Friday, July 31, 2020

2020 U.S. Presidential Candidates, Arranged by the Number of States in Which They'll Have Ballot Access

Click, and open in a new tab, to enlarge images


I previously reported that Vermin Supreme was running a write-in candidate. That is incorrect.
He endorsed Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian Party's nominee, at the party's national convention.

However, seven states (those shown in green) will likely accept write-in votes
for any American who's eligible to be seated in the White House.

Sources include:

Originally Created and Published on July 31st, 2020

Images Updated, Replaced,
and Additional Images Created and Published,
on August 14th and 20th, 2020,
and March 16th, 2021

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Full List of Donald Trump's and Joe Biden's Sexual Assault and Harassment Accusers

Twenty-Six Adult Women Who Came Forward Against Trump Regarding Serious Sexual Crimes

Twenty-Five Women Who Directly Accused Trump of Rape, or Sexual Abuse or Harassment:
1. Kristin Anderson
2. Mariah Billado
3. Lisa Boyne
4. E. Jean Carroll
5. Rachel Crooks
6. Tasha Dixon
7. Jessica Drake
8. Jill Harth
9. Cathy Heller
10. Samantha Holvey
11. Juliet Huddy
12. Victoria Hughes
13. Alva Johnson
14. Karen Johnson
15. Ninni Laaksonen
16. Jessica Leeds
17. Mindy McGillivray
18. Jennifer Murphy
19. Cassandra Searles
20. Natasha Stoynoff
21. Bridget Sullivan
22. Temple Taggart
23. Ivana Trump (nee Zelnicova, Trump's ex-wife; alleged rape)
24. Karena Virginia
25. Summer Zervos

One Woman Who Indirectly Accused Trump:
1. Maria Farmer (did not allege direct abuse by Trump; only alleged involvement w/ Epstein)

One Woman Who Came Forward Against Trump As an Adult, Claiming Abuse While Underage
1. Katie Johnson (one of the former Jane Does)

[Author's Note: It was reported here earlier that Maria Farmer was underage when she was raped by Trump. However, that was incorrect. Farmer was about 25 when assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, and Farmer observed Ivana Trump riding in limos with Ghislaine Maxwell and herself (enough to know that the Trumps were involved in Epstein's activities), but Farmer did not directly accuse Trump of raping her. The Aquarian Agrarian regrets the error.]

Six Children Rumored to Have Been Sexually Abused or Assaulted by Trump
1. Kelly Feuer
2. Michael Parker
3. Maria Olivera
4. Charles Bacon
5. Rebecca Conway
6. Kevin Noll

[Author's Note: It is not yet clear whether these individuals actually exist. Anyone who has leads, or information that seems reliable, regarding these individuals, can e-mail me at] 

Nine Adult Women Who Came Forward Against Biden for Unwanted Touching, Inappropriate Sexual
Conduct, and Forceful Fondling
1. Caitlyn Caruso
2. Ally Coll, a/k/a Ally Rose Cole, a/k/a Ally Cole Steele
3. Jessica-Leigh Collins
4. Lucy Flores
5. D.J. Hill
6. Sofie Karasek
7. Amy Stokes Lappos
8. Alexandra Tara Reade
9. Vail Kohnert-Yount

Two Underage Girls Who Were Seen Being Touched Inappropriately by Biden, But Have Not Come Forward
1. Caroline Bennet (Colorado Senator Michael Bennet's daughter)
2. Maria Piacesi (Montana Senator Steve Daines's niece)

All images above were designed by the author of this blog.

Click, and open in new tab or window, and/or download,
in order to view in full resolution.

     The image below was not designed by the author. It is being included, despite the personal suspicion of the author of this blog (Joe Kopsick), that some or many of the claims involved might not be credible.
     The author felt it necessary to include the image here nonetheless, in the interest of promoting full disclosure regarding the whole range of claims and accusations which have been levied at Mr. Trump.

