Friday, February 28, 2020

Thirty-Five Forms of Child Abuse and Trafficking That Are Legal or Supported by Government (Incomplete)

Table of Contents

     1. The groping of children by T.S.A. agents
     2. The use of zero-tolerance drug policies to excuse the arrest and detention of children
     3. The use of the fact that students disrobe in locker rooms to excuse strip searches of minor students
     4. The police use of "bait trucks" to lure teenagers and poor people into stealing, to excuse their arrest
     5. The sale of teenage delinquents to for-profit prisons by American judges
     6. The use of "trash TV" shows, and federal law, in the 1990s, to promote boot camps as supposedly less abusive alternatives to prison
     7. The legal abduction of migrant children by I.C.E. agents at the border
     8. The legalized hitting of children due to lax standards set by C.P.S.
     9. Schools instructing bullying victims to hug their tormenters     10. Schools' deprivations of parents' rights and students' privacy during field trips
     11. The calculation of states' disbursements to public schools based on attendance turns schools into prisons
     12. The genocidal separation of children from parents, which is called "compulsory education"
     13. The molestation of children in public schools
     14. The taxpayer funding of legal defense expenses for teachers accused of molestation
     15. Teachers' access to students, and students' access to contraceptives
     16. Government attempts to refuse to grant diplomas to students unless they get hired, continue their education, or enlist in the military
     17. The recruitment of young adults into the military where they can't sue for rape
     18. The Violence Against Women Act functions as a rape and domestic abuse insurance program
     19. The refusal of courts to remove children from the custody of abusive parents simply because they are actively trying to remain a part of the children's lives
     20. The subjugation of American children to debt slavery through the Social Security System
     21. The splitting-up of families by the child support system (Social Security Title IV-D)
     22. The splitting-up of families by family law courts
     23. The abuse of adoption laws to justify taking biological children into custody
     24. The occasional refusal to remove a molested child from a home, or sentence child molesters to prison, on the grounds that the abuser is the biological parent of the child, is the child's caregiver and supports the child financially, has gone through treatment, and/or "wouldn't fare well in prison"
     25. The death of children following placement in foster care by family services departments
     26. The normalization of kidnapping, through phony "kidnappings" of high school students, by other students, as part of birthday celebrations
     27. The lack of an 18-year age of consent law
     28. The legalized use of the "I thought she was older" defense in statutory rape cases
     29. The decriminalized interstate trafficking of 12-to-16-year-olds by people less than 4 years older
     30. The invalidation of twenty states' age of consent laws, as the result of Quintana-Esquivel v. Sessions
     31. The legality of marrying minors, with the consent of a judge and/or a parent, in ten states
     32. The refusal to give serious sentences to police officers accused of statutory rape and child molestation
     33. The continued service, in Congress, of lawmakers whom have been charged with "underage prostitution" or child sex trafficking scandals, or have been caught on tape molesting children
     34. The use of the monetary system and financial pressure to coerce adults into accepting putting their children to work
     35. The possibility that the BAR Association (attorneys' union) is a syndicate of homosexual rapists and child molesters whom are covering-up each other's sex crimes.


     1. The groping of children by T.S.A. agents

     The Transportation Security Administration agents give no presumption of innocence to passengers. This is “guilty until proven innocent” and it subverts the idea of maintaining the rule of law in order to create a just and civil society. In presuming guilt, executing unwarranted searches, and assuming consent, the T.S.A. ignores passengers' due process rights recognized by the 4th and 5th Amendments; namely the rights to be secure in one's person and papers (etc.) except upon presentation of a specific warrant, and to be free from undue searches and seizures.
     Children flying on planes in America are not immune from the T.S.A.'s choice of “porn or grope” (as Judge Andrew Napolitano put it). “Porn or grope” gives airline customers a “choice” between a privacy-invading body scanner that shows an image of your child naked to a government employee and could also give them cancer, versus a physically invasive pat-down.
     Were it not for their supposed legality, these pat-downs would be considered clear-cut examples of mass grooming of children (i.e., mass coaxing of children into accepting unwanted touching). The argument against ending this practice is the notion that terrorists will start strapping bombs to children because they know their children will not be searched, but those fears are unjustified because such a thing has never happened once in American history. The purpose of patting-down adults and children alike, is not just to instill in us a sense of safety; it is to lure us into a false sense of security. We know from tests that the T.S.A. fails to intercept 95% of bombs, so we can only conclude that sexual humiliation and submission are the goals of these procedures. Subjecting our children to them serves to inculcate whole generations of children into accepting unwanted touching near their groins from the day they begin using airplanes to travel.

