Sunday, June 11, 2023

Protecting Children from Censorship: Why it's Unethical to Provide Puberty Blockers and Genital Mutilation to Minors

      Putting minors on puberty blockers is unethical.

     Aside from the issue of children not being able to give informed consent, parents cannot give informed consent on their children's behalf, unless and until they have become aware of all the potential negative consequences and risks (as well as the alternatives).

     Puberty blockers prevent skeletal growth.
     One reason why puberty blockers are administered to boys wishing to become women, is that it prevents the boy from getting too tall.
     Although this is done under the guise of helping the "patient" transcend gender and traditional gender roles, it is actually reinforcement of the gender stereotype that women are supposed to be short (and that tall people cannot be feminine, nor "pass" as a woman).
     It is also done in the name of helping the patient avoid the awkward, uncomfortable, humiliating, suicidal-thought-inducing process of going through the puberty associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Patients are almost led to think that puberty is irreversible, when it is gender transition that is much more difficult to reverse.

     Despite the characterization of these medications, by some medical professionals, as “life-saving medications”, there is no evidence that indicates that suicidal ideation or gender dysphoria decrease when a child is encouraged to attempt to change gender or sex. Children who are questioning their gender identity, and are being led to falsely assume that changing one’s biological / genetic sex is yet scientifically possible, are being subtly programmed to adopt this line of thinking.
     They are also being led to assume that any refusal to support gender transition - even among children – constitute “trans genocide” (a genocide of transgender people). The rationale is that a generation of transgender children will be lost to suicide if their demands to be allowed to transition are not honored.
     These children are, thus, being led to believe that making suicidal threats is a perfectly acceptable method to get your way. This way of thinking is destructive to society, and to young developing minds. Such people will need to be taught the value of trying to convince others of their opinions without subjecting others to pressure, threats, or other forms of coercion in order to try to force them to agree. This is what is necessary to build a civil society which will respect the rule of law because it will have been founded upon needing to obtain the consent of the governed.
     Minors who have begun gender transition should be screened for Dissociative Identity Disorder, asked if they have been sexually abused, and told that nobody will be angry at them if they want to stop transitioning or need to come out as homosexual.

     One puberty blocker which is being administered to boys who want to become females, is Lupron. Lupron is used to chemically castrate child rapists.
     Apparently, the rationale of those promoting medical and surgical transition of minors, is that a "genocide" will be caused, if we don't confuse homosexual teenage boys into thinking that they're women, so that they allow doctors to administer medications that will make them sterile before they're old enough to decide whether they want to have families. Men don't have to be heterosexual in order to want to father children the traditional way; they can donate sperm to female friends or surrogate mothers.
     In some states, underage girls who want to transition are given less warning, about the potential negative consequences of getting sterilized (and having their breasts removed), than are women between the ages of 18 and 25. If young women aren't old enough to decide that they want irreversible surgery that will stop them from having babies forever, then people under 18 certainly aren't old enough.

     The right to freely debate health policy, or U.S. involvement in a foreign war, has been curtailed for adults. Adults are being exposed to censorship; while our children are being exposed to genital mutilation and suicidal ideation.
     Books containing drawings of teenagers having sex are being placed in our public school libraries, and the people defending it say they are doing it in the name of preventing censorship and protecting the freedom of speech.
     Instead of protecting children from being exposed to sex, we are protecting them from censorship.

     It's time that states craft policies allowing adults to modify their bodies, and dance in drag with other adults; but which also punish adults for exposing children to their naked bodies or to obscene material, or who promote genital mutilation and body modification to minors.
     Restrictions upon activities participated in by transsexual, transgender, and transvestite individuals must not interfere with the rights of those trans people who are minding their own business and are not actually attempting to groom children.
     If such restrictions do enable the authorities to interfere with the rights of those trans people who are not criminals or threats to children, then those Republican-supported statutes which were intended to protect children but also curtail the rights of adults, will continue to be (appropriately) criticized by Democrats who oppose the theological repression of sexuality.

     Bills are being debated, in the legislatures of California and Washington State, which would enable those states to take custody of children whose parents whose parents refuse to put them on puberty blockers (which potentially puts them on the track towards irreversible surgeries before they reach the age at which they are able to give informed consent regarding sexual matters).
     These children have been confused by their educators, and by the naive culture of reckless promotion of all things trans, which is all around them.
     From piercing and tattooing, to circumcision and female genital mutilation, to excessive vaccinations, to puberty blockers, to orchiectomies and child sex change surgeries, to double mastectomies (which are medically unnecessary when administered to teenage girls who don’t have either breast cancer or back problems due to excessively large breasts), child body modification has got to stop.
     Children and adults have different sets of freedoms, rights, and responsibilities. Sexual liberation is for adults, not children. Censorship is for children, not adults.
     You do not have to base your ethics on a religion in order to notice that this is wrong. Wake up.

Written and published on June 11th, 2023.

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