mid-2020, Charles Ritz's accuser John Bollman removed me from the Facebook group Scout Pride - intended to facilitate discussion about child-molesting teachers in the area - after I made a post accusing my father and Scott Gibson of molesting me.

     Kids in Lake County who fail to get charges filed against their abusers, did not "slip through the cracks". Kids who killed themselves in Lake Forest did not "slip through the cracks". Lake Bluff and Lake Forest and Waukegan are cracks. If Lake County, Illinois had a flag, it would be a picture of a giant crack for child sexual abuse accusers to slip into.


     Yet this is where Kash Jackson's ex-wife has chosen to raise her children.


     Kash doesn't even want to be here. He wants to live in Arkansas. He wants his children to grow up on a farm, with a horse.

     He wants them to have a real childhood, unlike the suburban parents of Lake County, who want their children so cloistered, sheltered, and dependent that they never stop submitting to adults in exchange for help.




     VII. Kash Jackson is an American Hero

     Kash’s detractors have got him all wrong.

     He is not a child abuser; he doesn’t even believe in spanking.
     He is not a deadbeat dad; he is a veteran of a navy that has refused to pay him decently for his valiant 19 years of service.
     Nor is he a redneck or a racist; he opposes deportation of non-violent undocumented immigrants, and gave a speech on mounted horseback while defending the water at Standing Rock.
     He is not a woman-hater; despite the media's attempts to rake him over the coals for making an (obviously not seriously intended) joke about women belonging in the kitchen (which he did in front of his then-girlfriend, and she voiced no objection). In fact, the reason why he punished his son was because his son had forgotten to leave the toilet seat down for the females present in the house.


     He restored cynical Libertarians’ faith in democracy when he won his primary by a single vote (defeating his two opponents).
     And he is the most successful non-elected candidate the Libertarian Party of Illinois has ever had (making it into a live gubernatorial debate, in which he sparred with J.B. Pritzker and Bruce Rauner to their faces.
     He is a patriot, he inspires patriotism wherever he goes (which is why he has been incarcerated), and he is the closest thing that Illinois has to an Abraham Lincoln figure, who is still living today.

     But most of all, Kash Jackson is my friend. He welcomed me into his home, and fed me. I know my friend, and he does not deserve to be in prison.
     And he certainly doesn’t deserve to see the state brainwash his children into believing that their father is evil because he gets angry at the government sometimes.
     Nor does he deserve an ex-wife who has made it so difficult for Kash to have a normal relationship with his children, that interacting with their father became so rare, traumatic, and so expensive for Kash, that Kash could do nothing but pay court costs and attorneys’ fees (which he would have otherwise sent to his children for support).
     He certainly doesn't deserve an ex-wife who is so clueless that she would choose a lawyer, to represent the interests of herself and her children, without even checking as to whether that lawyer had previously defended any child rapists.

     Kash Jackson hasn’t seen his children in years, and the State of Illinois is trying to fool everybody (including Kash himself, and his children) into thinking that that is Kash's fault.

     It is nobody's fault but the State of Illinois, its family court system, and the network of greedy and predatory lawyers (some of whom, I have shown, either make their livings defending pedophiles, and/or are pedophiles themselves) whose offices pepper the legal district of Lake County's seat of Waukegan, Illinois.





     VIII. Demonization of Fathers Leads to Exposure of Children to Sex and Genital Mutilation


     We must free Kash Jackson and end parental alienation now.

     But we must also resist the state's attempts to artificially justify its own power, by provoking and inciting us into becoming so angry that we have no choice but to issue violent threats; against its obviously unjust rule, and against its the greedy, predatory, remorseless people who choose to serve it.


     Which is worse? That one boy should spend a few hours in therapy because his father made him stack bricks in the snow (at either age six or ten, according to conflicting reports); or that ten thousand children have their breasts and testicles removed, and get exposed to sex by teachers and drag queens, because the state has successfully demonized Kash Jackson, and all of America's fathers along with him?
     If Kash Jackson had been elected Governor of Illinois in 2018, fathers' contributions to households would be respected, and ninety percent of this "children in drag" and "child genital mutilation" bullshit would never have happened. At least not in Illinois, which is unfortunately, instead, the home of Jennifer Pritzker, the governor's sister, and the world's only transgender billionaire.

     Some fathers are abusive; this is true, but Kash Jackson is not one of them. Just as some fathers are abusive, some mothers are creepy, or vindictive, or gold-diggers, or misandrists.

     Such mothers tend to have inane, nihilistic ideations about the proper way to raise a child, which expose children and their unwitting fathers to untold levels of emotional torture and degradation. Taking away the one person (the father) out of his children's lives - when he would otherwise be around to help bounce ideas off of his own and his wife's heads - is the last thing we should be doing to help women and children.


     Kash's children are not safe. Not because of Kash, like his ex-wife wants people to think they are. Kash's children are unsafe for the same reason that Kash's ex-wife is unsafe.

     They're unsafe because they're in such close proximity to Kash's ex-wife's lawyer, pedophile defender Raymond Allen Boldt. And to the children's Guardian Ad Litem, Sally Lichter, a friend to pedophile attorneys. And to parental alienator David del Re, who was able to trick Kash into trusting him.

     Lake County, its police departments, its schools, and its attorneys, are hiding child rapists. Rapist psychiatrists who drug their patients are helping them get away with it. We know their names. We know their victims' names.