     2. The use of zero-tolerance drug policies to excuse the arrest and detention of children

- Banning of getting drugs planted, touching drugs even if you say no after, and banning markers due to sniffing, as excuses to arrest kids

     3. The use of the fact that students disrobe in locker rooms to excuse strip searches of minor students

- 58:04 : changing clothes in gym is excuse to allow strip searches of children (by Breyer)

     4. The police use of "bait trucks" to lure teenagers and poor people into stealing, to excuse their arrest

- Norfolk Southern:

     5. The sale of teenage delinquents to for-profit prisons by American judges

Pennsylvania judge convicted of selling teen delinquents to for-profit prisons
- school to prison pipeline

     6. The use of "trash TV" shows, and federal law, in the 1990s, to promote boot camps as supposedly less abusive alternatives to prison

Joe Biden's, and 1990s trash TV show hosts', efforts to promote boot camps as solution to teen delinquency, including as a supposedly less abusive alternative to prison (see WWASPS; boot camps are often no less abusive than prisons, and often more abusive)

     7. The legal abduction of migrant children by I.C.E. agents at the border

     Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) officials have snatched children from their mothers' arms, an act which would be considered kidnapping if it were not being done in order to further the goals of law enforcement.
     I.C.E. abducts these children on the premise that they can't be sure that the children are related to the adults accompanying them, as opposed to the children being victims of trafficking. This is false more often than it is true, as even when the child is not related to the accompanying adult, the child may have been adopted by the adult before or during their journey to America.
     This is the modern equivalent of Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels's claim, from the 1934 Nuremberg rally, that, during World War I, the enemies of Germany accused Germany of doing what they themselves were doing. Another justification for this practice is that the threat of taking children away is thought to deter people from making the journey to America.
     During the administration of Donald Trump, migrant parents were told by I.C.E. officials that they were taking their children away from them in order to give them baths, only to discover that their children weren't going to be returned to them. This is remarkably similar to the manner in which the Nazis used the promise of showers to lure Jewish prisoners into gas chambers.

8. The legalized hitting of children due to lax standards set by C.P.S.

     According to Child Protective Services, hitting a child will not be considered maltreatment unless it causes bruises or other physical symptoms which persist for longer than 24 hours. This is tantamount to enforcing a law that says it is acceptable to hit a child as long as you don't leave any physical evidence. (see footnote #50 and search for “bruise”)

10. Schools' deprivations of parents' rights and students' privacy during field trips

     Some time between 2005 and 2010, a public school in Florida organized a field trip, and declined to notify how they would be keeping track of the students during the trip. The school failed to notify parents that the school would be taking pictures of their eyes; that is, retinal scans.
     This may seem innocuous and innocent enough, to the untrained (ahem) eye. But there are several religious traditions whose members have moral objections to being photographed. Native Americans, for example, and the Amish, among others. Some Orthodox Jewish people have a particular distaste for allowing their children to be photographed.
     The potential religious objections aside, collecting the biometric information of school students - especially without their parents' knowledge or consent - should be especially frightening to anyone who knows a lick about American history. The education system is heavily influenced by the Ford Foundation, founded by American automobile entrepreneur Henry Ford, who was known to have Nazi sympathies. Moreover, the collection of personal information, which was done to Jews in Germany in order to round them up and kill them, was made possible only by the technology utilized by I.B.M. (International Business Machines). That is why the collection of children's personal biometric information - whether it's scans of their retinas, or information about what kind of earlobes they have (because Nazis cared about that for some reason) - should never be done without both parental notification, and parental education about the history of Nazi influence on American education.
     No adult ought to know what a child's eyes look like, better than the child's own parents do. Retinal scanning of children, and other invasive forms of documenting their personal attributes for the sake of keeping track of them and "keeping them safe", only stands to accustom school children to being photographed by adults whom they don't know well, and accustom them to being tracked by strangers who are resorting to extremely unnecessary, and invasive, levels of security, in order to keep track of children during field trips.
     Whatever happened to "the buddy system"? At least when children are kept track of by other children, there's no possibility for adult-child sexual activity.

