Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How to Succeed in Street Warfare #1: Surrounding Aggressors

See these images in an Instagram post at the following link:

Created and published on June 9th, 2020
Instagram Link Added on June 11th, 2020


  1. Hannibal would be proud. There needs to be directions that go along with the strategy for a leader to properly evaluate and execute if they aren't privy to this knowledge. And also there is no info given as to what to do if the cops or nazis choose to retaliate with more advanced strategy or have a distinct advantage in some (hopefully) foreseeable way. You are arming people with intellectual stones against heavily armed swat teams commanded by officers who specialize in battlefield (hyperbole it may be) tactics. IF ANYBODY DECIDES TO USE THESE STRATEGIES PLEASE DO SOME CURSORY RESEARCH ABOUT THE HISTORY AND IMPLIMENTATION OF THE ART OF WARFARE... THIS IS WHY THEY KEEP WINIING? IF YOU HAVE A SENSE TO LEAD, DO SO!

  2. Wow. Thank you very much for sharing this informative and useful post.

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