Original Lists Compiled Throughout 2020,
and Finally Compiled and Published on July 31st, 2020

First Two Images Created and Added on July 31st, 2020

Final Image Added, on February 9th, 2021

Images Edited on February 11th, 2021

Edited and Expanded on August 20th and 26th, 2020,
and February 9th and 11th, 2021

Edited on January 9th, 2024
to add details to the names of Biden's accusers
[Note: image has not yet been corrected to include this new information],
and to add names of Trump's six additional possible child victims.

Door Hanger Advertisement: Write-In Joe Kopsick for U.S. House of Representatives on November 3rd, 2020 (Version #1)

Created and published on July 30th, 2020

Title Edited on August 26th, 2020

Advertisement: Write-In Joe Kopsick for U.S. House of Representatives on November 3rd, 2020 (Version #1)

Created and Published on July 30th, 2020

Second Image Created on July 30th, 2020
and Added on August 6th, 2020

Title Edited on August 26th. 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How the President is Actually Elected, and Where You Can Vote for Third Party Presidential Candidates in 2020

     Incumbent president Donald Trump of the Republican Party will almost certainly be his party's nominee for the presidency in 2020. The Republican Party Convention hasn't been held yet, but that's almost certain to be the case, as it has been decades (28 years) since an incumbent Republican president has faced a significant challenge during a re-election campaign.
     The Democratic Party, and presumptive nominee Joe Biden, face a similar situation. However, it's remotely possible that Biden could fail to secure enough delegates on the first round, which could result in the nomination of Bernie Sanders.
     Still, that the Democratic Party will nominate Biden, and the Republican Party will nominate Trump, seems inevitable.

     Many Americans are upset that the president is not elected democratically, and that the candidate with the most votes does not always win, and that this "Electoral College upset" has been the case more and more often over the last twenty years.
     In a recent interview for an internet podcast, Ralph Nader, the Green Party's presidential nominee in 2000 and 2004, made reference to the Electoral College, in a manner which, to me, suggests that he does not understand how it works. In the interview, Nader was referring to either the 2016 presidential election, or else all elections in which the Electoral College elected a candidate who did not win the popular vote. Nader said something like "the Electoral College kicked in" because the winner of the popular vote didn't win the majority of votes in enough states to become president.
     I suspect that Nader is either confused, doesn't fully understand the process, and/or has been distracted by his desire to build support for the Interstate Popular Vote Compact, to accurately portray how, and when, and under what circumstances, the Electoral College works. (Note: The Interstate Popular Vote Compact is a compact between states which desire to make it legally binding upon Electoral College electors that they must support whichever candidate received a majority of votes in each state.)
     By saying "the Electoral College kicked in" after the "popular vote winner" didn't win enough states, Nader is - intentionally or not - misleading voters into thinking that the Electoral College doesn't always meet, and that it only meets when the "popular vote winner" doesn't win enough states.
     Whether Nader understands how the president is elected or not, there is no such thing as a "popular vote winner" of the presidency. Or, at least, there is, if you want to measure things that way. But as far as constitutional law - the framework for our government, which outlines the structure of our elections - is concerned, the "popular vote winner" does not matter, and for all intents and purposes, does not exist. The Electoral College elects the president, not the people.
     If there were such a thing as a "popular vote winner", then Hillary Clinton would be President of the United States right now, or she would be some sort of bizarre co-president. Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, because he won the Electoral College. The Electoral College that meets every four years - in early December, about a month after the election - regardless of who wins "the popular vote"
     I'm not saying that things have to be this way, I'm simply saying that this is currently how the president is elected. We can amend the Constitution to change that process any time we want; any time we get enough public support to change presidential elections in some particular way. That will require time, effort, coalition-building, and political willpower. But if a significant majority of the people think that it's acceptable for the president to be elected by a narrow majority, or a narrow plurality, of popular votes, then that's fine; it just requires a constitutional amendment before presidential elections can be run that way.
     Just keep in mind that, if the popular vote elects the president, we will have a brand new problem (which is just the same old problem in disguise): the problem of pluralities. If four people run for president, and each receives 40%, 30%, 20%, and 10% (as was the case in the election of 1860), then the candidate who won 40% will become president without receiving a majority of the popular vote. And that, in its own way, is just as anti-majoritarian as the way the Electoral College allows states to override the majority. Which leaves us back at square one.