11. The calculation of states' disbursements to public schools based on attendance turns schools into prisons

     In nearly half of U.S. states, schools allocate funding to schools based on either Average Daily Attendance (A.D.A.) or Average Daily Membership (A.D.M.). "Membership" is the official term for enrollment. State-provided funds are divided by the number of students enrolled in public schools statewide. Those funds are then divided among the state's school districts, based on each district's projection of the number of students who will actually attend classes.
     Recently, this practice prompted one user of social media, who attends school in California, to create what has since become a "text meme". This high school student explained that a member of his school's staff "joked" that students should come to school as often as they can, even when they are sick. The official said that sick students should show up, be counted in attendance, and then go home to recuperate.
     This practice risks exposing sick children to unnecessary travel, exposing healthy students to communicable diseases, and reducing schools to the level of prisons which get paid according to their head count. The more states that choose to determine school funding based on A.D.A. and A.D.M., the more complete the transformation of schools into prisons - overcrowded, disease-ridden prisons - will be.

12. The genocidal separation of children from parents, which is called "compulsory education"

     According to Article 26 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (drafted in 1948), "Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. [emphasis mine] Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

     "Everyone has the right to education" sounds great, doesn't it? And "education shall be free" sounds even better (as long as nobody's forced to pay for it). But "Elementary education shall be compulsory"?
     "Elementary education" is the only thing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says should be "compulsory". In fact, Article 20 of the same document says that "No one may be compelled to belong to an association." Well excuse me, but isn't a public school an association? Isn't it compelling children to belong to public school associations, to describe their elementary education as "compulsory"?
     As if it weren't obvious enough yet that compulsory education is a scam designed to traffic children into the hands of government employees, public officials such as Kamala Harris have threatened to jail the parents of truant students. That is forcible transfer of children from their parents to the schools.
     Moreover, in the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (adopted in 1948, the same year as the Human Rights Declaration), genocide is defined as any one of many acts; not just deliberate attempts to mass-exterminate people. Genocide, as defined by the U.N., includes (but is not limited to) "forcibly transferring children of the group to another group" (where "the" denotes "a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group").
     What this means is that the same year that the United Nations declared compulsory education to be a universal human right, it also arguably declared compulsory education to be a form of genocide. Which implies that the U.N. believes that all peoples and groups are entitled to genocide. The United Nations are effectively saying that all peoples and groups the world over, have a universal human right to be forcibly taxed, in order to fund the transfer of their children to government employees with the threat of jail time if they refuse to comply (but it's OK because the forcible taxation allows elementary education to be free at the point of sale).
     The U.N. has thus shown that it has no business whatsoever determining what is and is not a universal human right.

13. The molestation of children in public schools

     Twenty-four American public school students are molested every school day in America (assuming 175 school days per year). This figure includes all reported molestation, sexual abuse, and sexual assault, by teachers and fellow students combined, from the years 2011 through 2015.
     According to an estimate by Hofstra University scholar Charol Shakeshaft, 290,000 students had experienced some form of sexual abuse by a public school employee between 1991 and 2000 (which works out to 184 molestations per school day, assuming 175 school days per year).
     One American public school student per school day suffers injury or death at the hands of a gunman. If the argument “If it will save the life of even one child, it will be worth it”, can convince people that gun control is necessary to prevent gun violence and protect children, then a similar argument ought to work for convincing parents to withdraw their children from public schools. Every day that students organize nationwide to skip a whole day of school, is another day that 24 kids won't get molested at school. And that goes whether they are skipping school to protest the climate, or to protest what they should really be protesting instead, which is their own mass enslavement by our corrupt government.

