Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Four Reasons Why I Have No Respect for Lady Gaga

     It seems that pop singer Lady Gaga (real name Stefania Germanotta) has acquired a certain immunity from criticism over the last several years, as she has evolved into a hero of her gay fans, and into a sort of mascot for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their struggles.
     Many of my peers seem to believe that it's very distasteful and inappropriate to criticize the singer. Some will even say it's impossible to criticize or dislike Lady Gaga; as if there are no good reasons to dislike her. As if the issue of whether someone is likable, can be determined scientifically or for certain, rather than being something subjective which each of us can decide independently.
     I contend, on the other hand that there are perfectly good reasons to not admire Lady Gaga. Here are the four best reasons I could find, to justify not only my complete lack of interest in what Lady Gaga has been doing on a creative and artistic basis; but also my active dislike of her, and my suspicion concerning the goals and intentions which may be motivating her drive for success in the pop music industry.

     1. Lady Gaga plagiarized major aspects of the image and fashion style of Dale Bozzio, the singer of the 1980s band the Missing Persons.
     The Missing Persons are best remembered for their songs "What Are Words For", "Destination Unknown", "Mental Hopscotch", and "Surrender Your Heart". Lady Gaga's 2009 EP The Cherrytree Sessions borrows two things from the Missing Persons' 1982 album Spring Session M: 1) the word "session", and 2) a nearly identical design for the front jacket. 
     The pink streak across Lady Gaga's eye, is likely a reference to Dale Bozzio's image on the cover of Spring Session M (especially likely considering that Lady Gaga has admitted that Bozzio influenced her, at least according to Bozzio herself), but it may also be a nod to the eye makeup frequently worn by David Bowie (admired by both Bozzio and Gaga).

     Click on this link to see Dale Bozzio on the "Spring Session M" cover, and to listen to "Destination Unknown", a cut from that album:

     Watch this video to learn about Dale Bozzio's thoughts on "inspiring" Lady Gaga:


     2. Lady Gaga is a friend and admirer of Marina Abramovic, a Serbian visual, film, and performance artist. Abramovic has acquired renown over the past several years at the M.O.M.A. (Museum of Modern Art) in New York City, and she has gained notoriety for her piece "The Artist is Present".
     Abramovic's art often has macabre themes, even bordering on the demonic. She has become associated with "spirit cooking", a process by which an artist incorporates bodily fluids (including blood) in artist acts. Abramovic has explained that this "artistic ritual" still has meaning when performed outside of an artist context (which would seem to imply that Abramovic finds spiritual value in these rituals, in addition to artistic merit).
     In 2011, Lady Gaga attended a fundraiser dinner gala at the Los Angeles M.O.C.A. (Museum of Contemporary Art). At that event, Marina Abramovic was present, and guests cut and ate a human-sized, human-shaped cake. Other celebrity attendees at Abramovic's events have included Debbie Harry, Gwen Stefani, and Will Ferrell.

     Click on the following links to learn more about Marina Abramovic and her relationship with Lady Gaga (who has confessed to being a huge fan of Abramovic):

     The connections of Abramovic herself ought concern us as well; see the following links to read about how Abramovic's admirers may include former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Washington, D.C. restaurateur James Alefantis:

     3. Lady Gaga appeared in a P.S.A. (public service announcement) for sexual assault awareness, with former Vice President Joe Biden, as part of the "It's On Us" campaign started by Biden and former president Obama. Since then, Biden has been accused of unwanted touching by seven different adult women. Biden has also groped at least one underage girl's chest on video.
     I find it suspicious that Joe Biden would appear in a P.S.A. for sexual assault awareness, given what we now know about him. I suspect that he appeared in the P.S.A. in order to "nip in the bud" potential future accusations against him. Maybe Biden figured out in 2017 that many Americans saw him on a YouTube video pinching a young girl's nipple on C-SPAN in 2015, and knew that he had to look like a guy who loves women and consistently opposes sexual assault and unwanted touching, or else he would have no chance at the presidency.