     Fortunately, thanks to Amendment XII to the U.S. Constitution, there is a process which allows a "third party" or "independent" presidential candidate to win the office, if both Biden and Trump fail to capture the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.
     It is possible for a “third party” candidate to stop both Biden and Trump from getting the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the presidency, forcing a second round of voting in which each state would have one vote and could choose from among the top three electoral college vote-getters.
     We shouldn't even be calling these parties “third parties”, because of how many American voters keep insisting “third parties can't win”. “Third parties can't win”? Not with that attitude, they can't! Third parties can't win if you won't vote for them.
     Calling the Libertarian Party and Green Party “third parties” suggests that they're third-rate, or not viable. That is not the case. The proper term is “minor party”, meaning a party that has not yet received 5% of popular support in a previous election in any given area. If a party has ever gotten more than 5% of the vote in any county in a state, then it is considered a major party in that state.
     We cannot say that we have fair and open elections, if we don't allow a third, a fourth, and a fifth voice into the presidential debates (which are now controlled by the Commission on Presidential Debates, made up of the former heads of the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee).
     We need more options.

     Luckily, there is an even easier way to elect a Libertarian, a Green, a socialist, a Constitution Party candidate, etc., to the White House. Twelfth Amendment tactics are not necessary! It's simpler than you might think.
     All that a “third party” candidate for president has to do to win the presidency, is receive a majority of the votes in about 25 or 30 of the states in which they've achieved ballot access. That's it!
     And guess what: It's already possible for the Libertarian Party and the Green Party to win, because each of them has achieved ballot access in more than 30 states! Moreover, each the L.P. and G.P. will probably achieve ballot access in somewhere between 45 and 50 states between now and Election Day (November 3rd, 2020), as they have done during the last several presidential elections.
     So there's still hope! If a Green or a Libertarian wins a clear majority in more than half of the states, or in about 20 of the higher-population states, then as long as the electors in the electoral college respect the majority's vote, that candidate will be elected president by the Electoral College.

     Below are two maps which show the states where American voters will be able to choose the Libertarian nominee (Jo Jorgensen) and the Green nominee (Howie Hawkins) for president at the ballot on November 3rd, 2020.

The Libertarian Party presidential nominee
had ballot access in 36 states and the District of Columbia
as of the last week of July 2020.


The Green Party presidential nominee
had ballot access in 25 states and the District of Columbia
as of the last week of July 2020.

Green = states in which Green Party presidential nominee Howie Hawkins will be on the ballot

Red = states in which the Green Party is still petitioning to get on the  ballot

Orange = states in which Howie Hawkins will be a write-in candidate

Sources: Green Party website

This information is presumed accurate as of the last week of July 2020.

     To be clear: I stated above that if a candidate receives the majority votes in enough states, then that person will probably become president. That is, if the Electoral College voters abide by that decision. They don't have to.

     You see, each state is allowed to run its presidential election the way it prefers, and to allocate its Electoral College votes in any manner it pleases. That includes each state's right to decide whether to allow, or else punish and impose a fine upon, “protest votes” in the Electoral College. Electors who cast such “protest votes” are called “faithless electors” (but only if they go back on their pledge to support a given candidate).
     There are currently 18 states which do not impose any fine or punishment upon faithless electors: Idaho, Utah, South Dakota, Kansas, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Illinois Kentucky, Georgia, West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. In all other states, state laws may either require a delegate to keep his pledge, or provide for the replacement of a delegate who becomes a faithless elector, or provide for a fine to be imposed upon the elector for attempting to break his pledge.
     What this means is that, theoretically, Electoral College electors in all of those 18 states could decide that they want to “sabotage” the vote, by choosing some candidate who didn't win the majority in their respective states, and they couldn't get punished. That candidate would have to receive a majority of votes in only a couple states besides those 18, to win enough Electoral College votes to win the presidency. Such a candidate could pass 270 votes by adding together their “legitimate” votes to their so-called “illegitimate” - but nonetheless legal - faithless elector votes.
     And voilà! There's yet another way a third party candidate could become president.