     14. The taxpayer funding of legal defense expenses for teachers accused of molestation

     The legal fees of public school teachers charged with molesting students, are always paid for by taxpayer money one way or another. This is because all of public school teachers' money comes from taxpayer money, and the only common alternative to those teachers hiring private attorneys, is accepting representation from their teachers' union. Those unions are funded by employee contributions, and those employees' money comes from the government. The taxpayers will thus not be free from preventing their money from being used to defend teachers charged with molesting students, until they find legislators and lobbyists who will lobby for an end to taxing people who do not consent that their money be used for such purposes.

     15. Teachers' access to students, and students' access to contraceptives

     Many people who support both public education and the legality of abortion, want high school students to have easy access to condoms, morning-after pills, and other forms of contraceptives and abortificants.
     Granted, any high school student who decides to become sexually active, should have access to such things. But the only kind of high schooler who can make such a "decision" to become sexually active, is someone whom is capable of making an informed decision; of giving informed consent. Only the oldest and most mature high schoolers are capable of deciding to become sexually active, because only the oldest and most mature high schoolers know about all the potential consequences - negative and positive - of sex.
     If mature upperclassmen have access to contraception at high schools, then that is all well and good. But perhaps younger teens who seek contraceptives, and abortions, should have their parents notified (except, of course, in cases in which their father or stepfather is the one who knocked them up, which would only turn a parental notification requirement into a danger to the child).
     Don't get me wrong; there are sex-positive people who support our public schools, and support easy access to contraceptives in schools, because they want women (women being the operative word) to be able to control their bodies. However, teenage girls, of the underclassmen ages in high school, are not women, and cannot consent to sex (nor can teenage boys of the same age).
     Moreover, there are other kinds of people who want contraceptives readily available in schools, besides pro-choicers who love teachers. Male teachers who want to have sex with teenage girl students have plenty of incentive to make sure that the school nurse's office is stocked with everything his "girlfriend" needs to "get rid of our little problem". Male teachers who molest teen girls and risk impregnating them, have every reason to make sure that the tools necessary to "cover up the evidence" are close by, and to make sure that the girl is independent enough to obtain them without any other adult finding out.
     Legal promises that public high schools will be stocked with easily accessible contraception - even for students not yet mature enough to handle sex, or understand when their relationship with an adult has become inappropriate - are, thus, a federally created insurance fraud program that subsidizes the molestation and impregnation of teenage girls by male teachers at public high schools.
     Easy access to contraceptives at high schools, does not teach students to have sex responsibly. It's not that teaching chastity or "abstinence-based" education is superior to teaching sex positivity and teaching about contraceptives; both abstinence and contraception need to be taught, and students need to be aware of the effectiveness of each. Abstinence does have a 100% effectiveness rate; but only if it's actually practiced consistently. Having sex is not a "failure" of abstinence education; to have sex is to stop practicing abstinence. Thus, no pregnancy can be blamed on abstinence, nor on its failure, since abstinence does not cause pregnancy. Abstinence-only sex education is what has been linked to increases in teen pregnancies; not education about abstinence alongside other methods of contraception. If adults can't accept these facts, then what chance do our teenagers have of ever learning this information in school?
     Easy access to contraception gives teachers the tools they need to help convince, or even intimidate, girls they molested into getting morning-after pills or abortions. Federally funded contraceptives in high schools, for all students who want them, is therefore federal student-raping insurance.