     To those who would say that Biden appeared in the P.S.A. in order to genuinely apologize for the way he's touched women without their consent, that doesn't make sense because he had not publicly acknowledged unwanted touching back in 2017. So if he did that P.S.A. to "apologize", it wouldn't only be "too little, too late", it would be "too little, too early".
     Whatever the case with Biden's motivations for appearing in the P.S.A., it concerns me that Lady Gaga did hot hesitate to appear in the ad with Biden. It's not that I would expect her to have known in 2017 what we know now, but pictures and videos of Biden groping women and girls have been around since at least two years before Lady Gaga and Biden made their P.S.A..
     That means that Lady Gaga had at least two years to find out what her vice president was up to, so she either failed to make sure the person with whom she was advocating for sexual assault awareness wasn't a groper himself, or else she knew about Biden's groping and did the P.S.A. anyway.

     Gaga's association with Biden, in addition to her association with Marina Abramovic, concern me.
     The fact that Gaga admires (and practically worships) an artist who paints with menstrual blood, and made an anti-sexual-assault ad with a serial groper who was vice president of the United States, makes me question whether Lady Gaga herself is some sort of sexual predator enabler. Or maybe she's just the kind of person who likes to surround themselves with sexual predators, like Hillary Clinton did with her husband, Biden, Anthony Weiner, and John Podesta.
     If Lady Gaga would surround herself with people like Abramovic and Biden, then we have to ask ourselves whether something may be off about Gaga, whether in terms of her sanity, or sexual proclivities, or both. Who knows? Maybe the whole reason Lady Gaga became a musician, is because she was tempted by the allure of all the free groupies she wanted. Maybe she is motivated by her appetite for sex and power, and by her desire to know and have sex with powerful and talented and influential people. We can only guess why she acts the way she does.

     See the following videos and articles to watch, and read about, the Biden / Gaga P.S.A.:

     See the following articles and videos (including my own YouTube video research) to learn about Joe Biden's groping controversies, including his groping of young girls in addition to grown women:

     4. Lady Gaga - like Madonna - has been accused (and, I think, rightfully so) of both plagiarism, and of performing at awards shows and sporting events while displaying occult hand gestures and performing on sets displaying Illuminati imagery.

     I have explained above, how Lady Gaga has been accused of plagiarizing Dale Bozzio's appearance. And entire websites have been dedicated to documenting the long list of accusations of plagiarism leveled against Madonna. So if Lady Gaga did plagiarize Madonna, then Lady Gaga has plagiarized one of the greatest plagiarizers of all time.
     Since I don't like Madonna either, I can't blame Lady Gaga for stealing her ideas, if that's what she did. And I've addressed plagiarism enough already. So my fourth reason why I have no respect for Lady Gaga is her use of occult symbolism in her music.

     Lady Gaga and Madonna sometimes perform music and dancing that looks more like an occult ritual than a music performance. If adults want to pay for that, that's their decision.
     But it should concern us that people like Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Katy Perry have legions of young fans, including impressionable minors. Who could guess how many gay, trans, and questioning kids all over the world admire Lady Gaga? Should their idols really be plagiarists, people who flash Illuminati symbols while they dance, and singers who have admitted to selling their souls to the Devil?
     To put it bluntly: Aren't there already enough Christians who are worried that the gay lifestyle will lead kids to devil worship; do we really need performers admired by the gay community subtly promoting devil worship onstage while our children watch on television?

     I don't think it's a good idea for any adult to let their child think Lady Gaga is an admirable person. What she does, who she is, who she surrounds herself with. She has no originality, nothing to contribute. Granted, she was the most original thing happening in music in 2013. But it's hard not to be seen as the most original force in pop music, when the hit single you're up against is "Sorry for Party Rocking" by LMFAO (a song which, as far as I can tell, consists of only one note).
     Lady Gaga has a well-trained, powerful singing voice, but she is only a good and original pop artist in comparison to the bland repetitiousness and ideosyncrasy of the F.M. radio of the early 2010s. She is no one to be admired, and the people she looks up to, should concern us, in addition to the people with whom she surrounds herself.

     Watch the following video to see one YouTube author's take on Lady Gaga's use of Illuminati symbolism:

     Read the following articles to learn about Lady Gaga's possible plagiarism of Madonna:

     And watch this video about Lady Gaga's plagiarism of other artists:

     And watch the following videos to see Madonna possibly using occult symbolism:

     See these links to learn about how Madonna has subtly promoted the Illuminati by claiming to know who they are (which could possibly have been meant to imply that she is in it):

     Also read these articles to learn about plagiarism accusations leveled against Madonna:

Written and Published on July 2nd, 2019
Based on notes taken on June 29th, 2019

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