     The power of states and the Electoral College, are not the only “threats” to the “majority popular vote” method which many desire for electing the president. The power of faithless electors to vote for a candidate who did not win the majority in that delegate's state, could, in fact, be perceived as a threat to both the “popular vote” and the “states' rights” approaches.
     But when both major party candidates are corrupt, we have to consider radical approaches, such as refraining from punishing faithless electors who refuse to cast their vote for someone they don't believe is competent to assume the office of the presidency (the highest executive office in the land).      And we have to consider radical approaches such as electing a “third party” candidate to the White House.

     Here are two maps about faithless electors. The first shows which states faithless electors can and cannot break their pledges without being punished. The second shows that five other candidates received Electoral College votes in 2016; in addition to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Map showing the legality of faithless electors

2016 Electoral College results,
showing that seven candidates
won Electoral College votes, not two

     Has anybody ever seen this map before? Most Americans haven't.
     How is this possible, when all we saw on CNN and FOX and MSNBC were red and blue maps? They were reporting the popular votes in each state. The Electoral College - where the president is actually elected - met a full month later, and some electors were free to pick people who weren't even running. That's the truth!
     The major media networks don't tell us this, because 1) they think it's too complicated for the average voter to understand; 2) it's time-consuming to explain; and 3) they don't want to remind American voters that they're not the actual people who pick the president, we actually elect people who elect the president.

     All of this begs the question: How many of us can say that we were taught the whole truth, in school, about how the president is elected in this country? How many of us knew that the people don't elect the president; they elect people who elect the president? That the Electoral College meets every four years, regardless of what happens with the popular vote?
     How long will this country last, if our government is so complicated, that we can't even teach our children how it works, because it doesn't work?

     If enough Americans who can't stand Biden or Trump, can choose either Jorgensen or Hawkins or some other candidate to rally around, then it will be possible for that candidate to win the 30-45% of the popular vote which will be necessary to receive in most states, to pull off a clear victory. 
     That will be especially easy to do, if either Jorgensen, Hawkins, or some other candidate, garners much more public support than all of the other third party candidates, and blows their own competition for "lead third party candidate" out of the water.
     I have my own opinion about whom that candidate should be, but it is ultimately up to the public.
     One way or another, one of the candidates opposing both Biden and Trump must become president, or corruption will continue to reign, and the republic will risk being lost forever.
     This may be our last chance.

     Please visit to find the full list of candidates running in races in your area (including the president).
     Research Libertarian Party nominee Jo Jorgensen, Green Party nominee Howie Hawkins, Party for Socialism and Liberation nominee Gloria LaRiva, Constitution Party nominee Don Blankenship, Prohibition Party nominee Phil Collins, independent candidates Vermin Supreme and Kanye West.
     Find out whether each of them will be on the ballot in your state, and then go to the polls on November 3rd, 2020 and vote your conscience. As former Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has said, "The only wasted vote is a vote for a candidate you don't believe in."

Addendum (added on August 6th, 2020):

     On Monday, July 6th, 2020, N.P.R. reported that the United States Supreme Court upheld state laws that punish faithless electors (which are also known as Hamilton electors, named after Alexander Hamilton).

     However, the fact that the court made this decision, does not mean that states must pass laws that punish faithless electors.

     It is also important to note that, according to Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, each state legislature determines the manner in which delegates are selected and appointed:

     “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, [emphasis mine] a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.”

