Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Links to All Posts About George Floyd and the 2020 Nationwide Protests Against Police Brutality

1. My May 2020 video "Chicago Police Pepper-Spray Peaceful Protesters without Warning (May 30th, 2020)"

2. My May 2020 video “Amateur Footage Captures Moments After Cop Car Set Ablaze in Chicago (May 30th, 2020)":

3. My May 2020 video “Chicago Cops Kick Protesters Off State & Wacker (May 30th, 2020)”:

4. My June 2020 article “Bad Elk v. United States: In Which States is it Legal to Resist Unlawful Arrest with Force?”:

5. My June 2020 infographic “How to Succeed in Street Warfare #1: Surrounding Aggressors”:

6. My June 2020 infographic “How to Succeed in Street Warfare #2: Gaining Territory by Moving Barricades":

7. My July 2020 article "Police Officers Can Legally Rape and/or Kill You in Every State Except Georgia and North Carolina":

8. My August 2020 Instagram post about how the police are legally allowed to rape and kill people in many states:

9. My September 2020 article "Ending Involuntary Servitude, Police Brutality, and Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Incomplete)"

10. My April 2021 article "Forty-Seven Badly Needed Reforms to Policing, Drugs, and War That Could Save America from a Second Trump Term":

Originally Published on June 10th, 2020

Edited and Expanded on June 12th and August 20th, 2020,
and January 17th, 2021

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