Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory

Image by the New York Times

Table of Contents

  1. Editor's Note
  2. Background Information
  3. Introduction to Pizzagate
  4. John and Tony Podesta
  5. Strange Tastes in Art
  6. James Alefantis
  7. Madeleine McCann
  8. The Leiter-Luzzatto Family
  9. The Ukrainian Connection

10. Conclusion: Time-Traveling Trump?
11. Sources and Links


1. Editor's Note
          On October 7th, 2016, Wikileaks released the John Podesta e-mails. A month later, independent researchers began to suspect that pedophile code words had been used between Podesta and some of his interlocutors. Later that week, Donald Trump was elected president. The following month, on the 4th of December, Edgar Maddison Welch entered Comet Ping Pong Pizza in Washington, D.C. with an AR-15, evidently suspecting that children were being held captive on the property.
          Key people in the new administration are being investigated for their possible ties with Russia. The Wikileaks of the John Podesta emails, as well as two separate leaks of Democratic National Committee e-mails, have aroused suspicion that Russian agents were involvement in leaking or hacking these emails, spreading them illegally, or even hacking or tampering with the 2016 U.S. presidential election results. Trump and figures in his administration are widely suspected of colluding with figures in the Russian political and/or business world to unduly influence that election, or perhaps even rig it.

          The more stories and accusations we see about predatory sexual behavior, especially in politics, the more it may help to clarify connections between predators whom we may not have identified as predators until recently. That is why I waited until November 2017 to first publish this information -sort of as a way to "let the dust settle" - to wait until I could see things more clearly.
          My hope is that this article may serve as an introduction to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory for beginners, and a summary of what Pizzagate researchers think is going on here; not necessarily a summary of irrefutable facts. I intend to demonstrate that it's within the realm of possibility that:

         1) There is no evidence that Russia hacked the results of, nor directly rigged, the 2016 election. (This is not to say, however, that no U.S.-Russian business deals influenced the election, nor that Russia didn't use its state owned media network RussiaToday to entertain some views sympathetic to Donald Trump and critical of Hillary Clinton.)
          2) The idea that Russia rigged the election, and mainstream media's false and sympathetic reporting on Pizzagate, have served as two convenient distractions from what Pizzagate researchers actually think is going on;
          3) There is no evidence that supports mainstream media's claims that James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza were targeted randomly;
          4) There is no evidence that the leaks of the Hillary Clinton e-mails, the two separate D.N.C. e-mail leaks, and the Podesta e-mails had anything to do with each other;
          5) There is no evidence that any of those sets of e-mails were hacked, rather than being merely leaked; and
          6) When it comes to undue influence on American elections, or at least undue influence on our energy deals, we ought to consider looking at agents in the Ukraine, in addition to persons of interest from Russia.

          Due to the disturbing nature of the following subject matter, the seriousness of the potential charges at hand, and the difficulty involved in substantiating the claims and evidence herein, I urge readers to research and verify this information independently and carefully for themselves, and to develop their own opinions about how well I and other researchers have presented the facts. I have attempted to include only the basic level of speculation I felt was necessary to "fill in the blanks" when that which we know for sure isn't enough to make sense of things.

2. Background Information

Billionaire financier and child sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein.
In 2008, Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting an underage girl for prostitution
by a state court in Florida as part of a plea bargain.

          A bit of background information, indirectly related to Pizzagate:
          First off, billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein, a known associate of former president Bill Clinton, served 13 months in prison for soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. Epstein was rumored to use his private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express", to fly V.I.P.s to Little Saint James in the U.S. Virgin Islands, nicknamed "Orgy Island".
          Epstein’s book of contacts, dubbed his "black book", was leaked online by his former employee Alfredo Rodriguez. Reportedly, Rodriguez was Epstein's butler, and even cleaned Epstein's sex toys. According to Rodriguez, he stole Epstein's black book, and leaked its contents. Shortly thereafter, he died at the age of 60 under suspicious circumstances. Bill Clinton appeared in flight logs 26 times between 2001 and 2003. he is supposedly in the book under a pseudonym (possibly using the surname "Bank" or "Banks").
          Others in the book include Donald Trump, Ivana and Ivanka, Prince Andrew, Ehud Barak, Ted Kennedy, Alec Baldwin, David Koch, Alan Dershowitz, and many other household names; politicians, royalty, and actors included. Even Kevin Spacey, whose Kevin Spacey Foundation has come under suspicion of trying to lure young actors into the company of child predators in the industry. A 90-page redacted document, purportedly Epstein's black book, has been published on

          Now on to the issue of Pizzagate, directly.

Edgar Maddison Welch is arrested outside
Comet Ping Pong in Washington, D.C.,
on December 4th, 2016

         The restaurant Comet Ping Pong Pizza was held at AR-15 gunpoint by Edgar Maddison Welch on December 4th, 2016. The restaurant's owner James Alefantis once dated David Brock, the head of liberal media outlet Media Matters. Brock switched sides from Republican to Democrat in the course of writing a book which he hoped would expose Bill and Hillary Clinton. He became a Democrat, and after dating Alefantis, Brock blackmailed him for nearly a million dollars, for some unknown reason.
          The Clintons have ties to Laura Silsby, who got time served for “irregular air travel” after having charges dropped for attempted kidnapping of 33 Haitian children. Silsby claims that her organization, the New Life Children's Refuge, was trying to convert a hotel into an orphanage for the children. Pizzagate researchers have noted that the charges against her were dropped after Bill Clinton visited Haiti.
          Other prominent Democratic politicians recently charged with or suspected of child sex trafficking include New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, and Obama's former ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman. Hillary Clinton also defended the man who brutally raped then 12-year-old Kathy Shelton, and some have alleged that Clinton played an inappropriate role in the suppression of a key piece of evidence in that case. In 2011, it came out that New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, the husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin, had sent sexually explicit texts to a teenage girl.
          The Pizzagate conspiracy seems to implicate mostly Democrats, but allegations of sex crimes against children should not be taken any less seriously when Republicans or members of other parties are suspected of them. If any formal warrants or charges are issued against Roy Moore for doing what he's accused of, or against Donald Trump for flying on the Lolita Express, then they should have their days in court just like everybody else.