Written and Published on July 30th, 2020
Updated on July 31st, 2020
Addendum Added on August 6th, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Police Officers Can Legally Rape and/or Kill You in Every State Except Georgia and North Carolina

Click, and/or open in new tab or window, to expand

Learn more about these topics at the following links:

Sources on resisting unlawful arrest with force:

Source on police "having sex with people in their custody" (a/k/a raping them,
and/or coercing them with a promise of release in exchange for sex):

More sources on rape by police:

Original Images Created, and Published, on July 29th, 2020

Edited and Expanded, and Title Changed, on August 6th, 2020.
The original title was "Police Officers Can Legally Rape You
in Twenty-Two States and the District of Columbia."

Images Replaced on August 14th, 20th, 23rd, and 25th, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

Guide for Volunteers Circulating Petitions to Get Joe Kopsick on the Ballot for U.S. House

     This document was created by the campaign to elect Joe Kopsick to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. It was created to instruct campaign volunteers on how to approach potential voters and signatories to the petition to get Joe Kopsick on the ballot, by name, on November 3rd, 2020.
     The document has been published here, for two reasons: 1) to allow campaign volunteers to access this information for job training purposes; and 2) to show other independent and growing campaigns how to train signature gatherers for their own campaign's purposes.

Phase 1:




Step 1A:

     Decide, carefully, whom to approach. Avoid people who are using cell phones, talking to other people, or who appear to be in a rush. Take care not to bother people who may be busy.

Step 1B:

     Approach the person casually; do not come within 6 feet of them. Take care not to appear to follow people or intimidate them.

Step 1C:

     Avoid misgendering the person; do not use the phases “ma'am”, “madam”, “girl”, “sir”, “dude”, “man”, “my guy”, etc..

     Address the person in a gender-neutral fashion, using any one of the following icebreakers:
- “May I have a moment of your time?”
- “Do you have a second to talk about the election?”
- “Hi, are you a registered voter?” or “Excuse me, are you a registered voter?”

     If the person is
interested, then proceed to Step 5 (determining whether the person is registered).

     If the person is
not interested, then see Step 4.

Step 1D:

     If the person appears very reluctant to engage you, or says they're not interested, do not bother them any further. If they say something, say “Thank you for your time” if it's appropriate. Avoid inconveniencing and upsetting them, wait a moment, and move on to another person (i.e., go back to Step 1).

Step 1E:

     If the person says “I don't know” (after Step 3), show them the QR code that lets them know whether they're registered, and which districts they live in. Tell them that they can enter their name, address, and birth date on that page, to get that information.

     If the person
has time, invite them to do it on their cell phone, or use your own (if the voter is OK with that).

     If the person is
not registered to vote, but they want to help, tell them that their signature will be counted as long as they register to vote by July 20th, 2020.

Phase 2:




     Step 2A:

     If the person is registered to vote, say either:

- “
I'm working with a campaign to elect Joe Kopsick to the U.S. House. Do you know who you're voting for, for Congress, this year?”, or

- “
I'm working with a campaign to start a Mutualist Party in Illinois. Are you satisfied by the current set of choices you have, in regards to political parties in America?

     Step 2B:

     If the person is interested, and wants to know more, then tell them the following:

- “
I work for a campaign that's collecting signatures to get independent candidate Joe Kopsick on the ballot for U.S. House on November 3rd. Every signature also helps establish a Mutualist Party in Illinois.

     Step 2C:

     Offer them free campaign literature, whether they want to sign the petition or not. But do not make them take it if they don't want it.

     Step 2D:

     If the person wants to know more about what they're signing, and what the petition does, tell them the following:

- “
This petition helps get independent candidate Joe Kopsick on the ballot for Congress, and it helps establish a Mutualist Party in Illinois.

