Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thirty-Eight Well-Known Companies That Funded, Financed, or Worked With the Nazis

     The following is a list of prominent companies which funded, financed, worked with or for, or provided goods for, Adolf Hitler and his Nazi administration of Germany.
     This is not meant to be an exhaustive and complete list of all the companies which are responsible for aiding in the rise of Hitler. and for contributing capital and resources for the death camps and concentration camps which killed millions of people in the Holocaust. This is merely an attempt to compile several of the best-known companies which were responsible, especially those among them which are still around, and, at that, active in America today.


1. Brown Harriman & Company (later Brown Brothers Harriman; Prescott Bush managed American accounts of Fritz Thyssen, an industrialist who donated millions to Hitler and partnered with Krupp Steel in ThyssenKrupp, now known for its elevators but previously known for making weapons. See also Brown Harriman Company's ties to companies #2 through #5, listed below)

2. Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart N.V. (Dutch bank with ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

3. Hamburg-American Line (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

4. Holland-American Trading Corporation (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

5. Seamless Steel Corporation (ties to Brown Harriman and Company)

6. ThyssenKrupp (and Krupp Steel)

7. I.G. Farben (Partly owned by Friedrich Flick, who partnered with Fritz Thyssen on United Steel Works. See links to General Motors, Ford, DuPont, and Exxon [then known as Standard Oil of New Jersey])

8. United Steel Works

9. General Motors and Adam Opel AG (GM's Opel division; produced Blitz truck for the Wehrmacht)

10. Ford Motor Company / Ford-Werke (see use of slave labor by Ford-Werke in Cologne, Henry Ford's The International Jew, and the America First Association)

11. DuPont

12. Standard Oil of New Jersey (now Exxon)

13. Consolidated Silesian Steel Company

14. Silesian Holding Corporation

15. G.E. (General Electric)

16. Dow Chemical (oil and materials)

17. Texaco (oil)

18. Alcoa (aluminum)

19. AEG (Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft)


20. Union Banking Corporation (U.B.C.)

21. Deutsche Bank (German bank active in New York City)

22. JP Morgan Chase (incl. JP Morgan, Chase Bank / Chase Manhattan Bank / CieBank)

23. City National Bank of New York / National City Bank

24. Bank of International Settlements (in Basel, Switzerland)


25. I.T.T. (International Telephone and Telegraph of New York) (see also its subsidiaries Telefunken and Siemens)

26. I.B.M. (International Business Machines) (Founded by Thomas Watson. See Dehomag [Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft]. See also Edwin Black's book IBM and the Holocaust; I.B.M. computers were used to compile information on German citizens in order to get the largest possible number of people with Jewish ancestors, and plan their mass murder.)

Film Studios / Film Companies

27. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

28. Eastman Kodak

29. Warner Brothers

30. Disney Studios

Consumer Products

31. Hugo Boss (made uniforms for Nazis)

32. Coca-Cola and Fanta (see Max Keith)

33. Daimler Benz / Mercedes (Hitler's car of choice)

34. Woolworth (trinkets, Christmas items, see also Adefa Zeichen award)

35. Bayer (aspirin maker)


36. N.A.S.A. (United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration) (see Wernher von Braun, Operation Paperclip, and U.S.-German collaboration on research and development of space-capable rocketry)

37. American Eugenics Society

38. Carnegie Institution (eugenics)


Compiled in Late 2019
Written and Published on February 28th, 2020
Edited on March 5th, 2020

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