16. Government attempts to refuse to grant diplomas to students unless they get hired, continue their education, or enlist in the military

- Rahm Emanuel

     17. The recruitment of young adults into the military where they can't sue for rape

Military recruiters and supporters of drafting women, lure 18-year-old women into the military, where they can't sue the military for rape due to long and frequently changing contracts and also due to sovereign immunity

also the draft itself

18. The Violence Against Women Act functions as a rape and domestic abuse insurance program

     Consider the fact that the 1994 Brady Bill took guns away from Americans; including America's single mothers. Later in 1994, the Violence Against Women Act was passed, as part of the Clinton omnibus crime bill. The Violence Against Women Act promised that federal funds would be made available to women who became victims of domestic abuse. This is a perfect example of government "breaking your leg and then giving you crutches"; the same federal government that disarmed single mothers against their abusive husbands, also promised that some prosecutors would get paid every time an abusive man goes back to his ex-wife and mops the floor with her.
     The Violence Against Women Act is aptly named, because it does precisely that: it removes the barriers which prevent violence against women (by confiscating guns), and it promises more violence to women, through repeated abuses, by essentially promising to compensate the woman for the takings of her guns, by creating a federal insurance fraud program that subsidizes rape and wife-beating.
     Until the Brady Act and other federal gun control legislation is repealed, the Violence Against Women Act will function as nothing more than federal rape and wife-beating insurance.

19. The refusal of courts to remove children from the custody of abusive parents simply because they are actively trying to remain a part of the children's lives

     About half of U.S. states lack laws which make it difficult for parents who have abused their children, to retain custody. According to a March 2018 article from Pacific Standard, "family court may not consider the history of abuse relevant when awarding custody. It's common practice for family courts to preach that both parents should be in the picture for the [']best interest of the child.[']" The article also explains that abusive parents use custody battles to manipulate their ex-spouses - often traumatizing their children in the process - to a remarkable 70% success rate.

20. The subjugation of American children to debt slavery through the Social Security System

     Social Security, and privatization schemes thereof, are used to securitize the debt of ourselves and our children.
     This is done in order to make that debt saleable on the international markets; that is, the markets for the purchase and refinancing of debt, and the markets for debt collateralization and government loans. Our unbalanced budgets, and lack of monetary and fiscal solvency and responsibility, have caused us and our children to become debt slaves.
     Because the government promises to repay its creditors, it intends to tax enough wealth from the next generation to make those payments. Unless and until we balance budgets (and then pass numerous surplus budgets), switch from fractional-reserve to full-reserve banking, and find something to tax which will be more efficient and less detrimental to productivity, our futures and our children's futures will be owned by private European bankers and/or Chinese investors whom our families will never meet.
     To learn more about this topic, research the sale of MuniBonds to European banks (this occurred some time between 2007 and 2011).

21. The splitting-up of families by the child support system (Social Security Title IV-D)

     Social Security Title IV-D pays states to go after fathers for child support money. Every time the state forces a "deadbeat dad", or an unfairly charged father contesting his loss of custody, the state receives federal funding. The State of Illinois receives federal funds for requiring child support payments, at a rate which is approximately 50% higher than the rates of the other states in the union.
     This turns the states - and especially the State of Illinois - into tools, to enforce federal laws on the federal government's behalf. These laws should not exist because they are not constitutional, as there is no specific enumerated authority for Congress to legislate on matters pertaining to child custody, nor retirement.
     The fact that the states get paid every time they successfully prosecute and incarcerate someone - whether they are guilty or not - adds to this mess (and also might help explain those high criminal recidivism rates).
     The states' avarice, and lack of concern for the freedom and custody retention of unfairly charged fathers, have resulted in a situation in which the states, in effect, routinely blackmail fathers, and charge them money for both the endless piles of legal documents they will have to file during custody hearings, as well as money for the very right to see their own biological children.

22. The splitting-up of families by family law courts

     In several states, including Illinois, family law courts have been known to unduly intervene in custody arrangements. Oftentimes they unfairly assume that the father is the person at fault, even when neither parent is really at fault, no serious child abuse can be proven and 50%-50% custody is the most desirable outcome for all parties involved.
     When 50%-50% equal custody is not presumed as the standard (when no child abuse is alleged), parents unduly deprived of custody become subject to needlessly-imposed difficulties in justifying retaining custody of their children. It is ridiculous to claim that you have the means and the time to take care of your own biological children, when all of your time and money is consumed in hiring attorneys, filing motions, and showing up for court appearances.
     The courts know this and they don't care. They want your children.