3. Introduction to Pizzagate
          Some of the best sources for information about Pizzagate include the hacker QAnon (who might not even be just one person), video researcher Dean Fougere (who goes by several pseudonyms on YouTube, and has released a three-part, seven-hour documentary on Pizzagate), and Ben Swann’s “Fact Check” video primer on the topic.
          Communities at, and Facebook groups such as "#Pedogate & The NWO Agenda" (as well as many other Facebook groups) study the topic, and there are entire YouTube channels dedicated to Pizzagate, and "Pedogate", which is short-hand for possible wider, international child sex trafficking rings which may not directly pertain to James Alefantis, John Podesta, and related people and matters. The content of many of these groups and message boards, however, should be taken with a grain of salt, because they often advance prejudicial narratives. In my opinion, some of the least productive, most harmful "contributions" to Pizzagate and Pedogate research, are researchers who try to insist that all pedophilia or child sex trafficking should be blamed strictly on either Catholics, Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, transsexuals, or other groups.
          So too should we be wary of information that comes from Alex Jones, the Texas radio and internet host. Although Jones calls attention to possible child sex trafficking by elites, he has ceased reporting on Pizzagate (to the delight of John Podesta, who, from time to time, boastfully tweets and re-tweets a video in which Jones retracted most of his reporting on Pizzagate). Jones stated that he removed two of three Pizzagate-related video reports after being “asked” by James Alefantis to do so. It's possible that Jones was really threatened into doing this, as BigFish (the supposed hacker of Comet Ping Pong's website) claims Alefantis did to him. However, in a video in which Jones explains why he removed several reports on Pizzagate, he also re-affirmed his belief that international sex trafficking rings do exist, and that governments are involved in covering them up. On the other hand, Jones's ex-wife Kelly says he cares more about fancy watches, and displaying his wealth to attract women, than following through in facing down the threat he believes is posed by Child Protective Services agencies across the nation.
          The Pizzagate conspiracy theory is the theory that John Podesta and James Alefantis use pizza, as part of a system of code words and symbols, to communicate covertly about pedophilia and child sex trafficking. In mainstream reports about Edgar M. Welch holding up Comet Ping Pong, there was conjecture that Welch was mentally ill, and that he chose Comet Ping Pong – as opposed to any other pizza restaurant – completely at random. However, that wouldn't explain why Welch traveled from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., instead of shooting up his local pizza restaurant in North Carolina.

          It's clear to most independent researchers that the targeting of Comet Ping Pong Pizza wasn’t a random choice solely based on its being a pizza restaurant. Wikileaks revealed that Comet's owner James Alefantis emailed John Podesta in 2008 and 2016, if not other times as well. Additionally, Besta Pizza, which sits two doors down from Comet, changed its logo shortly after internet researchers pointed out that its spiral triangle is code for homosexual pedophilia, known to the F.B.I.. “Besta”, additionally, is Portuguese for “beast”, which some researchers suspect could be an allusion to the Devil.

4. John and Tony Podesta
          Former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's brother Tony has known convicted serial child molester and former U.S. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert for 50 years. Tony Podesra has also been pictured with James Alefantis.

Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman
John Podesta

          When John and Tony Podesta's mother Mary Kokoris-Podesta died in March 2007, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that she had adopted 25 children during her lifetime, in addition to her two biological sons, John and Tony. Pizzagate researchers suspect that artist Alex Podesta (who photographs men dressed as white rabbits) and Brian Podesta (who works at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children), are either related by blood to John and Tony, or else were adopted. Researchers have claimed that discussion pages about Brian Podesta were shut down shortly after they came into existence.
          In early December 2016, about a month after Wikileaks released John Podesta's emails on October 7th, users of 4chan and Reddit began to suspect that John Podesta had likely used pedophile code, known to UrbanDictionary, to communicate to people, including his associates Herbert Sandler, Steve Elmendorf, Todd D. Stern, and Jim Steyer (the brother of Democratic bundler Tom Steyer, who is now spearheading a petitioning campaign to impeach President Trump).
          The contents of the e-mail between Stern and Podesta contain a discussion about John Podesta's hot dog stand in Hawaii. Considering there's absolutely no evidence that Podesta owns such a hot dog stand, it's possible the usage of the term hot dog could have been pedophile code for young boys. The e-mail between Elmendorf and Podesta indicates that Elmendorf is aware that while corresponding with Podesta, not all words used might mean what they appear to mean.
          Shortly after Wikileaks released John Podesta's e-mails in early October 2016, users on Reddit and 4chan began to make posts to message boards discussing and researching the topic. In December 2016, several users posted sets of terms which they said they knew to be pedophile code, backing up their hypotheses with links to and other sources. Reddit and 4chan users suspect that pizza and walnuts are probably code for vaginas, while pasta and hot dogs refer to penises. Also, that walnut could possibly refer to a person of color, that sauce likely refers to orgies, and that Podesta's use of the word domino in an e-mail about a handkerchief may refer to sexual domination. Additionally (although this is not directly relevant to Pizzagate) ice cream is code for male prostitutes.
          As an example: in an e-mail from September 2014, Herbert Sandler's wife Susan wrote to John Podesta, informing him that her realtor had found a handkerchief on the kitchen island of a field house, asking if it belonged to him. She wrote that she thought it looked like it had a "map that seems pizza-related". According to a 4chan user, "map" is code for "semen", so it's possible that the email was referring to a handkerchief with a semen stain on it; with "pizza-related" referring to who the handkerchief owner would have been having sex with (according to the code): an underage girl.
          It's possible that the Podestas are using the fact of their Italian heritage, and the fact of John's being an avid cook, to disguise their love for pizza and pasta, and their use of pedophile code words, as nothing out of the ordinary.

5. Strange Tastes in Art
          The Podestas, James Alefantis, and their associates share a taste for disturbing art that borders on the sexually explicit, and even demonic.
          An artist named Arrington de Dionyso painted murals that were once on display at Comet, but in a mid-December 2016 article for, the painter wrote that he had become the victim of hatred and death threats from the alt-right. De Dionyso's murals depict headless people, but the paintings are not graphic, nor do they depict sex, nor children. De Dionyso's work is certainly among the least disturbing among the art tastes of Alefantis and the Podestas.
     That's whh it is unfortunate that it was de Dionyso's art which was the one that Pizzagate researchers looked into first, rather than the works of Maria Marshall, Patricia Piccinini, Julie Roberts, Katy Grannan, Louise Borgeois, and Biljana Djurdjevic. That's because their paintings and photographs often depict either children in their underwear, Satanic or occult images, or other disturbing images, and each of them is admired by one or both of the Podestas. None of that, apparently, can be said about Dionyso's work.