     Step 2E:

     If the person
wants to know more about the Mutualist Party, then give them the relevant literature, and explain the following:

- “
Joe Kopsick has founded a Mutualist Party in Illinois, but he is currently the party's only candidate. Every signature that helps get Joe Kopsick on the ballot, helps the Mutualist Party get closer to 5% of the vote, at which point the party would be legally recognized as a major party in the State of Illinois.”

     If the person
still wants to know what the Mutualist Party is about, explain the following:

- “
The party supports making the economy fairer and more free at the same time, and wants the economic system of Mutualism to be a balancing influence between socialism (on the left) and capitalism (on the right).

Step 2F:

     If the person
wants to know more about what they're signing, and what the petition does, tell them the following:

- “This petition helps get independent candidate Joe Kopsick on the ballot for Congress, and it helps establish a Mutualist Party in Illinois.”

Step 2G:

     If the person
needs more information about what the petition does, say the following:

     “It's for registered voters (or people who will register to vote by July 20
th) who want to see Joe Kopsick appear on the November 3rd ballot for Congress. The full name of the position is U.S. Representative from Illinois's 10th congressional district. Signing this petition helps Joe Kopsick get on the ballot by name.”


Step 2H:

     If the person
doesn't know whether they live in the 10th district, then show them either or both of the following two things, to find out:

     1. The
list of towns, with the district map on the other side (copies of which have been provided to you).

     Towns: Bannockburn, Beach Park, Buffalo Grove (portions), Deerfield, Des Plaines (portions), Diamond Lake, Fort Sheridan, Fox Lake, Fremont Center, Gages Lake (portions), Glencoe, Glenview (portions), Great Lakes, Green Oaks, Grayslake, Gurnee (portions), Hainesville, Highland Park and Kennedy, Highwood, Indian Creek, Indian Trails, Ingleside, Kildeer, Lake Bluff and Knollwood, Lake Forest and Mettawa, Lake Villa (portions), Lakemoor (portions), Libertyville, Lincolnshire, Lindenhurst (portions), Long Grove, Long Lake, Mt. Prospect (portions), Mundelein and Ivanhoe and Sylvan Lake, Niles (portions), North Chicago, Northbrook (portions), Park City, Prairie View, Prospect Heights (portions), Riverwoods, Rondout, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Round Lake Heights, Round Lake Park, Third Lake, Vernon Hills, Volo (portions), Wadsworth (portions), Waukegan, West Miltmore, Wheeling, Wildwood, Winthrop Harbor, Zion

     2. The
QR code that allows voters to determine whether they're registered, and which districts they live in

     Step 2I:

     Ask the person to sign the petition. Say “Would you like to sign the petition?”

Phase 3:


     Step 3A:

     If they're
already eager to sign, and you've skipped over some of the previous steps, and they want to know, quickly, what the petition does, then give them this concise explanation:

- “
This petition helps get independent candidate Joe Kopsick on the ballot for Congress, and it helps establish a Mutualist Party in Illinois.”


     Step 3B:

     If the person asks “
How many signatures do you need?”, tell them this:

     - “One thousand two hundred nine (

     If they ask “
Why is that?”, tell them this:

     - “It's
one-half of a percent of the number of people who voted in the same race in the previous election, which was 2018”.

     Step 3C:

     If the person asks, “
What happens if you don't get enough signatures?”, say the following:

     - “If the campaign doesn't get enough signatures to get Joe Kopsick's
name on the ballot, then voters will still be able to vote for him on November 3rd; by writing his name into the write-in space on the ballot, which will be underneath the names of his opponents who get their names on the ballot.”

     Step 3D:

     If the person asks
where you're getting this information from, say this:

     - “All of this information is available in the
2020 Candidate's Guide, which can be downloaded from the Illinois state Board of Elections website.”
     (That website is at

     Step 3E:

     If the person asks whether they will be
obligated to do anything, or prohibited from doing anything, as a consequence of signing this form – or if they ask specifically whether they will be obligated to vote for Joe Kopsick on Election Day – then tell them the following:

     - “This form is
not a binding obligation to support the candidate on Election Day; this is only saying 'I want another choice on the ballot for U.S. House, and I want that choice to be Joe Kopsick.' But if you sign this petition, then you may not sign a petition supporting any of his opponents' efforts to get on the ballot, for the rest of the signature gathering period.” (That period ends on July 20th, 2020.)