23. The abuse of adoption laws to justify taking biological children into custody

     In 2018, video emerged of a family court proceeding in California, in which an Asian-American female attorney found herself in an argument with a judge, after attempting to cite custody law which pertained to foster children, in order to excuse the State of California's taking of children away from their biological parents.
     Fortunately, the judge pointed out the attorney's error, and did not allow her argument to stand. However, in California as well as in other states, we should always be concerned that this line of reasoning could begin to be taken seriously in family court rooms.

     24. The occasional refusal to remove a molested child from a home, or sentence child molesters to prison, on the grounds that the abuser is the biological parent of the child, is the child's caregiver and supports the child financially, has gone through treatment, and/or "wouldn't fare well in prison"

     Sometimes, judges allow parents who have molested their children, to retain custody, and/or avoid prison time, because of absurd lines of logic such as those listed above.
     To accept the argument that a parent who molests his children, should not have his children taken away from him, because he is the child's biological parent, is to suggest that parenting a child allows you to rape them. It is to suggest that a child's duty to obey his parents extends to allowing them to molest or even rape them.
     To accept the argument that a parent who molests his children, should not have his children taken away from him, because he provides financial support and care for the child, is to suggest that a parent need only pay for the privilege of raping or molesting his child; whether it's through money and gifts, or whether it's through a legal settlement.
     To accept the argument that a parent who molests his children, should not go to prison, because he has gone through treatment, is to suggest that all a parent need to do in order to get away with raping or molesting his child, is read some pamphlets and maybe lie to a therapist a few times. It is to suggest that people who have actually raped children already, could be helped just as much by therapy, as could people who possess child pornography and haven't yet physically harmed any children (a class of offenders which is normally thought to be much more likely to benefit from treatment than people who have already committed direct sexual acts upon children).
     To accept the argument that a parent who molests his children, should not go to prison, because he "wouldn't fare well in prison" is to suggest that all a parent need to do, in order to avoid the harsh prison sentence which he deserves, is pretend to be, and act like, "a nice guy" who's polite, meek, timid, or submissive, or makes himself small, or ingratiates himself to everyone during the legal proceedings. It is to let narcissistic, sociopathic child molesters do what narcissists do best: put on the face of a nice, polite person, in order to get away with committing the emotional and psychological equivalent of murder, against children and their innocence.

25. The death of children following placement in foster care by family services departments

     In 2015, Tammi diStefano reported that 570 children had died after being placed in foster care by the California Department of Children and Family Services (D.C.F.S.). Although diStefano made an error in reporting the dates during which these deaths took place, and neglected to mention that nearly half of the children who died had no previous connection to D.C.F.S. and merely had their deaths reported to that agency, it is true that 268 children died after being removed from their homes and placed in foster care by D.C.F.S., over the eighteen-month period of June 2010 to December 2011. That works out to one child, every other day, dying after being removed from their homes and placed in foster care, in the State of California.

26. The normalization of kidnapping, through phony "kidnappings" of high school students, by other students, as part of birthday celebrations

     From 2001 to 2005, I attended Lake Forest High School in Lake Forest, Illinois. During the last few years of high school, I discovered that some students at my school had begun celebrating each other's birthdays by "kidnapping" them from their homes around sunrise, as a prank. The birthday boy's friends would get approval from the boy's mother, go into the boy's room while he slept, and then snatch him from his bed by surprise, and take him out for breakfast or whatever they decided to do together.
     Despite the fact that this "kidnapping" was done with the consent of the parents, this is not a socially nor emotionally healthy practice in which children should be engaging. That's because this phony "kidnapping" risks normalizing actual kidnapping. By de-stigmatizing kidnapping in this way, this phony "kidnapping" pastime risks desensitizing us towards kidnapping.
     Real kidnapping typically involves child rape, and often murder as well. No decent parent ought to allow his children to participate in anything which is referred to as kidnapping. The more you let people "kidnap" you for fun, the harder it's going to be to tell the difference between when someone uses the word "kidnap" in jest, or whether they're serious. If you get too used to getting "kidnapped", then the next person who does it might actually kidnap you.