Multimedia artist Marina Abramovic

          Another artist is Marina Abramovic, a visual and performance artist whose works feature macabre themes. Abramovic is known for, among other things, sitting in a museum for hours and staring at whoever sits in front of her; letting people do whatever they want to her with objects that included scissors and a gun; and cutting a cake that looks like a human corpse at a Museum of Modern Art gala. An article from Washington Magazine, and the archive on thawhich preserved Alefantis's JimmyComet Instagram page, show that Alefantis is an Abramovic fan.
          A bizarre photograph of Podesta exists, in which the number “14” and a fish have been drawn onto his palms. The photograph shows that there is a bandage on his finger, and Pizzagate researchers believe that he cut himself in accordance with the instructions from and for one of Abramovic's “art pieces”. The instructions read, in part: "With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain." Abramovic reportedly wrote those words in pig's blood, and she has been known to mix bodily fluids together for use in writing and painting. Some have noted the similarities between this technique and a practice called "Spirit Cooking". Abramovic has reportedly spoken about the differences between occult acts performed as part of art, versus occult acts performed at home outside the context of art.
          In one Wikileaks e-mail, dated June 2015, Abramovic asks Tony Podesta whether he and John would be able to attend a "Spirit Cooking dinner party at my place" on July 9th of that year. Subsequent emails show John Podesta and Marina Abramovic personally corresponding with each other about that dinner, as well as a Hillary Clinton event around that time.

6. James Alefantis

Comet Ping Pong Pizza
owner James Alefantis

          James Alefantis’s friends and business associates include a German co-owner of a pizza restaurant location in Germany, a couple of pig farmers in Virginia, and a bunch of creepy rock bands, who, for some reason, perform shows at Comet Ping Pong, for all ages, sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes later than a child should be out. These bands perform for all ages, yet they have names like Sex Stains, the Coathangers, Thee Lolitas, and other inappropriate names.
          One vocalist named Amanda Kleinman, stage name “Majestic Ape” of the band Heavy Breathing, was recorded joking about Jared Fogle’s pedophilia, saying “we all have our preferences”, and complaining about babies making noise. On Halloween 2015, a musician named Miss Summer Camp was seen on Instagram, lying in the floor, looking seductively into the camera, apparently covered in blood, while in the background stood a small cage rested on top of a Ping-Pong table. Ping-Pong is part of Alefantis’s restaurant’s name, and it may also be sexual slang. Many of these bands followed JimmyComet on Instagram.
          Alefantis’s former “JimmyComet” Instagram page was taken down, but not before being preserved on Steemit. Many of the images depict young children, including, several times, one apparently named Caris. Alefantis commented on some of the pictures of her with "#carisjames". She is supposedly Alefantis’s goddaughter. It's possible that if Caris is the girl's name, then James is her middle name, but it's more likely that Alefantis's hash-tag meant to refer to the girl and himself; i.e., Caris and James. Pizzagate researchers found the girl's mother's Instagram account, and confirmed that the girl's name is Caris Cummings, that she has a sister named Mae, and that their parents are Scott Cummings and C.C. Woolman.
          One image shows the girl with her hands taped to a table, with a man (possibly Alefantis) standing behind her; Alefantis later told Megyn Kelly that the girl's sister taped her hands to the table. Some people researching Pizzagate say that they would like to see evidence that the girl is still alive after the year 2015, when she was last pictured on Alefantis's Instagram.
          Despite all the evidence that Caris is indeed the girl's name, some researchers suspect that the name Caris is a reference to the muscle relaxing drug carisoprodol. Pizzagate researchers have additionally noted another possible drug reference, this time to oxycontin (a/k/a “oysters”), in an ad for Buck's Fishing and Camping. Another theory about Caris is that she may be the same girl as a girl who was depicted on the blog PizzaBrains, wearing a T-shirt that says "pizza slut" on it (though I have not personally seen any compelling evidence that they are the same person).
          Many of Alefantis's Instagram followers, including the bands, make sexual posts, even in reference to the restaurant (“cum on down”, etc.), when it’s supposed to be a family restaurant. Several former Comet employees have stated that employees were “wild”, and one even claimed to have seen Alefantis “hooking up” with a sixteen-year-old boy in the kitchen of the family restaurant. 
          It's hard not to question what's going on here, given that Alefantis seems to be taking pictures of toddlers one moment, possibly having sex with a teenage boy the next, all during work hours, in a pizza restaurant for families, where adult musicians with creepy band names play shows for all ages, and his employees are going wild hooking up with each other.

          Edgar Maddison Welch entered Comet Pizza on December 4th, 2016, nearly two months after Wikileaks released the John Podesta's e-mails. Welch, an actor who has an page, recorded a video beforehand, saying goodbye to his family. He reportedly believes that Hillary Clinton was directly involved in child trafficking, suspected that children were being held captive in Comet's basement, and entered armed so he could check things out.
          Pizzagate skeptics have pointed to Welch's belief that Comet Ping Pong has a basement, as a possible flaw in the narrative. That's because after December 2016, Alefantis has claimed that Comet does not have a basement. However, in April 2015, in an interview with Metro Weekly magazine, Alefantis said that it does, and that the basement is used to store organic tomatoes for the restaurant.

          Whether Comet Ping Pong has a basement or not, Alefantis owns eleven other properties, one of which is Buck's Fishing and Camping, which has a basement. Another one is a property called Pegasus, which underwent construction within the last several years. Pizzagate researchers have noted some suspicious things about the construction, and about Pegasus's surroundings.
          Although there are some questions about whether the shooter fired through the wall, and whether he fired in a downward direction, Alefantis agrees with numerous reports that the shooter Edgar Maddison Welch fired one shot from his AR-15, and hit a closet. Welch said he was trying to shoot the lock open, because it was a computer closet, and housed servers which he suspected of hosting child pornography.
          The now retooled Comet Ping Pong website once had an encrypted “protected” section. A hacker, calling himself BigFish on Twitter, claims to have gotten into the site, and claims that it is child porn: including images and videos. In a YouTube interview with Dean Fougere (also known as Plato Smith and Titus Frost on YouTube), BigFish said that after he saw the contents, he immediately reported it - in great detail, with additional information - to D.C. police.
          BigFish provided the names of five officers who he either spoke to or was told was assigned to the case; Marcus Stevens, Jeremiah Johnson, Chanel Dickerson, Peter Newsham, and Daniel H. Godin. BigFish suspects that the DC police may have passed the investigation off to federal or even international authorities, since the site connects to 9 servers worldwide, one in Germany. Curiously, Alefantis co-owns a ping-pong-themed restaurant in Germany called Dr. Pong's, which suspiciously sells “table tennis equipment” as its most expensive item. The other co-owner of Dr. Pong's restaurant is named Oliver Miller.
          There are numerous videos, photos, and discussion threads about Alefantis’s 12 properties throughout DC, how half of them are right over DC tunnel systems, and about the suspicious construction and industrial refrigerators seen on Alefantis’s Instagram.
          Alefantis and Podesta have pig farming in common; Alefantis’s friends Kent Ozkum and Will Morrow own Whitmore pig farm, and James has visited. A man calling himself Matthew Yglesias, who claims to be John Podesta’s former employee, wrote that Podesta has experience killing pigs, in a July 2009 article entitled "Killer of Pigs" on Serial killer Robert Pickton disposed of his victims by feeding them to pigs; some suspect this is what John Podesta and Alefantis’s friends are up to.

