Friday, February 15, 2019

Why Trump Shouldn't Declare a National Emergency at the Border

     I believe that President Trump should not declare a national emergency over the lack of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.
     America has been in multiple continuous and simultaneous states of national emergency for decades, and does not need any more of them.
     Furthermore there is no military or military-level threat coming over the U.S.-Mexico border, which is not backed by the United States. The idea that there is a military-level threat, is based on the idea that many immigrants being military-age males, itself makes them a threat.
     A few people throwing rocks, who theoretically could serve in an army, does not mean they intend to subvert the laws of the United States (outside of the petty infraction of entering the United States without permission, which is not even a felony until the third time you do it).

     The drug cartels are the only military threat, and if America wants to stop the violence associated with the inevitable drug trade, it should stop people on Wall Street from colluding with the C.I.A. to import illicit drugs from overseas.
     Additionally, the A.T.F.E. should confiscate only those drugs that kill people on contact such as fentanyl, allow other drugs to be traded freely and without requiring legality, permission, or taxation.
     The "cartel" is both a cadre of violent drug dealers, as well as an economic cartel. The illegality of mild drugs creates the cartel, because criminalizing the drug restricts its supply, and thus raises demand (all other things remaining equal), and raising the price of the drug. The desperation that results from high prices is what causes the violence.
     That's why ending the illegality of drugs will end the cartels, and cause drug dealers to compete with each other fairly, without violence or unethical behavior, since customers would not tolerate such behavior, without a violent government dispensing goodies to coax them into it.
     The United States is creating the only military-level threat to itself, in the form of drug cartels that turn against us. America asked for, and provoked, its own problems, in this regard.

     I would like to see blanket amnesty for all immigrants not yet proven to have committed physical harm against others. We should deport only violent criminals, and require authorities to obtain a warrant before even taking a person's name.
     People shouldn't have to be tagged, and assumed contagious, and deloused, like an animal, before being allowed to enter this country. Nor should they be forced onto welfare by nationalists who want to mock them for taking welfare (while working undocumented immigrants who obtain fraudulent Social Security cards are actually paying into Social Security money which, if they don't become citizens, they will never receive).

     Undocumented immigrants are subsidizing US. It makes no difference if there are costs associated with caring for them; if we have social programs for citizens only, then we have National Socialism (which was, of course, not real socialism, and nor is the neo-liberal capitalist system we have in America when Democrats are in control).
     Why, instead, don't we try the model practiced in Norway, in which foreigners ARE eligible for some forms of government assistance? Norway does that, and their economy doesn't fail. If it works there, it could work here.
     Why, moreover, don't we consider residents' dividends, instead of just citizens' dividends, so that we can make sure foreign-born people are never excluded from being eligible for any forms of government assistance, so that they never end up second-class citizens?

     We would not want to expose foreign-born people to unreasonable risk of being deprived of citizenship on account of not having enough property. Especially not if the government were to restrict them from owning certain types of property, and/or were to require them to register their property, so that it can take it away before they leave the country.
     Don't want illegal immigrants in your country? Legalize them. And quit tagging citizens and immigrants alike, like animals; with your proposed national I.D. with R.F.I.D. chips in them; enslavement to the Social Security System, and constant and needless monitoring, regulation, and taxation of non-violent activities (often outsourced to for-profit companies, in particular, monitoring of Amazon customers by that company, which has a C.I.A. contract).

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