     27. The lack of an 18-year age of consent law
     Contrary to popular belief, "the age of consent" is not 18. That is to say that the federal or national minimum age of consent to sex is not 18. States set that age at either 16, 17, or 18. The most common state age of consent is 16; as 32 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have chosen 16 as the age of sexual consent.
     There is no 18-year federal age of consent, but there is such a thing as a "generic age of consent" at the national level, which is set at 16 years old. That generic 16-year age of consent is set up in 18 U.S. Code Section 2243. That law was written in 2011 and passed in 2012, more than a decade after Hawaii became the last state to increase its age of consent to 16.

     28. The legalized use of the "I thought she was older" defense in statutory rape cases

     The section of federal law which deals with "Sexual abuse of a minor or ward" is 18 U.S. Code Section 2243. Within that section, subsection (c) lists the defenses acceptable for pleading not guilty to that crime.
     According to subsection (c): "(1) In a prosecution under subsection (a) of this section, it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the other person had attained the age of 16 years."
     Subsection (a) refers to the crime of sexual abuse of a minor, where under federal jurisdiction, by a person who "knowingly engages in a sexual act with another person who- (1) has attained the age of 12 years but has not attained the age of 16 years; and (2) is at least four years younger than the person so engaging; or attempts to do so...".
     What this means is essentially that it has been codified into law that "I thought she was 16" is an acceptable defense for sexually abusing or even raping a child; that is, as long as the child is at least twelve years old, and as long as the accused person can prove he "reasonably" believed the victim to have been over 16 years old at the time.
     The federal law concerning sexual abuse of a minor or ward, teaches rapists that it's OK to rape 12-year-olds as long as they maintain that they thought the child was over 16, and as long as they keep talking about and focusing on whatever details may have led them to believe that the child was of age. The effect of this law is that rapists are allowed to get away with raping children, by focusing on how it was really the child who was at fault, because she lied about her age. This law turns child victims into criminals, and helps rapists portray themselves as victims of fraud.

     29. The decriminalized interstate trafficking of 12-to-16-year-olds by people less than 4 years older,

     30. The invalidation of twenty states' age of consent laws, as the result of Quintana-Esquivel v. Sessions

- 20 state age of consent laws invalidated by Quintana

- Trafficking of 12 to 16 year old by person less than four years older: Federal government won't punish because of age of consent law, and it's out of states' hands because it's interstate trafficking.

     31. The legality of marrying minors, with the consent of a judge and/or a parent, in ten states

- in Esquivel-Quintana v. Sessions

- due to state laws (see folder)

10 states still allow people to marry minors with judges' and/or parents' consent; also TX child marriage epidemic

     32. The refusal to give serious sentences to police officers accused of statutory rape and child molestation

Cops get away with dating teenagers, see large document and use as link

     33. The continued service, in Congress, of lawmakers whom have been charged with "underage prostitution" or child sex trafficking scandals, or have been caught on tape molesting children

Biden pinched nipple of 8-year-old girl on C-SPAN

Menendez, New Jersey Senator, “underage prostitute” in Colombia

Epstein sex scandal unresolved; includes business people (Wexner, Gates, etc.) but also politicos: Trump, Clintons, Bloomberg, Richardson, A Acosta, George Mitchell, Sandy Berger. And fact that both Clintons involved with Epstein probably means Podesta guilty of child sexual assault as charged; Podesta worked with both Clintons

     34. The use of the monetary system and financial pressure to coerce adults into accepting putting their children to work

- dollar (lure into prostitution)
Money / artificial poverty; manipulating and controlling people into needing money (include capuchin study in links)
normalization of prostitution in high schools in UK (Dennis Parsons)

     35. The possibility that the BAR Association (attorneys' union) is a syndicate of homosexual rapists and child molesters whom are covering-up each other's sex crimes

Alex Jones: BAR Association criminal sex crime coverup syndicate / cover for each other, GALs

Originally Published (incomplete) on February 28th, 2020

Edited and Expanded Between February 28th and March 7th, 2020

Edited and Expanded between March 10th and 13th, 2020

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