7. Madeleine McCann
          Numerous British news sources have published police sketches of someone who is either a person of interest or a witness in the 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann, Police say the two sketches are of the same person, and have not supplied this person's name. But many Pizzagate researchers find it hard to deny that the sketches look like John and Tony Podesta, and hard to deny that brothers can look so much alike that they're mistaken for the same person.
          Still, the police say the suspect was some 20 years or more younger than the Podestas. But if both sketches are of the same person, then why release two sketches? They aren't even from different views; no profile pictures, just mug shots looking straight forward. Yet they look like completely different people. If this person was a witness, aren't we to presume that the police spoke to him and got his name? Why don't we know the name of this person of interest?

Two sketches of a person of interest
in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann;
images which police say are two depictions of the same person

John Podesta (left) and Tony Podesta (right)

          John Podesta visited Portugal the year McCann went missing; however, that happened several months after the girl's disappearance. In June 2016, the Daily Mail reported that the now deceased former member of British parliament Clement Freud was vacationing just a mile or so away from the McCanns on the day of the disappearance, and befriended Gerry and Kate, the girl's parents, while they searched for their missing daughter. M.P. Freud was exposed as a child molester after his death.
          The Wikileaks of John Podesta’s emails shows nothing before the day after she disappeared. Incidentally, Portuguese is the language in which “beast” is spelled and pronounced the same as the “Besta” in Besta Pizza, Alefantis's neighbor.

8. The Leiter-Luzzatto Family

David J. Leiter and his wife Tamera Stanton Luzzatto

          On October 8th, 2015, Tamera Stanton Luzzatto emailed about a dozen people, including John Podesta and his wife, with the help of her assistant Trudy. The e-mail was about how three girls age 6 to 12 would be in a heated pool, at Luzzatto's vacation home, for some sort of unspecified “entertainment”. At that time, Luzzatto worked at the Pew Charitable Trusts. From 2001 to 2009, she worked as then Senator Hillary Clinton's chief of staff.
          Pizzagate researchers discovered that Tamera Luzzatto managed a blog called Evie’s Crib, which was active 5-7 years ago but which has been taken down. It had pictures of her with three girls, and another girl cousin, an infant. I and others suspect that this woman was using her 4 granddaughters as unwilling “cam-girls” that she would violate on screen for money.
          The mother of the three sisters (Emerson, Ruby, and Maeve) is Alexandra Huntingdon Tydings. Her husband is Ben Luzzatto, Tamera Luzzatto's son from her first marriage (to Francis Luzzatto, who died in 1999). Tydings is an actress, writer, director, filmmaker, singer, bassist, dancer, and activist. Her filmmaking focuses on women's rights and reproductive rights.
          It's entirely a matter of speculation as to whether Alexandra Tydings would have known about what her mother-in-law might have been doing while Emerson, Ruby, Maeve, and another girl named Evie or Evelyn (who is apparently the girls' cousin), were in their grandmother's custody.

9. The Ukrainian Connection
          Tamera Luzzatto’s second and current husband is David J. Leiter, a former lobbyist for Burisma oil company, headquartered in the Ukraine. Tony Podesta, Paul Manafort, and Joe Biden’s son Hunter also have ties to energy deals and other important deals in the Ukraine. You may remember former vice president Joe Biden from pinching a young girl’s nipple live on C-SPAN. 

Joe Biden gropes the young niece of
Steve Daines, Republican Senator from Montana,
at a congressional photo session

          When freshmen congressmen get sworn in, Biden finds any opportunity to grope their wives and daughters. Biden has been filmed having his hand swatted away by Jeff Sessions while reaching for a young Asian-American girl's hair to caress. Biden pulls girls in close to him for photographs, and has been known to tell their fathers this joke: “That's a pretty daughter, I hope you've got a tall fence at home." In one telling, just the punch-line, followed by "a tall fence and a big dog". There even exists a photograph from the 1970s which shows a young Biden staring at the chest of a girl who looks about ten years old.
          There is no solid evidence that the Hillary Clinton e-mail leaks, the D.N.C. leaks, and the Podesta leaks had anything to do with one another. Additionally, there is no evidence that any of those sets of e-mails were hacked through illegal means, rather than simply being leaked (that is, released to the internet-using public, after being accessed without hacking, whether that occurred legally or illegally).
         Democratic Party leaders want people to think that both are hacks, and that the same people hacked both Podesta and the D.N.C., because they want people to think something illegal happened. And if most people think that the Podesta leaks and the two D.N.C. leaks are related, then they'll be more likely to think that 1) if something illegal happened in one of the leaks, then they all must have been illegal, and that 2) if Russia has to do with any of the leaks, then they all must be related to Russia.
          But D.N.C. employee Seth Rich leaked files, he didn’t hack them. And nobody hacked John Podesta. Someone leaked his emails one of the (at least) two times since the Wikileaks emails began (in May 2007) that he lost his phone. It was probably one of his aides, several of whom had access to his gmail login information.
          The Democrats have gone much harder against Russia than the Republicans have lately. Hillary compared Putin to Hitler, by comparing Russia's annexation Crimea to Hitler's call for lebensraum (living space). Trump, on the other hand (aside from a brief scuffle with Russia over Syria), notably said during the election that he'd like to be friends with Russia again.
          The Clinton team, probably a fair bit more than the people around Trump, care about Ukraine becoming energy-independent of Russia, so that it can become politically independent of Russia as well. And both major U.S. political parties seem to believe that that requires deals where the U.S. helps Ukraine get an edge on energy.
          Leiter left Burisma before his wife e-mailed Podesta about her granddaughters, but the fact of his lobbying on behalf of Ukrainian energy interests, and the fact that Tony Podesta and Paul Manafort have interests in the same exact resource and country, might have had something to do with why those girls were in that heated pool. Again, they were there “for entertainment” according to Tamera Luzzatto, the email was sent to numerous people, and John Podesta was CC’d on the email, asking him to show up if he can make it.
          Did energy lobbyist David J. Leiter pimp out his granddaughters to either or both of the Podestas? If so, did he do it to seal an energy deal with politicians or businessmen in the Ukraine? We may never know.