     I guess, now, we know why a man might lose his temper for a moment, and threaten a judge or two.


     There are a lot of lawyers in Waukegan whose jobs would be on the line, if Judge Joseph Salvi or Judge Al Salvi got their feelings or reputations hurt the tiniest bit. And Waukegan's former mayor Sam Cunningham, who defended Joe Biden's groping of children, would be upset as well.

     But I guess it's all worth it, as long as Kash Jackson is deprived of adequate nutrition and hygiene in a jail cell until he looks like a crazy person.



     IX. The Police Aren't Obligated to Protect Abused Children


     The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that parents have a fundamental right to raise their children (in Washington v. Glucksberg, 1997; and Troxel v. Granville, 2000). And that is good for people who fight for their children's rights to have normal relationships with both non-abusvie parents.

     But on the other hand, the Supreme Court has also ruled that the state has no obligation to protect children from parental abuse (in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 1989). Additionally, police have no obligation to enforce agreements to transfer custody of children unless there is a warrant signed by a judge requiring them to do so. The decisions in Warren v. D.C. (1981) and Castle Rock v. Gonzales (2004) protect police officers from being held legally responsible for failing to protect individuals who do not have a pre-existing private contract with the police.
     This state of affairs endangers children, and it is obviously morally wrong. But do not give in to despair; at least we know, now, that these are the specific problems and contradictions at hand when we deal with custody laws, and we know the name of the Supreme Court decisions which need to be overturned or modified (and reconciled with one another) in order to protect children and innocent parents alike.
     We need to craft laws that purge police departments and family courts of predators. We need to make family courts rare by making 50-50 joint custody the default and the norm unless and until abuse has been proven. And local governments should apologize profusely for their mistakes, and beg parents to put their trust in the new officers hired to replace the untrustworthy old ones (which, ironically, are probably mostly the young ones).

     Parents need to be able to trust police to make wise decisions when they show up to a child drop-off, and the child is screaming that she doesn't want to go with her mother because her mother is watching while she allows her boyfriend to touch her daughter's private parts. This does happen, it happened in Texas, and the officers helped the mother take custody of the girl even though they had no apparent duty to do so.




     X. Parental Alienation is Torture


     Parents who have not abused their children have rights.

     Alienating children from their parents is torture, and it is a deprivation of human rights. Kash Jackson didn’t abuse his kids; the court system did. And the people who took Jackson’s custody away, and put him in jail, would have abused those children a whole lot more, if their mother had become unable to take care of her children.


     Just a year before Kash's sentencing, one of Kash's few trusted attorneys, Ted Bush, died of cancer.

     This occurred after Bush was involved in his own bitter custody dispute, with his disrespectful, arrogant, vindictive ex-wife Erica, who knew Ted was dying and evidently made no efforts to treat him any more politely out of respect for his predicament. That case was presided-over by Judge Julie B. Aimen.

     Additionally, Kash's mother Paula is dying of cancer.

     This innocent man has been tortured enough.


     Kash Jackson is the last hero of the parents’ rights movement. But he doesn’t have to be. We can all be the new heroes that this movement needs.

     And you don't even need to be a parent in order to do it; all you need to do is tell people to learn about parental alienation. Everyone in America needs to know the phrase "parental alienation", and the harm it inflicts on children and wrongly accused parents alike.

     We must stand up for falsely accused and maliciously prosecuted fathers, and get people to understand that not everyone who fights for fathers' rights is a child-beating woman-hater.
     And, as for us in Lake County (which includes Kash's most recent hometown of Antioch). we must spread awareness about the child abuse enablers in Lake County's family courts, schools, police departments, and therapy clinics.
     Until then, you can celebrate Kash Jackson's birthday on October 4th; whether in your own home, or in the streets with other people who care.




    XI: Conclusion: Lake County Family Law Court System Deliberately Ganged Up on Kash Jackson in Order to Sabotage His Mental Health and Destroy His Reputation


     During his custody dispute, Kash Jackson claimed that Lake County court officials misled him, and failed to inform him in time, about his upcoming court dates. This caused him to miss court dates, and to suffer severe consequences afterwards, in terms of his reliability and his reputation.

     The family court system of Lake County, Illinois deliberately sabotaged Mr. Jackson, and deliberately provoked him into such a severe state of emotional distress, that he issued the threats that he did.

     This pedophile-enabling gang, which runs the Lake County family court system, ganged up on Jackson, making him live in reasonable fear that pedophile attorneys were coming after him and his children. I believe that I have proven, above, that they were, in fact, coming after his children.

     Any person would lose their mind in such a situation. You don't have to be crazy to do something like that; you just have to be crazy about your kids.


     Mr. Jackson's conviction should be thrown out; not only because he was intentionally provoked into a temporary state of insanity, in which he was not in full control of his faculties (because the state didn't want him to be).

     But also because of the obvious conflict of interest (i.e., the state's prevailing interest to take custody of children in order to subject them to unwanted sexual touching, and the interest of pedophile attorneys and judges and police officers to discredit credible victims on purpose in order to protect each other's jobs).


     Suddenly Jordan Klepper doesn't seem so funny anymore, does he?



    XII: Update (Posted on December 10th, 2023):

     Kash Jackson was released from prison in late November 2023.





Written on June 11th and 12th, 2023.


Published on June 11th, 2023.


Edited and expanded on June 12th, and December 10th and 26th, 2023.

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...