Step 3F:

If the person
makes a mistake while filling the form out, ask them to start over again, and fill a blank line in correctly from the start. Remember which line they made the mistake on, so you can include that line on the list of deletions.

Step 3G:

     If the person asks whether they can
leave a petition out for people to sign, tell them no. Petition circulators must be physically present while signatures are being collected.

     Tell them that they can help us collect signatures to put Joe Kopsick on the ballot, but only if they stay with the forms while collecting, to make sure that voters fill out the forms correctly.

Step 3H:

     Thank the person for their signature.

Step 3I:
     Offer them additional literature.

Step 3J:

     Point to business cards, or other information, to let them know how to get in touch with the candidate and the campaign.

Step 3K:

     Tell the person, “
Would you like to stay updated about the campaign via e-mail, or help the campaign collect signatures?”

     If they say
yes, then show them the sheet; ask for their name, town, and e-mail address; and ask them to indicate whether they'd like to receive e-mails, volunteer, or both.


Step 3L:

     Wish them a pleasant day (or week, or month; whatever is appropriate for the situation).

     Unless it would be rude, also remind them to register to vote by July 20th, and/or to vote for Joe Kopsick on November 3rd.

     If they leave the encounter still unsure as to whether they'll support Joe, remind them to vote that day in general.

In order to sign petitions to help Joe Kopsick get on the ballot,
you must meet ALL FIVE of the below requirements:
1. You must be an eligible voter.
(convicted felons' signatures will be counted, but undocumented immigrants' signatures will not)
2. You must turn 18 by Election Day (must be born on or before November 3rd, 2002)
3. You must register to vote by July 20th, 2020.
4. You must NOT have signed a petition for any of Joe Kopsick's opponents in the 10th District race
[i.e., Brad Schneider (D), Valerie Mukherjee (R), David Rych (L), and Bradley Sigmund Heinz (I)]
5. You must be a resident of Illinois's 10th Congressional District, comprised of the following towns:


Beach Park

Buffalo Grove
(northern half only)


Des Plaines
(northern half only)

Diamond Lake

Fort Sheridan

Fox Lake

Fremont Center

Gages Lake
(central and southern parts only)


Glenview(western half only)

Great Lakes

Green Oaks


(southwest, southeast, and northeast corners only)


Highland Park
(incl. Kennedy)


Indian Creek

Indian Trails



Lake Bluff
(incl. Knollwood)
Lake Forest
(incl. Mettawa)

Lake Villa
(southern half only)

quarter only)



(all parts except portions
of northeast)

Long Grove

Long Lake

Mt. Prospect
(eastern half only)

(incl. Ivanhoe
and Sylvan Lake)

(extreme northwest corner only)

North Chicago

(areas northwest
of Shermer Rd.)

Park City

Prairie View

Prospect Heights
(southern half only)



Round Lake

Round Lake Beach

Round Lake Heights

Round Lake Park

Third Lake

Vernon Hills

(central and
north only)

(eastern half only)


West Miltmore



Winthrop Harbor

1,209 signatures will be required (0.5% of the number of people who voted in the 2018 election)
and must be collected and turned in before July 20th, 2020.

If you'd like to volunteer to canvass / collect signatures for Joe Kopsick for Congress,
email (or call 608-417-9395) to request petition forms!

Illinois's 10th congressional district

Written and Originally Published on July 3rd, 2020

Expanded on July 4th, 2020

Links to Documentaries About Covid-19, Vaccine Hesitancy, A.Z.T., and Terrain Theory vs. Germ Theory

      Below is a list of links to documentaries regarding various topics related to Covid-19.      Topics addressed in these documentaries i...