10. Conclusion: Time-Traveling Trump
          A video recently surfaced, posing the question: Is Donald Trump a time-traveler? The video explains that in June 2011, when the news broke about Anthony Weiner sending sexually explicit photographs to a teenage girl, Piers Morgan conducted a telephone interview with Donald Trump to get his thoughts on the subject. Trump referred to “Pizzagate”, saying that he had heard about Anthony Weiner and Pizzagate at the same time, presumably that day.
          To anyone somewhat familiar with Pizzagate, it should unimaginable that someone could have used the word “Pizzagate” prior to November 2016, when the Podesta Wikileaks came out. However, the trained Pizzagate researcher will remember tweets sent by Andrew Breitbart on February 4th, 2011 – four months before Trump's interview with Piers Morgan – saying “how prog guru John Podesta isn't household name as world-class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.”

Andrew Breitbart tweeted this message in February 2011:
more than a year before his death,
and nearly six years before most of the public
ever heard of the Pizzagate conspiracy.

          Trump must have found out about Pizzagate some time between February and June 2011; perhaps he was following Breitbart. Andrew Breitbart, in case you don't remember, founded libertarian-conservative news source, along with a man named Mike Flynn (no relation to the general).
          Flynn died in 2016 of a heart attack, four years after Breitbart died of the same cause. Although Breitbart did have a persistent heart condition, just a month before he died, he said in a tweet that it might not be long before he is murdered and his death attributed to a heart attack. Additionally, Breitbart's coroner Michael Cormier died of arsenic poisoning, and Breitbart neighbor Christopher Lasseter was nowhere to be found several days after witnessing Breitbart collapse while jogging.

          All of this cannot just be a coincidence.

11. Sources and Links

          Watch CBS reporter Ben Swann's "Reality Check" primer on Pizzagate:

          Watch Megyn Kelly interview James Alefantis on Fox in 2016:

          Visit to see the John Podesta emails Wikileaks.
          Visit to see the DNC emails Wikileaks.
          Visit the site ClintonCircle (at to see an overview of the names of the correspondents in the Clinton, Podesta, and DNC e-mails.

          Read this Steemit article about Tamera Stanton Luzzatto and her possible relatives:

          Read this leaked e-mail in particular, written by Tamera Luzzatto, with John Podesta CC'd:

          Visit the following four links to see four videos by Pizzagate researcher Dean Fougere (a/k/a Titus Frost and Plato Smith):
          Part 1:
          Part 2:
          Part 3:
          Interview with BigFish:

          Watch these video compilations of former Vice President Joe Biden groping women and girls:

          The following video clips contain audio which purportedly catch John Podesta shouting at and raping a young girl (not for the faint of heart; some links may not work anymore):

          Visit to see Jeffrey Epstein's leaked black book.

          Watch the video at to see the clip wherein Donald Trump used the word Pizzagate way back in 2011.

         Visit the following Instagram links to read three conclusive posts I made after finishing this piece:

          To hear me read this article out loud, and explain and expand on it with updated information, please visit:

     To watch my video explanation of what it means that Trump knew about Pizzagate back in 2011, please visit:

     To watch my video explanation of what the Ukraine has to do with Russiagate and Pizzagate, please visit:

Originally Written and Published on November 30th, 2017
Edited and Expanded on December 3rd, 5th, and 6th, 2017
Edited on December 8th and 19th, 2017,
August 30th, 2018, and March 26th and September 6th, 2019

Images Added on December 5th, 2017
Except final two image, added on February 27th and March 1st, 2018
and final Andrew Breitbart image, added on April 3rd, 2019

The author of this blog did not create any images used in this article except the final image.

Links added on August 29th and 30th, 2018, March 11th and 14th, 2019,
and April 12th, 2019,
and Edited on September 23rd, 2019

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Using Schizophrenia as a Powerful Creative and Introspective Tool

          The full title of this piece is “Using Schizophrenia as a Powerful Creative and Introspective Tool: On the Auto-Induction of Delusionary Thought Processes as a Method of Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, and Fiduciary Self-Evaluation”.

Trigger Warning:

          This article may be triggering to some people.
          But to make a sigil-currency omelette, you've got to break a few legs. This is to say that it will be necessary to trigger oneself; this will help to recover lost and suppressed memories.
          You must allow yourself to go so beautifully insane that your insanity heals your personality disorders. You must embrace the positive aspects of these disorders (which make you special and unique), and you must utilize them, in order to hone your deductive and intuitive skills (whether magickal or emotional), and to improve what I call your “Cognitive Discord”. Never tear down a delusion if it also happens to be one of your wildest dreams.
          Fortunately, the spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits of these practices far outweigh the detriments, and the rewards brought to bear by the alternatives. But that's what happens when you fix weights and measures without considering the Stone Price (YIC) and the Flesh Price (TBD).
          So take heed, for there are many risks to consider before getting engaged in such an Alchymical Wedding.

          First, a joke: What does occult magick have in common with economics under hoarding and scarcity? They both require and call for sacrifice! I mean, they don't call money the lifeblood of the economy for no reason.
          Another joke: What do the Moon and the Dollar(TM) have in common? They both have four quarters! That, and they form a Blood Mooney Coalition, which I believe is destined to unseat the Petrodollar-Weapondollar Coalition, to keep the USD strong against the moonetary crypto-unit which is known (on the Chinese Dark Web) as the Moon-Yuan. Still, it takes a Moon-Yuan to know Yuan!
That's why, before constructing (really, minting), your new sigil-currency, it will first be necessary to turn oneself over to The Void; that spectre of spectres, the void of impermanence which, from Planck's Constant to bak'tun, assails us all.
          For, at once, it were necessary to learn the Intrinsic Arcane (the ancient symbols written upon our amygdalas); rig thrombosis adrenal, and gallivant, tryptamine-aware, into the ever-self-propelling and self-proliferating Process (Durga). Aum.

          Phase One is, of course, proper Self-Medication. That is, drug yourself.

          Step Pa: Smoke a lot of dope. That is, buy a lot of dope, and smoke it. Literally, put that in your pipe and smoke it! So say the ancient symbols.

          Step Veh: Drink as much coffee as possible. Research suggests that drinking black coffee aids in inducing schizophrenia. [Silent, emphatic, pleading, suggestive, wild shrugs] Use that.

          Step Ged: Gather up some of your rings and coins and trinkets, take them to a warlock, and spend them on some garlic garlands, cayenne pepper, and time. Bring it all back home and snort that shit.

          Step Gal: Your dope dealer probably smokes crank. Don't smoke meth; recall what the billboards say (“Not even twice”). Instead, absorb some second-hand fumes cutaneously. This will ensure that Shakespeare & Kepler's kaleidoscopic speculum-vortex will be firmly implanted into your frontal cortex. Put a vortex in your cortex. This will be necessary for the proceeding (preceding?) ceremonies.

          Step Or: Find a way to huff glue “accidentally”. Fix your glasses with super glue, and just let it dry on your face, while you breathe in the fumes “unknowingly”. Don't have glasses? Well, you still have a pineal gland. Get a shamanic monocle (or sha-monocle), and glue it up.

          Step Un: Freebase cookies (not literally; just table salt and brown sugar). It turns time backwards. It's hard to overestimate how useful this can make things.

          Though the majority of the drugging is complete, Thisbe but the first phase of your drugging; more will come later.

          Now, on to Phase Two: Spells, Incantations, and Rituals.

          Step Graph: Cast spells, and spell words upside-down and shit.
          Cast whatever spells on your landperson (or your Landlord JesusTM, whatever the case). Do whatever is necessary to ward them off (Montgomery Ward's), and filibuster their inquisitions with your incantations. Call her Lambchop and tell her to go away because she has no power here. Do a goddamn thing for the Empire.
          Inform the building manager (assuming you don't live in a ditch, hut, hogan, or cooperative housing yurt) that, although if you remove an “a” from “manager”, you get “manger”; if you add an “l” to “manger”, you get “mangler”. This will freak them out, and show them that to be a tenant is to be Led like a lamb to the slaughter.
          I mean, seriously! I need to burn incense and candles in my adobe abode, but the building codes forbode it. People can be so afraid of a little fire sometimes. The trees like to get lit just as much as we do, people! Who has an Eostre without fire?

          Step Tal: Isolate yourself.
          Trigger and incite yourself. Doubt every thought you have, and question why you are thinking the way you are. But also question whatever motivates you to question yourself thusly.
          This will imbue you with the kind of Cognitive Discord (not to be confused with cognitive dissonance) which is necessary to comprehend the resplendent inanity that is the incoherent logick of Discordian thought.
          Go to a Zen session. Be foolish enough to interrupt someone. Do their little corporate retreat team-building exercise at the Wall; just don't spoil the esoteric surprise for yourself by learning about the Trappists beforehand.

          Step Gon: Figure out how to remove, re-install, replace, and fix, the locks (or lox) to all the doors and windows in your dwelling.

          Think on this question: What is the key to your core (coeur)?. Where is your true home; In which Temple are your true souls housed? Whatever the House, whatever its Key, that will be your sigil; will be your currency.
          Remember, as you live, your home is your Pyramid. And, as you live and die (in your cold, shitty apartment), it becomes your mausoleum, just as the Pyramus intended.
          And so, you must protect it; by warding off snakes, loan-sharks, and loan-snakes, those fraudulent u-serping u-serpents which plagued Egypt so long from now. They are that Genetic beast crawling on its belly, that squelcher of the dreams of our immortality once had by our feathren, Brother-Men, and Whethermen. Praise Imhotep, Lord Abbie of the Abbey, and the Dual Hoffman of psychopomp and circumstance.

          Step Gon·: Smell is the most powerful sense tied to memory. Seal every crack and crevice of the exits and entrances to your abode; windows, vents, and all. Because who doesn't love a good Caesarion section? Caesar's wife and her best friend Sam knew as well as anyone that the gods don't close a door without opening a Window. That ought to explain it all.
          Use duct tape and other sealants (feel free to huff them) to create an impermeable membrane between your cloister and What Lies Beyond. This will protect your neighbors from any HellfireTM which Issues from without your abode.
          To be The Catacombs is to be human; it is to be a Library of Alexandria of dead books, seeking One to read them. As Blake explained: to inquire of God is to ask of God. Theology is prayer.

          Step Na: Seek relief from the thunderous, paralyzing silence. “Play some Zeppelin, for God's sake”, as Sir Patton Oswalt (Emperor of YouTube, and the Conspirator who shot the General) imparted to us.
          Unfortunately in this case, life imitates art, so you are denied “Stairway”. However, “All My Love” serves as a delightful accompaniment to finding a metal hook on your Wall suitable for positioning a delicate crystalline lamp (LamBam) which would ordinarily belong on a desk-top.
          Ritual object magick is 10% inspiration and 90% Feng Shui.

          Step Ur: Now that your first incantation has been selected, build a soundtrack to accompany your spell-building and spellbinding. This is the soundtrack by which you are to captivate and fascinate your audience. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile, by literally taking the audience captive.
          Select a book of chansons; they can be either original works, or covers. Just keep in mind that an album of covers has two more covers than it lets on (that is, the back cover and the front cover).
          But however you fashion that you'll fascinate your audience (The Voices), you must fashion also spells. Encapsulate them within the binding of your spell-book (preferably one of human flesh, as we have disgust). And, praise Eminem, you know what this must mean; this is the only binding which is truly binding.
          You must bind The Book the same way The Covenant binds you.

          Step Mals: Isolate yourself. Deprive yourself of everything you once loved; friends, lovers, family, all social interaction. Join a cult if you have to (but don't just join a cult; be The Cult, be The Hidden).
          Deprive yourself of your hobbies, freedoms, possessions; even nutrition, heat, and ventilation. Cut out all indulgences and guilty pleasures, especially if you can't afford them. Deprive yourself of adequate nutrition now, in order to be able to afford good nutrition later! That's just the way you have to think and prioritize for the long-term; after all, you're immortal (or at least eternal, it's your Call).
Denying yourself everything you hold dear will, of course, aid in inducing the depressive state which is necessary to invoke the spirits which dwell within, out-into the world of Māya. That is, I mean, if you insist on being a materialist like that. “Beware of Māya”, so sayeth Jáyaraj. But after all, these deprived and depraved rituals are what's necessary to live an ascetic (not to be confused with A E S T H E T I C) lifestyle. Right?
          Until you sit atop the Earth, until you sit in the Master's chair, you won't understand that all the value of the Universe is literally in your hands. You cannot fully comprehend until you reflect upon what it verily means to stand-under; to under-stand the Heavens. Just as you charge a sigil the same way you charge a purchase, your assets cannot financially appreciate until you learn to intellectually appreciate.
          But you keep forgetting; the Master's chair is your chair to begin with, just as Don Yuan subliminally and repeatedly suggested to Carlos. A good church is one that keeps the Throne open for Christ, and good synagogue is one that keeps a seat saved for Elijah. Just as a good opera saves a seat for Emperor Norton, your dwelling saves always a seat for you. Do not take it for granted.
          To understand this is to see the Sky for the first time, despite having looked up so many times before, praise Bob.

          Step Ger: Search for other things - besides your incantation soundtrack and your gematric Economicon - by which to pretend (and portend) to bind yourself to your audience. Once all is within you, you need no longer fear the ill effects of looking outside of yourself for fulfillment. All is One.
          Put clothespins all over yourself. Fingers, ears, eyes, nose, whatever dangles from ya. Put one on your tongue and try to make a lamb noise. Speak all sorts of tongues; this is the true Song of Songs.
          It is in this lamby Silence – after the Initiate has already, by oneself, initiated the sacred creative processthat the mind acquires a certain stillness; that Pallas Muse and Oracle make their apparitions, and begin to take possession of the Artist (without laying any claim to His Work).
          To put a clamp on your tongue is to bind your Flesh to your Word. Let this clamp be as your Fasces.
           Chasten, don't hasten.

          Step Drux: Be so quiet, and so still...
           Listen for a voice coming from behind your left shoulder, or look for a vision in red coming from ahead and to the left. This is not some J.F.K. assassination shit I'm talking about here; this is just standard chaos ritual, the kind any ordinary witch-daemon will tell you about.
          If you need to verify this, read your Crowley... just not before, and not after, reading yourself.
Everybody look at your hands; I need You to really hear this.

          Step Pal: Make The DealTM.
          Read a bunch of WebMD. Give yourself Munchhausen's Syndrome. Start saving your blood, and all of your humours (your precious bodily fluids). Donate the vast majority of them to Commodity Fetish Records. Remember, it's not a blood sacrifice, it's a voluntary blood donation. And anything that you can describe as “voluntary” can't be harmful! (Disclaimer: If nobody volunteers, then a volunteer will be chosen at random from the audience.)
          Keep some of your humours (and your tumours) saved somewhere, in case a couple come to your window with a dog, demanding a sacrifice. Study up for this inevitable event by reading some David Berkowitz (a/k/a Dr. Doolittle).
          To Make The Deal (hadith), get your blanket out. You know the one, Linus; that one with the royal red of the Second Coming on one side, and the white veil - the Shroud of purity and holiness - on the other. Place it onto the dog, red side up. This either crowns the dog the Red Devil, or else Christ the Blood-Covered King. It's actually impossible to know.
          That is, until eleven years later, when that couple you hosted who conceived that night, birth the Antichrist Jesús, the Invincible Invisible Muscle Car; the Susej-Jesus, that flying soothsaying sausage on a saucer from beyond the Lamb's Head Nebula. Yea, for Muscle-Car Jesus was laid upon the Cross, affixed to it with the bolts of a million sinners who bolted from Mother Church; and crucified onto the psyche of the American automobile-purchasing consumer public. This is why most car companies and dealerships are named after star systems, praise Ford (fnord).
          When all of this is over - whether you've found the serial killers or not – let people point guns at you. Don't even ask whether they're loaded, because, honestly, like you give a shit. Next, do whatever. Show up at work the next day like nothing happened.

          Step Med: Now that The DealTM has been made, construct the corresponding iconography. To be clear, this is a pre-currency-crafting sigil-building session.
          Write down whatever comes into your head. You know how there's a Book of Numbers in the Bible? Add a Book of Letters, or perhaps a Book of Names. Turn an English Bible around 180°, pretend it's in Hebrew, and try to read it. It's like the good people at Klutz Books explain; nearly every letter (not just p, q, b, and d) can be turned upside-down into another letter. I mean, you might have to un-capitalize it, but fortunately for us, Brother Marx has already explained this un-capitalizing process in full detail.
          Once the iconography is “architected” (as the Trumpeters say), and your self-constructed symbolic gematria tables (replete with onion-like layers of meaning) are complete, communicate it to whomever you feel appropriate. This will not be easy at first, but with practice, it will save your skin. And your imagination is the only limit as to how you might put that skin to good use.
But, of course, demonic possession is nine-tenths of The Law.

          Step Don: Engage in self-harm.
          Now that all the occult ritual infrastructure is in place - and you've sat down in a cardboard box facing southwest, and stood up to find yourself leaning sideways in one of those wacky-house tourist-traps somewhere in rural Wisconsin - pick out a good seventeen-minute song (it should already be part of your incantation playlist), and play “The Knife Game” along to the beat. Don't worry if you fail to stab yourself on the first play; you'll get better with Practice.
          Next, go somewhere where there's construction, and grab one of those thin white hard plastic poles that they stick into the ground. Walk around downtown, unapologetically whip yourself in the face and The Shins with it, and smoke J's. Your night will be over when you see Wayne Coyne talking to a Pakistani mystic who secretly used to be your T.A..
          This all goes to show that some experiences are universal.

          Step Ceph: Continue to self-harm.
          You know how I told you to smoke a lot of dope? And how you've been walking around toking fat doinks in front of everybody? And shouting at the mounted police “Hey, one if by land, two if by sea, motherfucker!”? Well, check this out: Put lit joints out on your forehead. Right above the bridge of your nose; between your Temples, in front of your pioneer gland. If that doesn't help decalcify things, then Nothing Will!
          You may experience a slight (that is, life-long) scarring sensation; a permanent burn Mark. But apostate Catholics have been putting joints out on their faces for Lent for millennia; there's no reason why you shouldn't do it too. After all, does it not say in The Book that the Second Coming and the End Times (not to be confused with American Babylon: End Times) is heralded by the Mark appearing on the right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) And are Marks from self-harm not commonly found on the wrists?
          This is the Book of Mark incarnate; it happens to the best of us. The One who bears this Mark is the One who has True Value in his hardware; a true Profit. This Mark is the Talisman. The Power and the Will to acknowledge this Mark is the Shibboleth; that by witch we are to distinguish the Parishioners from the Apparitioners.
          He who Will not recognize the Talisman is no proper bearer of The Message. In such a case, it is entirely appropriate to shoot The Messenger.

           Step Van: Go outside (if you don't already live outside), and look for Adam and Eve. They are in your neighborhood.
           Recall the Roman rule of 150; every person, real or fictional (or legendary, or mythic), is an avatar of one of 150 Eternal personalities. They manifest themselves as the some seven billion living, as well as all of the dead and their many geists. Just as He will come if you invite Him in - just as it will come if you build it - if you go looking for them, you will find them. Blessed are the Seek.
           Invite a total stranger into your home. Figure out which saint he is, make sure he isn't dead or undead, and ask him to help you pick out an interior decorating scheme. Lay down a line; not one of cocaine, but one of stockings on the floor; in a line perpendicular to Mecca. But do it without painting yourself into a corner. This will help establish boundaries.
           Let the saint drug you against your will. Let him tie or tape you down if necessary. Inform him that, in exchange for imparting the jewels of arcane wisdom, he is obligated to steal one item from you. Finally, cease contact.

           Step Fam: Next, you must allow yourself to go so gloriously insane, that your delusions begin to possess an almost nightmarish beauty. If you can manage to go insane enough, you can actually come out the other side. You have to work through the insanity to get to the chewy sane center.
          Just as there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's, there's no wrong way to drive yourself mad (yes, the same way you would drive a car). Give yourself Capgras delusion, or Fregoli delusion (really, it's taster's choice). Implant false memories in your own mind. Give yourself paranoid delusions, but also pronoid delusions. Finally, mix it all together in a cauldron with a dash of Protagonist Syndrome, to make a nice bouillabaisse of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
          How? Hang out with people who have those disorders, and believe everything they say wholeheartedly. Believe their delusions even more faithfully than they do. As long as you can “relieve the stigmata” of mental illness, and avoid diminishing its seriousness, this will allow you to better empathize with others. Don't forget: mental illnesses are communicable.
          But just as Kohan explained about “how the light gets in”, once you let someone inside of you, you don't need to try to understand them and relate to them; you already are them! Want to write a story or an incantation from the perspective of somebody else, but can't get inside their head? Boom! You're already all up in there!
           It's like Roger said: it's just a little pin-prick. Thus, the task of understanding others becomes no more difficult than trying to understand ourselves (ha!)

          But once you see yourself standing atop this whirling planet – and see yourself from above and without, as if peering-in from outside, yet, at once, from within, the Universe, and even from the vantage-point of a god - you see yourself spinning as the planet. You see your pierced twin-souls, spinning, and revolving around one-another, like two puppies cozying into bed on a cold Solstice morn; or like a binary star system, its atomic mechanizations fueling your very physical being.
          You begin to see the Great Spirit as one which pervades you, others, itself, and all; and that each of us, in the midst of our spiritual quandary (again, prayer), is but a giant space-termite, nibbling away at the desiccating tree branches which, like streaks of heated gas, connect our galaxy's Roots (shoreshim) to the Branches (zemachim) in the Heavens. Which one is the netzer, we cannot know until Olam Ha-Ba.
           So too do you see that this ancient connection may be restored, if only the ancient symbols may once again manifest in the mind of a living mortal. You shan't refuse the call, but you must know when the time is right. Remember, time is mooney.

           Step Gisg: You know that Zen retreat I mentioned earlier? Accidentally walk past it on your way up a mountain. If you get to the top by midnight, and the moon is at its absolute fullest, then you're going to meet Björk, and solve that cryptic math-rock mashup riddle that you thought was the True Name of YHVH.
           It may sound crazy but like I've explained, the firmness and fervency of your belief makes it what Terence McKenna calls “true enough”. As above, so below. I mean, if Björk figured out the name of G-d before you, what makes you think you're going to Say Anything that'll pry the Word of G-d from Moses's dead hands?

           By now, you ought to have successfully induced psychosis. If not, change your drug regimen around and try again.
           But whatever you do, by all means, over-analyze the meaning of every word spoken around you. Even the tweets of birds, whether real or recorded. Over-analyze the meaning of every sound you hear. Even if they're not directed at you, know that the dark humour of the Universe, and the entropic irony of the cosmos, dictate that, ultimately, everything you hear is about you, regardless. Your inaction or silence cannot excuse you from joining The Dance or singing The Song.
           To get swept up in The Way is like watching Dancer in the Dark. It's like Bill meant to say; all the world is a (sound)stage. Like when you're tripping, and the Walls are breathing at you? Only the Trappists know why the Walls do this; only the Trappists hear at full volume what they have to say. They are the Root of the illusory Separation.

           To study the Word is to pray. To Know Her is to Love Her. To love God is to love oneself. And, as biochemists have proven, to fall in love is to go insane. And so, to know God, you must drive yourself so hopelessly mad that magick is all you can do. It's just like Howard told us; “first, you've got to get mad”. As within, so besides.
           It's like The Body said; “You can't make a Gypsy anthill omelette without breaking one of your eggs over an anthill, you can't put the egg before the horse if the chicken came before the egg, and you can't put Descartes before day-horse without giving yourself a night-mare, and invoking the Pale Horse and his fellow Horsemen. Heed the Mark, for Harvey Milk does The Body Good.
           Follow the examples set by Newton and Jung; scientists who realized that their research was no longer relevant, unless and until they were to dive into the realm of the collective subconscious, rescue the ancient symbols from Goddess Psyche, and set the gematria tables for a McKennan fish-dinner picnic on the noetic shore.
           Ain't nothin' to it but to do it. That, and to self-trigger, in order to catapult oneself into the face of God.

           Everything bad you've ever done will last forever. Everything mean you've ever said is being permanently recorded onto a giant straightened paperclip-wire in the middle of the galaxy, which is being fed on by a giant space-chicken at the Edge of the Universe.
           This bird-headed One (whom the ancients referred to as Osiris) reads every bad deed to its own duplicitous anima (St.-Peter-as-Maat), and weighs our sins against one of its own feathers. This is Judgment; this is the Reckoning (or, at least, I reckon).
           Every male you've ever met is God, every female you've ever met is Mary, and everyone else is the Holey BeJesus. Yes, every sin you've ever committed was committed against the Holy Family itself. So take care, and best of luck!

           You're losing it, I can tell. And that can only mean one thing: You are now just about ready to construct your sigil.
           Its shape should resemble that famed Sisyphian object; that incarnate single-fingered Glove of Love worn by Doubting Thomas but for Eternity Infinitesimal.
           That is; the shape of your sigil must represent the value of its currency.

           All is for nought. 1=0. Ave Chao.

           Ave Meyers.

This has been a (semi-) satirical piece.

Dictated on November 3rd, 2017
Transcribed, Edited, and Expanded on November 5th, 2017
Edited and Expanded on November 13th through 15th, 2017
Edited on May 2nd, 2018
Edited on January 17th, 2018

List of Musicians Suspected, Accused, and/or Convicted of Sexual Crimes Against Minors

      Part I: Author's Note      On September 23rd, 2021, I published an article - consisting of thirty-one images - which was titled ...